1 the Joseph Carlebach-Institute Library English Books

1 the Joseph Carlebach-Institute Library English Books

1 The Joseph Carlebach-Institute Library English Books [A] D5(4)ABR Abramsky, C. [92] The Crisis of Authority within European Jewry in the eighteenth century In: Studies in jewish religious and intellectual history, Uni.of Alabama Press, 1979, pp.13-28. 2515 ----- Moses Mendelssohn, Jon. Eybeschuetz, Jacob Emden, Jacob Frank, Chr.W. Dohm, Ezekiel Landau... A811 ADL Adler, Morris The World of the Talmud Schocken: New York, 1963(1958) 156 p.: bibl. 3602 {434636-2} ----- 372.4 ADL Adler, Mortimer J. How to Read a Book: The Art of Getting a Liberal Education Simon and Schuster: New York, 1940 398 p.: index. 2044 {435539-3} -------- A012 ADL Adler, Nathan Marcus (about) Nathan Marcus Adler (1803-1890): A Bibliography Edited by Ruth P. Goldschmidt-Lehmann From: Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica presented to Leon Nemoy on his Eightieth Birthday. Bar-Ilan University Press, 1982, pp. 207-261. 1535 -------- B414 ALE The Alef-Bet Parade ed. by International and Pan-American Cop. Conventions, New York, 1977 1958, 2033, 4006 -------------------- B481 ALE Alexenberg, Melvin Alef Bet Zoo The Press of Shulsinger Brothers: New York, 1962 0215 ------ 370.7 ALE Alexenberg, M. Aesthetic experience in creative process Bar-Ilan University Press: Ramat-Gan, 1981 207 p.: index, ill. 0401, 0402 {0169502-4} ------ A784.2 ANT Anthology of Yiddish folksongs. 4 Vol. edited by Aharon Vinkovetzky, Abba Kovner, Sinai Leichter Magnes Press: Jerusalem, 1983 1907,1908 [english, yiddish, hebrew] {0007943-6} ------- A209 ANT Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1994: The Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism publ. by Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities; ADL - Anti-Defamation Leaque and The World Jewish Congress 274 p.: indexes. 0379, 0348, 0347 {0255573} ------- A209 ANT Anti-Semitism in Romania 1989-1992: The Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism by Raphael Vago publ.by Tel Aviv University, 1995 25 p. 0345 {0283605-2} --------- 2 A51 APP Appel, Gersion A Philosophy of Mizvot: The religious-Ethical Concepts of Judaism, their Roots in Biblical Law and the Oral Tradition Ktav Publ.: New York, 1975 288 p.: indexes 3423 {0375735} ------- D5(Ham)ARN Arnheim, Arthur Hamburg/Altona-Copenhagen In: Jewish Studies in a New Europe, Jerusalem, 1997, p.39-44. 2444 ------ D5(Ham)ARN Arnheim, Arthur Moses Hagiz and hebrew Bookprinting in Wandsbeck In: Fund og Forskning, B.38 1999, pp.119-133 (danish) 3401 ------ D5(Ham)ARN Arnheim, Arthur The Efforts by Danish Kings to help Jews in Distress (1640-1945) Abstract presented to the 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Juli 29-Aug. 5 1997, 12 p. 2445 ----- D609 ARO Aronstein, Philipp (Ed.) Spreches of British Statesmen on Judaism and Zionism Berlin: S.Schocken, 1936 (Nr.14) 1311 --Juedische Lesehefte-- ----- D5(43)ASC Aschheim, Steven E. German Jews beyond bildung and liberalism: the Jewish radical revival in the Weimar Republic Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 1995 27 p. 4418 [heb/eng] [BRAUN LECTURES IN THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN PRUSSIA, ED. BY S. FEINER, No. 4 1995] ---------------- 943 ASK Askenazy, Hans. Are we all Nazis? N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1978. 161 p. 4789 {513984-20} ---------------- D47 BRA Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum (Hg.) Before they Perished.. Photographs Found in Auschwitz Ed. by Kersten Brandt etc., 2001. 