
o`o`o`o`o`o SECOND EDITION Arcana Mundi MAGIC AND THE OCCULT IN THE GREEK AND ROMAN WORLDS A Collection of Ancient Texts Translated, Annotated, and Introduced by Georg Luck o`o`o`o`o`o THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS BALTIMORE The first edition of this book was brought to publication with the generous assistance of the David M. Robinson Fund and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. ∫ 1985, 2006 The Johns Hopkins University Press All rights reserved. Published 1985, 2006 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 The Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4363 www.press.jhu.edu Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Arcana mundi : magic and the occult in the Greek and Roman worlds : a collection of ancient texts / translated, annotated, and introduced by Georg Luck. — 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and indexes. isbn 0-8018-8345-8 (hardcover : alk. paper) isbn 0-8018-8346-6 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Occultism—Greece—History—Sources. 2. Occultism—Rome—History— Sources. 3. Civilization, Classical—Sources. I. Luck, Georg, 1926– bf1421.a73 2006 130.938—dc22 2005028354 A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library. For Harriet This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Texts ix Preface xiii List of Abbreviations xvii General Introduction: Exploring Ancient Magic 1 I. MAGIC Introduction 33 Texts 93 II. MIRACLES Introduction 177 Texts 185 III. DAEMONOLOGY Introduction 207 Texts 223 IV. DIVINATION Introduction 285 Texts 321 V. ASTROLOGY Introduction 371 Texts 389 vii Contents VI. ALCHEMY Introduction 435 Texts 443 Epilogue: The Survival of Pagan Magic 457 Appendix: Psychoactive Substances in Religion and Magic 479 Vocabula Magica 493 Select Bibliography 519 Index of Ancient Sources 529 General Index 535 viii List of Texts 1. Homer, Odyssey 10.203–347 93 2. Hippocrates, On the Sacred Disease 1–4 Jones 96 3. Theophrastus, Characters, ‘‘Portrait of the Superstitious Person’’ (ch. 28 Jebb) 100 4. Aesop, Fable 56 Perry 102 5. Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica 4.1635–90 102 6. Theocritus, Idylls 2 104 7. A: Cato, On Agriculture, par. 160 108 B: Varro, On Agriculture 1.2.27 108 C: [Marcellus Empiricus?] De Medicamentis 15.11 (= 113.25 Niedermann) 108 8. Horace, Epodes 5 109 9. Horace, Satires 1.8 112 10. Virgil, Eclogues 8.64–109 113 11. Virgil, Aeneid 4.450–705 115 12. Seneca (?), Heracles on Mount Oeta, vv. 449–72 121 13. A: Seneca, Medea, vv. 6–26 122 B: Seneca, Medea, vv. 670–843 122 14. Petronius, Satyricon, ch. 131 122 15. Tacitus, Annals 2.69 127 16. CIL 11.2.4639 128 17. Lead tablet from Africa, late Empire (no. 286B Audollent) 128 18. Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.297–408) 129 19. Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.154–242) 131 20. Magical Papyrus in the Louvre (PGM III.1–25) 134 21. Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.1495–1546) 134 22. Magical Papyrus in the Louvre (PGM III.591–609) 135 23. Magical Papyrus in Leiden (PGM XIII.242–44, 261–65, 277–82, 290–96) 136 24. Magical Papyrus in Leiden (PGM XII.121–43) 137 ix List of Texts 25. A: Magical Papyrus in Leiden (PGM XIII.64–71) 138 B: Magical Papyrus in Leiden (PGM XIII.760–65) 138 C: Magical Papyrus in Leiden (PGM XII.245–53) 138 26. Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.2943–66) 139 27. Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.3086–3124) 140 28. A: Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.44 142 B: Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 8.7.9–10 142 29. Lucian, The Lovers of Lies, pars. 14–17 146 30. Apuleius, Apology, or On Magic, chs. 25–27, 42–43 149 31. Apuleius, Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass 3.21–28 153 32. Plotinus, Enneads 4.4.40–44 157 33. Porphyry, Life of Plotinus, ch. 10 161 34. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 4.2 161 35. Eusebius, The Preparation of the Gospel 4.1.6–9 162 36. Plotinus, Enneads 2.9.14 164 37. Porphyry, Letter to Anebo, chs. 46–49 165 38. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 1.9 166 39. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 2.11 168 40. Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists 5.2.7 169 41. Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists 7.11.6–10; 7.1.1–3; 7.2.1; 7.3.6–6.3 (Giangrande) 170 42. IG 4.951–52 (= Dittenberger, Sylloge∂ 1168–69) 185 43. Apuleius, Florida, ch. 19 189 44. IG 4.955 (= Dittenberger, Sylloge∂ 1170) 191 45. Aelius Aristides, Sacred Orations 2 (= 48, 30–35 Keil) 192 46. Aelius Aristides, Sacred Orations 2 (= 48, 74–78 Keil) 194 47. Lucian, The Lovers of Lies, pars. 10–13 195 48. Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 7.38–39 197 49. Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.45 199 50. Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 3.38–39 200 51. Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists 6.6.5–8.3 201 52. Homer, Odyssey 11.12–224 223 53. Hesiod, Works and Days, vv. 109–93 228 54. Aeschylus, Persians, vv. 607–99 230 55. Plato, Apology of Socrates 33B8–E8, 39C1–40C3 233 56. Phlegon of Tralles, Mirabilia 1 235 57. Pausanias, Description of Greece 1.32.3–5 238 58. Pausanias, Description of Greece 10.28.1–29.1 240 59. Great Magical Papyrus in Paris (PGM IV.3007–86) 242 60. Seneca, Oedipus, vv. 530–626 244 61. Lucan, Pharsalia 6.413–830 246 62. Plutarch, On the Ceasing of Oracles 14–15, pp. 418E–419E 257 x List of Texts 63. Plutarch, On the Ceasing of Oracles 9–11, pp. 414E–415D 259 64. Plutarch, On the Ceasing of Oracles 15, p. 418C–D 260 65. Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris 26–27, p. 361A–E 261 66. Plutarch, Consolation Addressed to Apollonius 14, p. 109A–D 262 67. Pausanias, Description of Greece 6.6 265 68. Apuleius, Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass 2.21–30 266 69. Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.20 271 70. Porphyry, Life of Plotinus 10, pars. 56–60 272 71. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 1.20.61–63 274 72. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 2.1.67–2.69 274 73. Eusebius, The Preparation of the Gospel 4.5.1–3 276 74. Heliodorus, Aethiopica, or Ethiopian Tales 6.14–15 277 75. Abrasax Amulet (Suppl. Mag. 13 = PGM LXXXIX) 280 76. Amulet against Migraine (R. Kotansky, 1994, no.13) 281 77. Heraclitus, quoted by Plutarch in The Oracles of the Pythia, 21, p. 404d 321 78. Xenophon, Memorabilia, or Recollections of Socrates, 1.1.1–9 321 79. Questions Asked at Dodona (Dittenberger, Sylloge≤ 793; Sylloge ≥ 1160–61, 1163–65) 324 80. Timotheus Wants to Build a Temple (Dittenberger, Sylloge ≥ 977, 25–36 = IG XII 3, 248) 325 81. Procedure at an Oracle (Dittenberger, Sylloge ≥ 1157, 1–69 = IG IX 2, 1109) 326 82. Cicero, On Divination 2.115–16 328 83. Cicero, On Divination, excerpts from Books 1 and 2 330 84. Cicero, On Divination, excerpts from Book 2 332 85. Cicero, On Divination 1.63–64 334 86. Cicero, On Divination 2.127–28 335 87. Seneca, Agamemnon, vv. 710–78 336 88. Seneca, Agamemnon, vv. 867–908 339 89. Seneca, Heracles on Mount Oeta, vv. 1472–78 340 90. Lucan, Pharsalia 5.86–224 341 91. Paul, First Letter to the Corinthians 14:1–33 345 92. Plutarch, On the Ceasing of Oracles 39–40, pp. 431–32F 348 93. Plutarch, On the Oracles of the Pythia 10, pp. 398–99 350 94. Plutarch, On the Oracles of the Pythia 6, pp. 396–97 351 95. Plutarch, On the E at Delphi 6, p. 387 B/C 352 96. Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 5.12 352 97. Artemidorus, Oneirocritica, or On the Art of Judging Dreams, excerpts from Books 1–4 353 98. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 3.4–6 361 99. Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of Egypt 3.11 363 xi List of Texts 100. Porphyry, Life of Plotinus, par. 61 365 101. Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists 6.9.11–17; 6.10.6– 11.1 366 102. Seneca the Elder, Suasoriae 4.1–3 (from a speech by Arellius Fuscus) 389 103. Dio Cassius 49.43.5; 52.36.1–2 391 104. Manilius 1.25–112 392 105. Manilius 1.149–254 395 106. Manilius 1.474–531 398 107. Manilius 1.758–804 399 108. Manilius 2.60–79 401 109. Manilius 2.80–149 402 110. Manilius 2.567–607 404 111. Manilius 3.47–66 405 112. Manilius 3.560–617 406 113. Manilius 4.1–118 408 114. Firmicus Maternus, Mathesis 2.29, 10–12 412 115. Ptolemy, Tetrabiblus 1.2.1–8 413 116. Ptolemy, Tetrabiblus 1.2.20 415 117. Ptolemy, Tetrabiblus 1.3.17–19 416 118. Ptolemy, Tetrabiblus 1.3.1–3 417 119. Ptolemy, Tetrabiblus 3.13.14–15 418 120. Manetho, Apotelesmatica 4.271–85 419 121. Ptolemy, Anthologia Palatina 9.577 420 122. Tebtunis Papyri, no. 276 420 123. Vettius Valens, Anthologiae 5.6.4–12 (p. 219 Kroll) 421 124. Vettius Valens, Anthologiae 6.1.15–16 (p. 242 Kroll) 422 125. Plotinus, Enneads 3.1.5–6 423 126.
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