92563(,6(1Welcome to Café Wildau Hotel & Restaurant on Lake Werbellin. (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN WeAUF,R wishUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE you an enjoyable and relaxing stay with us. Ö 5OMATE.OZZARELLA MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUMOurUND1ESTO chefs will be treating you to Ö some exquisite regional dishes and creative cuisine from the Mediterranean. $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND Fresh produce and local game from the surrounding forests MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE are a few of the Öspecial highlights on our varied menu. Please also see our chef’s recommendations. 7ITELLO5ONNATO MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREMEA menu ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELindicating all the N Ö allergens and additives contained in the dishes is available on request. Please speak to6833(1 our staff if you would like to receive one. ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNEN Ö “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN (Shaw, George Bernard) UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö ALLERGEN LABELLING Dear Guests, We use the following letter code for92563(,6(1 denoting allergens: (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELENA: Gluten allergen Wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt, unripe spelt grain, einkorn, emmer, kamut, triticale (hybrids made from wheat and rye). AUF,RUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE B: Crustaceans Ö and products derived therefrom: Shrimps, crayfish, prawns, lobster, crab, krill, langoustines, scampi, spider crab C: Egg allergen Poultry eggs and products derived5OMATE.OZZARELLA therefrom. Hen, goose, duck, turkey, quail, pigeon and ostrich eggs. MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUMD: FishUND1ESTO allergen Fish and fish products. All types Ö of fish: raw, cooked and in the form of preserves, caviar, roe. E: Peanut allergen Peanuts and peanut products. Peanut oil (including cooking oil), peanut butter $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTEF: Soya allergen Soya beans, soya flour, soya semolina, Ö soya milk, soya desserts, unrefined soya oil, soya lecithin, soya protein, tofu, miso, tempeh, bean sprouts. G: Milk and lactose Milk from cows, sheep, goats,7ITELLO5ONNATO horses and donkeys and products derived therefrom, including lactose. MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREMEH: ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFEL Nut allergen N Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, ÖBrazil nuts, pistachios, Macadamia / Queensland nuts and products derived therefrom. L: Celery allergen Celery root, celery seed, stalk or ribbed celery, vegetable juices including celery, celery salt 6833(1and products derived therefrom. M: Mustard allergen Mustard seeds, mustard, mustard oil, mustard sprouts, mustard leaves, mustard blossom and products derived therefrom. ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNENN: Sesame allergen Sesame and sesame products: Sesame seed, oil, paste (tahini), butter, flour, salt (gomasio) Ö O: Sulphites SO2 and sulphites in a concentration of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l of wine (sulphurated), alcohol, dried fruit. 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN P: Lupin allergen Lupin flour, vegetable proteinUND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE (lupin) in bakery products and vegetarian meat substitutes, lupin sprouts. ÖR: Mollusc allergen Mussels (Venus clams, blue mussels, scallops, oysters), snails, cephalopods (squid), octopus. STARTERS 92563(,6(1 Roasted quail breasts with a potato and bacon dressing and a mixed salad (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN AUF,RUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE€10.00 Ö 5OMATE.OZZARELLA SOUPS MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUMUND1ESTO Ö Herb crème soup served$ARPACCHIOVOM3IND with vegetable crisps MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE Ö€6.00 Wild7ITELLO5ONNATO game consommé MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREMEserved with delicious vegetables ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFEL and ravioli N Ö €7.00 6833(1 ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNEN Ö 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö SALADS 92563(,6(1Our crispy, fresh salads consist of rocket, chicory, lollo rosso, lollo bionda, radicchio, frisée lettuce & cherry (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN AUF,RUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNEtomatoes. Ö They are served with balsamic vinegar & walnut dressing and fresh baguette; both large and5OMATE.OZZARELLA small salads can be ordered with a choice of MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUMspecial extras.UND1ESTO Ö Small$ARPACCHIOVOM3IND mixed green salad €6.00 MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE Large mixed Ö green salad €8.00 Our salad specials 7ITELLO5ONNATO MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREME ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELN Ö - - with fried king prawns (5 pcs) + €12.00 - - with fried quail breasts (5 pcs) + €12.00 6833(1 - - with grilled rump steak (200g) + €16.00 - - with “Viennese-style” schnitzel + €8.00 - - with fried chicken liver ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN (180g) ^ + €7.00 MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNEN - - with fried pike-perch fillet (170 g) + €11.00 Ö 