I l. 1 01 tbt 6tntraiSynod ~ftbt £bung Hua Sbtng Rung Hul "tld at Wucbang Jlpril 171b to 25tb 1921 witb tbt £01 stilulion JlId£anons '~",s:saYTE"IA'" .'SS,ON fOlI£SS, SNANGHAI :\IF.:'IIBEHS OF THE SVI'\OD 1921. Report of the Fourth .Meeting. OF THE General Synod OF THE Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui HELD AT WUCHANG April 17th to 25th, 1921 WITH THE Constitution and Canons Issued by Order of the Synod CONTENTS. Page I. Preface I 2. House of Bishops: Officers and Roll ... 3 -3. House of Delegates: Officers and Roll 3 4· Standing Committee' of the General Synod 5 5. Standing Committees 5 ·6. Special Committees 7 7. Committees sitting during Synod only 8 S. Action of the Synod 9 9. Action of th,e House of Bishops 21 lo.Action of the House of Delegates 23 1 I. Minutes of the House of Bishops (with rules of order) 24 12. Rules of Order of the House of Bishops 13. Miuutes of the House of Delegates (with rules of order) 38 14. Minutes of the Joint Sessions (Board of Missions) (with rules of order) 44 ApPENDICES. I. Programme SO II. Agenda... 5 I III. Report of the Standing Committee ... 52 IV. Report of Standing Committee on Trust Funds 54 ApPENDICES. Page- V. Report of the Board of Missions 54 VI. Report of Standing Committee 011 Uuity 56 VII. Report of Standing Committee on Religious Educa­ tion 60 VIII. Report of Standing Committee on Church Litera- ture IX. Report of Standing Committee on State of tbe Church 72 X. Report of Special Committee on the Lectionary 76 XI. Report of Committee on Synod Expenses ... 78 XII. Report of Directors of the C. T. S.... 81 XIII. Report of Rev. H. J. P'u on Sbensi Mission 84- XIV. Report of Committee on General Secretary of the Board of Missions 88 Constitution and Canons 89 INDEX ••. .. 115 PREFACE. This Report has beell rather the \\Tork of the Seeretary of the House of Bishops than ·of a Committee, and a few words <Df explanation are necessary. ('I) ·In previOilS years the English and Chinese· Reports b,avenot really run parallel, which has led to great difficulty in comparing the two when occasion arose for so doing. Moreover, there have been from time to time serious discre­ pancies. Bishop ~orris' protests 011 this point led to the decision to make no attempt to bring out the Report immediate­ ~y (as has been the custom previollsly), but to al1ow.of more leisurely and perhap~ more careful treatment. (2) It seemed necessary howe,rer to have t.he Spllocls aeiioll in accessible form as SOOIl as possible. The task: of preparing this was entrusted to'the Secretaries. Bishop Norris, Rev. S. H. Littell, Rev. James T. S. Tsang, and l\fr. Francis \Vei. The results of this Committee's iabours were' orinted and drculated at the end of ~ray. It was doubtless the fanlt of this Committee tbat those results were l~afher£mpel'fect: one -or two instances may be quoted. ',rbe secrond _part of IV in the English appears as the second part of V in the Chinese: X in the English mixed up with IX in the, Chinese: XIII in the English appears as XII and XIII in the Chinese. The list could be mUltiplied: but the fact curiousI57 corroborates the plea that bas been set forth above for greater leisnre and nl0re careful treatment. (3) Mr. Littell's departure on furlough, and the impossibil­ ity of assembling a Committee for any length of time, have resulted ·in the work being left to the Bishop in North China, who bas carried it through to the best of his ability. But be frankly admits that be has dealt very freely with his authorities: and that his Chinese version, even if (as he hopes) passably accurate, is pr:Qbably couched in very poor style. On the other hand, be has felt bound to enter a protest against the -condition in which the material for the Report was handed over to him. The Chinese Minutes were in such a state that again and again they had to be laid aside in favour of direct translation. ·One instance will perbaps suffice. The last six pages of the Chinese Minutes of the House of Delegates are in pencil, altild -Had not apparently been revised at all. They - 2- consist like most of the Minutes of, the House of Delegates of a bald record of Resolutions, and Res. LX consists of three characters ,of which the meaning is not clear, Res. LXI is a blank. It 'seems hardly fair to leave official records in such a condition! (4) The Editor' hopes tbat it wil1 