... OPERATING .E·NGINEERS LO·CAL 3 STATIONARY ENGINEERS ··LOCAl· 39 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. DECEMB.ER 15, '~<!14~ :A Strong Program fo_r Jobs~ Green Green\ to DEVELOP STATE'S . , s NEEDS, RESOURCES, GOVERN,OR IS TOLD AFL Building T"?ades Department and the Associated G-en­ Rolise California into action on projects vitally needed in eral Contractors of America have filed a request with NLRB .its new, post-war status, and at the same time produce jobs asking blanket exemption from Taft-Hartley labor law elec­ badly needed to keep its inflated population gainfully em­ tion requirements on the grounds that elections in this indus.., ployed, Governor Warren was advised by a strong confer~ try ar~ impractical, costly, 90 per c:ent AFL supporting thus ence of business, labor and civic leaders in the state's capital · far, and wholly unnecessary.. on December 7, 8. ~R,J~w 8 ~~~m(!d Thus th~re was climaxed. t wo Public works, coristruction,e civic - AFL President. rg ·. Washington. 'un~~ ~ "~ ~ years of costly red tape caused .bY :r_:1eeds, private building needs, and 15,000 Arrive in William Green (left) pins flower V a. ·' on Leonard G1•een (no relation), r!lr the ill-begott en Taft-Harney law other projects that are or may b~ ·assistant general secretary N a­ f'tt-rnst.::.t·n. ~A~~:i'tftl~_ r .),;})0 a I!Jl!U ~ ~~~ni!J~~s and a growing protest against it ~ lagging for one r eason dr another l.ional Union of Operative Hea-ting, A S ·cant Each nth Domestic, Ventilating Engineers TO. ALL MEMBERS OF LOCAL application to the building industry· · should get immediate· stimulus By E . P. PARK and General Metal Worke1·s uf ~ protest alike from labor· a.nd froin our state government to get UNION NO.3 : and 15th the ' .dul'ing latter's recei1t management. them moving, -improve the state's On December 5th ~r~at Bri~ain v1s1t to Washmgton. During·. the last ten year ;; our _Management's appeal for exernp­ outlook, and put men to work, the Governor's Conference on Employ- treasurer, · P. E. Vandewark, has t he wishes ·bf a conference deClared. ment was held here in Sacramento: * * * tion represents ons . Although Governor Warren did­ We participated in the section deal-~ served as business representative group of contractors' organizati which represent employers wli.o do n't put the matter 'of unemploy­ in? with construction •. ·public and The ·Road ·Roller ment on his list for action at the pnvate, and would llke to pass _ · about 80 percent of the con.4truc­ -special· session called · f01~ Dec. 13, along some of the information ob-. tion work in the U.S. Labor's ap­ c K. T au­ he indjcated his deep 'co.ncern for tained. · . peal comes from ·the highest an I 1 OO ':.. · the·. problems outlined ai: this con­ ·Each month 15,000 more people 11 thority of organized building trades 'ference, ~nQ. .it ;watfelt li_k_ely that come into the State of California ·Don't get the notion craftsmen. -beneficial results will be forthcom­ than ·leave it. There is a natural roller is not a dan·gerous machine! VOTE U~~~CESSARY ing .from .the statewide gathering. growth, births over deaths, of better Here is a newspaper story with. Decision to ask for the exemp­ 60l JOO UNEMPLOYED than 10,000. This is a total increase names, place and date purposely ' tion was m ade following a m eeting . La]?or participated actively in of more than 25,000 people each omitted. Read it. · of contractors .. and union Iead.ers. the various panel discussions at month. To meet this continual " . was crushed to death with the NLRB several months ago, the ..:onferehce,. many of its recom­ growth in population within the beneath a 10cton road roller but announced only recently; ac­ mendations becoming part of the state, 125,000 new jobs must be yesterday; . The road roll- cording to President Frank Law­ fina( .Jr:ogram a.dopted: They point­ provi~ed each year. Construction ers work in pairs, going for- rence of the California State Bu ild~ ed to the likelihood that more fhan must not only provide some of these ward a stretch of about 50 feet, ing Trades Council. ~ 600,000 will be unempJoyed in the jobs but must also keep employed then backing up for the same Brother Lawrence pointed out stat~ by spring, and asked for the those people already working ,; ith- distance. The acd dent hap- that the appealing groups, in sup­ following program: in the industry. Of the estim ~ ted pened while the two road roll- _port of their position, declare that (Continued on Page 12) (Continued on Page 12) ers wer~ backing up . ... saw the NLRB itself has given up t he one -roller ancL started across idea of holding electiops i.n :this immedi ~ tely after it had passed. industry.