OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VQL. XIII, NO.1 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA JAN. 7, 1985 Herbert Armstrong addresses colleges '.theology curriculum PASADENA - Beginning with heaving at 10 a.m. Pacific Stan ~ According to Mr. McNair, thefun­ the spring semester, freshmen and dard Time (PST) aboard the damentals course wi ll indude ·one sophomores at Ambassador .college Church's G-III j.et, Mr. Armstrong semester. on_the ,o[iginsl. history a!ld will receive additional instruction in was accompanied on the trip to Texas inspi;ation·ofthe Bible ." . -- , ~-- . theology, according to Pastor General by Mr. Dean and evangelists Ray­ Mr. Ames explained that under the Herbert W. Armstrong. Mr. Arm­ . mond F. McNair, Pasadena deputy new theology requirements approved strong .officially made academic chancellor, and Richard Ames, direc­ by Mr. Armstr~mg, all freshmen will changes duri ng a trip to the Big Sandy tor of admissions for the Pasadena ' be required to take life and teachings campus Dec. 27 and 28. campus. of Jesus; sophomores, fundamentals "The two-year. associate 'of '.arts In Big Sandy Mr. Armstrong con­ of theology; -juniors, biblical proph­ degree. had previously contained the ducted about six' hours of meetings ecy; and -senior students, doctrines of normal first- and second-year Bible with evangelist Leslie McCullough, the Worldwide Church of God. classes: and it had never been dis­ Big Sandy deputy chancellor; Donald Mr. McCullough added that Mr. cussed as to w.hether this was the best Ward, dean of Faculty; Larry Salyer, Armstrong alsocoyered some admin ~ for two-year students," said Aaron dean of students; Mr. Dean; Mr. istrative matters involving the licens­ Dean, per$onal aide to the pastor gen­ McNair; and Mr. Ames. ing of the Texas campus to do busi· "cral. "Mr. Armstrong wanted to make ness, and other topics. "Sinc.c many 'students who grad­ sure that both campuses were doi ng Mr. Dean said that the pastor gen.­ uate with the two-year ass.ociate the same thing with their curricula," eral is' writing a supplementary text- . degree don't go.on to the tnird- and Mr. McCuliougbsaid. book. to be used in the second-year fourth-year required Bible classes, "Our basic c~anges will involve required theology course. Mr. Armstrong wanted to address the adding some additional material on "It will include material that M.r. Bible curriculum they. would receive the history and inspiration of the Armstrong.covered in his 'A Voice before they leave.Ambassador at the Bible for the second-year theology Cries Out' series that was published in . end oftheirtwoyears," he continued. course," he continued. The Pl~in Truth," Mr. Dean said. After conducting two hours of meetings in the morning, the pastor general went to the 'campus fac~~ty .dining room for lunch with the Big AC Bi:b:'e course passes Sandy faculty before hi s ~2 p.m. Cen­ ROTARY ~LUB LUNC~EON - Pastor Gen·eral He .~b ef!:.~VYv1 A rmst ;:o~g tral Standard Time (CST) departure. wa.s host to a Rot~ry . lnte~nationall~nch~o.n Jan . c~1 :'o n th~}~~~ ,S~5\- dor .M.r. .Armstrong; MI:. Dean, ' Mr. College cam.pl.is . Left, Carlos <?a n s~cQ · of . ~bnJe1r ey, . M '~,x~C.?:! . p re~l1~ nt thr~e dec~sofpri;qtiflg of RoM.r.ilnternatjona l ~ a .'~"'o I:lawid~~ p'rg al1iza .tibn with more thaQ.'"f!.qO.goo ~~~~~;a~~~~Ii8 ' ~~~~;~~U:d~ ·t\~ members who:attend mor~ th'an 20,000 Rota-ry Club's irH 59 count·ri e.s and arriving at the Burbank, CaliL, air­ regions. Right, M.A. T. Capars-S'of PFl1Hpp'iiies, was By Richard Rice Tomorrow' broadca<;t and readers of geograp~ical C~-yapo, portat3 p.m. PST. nominated· Rotary International president for 1986-87. [Photo by Nathan PASADENA - December The Plain Truth. Fa ulkn er] marked the 30.th anniversar/ of the Under Mr. Armstrong's direction' Ambassador College Bible Corre­ the late evangelist C. Paul Mt!redith spondence .Course. More than two became the first·editorofthecourse in 36 hours' work earns $45,000 mill ion people enrolled in that time. 1954. In December of that year 8,194 people received the first lesson pub- Evangelist Richard ' Rice is lished. ' ' director of the Church's Mail Through the years certain editorial Br.ethren serv:e at Rose Parade Processing Center (MPC). changes were adopted, retaining the original Bible study format. In the early years,each lesson was eight to 12 By Jeff Zhorne stands on the parade route, accord- annual Tourname nt of Roses In 1984 students were added in pages of unillustrated copy. Today, PASADENA - More than ing to Mr. Kennedy. Pa ra~e. ~~ record numbers. Through November ·Iessons have 16 pages of copy and 1.350 volunteers - up 42 percent The Church has been involved with "I am happy of(Y'cony:~y, )fo you the 225,000 enrolled in the United States. illustrations. from last year --=-- From the Church Sharp Seating Co. fo r 19 years, ever Church's st<;l.nce on the Tou·rnament Thi Mail Processing Center expects Booklets and reprint articles tosup­ and Ambassador College worked since evangelist Joseph Tkach Sr., of Roses actiYities ancLw1fy-;e par­ that figure to-rise to a quarter of a plement the study material are Dec. 31 and Jan. I at the 96th Tour­ djrector: of Ministerial Services, inj­ . ticipate in this yearly civic· enter­ miHion after December statistics are offered. The lessons are available in name~t of Roses Parade. tiated the local ch urch's involvement prise. