IJgptHflJJII.. •iliwiiiii THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 38 I ft! I CO o r.MM;rfKta»aagaA^«aa»iHMMigiig^ THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 39 5S5SS353S3S3S35SSSS5SS5SSiS3SSSSSESSS2SSSSS3SSSESSSS5SSMSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3S3SSES^ THE WEEK idsasasasasasasasHSHSHSHHasESHsasaHESEsasasHSHSHSHSEsasssHSHsasasasasaHSSHsasHsi EssssssssssssssBsei "Hello men." "Hello week." "Hello year." through the good graces of Father Crum­ The annual campaign founded upon the dic­ ley, the animal is as yet unable to answer tum of the Lord, "love your neighbor," has the following questions to his own satisfac­ been inaugurated with the added .Notre tion : "whence am I come" and "whither am Dame interpretation "speak to youi' neigh­ I going." bor." What benefits will accrue, other than A special dispatch to The World's Greatest voice culture without credit, remain for the Newspaper reported 8,000 in attendance at statisticians and editorial writers. However, the annual varsity-freshman scrimmage, all we, in perfect harmony and co-operation of which looks well in pi'int. But Bob Kirby, with the Department of Student Welfare, are our debonair cheer leader who has the most formulating plans for a "good-bye week" infectious smile this side of the Rio Grande,. which is scheduled to begin the Saturday of takes issue and demands the service of an the Minnesota game and terminate seven expert accountant. In an exclusive interview days thereafter. To those who have the hap­ he said, "I'm all for the idea of big gates; at py faculty of passing out arid to those who the same time, though, my reputation de­ will fade out under pressure, this little game pends upon mass cheering. In the words of of seven up is respectfully dedicated. Up be­ the famous bard, let eveiy mother's son of fore the Board within the seven days makes you spur the team on to victory with the one eligible for the Grand Prize which will cheers for which Notre Dame is internation­ be donated by your favorite railroad. Pro­ ally famous. Gentlemen, I enlist your sup­ fessional boarders are barred ipso facto in port." And cries of "Bravo, Bob boy" filled favor of the amateur. Remember the day, the galleries. For the Coe game you will re­ the place, and the iiiles governing contest. ceive one ticket through the astounding and Contestants will supply ammunition. ovenvhelming magnanimity of the Athletic office. If your girl wishes to come for the The laying of the air-tight-fit-right sub­ opener, you may meet her at Gate 1 after terranean pipes and asbestos covering begun the final whistle and there explain the tech­ in the year of Our Lord 1927 under the nicalities which might have seemed vague to patronage of Rev. P. J. Carroll, C.S.C., has her during the four quarters. This will re­ been completed. Razing of the temporary sult in added technique in post-mortem ses­ foot bridge, upon which there was no loiter­ sions. ing, was accomplished with fitting cere­ monies, the war-time trenches have regained And the Mission moves along evenly with solidity, the man-injuring derrick has gone Father O'Donnell a most human and humane home, and eveiything seems right with the preacher striking emotional notes rather world. Science Hall students, nevertheless, than the teriifying discord which often must attend to the clank of cement sidewalk characterizes the arinual stock-taking. Be­ being hurled into dilapidated trucks which hind the sermons are seen the poet, the gi'oan miserably with each deposit. Verily, artist, the mystic; and banal allusions to this is an age of improvement. banking, football, power, and wealth seem distasteful and foreign to the orator. Rev. Kerndt Healy told this writer two days ago (shades of Arthur Brisbane) that Fortune smiles on the freshmen. One told he continues to bs pursued by Blanche—a his help-eat mates that he has arranged a thoroughbred from the Lear kennels. Des­ date at St. Maiy's for every Saturday even­ pite the philosophical atmosphei'e which sui'- ing from eight until ten. Yes; he's with the rounds the Presbytery—the dog's home— green group. West wing. —J.T.C. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 40 • ••••• • • • • • •> •••••• <• * '^' Craig was appointed chairman. The Wran­ glers plan to begin interhall activities within • • NEXT WEEK'S EVENTS ^ the next month. The publicity committee for • * the year will be composed of Arnold Wil­ ^ .^ ^ <. ^ ^ ^ <• •> •> • • • • • • • • • •> * 'J* liams, chairman, and Louis Buckley; while Friday Evening, Septeviber 50—"Pep" Meet­ the constitutional committee will consist of ing—Parade and talks—7:30. Dome James C. Roy, chairman, George Courey and meeting. •* James McShane. Saturday Afternoon—GOQ College vs. Notre •—• Dame, Cartier Field, 2:30. FATHER CARROLL MAKES ADDRESS Saturday Evening.