be found more or less easy to compare any passage in the English Report with any passage in the Chinese Report. He hopes that the ,. Action of the Synod" -of which he felt bound to retain the order and numberillg-togetber with the Minutes of the Sessions, in their abbreviated form, will afford an adequate record Of the Synod's proceedings. He has resisted the temptation to cut down some of the Committee's Reports with a ruthless hand, on the ground that he would probably be omitting what others think very valuable. On the other hand it has been possible to cut them down a little, and thereby to economize paper and printing. The Constitution and Canons are printed withont altera­ tion. It is much to be hoped that a revised version of them will be forthcoming after the next Synod. (See Additional note to the Minutes of the House of Eishops.) , Lastly, there is an English Index, and it has been translated inlo Chinese (as the nearest approach to a Chinese' Index tha~ the Editor could hope to make). -3 H0USE OF BISHOPS. OFFICERS. Chairma')~ : Right Rev. F.'R. Graves;, D.D. Secretary; Right Rev. F. L. Norris" D.D .. · Recording Sec,reiarie s : Rev. T. A. Scott, M.A. (Bishop- designate in Shantung) Rev. A. A. Gilman, S.T.D. Chinese SecreiarJ' : Francis T. M. Wei, M.A. ROLL. Right Rev. F. R. Graves, D.O., Bishop of Shaugha'L Right Rev. \V.. W.' Cassels, ,D.O., Bishop in We,stern China. Right Rev. L. H. Roots, D.D., Bishop of HanJcnw. Right Rev. H. J. Molony, D.D., Bishop in CheKiang. Right Rev. W~ Banister; D.D" Bishop of Kwangsi-Hunan. *Right Rev. W. C. Whit¢, ,D.D., Bishop of Honan. Right Rev. D. T. Huntington, D.D., Bishop of An!qng. Right Rev. F. ,L. Norris. DoD., Bishop in North China. Right Rev. T. S. Sing, DoD .• Assistant Bishop in Chekiang~ , Right Rev. John Hind, D.D •• Bishop in Fukien. Right Rev. C. R. Duppuy, D.D., Bishop of Victona. • Not present ,at the Synod. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. OFFICERS. Chairman: Rev. F. L. Hawks rptt, D.D. Vice- Chairma,?l : Rev. P. Linde} Tsen. Secretary: .' Rev. So H. Littell, B.A. Recording Secretaries: Rev. S. C. Huang. Rev. A. M. Sherman, B.A. Editorial SccretaJ)' : Rev. James T. T. Tsang., M .. A. ROLL. " .. A,uki11![. CIlckiall.!!.. Rev. Y. M. Li. Rev. L. P. Nyi. Rev. Hunter C. C. Yen. Rev. K. E. Zi. Rev. P. Lindel Tsen. Rev. Y. Y. Yao. Rev. T. L. Sinclair. Rev. V. S. Song. Mr. S. S. Chn. Mr. C. Y. Mao. *Mr. S. \V. Li. Dr. D. C.Sing. Mr. James H. Pott. Dr. K. Y. Ma. Mr. P. Y. Tsou. Mr. W. H. Yeh, 4- F1tkien. Dr. Chaug Chung.lan. '* Mr. Chang TsuDg-hsun. Yen. Archdeacon Ding lng-ong. Mr. Chang Ching-hsiu. Ven. Archdeacon H. S. Phillips. Rev. Ding Ngllk-ming. Shanghai. R.ev. W. P. W. Williams, ·Mr. Cio Lik.daik. Rev. F. L. Hawks Pott. D.D, Mr. »aug, HQ~!"Ong. Rev. K. T. Chung. ' Mr. Lan Kieng-guong. Rev. T. M. Tong. Rev. B. L. Ancell, D.D. HlIMow. "'Mr. Archie t. L. Ts'eu. ' *.Mr. C. T. Wong. Yen. Archdeacon L. T. Hu. :Mr. David Z. T. Yui. R.ev. A. M. Sherman. :Mr. George Hsu. Rev. S. C. HuaDg. Rev. S. B. Littell. ~7tantung. Dr.S. T_ Kong. Mr. Y. C. Yang. Rev. Henry Mathews. Mr. Thomas. Co S. Hu. Rev. John Wellillgton. )lr. Moses I. L. Tsen. Rev. John Kao. Rev. Timothy Hsi. HQnan. Mr. John Chao. Mr. Charles Ma. Rev. I. H. Wei. *Mr. John Shih. Rev. A. J. Williams. Mr. Samuel Chao. Mr. Wang Pao-ch'uen. Mr. Tean Tzu Tung. Vidoria. Kwangsi·Huna1l. Ven. Archdeacon Barnett. Rev. C. I. Blanehett. Ven. Archdeacon John Holden. Rev. Samnel K. Y. Lee. Rev. Percy Stevens. Rev. S. K. Tso. lilev. Wu BUllg-chiag. Dr'. W. T. Chan.. Rev. Swag Tsung-chen. Mr. Cheung Bing-po. Mr. Li Yao-tin~. Mr. Henry Gittins. Mr. S. Y. Lin. Mr T 4eQg Shu-rleh. ~Vest (kina. Mr. Huang Hsi Yuen. Vt!n. Archdeacon'S. T. Xu. Nortll Chitta. Rev .. A. A. Philtips. gev. B. G. Thompson. Rev. P. M. ScOtt. Re'Y. A. E. Evans. Jlev. Lei Ming-heia. *Mr. Y. C.James Yen. R.ev. Wang Wen.. hai. l\ir. W. F. Ch'ang. Rev. Cbang TsuD.~4ielJ . Mr. C. Y. Lee. Mr. Chang P'ei-ehib~ *Mr. S.T. Yang. * Not present at the Synod. Also present respresenting the Chinese Congregations in Japan. Rev. B. D. Yu. Rev. C. St. M. Forester. Representing the ,Mission in Shensi. Rev. I!.}. P'u. '-":"'5- STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL SYNOD. The Rt. Rev. F. R. Graves, D.D.; Chairman of the House of Bishops (Chairman) The Rev.
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