2 B. 4769, 4770 [Project-Room] ---------------- D02 AUS Ausubel, Nathan Pictorial History of the Jewish People from Bible times to our own day throughout the world Crown Publ., New York, 1956 346 p.: index. 3745 {0372268-3} ----------------- D5(43) AYA Ayalon, Moshe “Gegenwaertige Situation”: Report on the Living Conditions of the Jews in Germany. A Document and Commentary In: YBLBI 43 1998, pp. 271-285. 3531 [86] ----- [B] D4(43)BAC Bach, Hans Israel (1902-1977) The German Jew: A Synthesis of Judaism and Western Civilization, 1730-1930 Publ. for the Littman Library by Oxford Uni. Press, 1984 255 p.: index. 3603 32386-2 3 ----- A133 BAE Baeck, Leo Judaism and Christianity: Essays by Leo Baeck Translated by Walter Kaufmann Leo Baeck Institute: New York, 1958 292 p. 0310 {0310925-4} --------- [LBI] Leo Baeck-Institute. LBI Yearbook, 1956-2002. London: M.Secker and Warburg. -------- 1491-1511, 1514-1531, 1533-1539, 1543, 1546-1548, 4299. D5(43)BAE Leo Baeck Institut [Zt] Studies of the Leo Baeck Institute Edited by Max Kreutzberger Frederick Ungar Publ.: New York, 1967 318 p. 0309 {0377339-2} -------- Fritz Bamberger: Leo Baeck, Erich Kahler: The Jews and the Germans, Hans J. Morgenthau: The Tragedy of German-Jewish Liberalism, Jacob Katz: The German-Jewish Utopia of Social Emancipation, lkisch Idea on German Jewry, Gerson D. Cohen: Messianic PosturesצGeorge L. Mosse: The Influence of the V of Aschkenazim and Sephardim, Oscar Handlin: Jews in the Culture of Middle Europe... D5(431.55) BAE Baeck, Leo (about) Days of Sorrow and Pain: Leo Baeck and the Berlin Jews by Leonard Baker Macmillan Publishing: New York, 1978 396 p.: index. 0338 {0389178-4} ------ E378.54 BAR Bar-Ilan University Research Profile 1998 Publ. by the Bar-Ilan University Research Authority, 1998 Dedicated to the Memory of Joseph Lichtenstein, z.I. 502 p.: indexes. 0328 {0114163} ---------- A82 BAR Baron, Joseph L. (Ed.) A Treasury of Jewish Quotations Crown Publ.: New York, 1956 623 p.: index. 3409 {0314895} ------ 371.9 BCJ B.C.Journal of Special Education Vol. 15/3 1991 publ.by Special Education Association, University of British Columbia 0318 {0119295} ------- Miriam Gillis-Carlebach: The Psychological and the Reading Profile of the Dyslectic Child, pp. 240-246 372.4 BEH Behrens, Laurence; Leonard J. Rosen Writing and Reading: Across the Curriculum Little, Brown and Comp.: Boston-Toronto, 1982 551 p.: index, bibl. 0319 ------ D47 BEL Belsen publ. by Irgun Sheerit Hapleta Me’haezor Habriti Preface: Nahum Goldmann Tel-Aviv, 1957 205 p.: index, maps, ill. 0337 --------- S. Adler-Rudel: The Surviving Children... E7 BEN Ben-Uri, M. Explanatory notes on 15 etchings from the year 1975 by Ben-Uri: 4 In Honour of the 100 anniversary of the late Professor Hermann Struck 1876-1976 publ. by Studio for synagogal Arts, Haifa, 1975 3512 ----- D47 BER Berges, Max L. Cold Pogrom Translated by Benjamin R. Epstein The Jewish Publ. Society of America: Philadelphia, 1939 280 p. 1305 ------ D47(42)BER Berghahn, Marion German-Jewish Refugees in England: The Ambiguities of Assimilation London: Macmillan, 1984 294 p.: index, bibl. pp. 274-289. 3783 {028198-3} -------- 943(Berlin)GLE Berlin Outlook Text of the original German Edition “Im berblick Berlin”, 1985 Englich Transl. Joan Glenn publ. by Informationszentrum Berlin 96 p. 0814 ------- 943.086 LIF Bessel, Richard (Hg.). Life in the Third Reich Oxford Uni.Pr., 1987 124 S.: index. 