V J ■ '<7. -r ----• r THE aJNT(»« CSRONia^E. CUNTON. 8. & • THUB8DAY, /lULY 2, 1936 V ■■ S»T?S88»?m»! T* 19-^ "Si / \/ / STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 2ND^8:30 SHARP All Summer Merchandise Cut To Cost and Below. Values You’ve Waited For. Now Is Your Chance. Shop and Save XTRA! VALUES To Shout About xtra! ^ X - anklets TENNIS SfHbESr-v^ —BROOMSiBROOMSL - B^\CH-&y>®i(ybS^ - Children’s Anklets of good quality. All Men’s and Boys’ good h^vy Tennis Shoes, Good 4-string-Broonts. “A special purchase New styles, an white with leather soles. colors, all sizes. Very special. |Jc with hygiene inner soles. Sold every- AQ^ for. July Sale. While they last, 17^ Sizes 3 to 8. A bargain at 98c. PAc Pair . ................ .............3 where for '79c: Special ..4.'"........*....43 each X....... ........................... ............. 1 • July Sale Price, pair.......................... 3v CURTAIN FABRICS HOUSE SUPPERS SUMMER CAPS STEP-INS .Missek’ and Ladies’ Step-Ins, rayon silk, 5,000 yards Curtain Materials, in all Tc Ladies’ good quality felt House Slip- OCc Men’s and Boys* Summer 1 Tc lace-trimmed. A 19c value. 9 A® popular colors. Values to 15c. Yard 3 ' pers. All sizes. Special, pair.............LtD Caps. 25c values. Very special, each 13 Special ............................................. lU •X Summer Wash Pants HANDSOME NEW / Men’s sanforized shrunk Wash Pants, in woven stripes and checks. The quality is DRESSES! DRESSES! amazing. The price sells them. All OQ x ■' . ' The most sensational Dress Values ever of­ values to $1.95. July Sale Special fered. Cost forgotten. Beautiful new styles, in novelty crepes, printed silks and chiffons. Values! Values! / If you are a value seeker, see these. Quara^- Qelk’s buyers have combed the mar­ teed $9.95 and $12.95 yalue^Sizesfor every­ Men’s Cotton Wksh Pants, pre-shrunk and one. July Sale Price—^ sanforized. Checks and plaids. Also covert kets to bring you the most outstand­ cloths. .Sizes 29 to 50. ing suit value of the year, in stylish July Sale'Special, pair .............Of all year ’round fabrics. This group includes single and double brttsted S4.29 Boy^ Dress Shirts. all-wool w’ojoteds. Neyer before such NEW SILK CREPE DRESSES prices and never again such values; ’ Just unpacked new washable £^lk crepe Boys’ full cut, pre-shruiflc, fajst color Dress dresses, A special buy enablt^ ualo give you Shirts. Regular and sport collars;---- Sizes 34 to 44. Specially pi$ca4— this value. New pastel shades an^ white. All Sizes 8 to 14. Very special x:\rr........... 03 sizes. Values to J$4.95. July Sale Pric»— 3 for $1.00. $10.90 I — Boys’ Pants Two Suits for Vtd r $1.29 ^ys’ Long Pants ~of good quality,. pre­ ACETATE AND COTTON DRESSES shrunk materials. Fast to washing.* 7Jc Acetate crepe, cotton lace and voile dresses. Sizes 8 to 18." Very Special, pair.........I ^ Wash Suit Spedah" Pretty trimmed and tailored. $1.95 values Sanforized shrunk* lineh huh liniah and they are worth the money. and crashes. Single and double July Sale Price— x ' DVess Shirts New summer patterns,..8^aranteed fast col­ breasted models. Tans, greys and ors. All with the new vHlt-proof collar—no white. Values to $7.95; “'' " ^ wrinkling, no curling. Sizes 141/2 to 17. CQc Close-out price— — ^ 9$c Big Special for July "Bale ,each..........33 BATISTE AND VOILE DRESSES —^ 2 for $1.00 One large group of printed batiste and voile $4.h$ dresses. A 79c viUue. July Sale Price— Men’s Straw Hats Men’s white genuine Toyo Straw Hats, good 2 for $.100 quality, 79c value. iQci Extra Special during July Sale ..........43 is W«1( Clothes CHILDREN'S DRESSES ANVIL OVERALLS—220 mi. Denim, fuU shrunk, aU One ^oup of Children’s Dresses, QAc sizes. The name explains the quality. Sold everywherej values to 98c. While they last............ Ov X Polo Shirts , ( for $1.25 to $1.49. • QQ^ Men’s good quality Polo Shirts, made ^bf July Sale Special, i>to ............................ ............. 30 cotton mesh and rayon. Ideal fop hot days. BLOODHOUND oVeRALLS — Be&’s Bloodhound LADIES’HATS All sizes and colors. 98c values. - Mle All new white and pastel shades. ^y|c Overalls, full cut and full shrunk. Boy by name; July Sale Price, each .................,........ 44 For Men, ^Ac For Boys, AA^ Plenty to select from. Values to $1.95 •W — ! v3 July Sale Special.... 43 July Sale Special '•••/ Bathing Suits / Men^s and Boys’ all-wool Bathing 77^ Ladies’Hose Sheets! Sheets! ^Trunks with support, special.............. I • AH Shoes Greatly Reduced Ladies* all-silk chiffon Hose, all The famous 4-year guarantee new summer shades. Sizes 8^i Sheets, sold only and recom­ FOR LADIE19 — White Oxfordi^ Dress Ties, Pumps to 10 Vi- Imagine buying: silk mended by Belk’s. Regular price and Straps. Values to $2.95. Very apeciaL #| |0 hose at this low price. OQ^ 98c. Sizes 81x99. - 7Ac July SaleJhrice, pair ............. Special for July ^le.... July Sale Price, each .......l O •..... ." "rx'-.... rvm High-i^aia" Stfapero in Dress Ox­ Good quality Sheets, hemmed fords, Famps, Ties, Straps. Made Bathing Suits ~ and bleached, ready for . of the finest kathers for the most All Bathing Suits cut to cost use. July Sale Erice ....... and below.^ Munsingwear alt- nn / wool suits for ladies. Just Uie MARVELOUS VALUES thing for the^4th of July swim, Pillow Cases Rhgardless^ former-^#^ Q' jf Snuze Pillow Ceases, size 42x3fi, Yard-wide figured Batis^^ Voiles and FlaX*^^ price, out they go at.. good heavy quriity. Regular 15c ons. Values to 25e. ^•84 value. Special fdf^July July Sale Prfer, yard All sizes, one and tw^picce MEN’S WORK SHOES —Good quality, uiiJld leathmr styles. ^ , Saje .................. ..^..v....... SHEER GOODS uppers, with heavy composition aaks. aac $1.49 value. Special ..J-------- ______________ _ Children’s Bathing Suits re­ Bed Siveads Large table of assorted, Batistes, and Voiles. Also Printed Broadcloth. duced to— Just purchased 300 cotton and Men’s genuine white. bndt rayon Bed Spreads, size 84x105. Values to 39c. July Special, yard fords, also blade oxfords, 44c and 84c ^ Pretty colors and designs. Fast ±1 solid leather. SisM 6 to 12. colors. $1.95 values. A Ac, BIG 5c TABLE $2A5 values. Cannon Towels ' July Sale Price,'each .......IW/ One big table of assorted Printed Broad­ cloths, Tyler Plaids, yard-wide ^beeting and The greatest Towel value of the Cheviots. Values to 15c. year. Size 22x44, white and col­ July Sale Special,^yard $X«94 ored btHrders. Extra heavy and Marquisette Curtains, with wide very- abeoi:bent. Buy a year’s frills, for bedrooms. 2>/^ yd. in AUdiM O UU RViaiM/O — POUQ ICaiBer Up- supply at this low price. “ t Jc length. A Value at 79c, QQc pers and soles. So cool and comfortable for/work. In July Sale Price, each.......1^ Specjal, 2 pair for .v../.....OO BOYS’ POLO SI^TS B<^ cool mesh doth Pmo Shirts. A 50c ^Ac BELK’S valoe.ii||^>edsl ........
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