Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 11-5-1938 Colonnade November 5, 1938 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade November 5, 1938" (1938). Colonnade. 202. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/202 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. ! . • Vol XIII Z122 Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., Saturday, November 5, 1938 Number 6 Cannon, Hudson, Ducey To Head Freshman Class GSCW Frances Cannon, a graduate of as freshmen representative to girl's High in Atlanta, was elect- court. Other elections for secre- Who's Who ed as president of the freshmen tary and treasurer will "be held on class after a series of run-overs Saturday. The Discussion groups Seventeen students have between her and Jane Hudson, been selected this year to repre- have not yet completed their elec- Macon, who wfcs elected as vice- sent GSCW in the Who's Who president of the class. Martha tions for representatives to Fresh- Among Students in American Uni- Ducey, of Savannah, was elected man Council. versities and. Colleges. This num- ber chosen from the Junior and Senior classes, exceeds that of last GSCW Orchestra year by five persons. To be in- Six Colleges cluded in Who's Who, a student And Band Plan must be a Junior or Senior with Debate Peace a combination of such qualities as Year's Program character, leadership in extra-cur- ricular activities, scholarship, and potentialities of future usefulness A meeting of the officers of the A t Open Forum to business and society. Its pur- College Symphony Orchestra was Representatives from Tech, pose is to serve as an incentive held recently at which plans for Emory, Agnes Scott, and the Uni- to the student and a recommen- the proposed trip, in the spring versity of Georgia are here today dation to .the business world. The to participate in the debate forum were diseussed as well as the plans following girls were, chosen from being sponsored by the Debating this campus: for (several social functions of Society in collaboration with the Sara McDowell—Jesters (1), the Band and Orchestra in the near local Pi Kappa Delta. Sophomore Commission, Corin- The debates are being held in the future.' thian staff (2) International Rela- auditorium of the Music building, TED SHAWN and his unique team of male dancers will appear he!re tions club (2) Dormitory officer A new policy for the Band and and the judges are Col. Frank O. December %. ' ; (2, 3) Officer Chemistry club (3), Orchestra was also adopted. The Evans of Milledgeville, Dr. W. T. Officer Junior class (3) President Wynn, Dr. Henry Rogers, and the officers feel that individual reco- Chemistry Club (4) President Col- coaches that accompanied the visit- gnition should be awarded to all lege Government (4). ing teams. Ted Shawn and Dancers members who have given honor- Betty Lott—Freshman Council, The afternoon session began at able service to the Band and Or- Dormitory officer (1), Sophomore 4 o'clock and lasted until 6:30 To Preseht Dance Drama Commission, "Vesper Choir (2, 3), chestra for the year. This hon- o'clock. Each speaker was allow- Aeolian Glee Club (4), officer orable service means that all re- ed six minutes for the rebuttal. Ted Shawn, internationally will be supported by his company Commerce Club (3), Upper Court hearsals and performances are to The forum question is Resolved: famous , dancer, who recently of eight men dancers which com- (3). Secretary College Govern- That the United States Should Fol- tee attended promptly at the hour achieved a brilliant success at prises the only male dancing group ment (3), Treasurer College Gov- low a Policy of Isolation Toward set with the exception of two un- His Majesty's theatre in London in the world. ernment (4), Student Council (3, All Nations Involved in Interna- will appear here at the Russell au- excused absences from rehearsals tional or Civil Conflict. Shawn has been on tour with this ditorium on December 2. Shawn Shack Reddick—Representative per quarter. This service will be G. S. C. W. entered three teams company for the past five seasons, (Continued on Page Seven) acknowledged by giving a silver with Carolyn Stringer, Arminda playing in the principal cities of Lewis, Helen Blevins, and Nelle certificate to each honorable mem- the United States, Canada, and ber of one year, stating permanent DaVitte upholding the affirma- John T. Graves tive. The negative side of the ques- Cub.a in addition to a brilliantly Chemistry Club membership in the organization. tion was argued by Frances Brit- Writes Article successful season in London. Two years of such distinguished ton and Callie Morris. Plans