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö MAIN COURSES “Grimnitz92563(,6(1-style” roasted wild boar with apple-infused red cabbage and parsley potatoes (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN€20.00 AUF,RUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNEFried pike-perch fillet with lentils, vegetables, Ö sour cream and dill potatoes €20.00 5OMATE.OZZARELLA MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUM“Viennese-style”UND1ESTO schnitzel with German pan-fried potatoes Ö (Bratkartoffeln) and a mixed salad €15.00 $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTEFried chicken liver with fried onions, grilled Ö apples and mashed potatoes €15.00 7ITELLO5ONNATO Grilled Argentinian rump steak MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREME ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELN with sweet potato fries, sautéed tomatoes and wrapped green beans Ö €25.00 Celery medallions with6833(1 potato & herb mash, corn salad and apple & nut chutney ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN€12.00 MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNEN Penne inÖ tomato sauce with parmesan, semi-dried tomatoes and herbs 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN €10.00 UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö DESSERTS & CHEESES 92563(,6(1 Crème brûlée (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELENwith stewed rhubarb and cherries AUF,RUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE Ö€6.00 5OMATE.OZZARELLA Traditional Bavarian apple strudel MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUMUND1ESTO the classic dessert, served with a creamy vanilla sauce, vanilla ice cream Ö and whipped cream €6.00 $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE Selection of cheeses Ö served with fig mustard, grapes, walnuts & baguette 7ITELLO5ONNATO €9.00 MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREME ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELN Ö Vanilla ice cream served on a warm chocolate biscuit with stewed forest fruits €6.00 6833(1 ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN MITGER¨STETENAsk our1INIENKERNEN service staff Ö about our ice-cream selection. 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö KIDS’92563(,6(1 MENU – for children only – (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN AUF,RFriedUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE pike-perch with vegetables and Ö mashed potato €9.00 5OMATE.OZZARELLA MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUMSmall schnitzel UND1ESTO with vegetables Ö and chips €7.00 $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND German meatballsMITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE in creamy caper sauce (Königsberger Klopse) with potatoes Ö and salad €6.00 7ITELLO5ONNATO MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREMEPenne ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELN with bolognese Ö sauce €5.00 Penne6833(1 with tomato sauce ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN MITGER¨STETEN€4.00 1INIENKERNEN Ö Extra plate with cutlery for sharing5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN meals with adults UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE€ 0.00 Ö DRINKS MENU 92563(,6(1 (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN APERITIFS AUF,RUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE Ö 5cl Martini Bianco/Rosso €3.50 0.2l Campari & soda 5OMATE.OZZARELLA €3.90 0.2l Campari & orange or alcoholMITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUM-free UND1ESTO €4.10 0.1l Kir Royal – sparkling wine with crème Ö de cassis €3.90 5cl Sandeman Jerez sherry, dry/medium dry €3.50 $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND 0.1l Café Wildau sparkling wine, dry €3.50 MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE 0.2l Aperol Spritz – Aperol with ice and Ö sparkling wine €5.10 0.2l Hugo – sparkling wine with soda, elderflower syrup, ice and mint €5.10 0.2l White wine spritzer 7ITELLO5ONNATO €3.60 MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREME ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELN Ö 6833(1 ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNEN Ö 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö WINE BY THE GLASS (250 ml) 92563(,6(1 WHITE WINE (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN Ruppertsberger Hofstück, Riesling,AUF,R dryUTERNUDELNUND5OMATENSAHNE €4.70 Thomas Reinhardt, Palatinate region, Germany Ö Classic, tangy Riesling with an exquisite bouquet 5OMATE.OZZARELLA Pinot Grigio I.G.T., dry MITFRISCHEM#ASILIKUM UND1ESTO €4.80 Villa Mura, Veneto, Italy Ö Delicately aromatic, fresh, white wine $ARPACCHIOVOM3IND Ruppertsberger Linsenbusch,MITGEHOBELTEM1ARMESAN 3UCOLAUND4CHALOTTENVINAIGRETTE Müller-Thurgau, mild €4.20 Thomas Reinhardt winemakers, Palatinate region, Ö Germany Strong and savoury with full, fruity notes 7ITELLO5ONNATO Chardonnay, Vigneaux IGP Pays dÓc, dry €4.70 MARINIERTES,ALBFLEISCHMIT5HUNFISCHCREME ROTEN;WIEBELNUND,APERNPFELN Languedoc, France Ö strong and creamy with full, fruity notes 6833(1 ,AROTTEN*NGWER4°PPCHEN ROSÉ WINE MITGER¨STETEN1INIENKERNEN Dürkheimer Feuerberg, Portuguese Weissherbst, Ö mild €4.80 Thomas Reinhardt. Palatinate region, Germany 5OMATENSUPPEMIT0LIVEN Seductive, fruity Rosé UND4CHNITTLAUCHSAHNE Ö RED WINES 92563(,6(1 Ihringer, Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir), dry €5.00 Friedrich Kiefer, Kaiserstuhl (Baden), Germany (EBRATENE3IESENGARNELEN Ruby-red, with a velvety cherry aromaAUF,R
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