3753 {70668-2} --------- 370.1 BES Best, John W. Research in Education Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, 1959 320 p.: index, bibl. 0324 {0403551-2} ------- A092 BIL Bildersee, Adele Jewish Post-Biblical History through Great Personalities From Jochanan ben Zakkai through Moses Mendelssohn Cincinnati: The Union of American Hebrew Congregations 295 p.: index. 3787 {451068-1} --------- A76 BRA Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature Vol. 2: A Psychohistorical Perspective Hoboken (New Jersey): Ktav Publ., 1986 285 p.: index, glossary, bibl. p. 261-271. 3782 {051173-3} --------- A176 BRU Bruckstein, Almut (PH. D) Hermann Cohen’s “Charakteristik der Ethik Maimunis”: A reconstructive reading of Maimonides’ ethics publ. by UMI, 1992 237 p.: bibl. 0331 -------- A13 BUB Buber, Martin Israel & the World: Essays in a Time of Crisis Schocken Books: New York, 1973(1948) 267 p. 0294 ------ A670.92 BUB Buber, Martin The Legend of the Baal-Shem Translated by Maurice Friedman Schocken Books: New York, 1955 223 p.: glossary. 0293 --------- A19 BUB Buber, Martin Pointing the Way: collected essays by Martin Buber 5 ed.by M.S.Friedman New York: Harper & Row, 1963(1957) 239 p. 3590 {429629-1} ----- A19 BUB Buber, Martin (about) Buber by Pamela Vermes London: P.Halban Publ., 1988 116 p.: index. 3781 {114211-2} --Jewish thinkers series-- ------- [C] A35 CAR Carlebach, Alexander [20] On the Rivers of Babylon: Synagoge Jeschurun, Hamburg-Stockholm, 1940-1990 12 p.: ill. 2344 -------- Joseph Carlebach, Hans Lehman, Marcus Ehrenpreis, Albrecht Schreiber... A509.2 CAR Carlebach, Alexander A German Rabbi goes East In: YBLBI VI 1961, p.60-121 1633 [english/german] ------ Emanuel Carlebach, Pinchas Kohn, Ludwig Haas.. A081 CAR Carlebach, Alexander Men and Ideas: Selected Writtings 1935-1980 Jerusalem: Koren, 1982 458(31) p.: index. 3760 {339217-3} ------------ A081 CAR Carlebach, Alexander Adass Yeschurun of Cologne: The Life and Death of a Kehilla William Mullan & Son: Belfast, 1964 180 p..: index 4280 ------- T3 CAR [54] Carlebach, Joseph The Three Great Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Yecheskel From the German: Henry Biberfeld publ. by Beth-Jacob Seminary of Montreal, 1990 85 p. 2357 -------- A509.2 CAR [24] Carlebach, Joseph (about) Joseph Carlebach by Haim H. Cohn In: Year Book V of the Leo Baeck Institute, London, 1960, pp. 58-72 2347 ---------- A509.2 CAR Carlebach, Joseph (about) Joseph Carlebach and his Generaiton By Naphtali Carlebach publ.by The Joseph Carlebach Memorial Foundation: New York, 1959 316 p.: index. 0671 ----- S.R. Hirsch, Azriel Hildesheimer, David Z.Hoffmann, Julius Preuss, Caesar Seligmann, Sammy Gronemann.. A265 CAR Carlebach, Julius Karl Marx and the Radical Critique of Judaism Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, Henley and Boston, 1978 466 p.: index, bibl. 0977 {473528-2} --The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization-- -------- Moses Mendelson (1729-1786), Samson R. Hirsch, Gabriel Riesser ( 1806-1863), Ferdinand Lassalle, Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), David F. Strauss, Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872), Moses Hess (1812-1875), Bruno Bauer (1809-1892), Ber Borochov (1881-1917), Max Weber (1864-1920) 6 D5(43) CAR [22] Carlebach, Julius Orthodox Jewry in Germany: The Final Stages From: The Jews in Nazi Germany 1933-1943, ed. by Arnold Pauker. Tuebingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1986, pp.

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