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong compiled: This is about 10 times the English, German, French, Dutch, "This was probably the best in the parade to coincide with the long ago - ·and I'm talking· about number who enrolled in 197P, when Spanish, Italian and Norwegian. weather we've had in years and one already established student body the 1950s - approved ~f college less thah 25,OOO studeDtsenrolled. Richard Sedliacik, managing edi­ of the prettiest parades," said John involvement. Mr. Tkach continues to . students being involv:ed with fund­ Thirty years ago the' first Bible tor of the course, and his staff have ' Kennedy, ·an Auditorium P.M. oversee the headquarters churches' raising efforts. Correspondence Course lesson was nearly completed updating the first , assistant pastor. involvement in the parade. "The Tournament of RoSes, published. It fulfilled PaStor General 12 lessons, which survey basic Brethren and students ushered at Volunteers, including brethren which i"s a dual entity of parade and Herbert W. Armstrong's desire to Church beliefs. Lesson 20, entitled 42 grandstands (all but nine on the from Glendale, G lendora and Rese­ football game, has its origins in civic provide an in-depth Bible study "In Training fo r Rulership," issched­ parade route), handled parking for da, Calif., churc h es~ finished clean­ pride, not false religiorL In the course for listeners to the World uled to be mailed later this month. 51 lots, maintained seven conces­ ing up the grandstands and parking 1880s the Valley Hunt Club,· an sion stands,.sold programs and film lots at 6 p.m., Jan. 1. Sharp Seating exclusive country club just down the and provid.ed a securit y: force for Co. said this. year's cleanup was road from us on Orange Grove Bou· Church and college pro~rties. rated as the best ever, Mr. Kennedy levard, decided to stage a "Chamber ' According to Robin Webber, an added. 'of Commerce extrav~·gani.a" by assistant pastor· ~f'the Auditorium Sharp Seating Co. was "over­ d ressing up some carriages. and . P.M. church, fun9-raisingacti"vities joyed with everything we did," said wagons with roses and flowers, over a 36-hour period. provided a Mr. Kennedy. which were in full bloom in the profit of more than $45,000 for the "They were very concerned that Southern California winter. This Church and'college activity funds. in four years the parade would fall was to giye their Eastern cousins a · After the parade, Pastor General on the Sabbath, .the I DOth anniver­ hint that maybe they ought to recon­ Herbert W. Armstrong was host to a saryofthe parade. WelL we'checked sid~r where they live and join the Rotary lnternational luncheon in a perpetual calendar and discovered' :' farriily in sunny Southern Califor­ ._, the faculty dining room on the that 1988 is leap year, so Jan. I, nia. Ambassador College campus here. 1989, falls on aSunday." "Over the years, the: Rose Parade Officials attending included Carlos When the Church is unable to has expanded with technology and Canseco, Rotary Internationa1.pres­ donate manpower d u ringJhe parade m~di ·a exposure. This naturally ident. because of the Sabbath (like the attracts thousands of people to the Meanwhil e, about 600 pe9ple 1983 parade), Sharp Seating must Pasadena area over a three-day peri­ attended a Big Ten luncheon in the solicit .personnel from numerous , od. As merely on!! part of a civic Ambassador College Student Cen­ other groups, according to Mr, Ken- effort to host and supply needs for ter. [The Rose Bowl. football game nedy. · . Pasadena's g\lC'sts, we are .not ·ann·ually pi!~ a team from the. Big Mr._Webber said that the money responsible for their actions, merely Ten confe.rence against a team from earned wi ll be divided equally supplyi ng parking and food . (no the Pacific Ten conference.} between the college and Pasadena ' liquor): The largest portion of "funds churches'. activity funds. "There are no sanctioned New PARADE CLEANUP - Sandra Buffington, a member who a ttend s the Pasa­ raised.
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