Bentley Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2028 Submission Plan Published by East Hampshire District Council for Submission Publication under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. April 2015 Bentley Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2028 Submission Plan Contents Foreword List of Land Use Policies 1. Introduction 2. Background Information and Evidence Base 3. Planning Policy Context 4. Vision, Objectives & Land Use Policies 5. Implementation Policies Map Policies Map Inset Annex A: Schedule of Evidence Foreword Bentley Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Plan April 2015 2 “ Und er the National Planning Polic y Framework villages suc h as Bentley are required to make a c ontribution toward s the supply of new homes to meet loc al d emand and need . By preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for Bentley we are seeking to ac c ess the power that neighbourhood planning gives to our c ommunity to provide a shared vision for this development and the c hange it will bring about while preserving the d istinc tive c harac ter and environme nt of our rural village. Working with the support of East Hampshire Distric t Counc il our Neighbourhood Plan will c over a 13 year time period until 2028 with a review every 5 years. The Plan must be in line with national planning polic y but will allow us to influenc e the loc ation, type and quality of d evelopment that takes plac e within the parish bound ary. Resid ents of the parish will, through a loc al referend um, be able to vote on the Plan and , if it is approved by a majority, it will be brought into forc e by East Hampshire Distric t Counc il as part of loc al planning polic y whic h d evelopers will then have to work within. In this way we believe that we will make Bentley an even better plac e to live for future generations.” Peter Hurley Chairman Bentley Parish Counc il Bentley Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Plan April 2015 3 List of Land Use Policies 1 Spa tia l Pla n 2 Housing Site Alloc a tion – Land off School Lane 3 Design and Development Principles 4 Recreation Ground 5 Educ a tion 6 Op en Spa c es 7 Local Employment 8 Village Centre 9 Broa d b a nd 10 Sustainable Drainage 11 Rura l Exc ep tion Site 12 Traffic Impacts Bentley Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Plan April 2015 4 1. Introduction Purpose 1.1 East Ha mp shire Distric t Counc il (EHDC) the loc a l p la nning a uthority, ha s d esigna ted a Neighbourhood Area for the whole of Bentley Pa rish for the p urpose of p rep a ring the Bentley Parish Neig hb ourhood Pla n (BPNP). Th e designa tion was approved b y EHDC on 23rd Oc tober 2014. The boundary of the Bentley Parish Neighbourhood Area is shown on Plan A. 1.2 Th e BPNP is being p repared in a c c ordanc e with the Neighb ourhood Pla nning Regula tions 2012, the Loc a lism Act 2011, the Pla nning & Comp ulso ry Pu rc hase Act 2004, the Eu ropea n Directive 2001/ 42 on Stra tegic Environmenta l Assessment and the EU Directive 92/43 on Habitats Regulations Assessment. 1.3 Th e p urpose of this p la n is to set out sp ec ific polic y p rop osa ls for the parish a nd to consult sta tutory sta keholders a nd the loc a l community. Pla n A: The Designa ted Bentley Pa rish Neighbourhood Area Neighbourhood Development Plans 1.4 Th e BPNP is a mongst the first Neighbourhood Development Pla ns prepared in Bentley Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Plan April 2015 5 En gla nd sinc e the 2011 Loc a lism Act. Th e Nationa l Pla nning Policy Fra mework states: “ Neighbourhood p la nning gives communities d irect p ower to develop a sh a red vision for their neighbourhood a nd deliver the susta inable development they need. Pa rishes … can use neighbourhood p la nning to se t p la nning policies through neighbourhood p la ns to determine d ec isions on p la nning applications; a nd gra nt p la nning permission through Neighbourhood Development Orders a nd Community Right to Bu ild Orders for specific development whic h comp lies with the order (para.183). Neighbourhood p la nning p rovid es a powerful se t of tools for loc a l p eople to ensure tha t they get the right types of development