11946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 June 10, 2008 soon as possible; however, a ‘‘respon- San Diego County. He attended the costly loans because they do not have sible withdrawal’’ requires a replace- University of Southern California, the resources to carry these expenses ment to maintain peace and stability where he was editor of the Daily Tro- for multiple years. and to stop terrorism. I would urge the jan, and graduated in 1937. After grad- In addition, the tax treatment of African Union to continue sending uation, he worked in journalism until these expenses is not uniform in all ju- peacekeeping forces to Somalia so that World War II. Lionel honorably served risdictions—as some courts have dis- the Ethiopian forces can withdraw. our Nation in the U.S. Army, returning agreed with the IRS on the current Furthermore, I strongly support all to journalism and San Diego after the treatment. This is another reason the efforts that help convince Eritrea to war. current rule is unfair and should be play a constructive role in helping to A gentleman, a statesman, and a changed. Finally, I note that the IRS bring about a stable Somalia. I urge friend to all, Van earned the respect of interpretation is based on State legal the African Union, the United Nations his colleagues on both sides of the ethics rules about advances to clients and other peacekeeping groups in the aisle. He tirelessly worked on behalf of that have since been changed. region to pressure Eritrea to work with the people of San Diego. His legacy is I voted against cloture on the motion its regional partners to bring about substantial in San Diego—he helped to to proceed even though I obviously sup- peace and stability in Somalia. establish the Naval Medical Center San port S. 814, and although I also support f Diego as well as a Veterans’ Adminis- the tax extenders that expired at the tration hospital. Lionel’s spirit con- end of 2007—including the R&D tax CLIMATE SECURITY ACT tinues in the generations of leaders he credit, teacher expenses deduction, tui- Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I mentored and counseled. tion deduction, and accelerated depre- rise to respond to a statement that After leaving Congress in 1981, Van ciation for leasehold and restaurant Senator PRYOR made on Friday, June 6. returned to journalism as a political improvements. I also support some tax On that day, Senator PRYOR rose to ex- columnist, first for the San Diego Trib- extenders that are set to expire at the press his support for the basic approach une and later for the Union-Tribune. end of 2008 —including renewable en- that the Lieberman-Warner Climate His columns, which were eagerly read ergy tax incentives. Security Act takes to reducing emis- by San Diegans regardless of political The main sticking point between sions of certain greenhouse gases called party, were remarkable for the clarity Democrats and Republicans is whether hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs. Senator and common sense they brought to the temporary extensions of tax relief PRYOR praised our decision, in crafting political process. As a writer, his chief should be offset with permanent tax in- the Climate Security Act, to subject targets were hypocrisy and vested in- creases elsewhere. On April 23, 2008, I, HFCs to a separate cap-and-trade sys- terests, while his chief passions were along with 40 other Republicans, wrote tem rather than including them under American participatory democracy and to Finance Chairman BAUCUS to sup- the same cap with less potent green- the San Diego region he knew and port ‘‘enacting a 2008 AMT patch and house gases such as carbon dioxide. He served so well. extending the various expiring tax pro- expressed his hope that the initial level Van is survived by three daughters: vision without offsetting tax in- and reduction rate of the HFC cap Mary Susan, Victoria, and Elizabeth creases.’’ could be revised before the bill becomes Louise; two sons: Jeff and John; and The vote was a demonstration by Re- law. I welcome Senator PRYOR’s focus four grandchildren. publicans that they have numbers and on the Climate Security Act’s HFC pro- Our country has lost a remarkable that they need to be included in the visions, and I would like to work with public servant and tutor with the pass- process of drafting the bill. Republican him on that portion of the bill as it ing of Lionel Van Deerlin. His con- leadership had no expectation that any moves through the legislative process. tributions to the people of San Diego, Republican amendments would be al- I remain interested in increasing the the State of California, and our Nation lowed because of Leader REID’s stand- specificity of those provisions while si- should be remembered. ard operating procedure of filling the multaneously expanding the area of f tree and filing cloture. consensus among manufacturers of I am told that the leadership on both LITIGATION COST DEDUCTIONS HFCs, distributors of HFCs, manufac- sides and the chairman and ranking turers of equipment that uses HFCs, Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, on member of Finance will now sit down and the environmental community. March 8, 2007, I introduced S. 814. The to discuss the next steps. I think this is f bill has nine cosponsors: Senators a positive development and I will en- GRAHAM, SMITH, CRAPO, MARTINEZ, courage the inclusion in a bipartisan REMEMBERING CONGRESSMAN LANDRIEU, WYDEN, LEAHY, SALAZAR, bill of the proposed amendment to the LIONEL VAN DEERLIN and STABENOW. It was included in the Internal Revenue Code that is em- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I am energy/business tax extenders package, bodied in S. 814. honored to remember former Member on which a vote on the motion to pro- f of the House of Representatives Lionel ceed failed today. Van Deerlin, who passed away on May S. 814, would allow attorneys to de- REQUEST TO BE NOTIFIED 18, 2008, at the age of 93. duct reimbursable court costs and ex- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Lionel Van Deerlin, affectionately penses—expert witness fees, copying would like to inform my colleagues known as ‘‘Van,’’ served in Congress for and transcription costs, travel ex- that I have requested to be notified of over 18 years, representing San Diego. penses—in the same tax period in any unanimous consent agreement be- His legislative legacy includes a key which they are paid or incurred. For fore the Senate proceeds to the consid- role in revising the Federal laws to per- attorneys paid on a contingency fee eration of any legislation that amends mit California to set tougher emission basis, the Internal Revenue Service the Immigration and Nationality Act. I standards than the rest of the Nation. treats these expenditures as ‘‘loans’’ intend to reserve my right to object to As chairman of the House Sub- that may be repaid from any award or any such request unless legislation to committee on Communications, he ac- settlement at the end of the case. For reauthorize the E-verify program run tively worked to update the 1934 Fed- this reason, currently most attorneys by the Department of Homeland Secu- eral Communications Act in order to may take a deduction only in the same rity is included. keep up with changing technologies. A period he recognizes the income from Last week, I introduced legislation to leader in ethics, he was among the first the award—which may be years after permanently extend the employment congressional leaders to voluntarily the attorney has paid the expense/cost. verification program, which was cre- disclose his personal finances. This is a burden on, and often unfair ated in 1996. This program has been a Lionel was born in Los Angeles, CA, to, solo practitioners and attorneys in valuable asset for more than 69,000 em- on July 25, 1914, and grew up in north small firms who may have to assume ployers across the country that want VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:24 Feb 09, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S10JN8.001 S10JN8 WReier-Aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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