Annual When he started out six seasons service brings a gold certificate, A banquet, will be given at 7:15 For Corinthian ago with men only, it was doubt- and with three years of honorable o'clock for all members of the De- John Temple Graves II, lecturer, Banquet ful whether a group with no wo- service, a pin will be awarded. bating Society, as well as those editor, and author, has written The Chemistry club held a call debators taking part in the de- an article on women called "The men in it could succeed. The meeting en Thursday, November Mr. Meek draws attention to the bate. The forum will be resumed Lesser Man," for the Fall issue skepticism that was then felt has 3, and its regular meeting the fol- at 8:30 o'clock and an open dis- fact that membership in these of the Corinthian, expected to be long since ceased to exist—a cor- lowing Friday, both business meet- organizations is by no means cussion will wind up the forum. published in\November. It 'was roboration of Shawn's belief that ings, for the purpose of writing in- closed. Those who play instru- Students and faculty are invited vitations to new members who written especially for the magab the public was ready to accept a ments, even if only passably well to attend both the afternoon and zine in his usual chatty, informal, have fulfilled the requirements of are invited to attend the Band evening sessions. and highly entertaining style. > revival of what was originally .ex- two chemistry cjourses, and to which meets at 4:00 Tuesday and Mr, Graves' present address is clusively a man's art. make plans for the Chemistry Club Thursday, and the Orchestra which banquet. The banquet will be on the Birmingham Age-Herald, in The program, potentially a meets at 7:15 Tuesday and Thurs- Saturday, November 12, at 6:30 Committees For Birmingham, Alabama. He was dance drama, vividly outlines epi- day nights. These is need for more o'clock at .Ennis Coffee Shop for born in Rome, Ga., in 1892 and sodes in American history from players in all sections. Golden Slipper has college degrees without end. the initiation of the new members the time of the Spanish conquer- His career has been varied enough and in honor of the homecoming Those who are interested in priv- Contest Named for the most exacting from his ors in Mexico to ,the present. Rhy- alumnae. All members of the" ate lessons would be interested in participation in the war in the thms' of more primitive days, Chemistry club see Louise Stanley the fact that soon class lessons on Plans are going forward for the forty-ninth infantry, his entrance dances of religious fanaticism, sport in the chemistry office before individual instruments will > be much discussed and long antici themes, modem subjects done with Thursday, , / given. Those who wish to learn any n Slipper contest, Sara to the bar in Washington, D. C. pated(Golde in 1920, his marriage in 19(31, to biting humor and satire, and the At 8:15 Dr. Charles Carpenter, particular instrument should get ..-.•,..• technical director of the Herty McDowell, President of College his. winning the Middle Atlantic great abstract composition "Kin- : in touch with Mr. Meek to take ,U1'U; - Government, announces. The con- Tennis Championship of 1924, In etic Molpai" are to be presented on Foundation -Laboratory, -will,-* advantage of the class lessons at a test will be held on Thursday night at Ennis Recration .Hall. year* 1925-26 he was with the Palm this program. taking hev reduction from the regular private November 17,. in the Russell Audi- Beach. Tribune. " of the student body ar lesson tuition. torium. The sophomores had.,3, .Jki .addition ^r^.Gr§yesicJjiaS; ,r This program is being sponsor-- cordially invited ','"• ;i ; :; 116 1 J ^e.eflnl " seyeral weeks agpyr.and/ , w r i t t o , ^ c , l « ? n g M*%}P% - W ^ l l ^n,p.wiCifel'in Entertainment Commit;-' addre^sP «w$i Liringen of the His- ',",' ftj'embeys ' s e r i o u s ' " in'' th£ir' irfte^f r 1 to. help:the GaV^^College1 ^ ^hdse'priBsettt'signed up to work on novels, essays, economic reviews, tee but wa"s not onecof: the •.original:'! J:All>bstttdfin1^t will speak to the the"' v a r i o u s '•'co'mmittees coricWriefl' sh^i^koft'e^^^nd^deiMJ^rnon^ •programs of the coneert'\series< smdY tvytobcrimref,[ip on Monday and ! jJ i , fe, 1 wlt'hP the-'production, .but^ihere mi&i* kre " <Twr B^bble $ ^h'e due to the fact that)it! will fee ovst in;itbeM\;iN0vember 7-8 on some ( 1 ed'to bear i^ miM'\ffitit^fari-atl- 'Have b1^nWfurther meetings' W- 'Srletf^lrie^ky]" 'antf " f e BobK •arid above the budg<*tAtrl©re ivwiWi MVfce^'topic in World Affairs.
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