-· A pilot election held. in However, he stepped i~ the the Pittsburgh ar ea cost the 'gov­ path_of the other backing roll- e;rnment considerable money and er· . .". trouble,. and resulted in a 90 per­ There it is. Sure, he s)l.ould have cent vote for t he union. Attempts. looked to see where he was walk­ to hold other elections in Detroit ing: There is no question about and Philadelphia were abaxJ.doned that. Little· if any blame seems to , as. a result · of this. fall upon the en.ghieer. It- was the WRECI{ BARGAINING other fellow. President Lawrence stre ssed~ the But it is a good though cruel P . E. VANDEWARK point that it is not only imoossible lesso11. It should be taken to heart to comply with Taft-Hartle;sr re­ by every engineer. in th ~ _Bay area,· in ncldition to quirements in this industry,. but ('Continued on Page 12,) THE ROLLER CAN KILL, -TOO. conducting the duties required as Fraternally yours, · treasurer of .Local Union No. 3. WM. E . MALONEY, * * * General · President. The c~ntinu e d growth uf o_ur I Another Bin free ' l~ r~ Local Umon has also tended to m- ~ !I ' " * ~ - * l crease the work of your Uniof1 . The worthy brothers in Utaha.nd M deep · Manager, until now it has reached 1 Nevada are fear ful an?t~ er:" Gets 11,000 V elts the stage where some assistance freeze llke that wh1ch h1t -- em last As we go to pres!' with this issue of the Engineers N e,;~ · wmter. Sor.1e Nevada boys hav·e al- This month's-.... reminder to· the 1s· nee d ed . d · , .. · · ·another year of accomplishment comes to a close. The worthy brothers about observing . rea Y 1n gn -tm,ec1 1t southward ~~-r ith . officers and representatives of Loc?-1 3 have worked very · all safety precautions on the job Therefore, I h ave . ippomted t)1 e ducks. In Utah, however, -they comes with the report of Bro. Wil- Brother Vand ew a ~· k, aSSls-;,ant man- ! ha.':'_e had a n i.tn usual lot o f sunny hard this :year to obtain the gains for the membership liam Ryan's misfortune. (Not that ager of Local Umon No. 3· In the 1 weather, which keeps jobs going, which have been achieved. he failed to observe safety rules.) future he wJII be statwned at our and they pray for its continuance·. At this time the officers and representatives of the Dredge operator on the Papoose. union headquarters in San Fran- * ,.. * Street·, where Operating Enginee-rs Local 3 wish to extend the Season's on Napa river, he became acquaint- cisco at 474 Valencia Best Wishes to each and e,very member and their fam­ ed \vith 11,000 volts on the cable he will assist ._in givi ng service to .A Tall Deer Storrw· barge. He is reco'vering in High- t h~ n:en:bershJp as _we_ll as t? e_v- · j ilies, and we hope that 195'0-will bring better things for land hospital Oakland. I ery dJstnct office Wlthm the ]UrlS- . Bro. ~wen Haney from_ up· Trhl ~ everyone. ' ' · diction of Local No. 3. 1ty county goes out huntmg every I I now hope to find time to visit year ... for deer and took a p[d;up our district offices ·oftener than j truck. Got his deer, a . :m a~l ~me: I have been. able to in the past. I was a~le to~ back the tru~~ ng,h,. , Brother Vandewark will now be up t o 1. Next day w1th _a fnend ne ava.ilable to answ·er questions, and hiked miles up in to the sky and give advice and information when : ~ek e d over. a seven-pomt ~~-~k OFFICIAL NOTICE TO .MfMBERS desired, d'uring my absence from :-: _o . bJ g that t ney had to cut r~ 1n TECHNICAL ENGINEERS LOCAL NO. 3-E MEETING , •• A Rohert Fieth 11a1f and lug 1t all the way back. November 9, -1949 h d t special meeting of Technical Engineers Loca-l No.· 3~E will be · held ea quar ·ers. * * * · Bozarth I sincerely -- hope tha t the aliove J in ·the_Dni(m Ofiices at 474 Valencia Street, San Francisco at 8 p.m. · Francis J. for November 10, 1949 mentioned appointment will prove on ;Frr,day, . Jan~a-ry 6, 1950. (The meeting ordinarily scheduled .rd · the fourth Fri<laY'·of December, 1949, will be postponed). · J. G. Crawfo ben@ficial to Local No. 3 and that November 28, 1949 ~ESOLVTION ... If every it will mee't wi th the approval Mele -Kalikimaka a'me ka I{a.uoli _ SU~GESTIONFOR A "NEW YEAR'S Wm.
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