for their community. The a mb ition of the neighbourhood sh ould b e a ligned with the stra tegic needs and p riorities of the wider loc a l a rea. Neighbourhood p la ns must b e in general conformity with the stra tegic polic ies of the Loc a l Pla n. To facilita te this, local p la nning a uthorities sh ould set out c learly their stra tegic polic ies for the area a nd ensure tha t a n up -to-date Loc a l Pla n is in p lace a s q uic kly a s possible. Neighbourhood p la ns sh ould reflec t these polic ies a nd neighbourhoods sh ould p la n positively to su pport them. Neighbourhood p la ns a nd orders sh ould not p romote less d evelopment tha n se t out in the Loc a l Pla n or undermine its stra tegic polic ies (para.184). Outsid e these stra tegic elements, neighbourhood p la ns will b e able to shape a nd d irect susta inable development in their a rea. Onc e a neighbourhood plan ha s demonstra ted its genera l conformity with the stra tegic polic ies of the Loc a l Pla n and is b rought into force, the polic ies it c onta ins ta ke precedence over existing non-stra tegic polic ies in the Loc a l Pla n for tha t neighbourhood, where they a re in conflic t. Loc a l p la nning a uthorities should a void duplicating p la nning p roc esses for non-stra tegic polic ies where a neighbourhood p la n is in p rep a ra tion (para.185)”. The Plan Preparation Process 1.5 Th e p roc ess of p rep a ring a nd seeking fina l a d op tion of the BPNP is in a c c ordanc e with the Neighbourhood Pla n Regula tions 2012 a nd ha s been agreed b y Bentley Parish Counc il. Th e intention of the Pa rish Counc il is to su b mit the BPNP to EHDC for approva l a nd then for ind ep end ent exa mination in spring 2015. 1.6 Th e p roc ess up to su bmission comp rises three ma in stages: Bac kground Evid enc e – the neighbourhood plan evidence gathering started through the community consultation towards the EHDC’s preparation of the Loc al Interim Planning Sta tement (LIPS), preparation of the Bentley Plan and continued through the NP steering group and foc us groups resea rc h and surveys to the community, a ll on whic h the BPNP is based Pre-Submission BPNP – the document comprising the vision, objectives, policies and the Polic ies Map for a statutory six week public consultation p eriod Su bmission BPNP – this d oc ument ta king into a c c ount the representations received on the d ra ft p la n d uring the p ub lic consulta tion period, a mended a s nec essa ry for su bmission to the loc a l p la nning Bentley Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Plan April 2015 6 authority, together with the Basic Conditions and Consultation Statements 1.7 Therea fter Tthis Sub mission BPNP doc ument will b e subjecthas been subject to a successful independent exa mina tion a nd , if su ccessful, will b e p ut to a loc a l referend um. A ma jority vote will lead to the BPNP b ec oming part of the development p la n for the parish to ma nage future development d ec isions a longsid e the East Ha mp shire Loc a l Pla n a nd Nationa l Planning Polic y Framework. Bentley Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Plan April 2015 7 2. Background Information and Evidence Base Background Loc ation 2.1 The village of Bentley lies on the eastern edge of Hampshire, midway between Alton to the west and Farnham some 7 kilometres to the east. The river Wey forms the southern boundary to the village and in the north the Greensand ridge, between Well and Farnham, is the limit of the parish. It is bounded by the parishes of Crondall, Farnham, Binsted and Froyle Pla n B: Parish and Settlement boundaries – Bentley Layout 2.2 The c ore of the village, c ontaining 240 houses, lies along the old A31 divided into four quadrants by the c rossroads at the Memorial Hall. A further 190 houses are spread ac ross the parish. 2.3 An overview of these quadrants are as follows: the north east quadrant contains most of the development that c omprises shops a public house, several small industrial units, offic es, the school and recreation ground the south east quadrant c omprises some well-spaced housing and established industrial unit loc ated opposite the shops.
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