— Movies, featuring Father Patrick Carroll, C.S.C, Vice-Presi­ "Ritzy" Washington Hall, 6:30 and 8:30. dent of the University, gave an address on Sunday Evening—Benediction, Sacred Heart "Catholic Readers and Writers" before the Church, 7:30. Michigan division of the International Fed­ Monday—Dome begins taking pictures, for eration of Catholic Alumni, Saturday, Sep­ three week's duration, of seniors, Walsh tember 24. The meeting, which lasted for HaU basement, 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P.M. three days, was held at Sacred Heart Col­ Monday Evening — Meeting of Scribblers, lege, Marywood, Grand Rapids. • Library, 8:00. .J. Tuesdcuy Evening — Meeting of East-Penn Club, Library, north room, 8:00—Chica­ HAYWARD ELECTED DIRECTOR go Club, Can-oil "Rec", 8:00. Professor James W. Hayward, head of the Wednesday Evening—Meeting of Wranglers, Department of Agriculture, was elected di­ Walsh Hall basement, 8:00—Meeting of rector of the Catholic Rural Life Conference Le Cercle Francais, Law Building, court at their annual meeting at Lansing, Mich., room, 6:30. August 5 to 8. The 1928 conference will Thursday Evening—Meeting of the staff of meet at Notre Dame next summer in res­ The Santa Maria, 308 Walsh Hall, 8:00. ponse to an invitation issued to the body by Friday Evening—^First Friday Devotions, the University. Sacred Heart Church, 7:30. Saturday Afternoon—Detroit U. vs. U.' of Notre Dame, Detroit. BROTHER CAJETAN RETIRES Brother Cajetan, C. S. C, present head prefect of Saint Edward's Hall and connect­ WRANGLERS HONOR GOLDBERG ed with that institution for more than forty Honoring Ai-thur Goldberg of Mishawaka, years, retires from active service in the Con­ last year's captain of the University's debat­ gregation of Holy Cross at the end of this ing team, the Wranglers held a banquet at week. the Mishawaka Hotel last Thursday evening. Mr. Goldberg is a Charter member of the NEW SCHOLASTIC FEATURE Wrangler's club and is one of its most active In this issue, the SCHOLASTIC begins a new members. He is leaving for the University series of feature articles on students notable of Chicago this week where he will study, in campus activities. The feature will be law. called "Campus Personalities" and opens A new policy of inter-hall debating was with a brief sketch of John Frederick, sen­ suggested at the meeting which was met ior president, one of the most popular of the with approval. It was suggested to appoint active Men. a senior and a junior on the executive board. A regular ptii-t of the feature will be a pic­ The senior, a man who was on the commit­ ture of the student chosen for each story. tee last year, as director and the junior as Prominent men in the campus organizations, chairman of-inter-hall debating. Pierce J. publication men, and athletes will successive­ O'Connor was made director and William F. ly appear in the section. v'jy THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 41 HELLO FELLOWS, HELLO! and x'eread them many times; I consider it At a recent meeting, the S.A.C. designated a privilege and an honor to stand by the the week of Sept. 25th as "Hello-Week" for grave of so great and so learned a man. the year of '27-28. Father Zahm, it will be remembered, is A precedent was es­ buried in the community cemetery at the rear of Holy Cross Seminary. He was a member tablished iij the new of the Congregation of Holy Cross and widely dining hall when blue known for his literary works. and gold buttons, bear­ ing the inscription: Father Ritter was deeply impressed with "N. D. Hello—1927— all he saw and particularly with the new dining hall and the library; upon leaving the 1928," were found un­ campus to continue his journey home he was der the coffee cups at loud in his praise of our "great Western Uni-. l^reakf ast Monday versity," as he called it. morning. After the morning KIRBY CHOSEN CHEER-LEADER JOE DORAN meal, as the, student Chairman of the Students' Robert E. Kii'by, former drum major of Aetivitica Council* body flocked from the dining halls, they were the Univei'sity band, was selected cheer­ greeted with "Hello" and "Hello Fellows" leader by the Students' Activities Council at signs which had been set up at opportune its regular Sunday meeting, September 25. spots all about the campus. Robert Mannix and Earl Leach were named "Hello Week" is a time honored institution as assistants to Mr. Kirby. here. It occurs annually, shortly after the The three cheer-leaders tried out for reopening of school in September. Its pur­ the office last Saturday during the Varsity-. pose is the promotion of good fellowship and Freshman football game. Freshman and the destruction of barriers which bar the Sophomore cheerleaders will be selected in a way to new friendships. like manner on their showing during the Coe « game tomoiTow.
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