Polarized ultrashort brilliant multi-GeV γ-rays via single-shot laser-electron interaction Yan-Fei Li,1, 2 Rashid Shaisultanov,2 Yue-Yue Chen,2 Feng Wan,1, 2 Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan,2, ∗ Christoph H. Keitel,2 and Jian-Xing Li1, 2, y 1MOE Key Laboratory for Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Modulation of Condensed Matter, School of Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China 2Max-Planck-Institut f¨urKernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany (Dated: November 28, 2019) Generation of circularly-polarized (CP) and linearly-polarized (LP) γ-rays via the single-shot interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with a spin-polarized counterpropagating ultrarelativistic electron beam has been investigated in nonlinear Compton scattering in the quantum radiation-dominated regime. For the process simulation a Monte Carlo method is developed which employs the electron-spin-resolved probabilities for polarized photon emissions. We show efficient ways for the transfer of the electron polarization to the high- energy photon polarization. In particular, multi-GeV CP (LP) γ-rays with polarization of up to about 95% can be generated by a longitudinally (transversely) spin-polarized electron beam, with a photon flux meeting the requirements of recent proposals for the vacuum birefringence measurement in ultrastrong laser fields. Such high-energy, high-brilliance, high-polarization γ-rays are also beneficial for other applications in high-energy physics, and laboratory astrophysics. Polarization is a crucial intrinsic property of a γ-photon. Nevertheless, the nonlinear regime of Compton scattering is In astrophysics the γ-photon polarization provides detailed beneficial for the generation of polarized γ-photons, because insight into the γ-ray emission mechanism and on properties the polarization is enhanced at high γ-photon energies [12], of dark matter [1, 2]. Highly-polarized high-energy γ-rays are and the typical emitted photon energy is increased in the quan- a versatile tool in high-energy [3] and nuclear physics [4]. For tum nonlinear regime, becoming comparable with the electron instance, polarized γ-rays of tens of MeV can be used to excite energy [22, 23]. In the nonlinear regime the relative bandwidth polarization-dependent photofission of the nucleus in the giant of emission is increased [24], which is not suitable for pho- dipole resonance [5], while polarized γ-rays of up to GeV play tonic applications involving narrow resonances, and stimulated crucial roles for the meson-photoproduction [6]. investigations for the bandwidth reduction, see e.g. [25, 26]. Recently, several proposals have been put forward to detect However, vacuum birefringence is not a resonant effect and vacuum birefringence in ultrastrong laser fields, probing it with its measurement does not require a small γ-photon bandwidth, circularly-polarized (CP) or lineraly-polarized (LP) γ-photons but mostly high flux of highly-polarized high-energy photons. of high-energies (larger than MeV and up to several GeV), Regarding deficiencies connected with the bremsstrahlung see [7–11], taking advantage of the fact that the QED vacuum mechanism, the incoherent bremsstrahlung cannot generate nonlinearity is significantly enhanced for high-energy photons. LP γ-photons, and the scattering angle and emission diver- As proved in [11], the use of CP rather than LP probe photons gence are both relatively large [27]. Furthermore, for coherent reduces the measurement time of vacuum birefringence and bremsstrahlung [4, 28], the current density of the impinging vacuum dichroism by two orders of magnitude. electrons and the radiation flux is limited by the damage thresh- The common ways of producing high-energy polarized γ- old of the crystal material [20, 29, 30]. rays are linear Compton scattering [12–16] and bremsstrahlung With rapid developments of strong laser techniques, stable [17–20]. The advantage of the former is that it employs unpo- (energy fluctuation ∼ 1%) ultrashort ultraintense laser pulses larized electron beams, and the emitted γ-photon polarization can reach peak intensities of the scale of 1022 W/cm2 with is determined by the driving laser polarization, while in the lat- a duration of about tens of femtoseconds [31–36], opening ter the spin of the scattering electron determines the γ-photon new ways to generate high-energy high-flux γ-rays [37–42] polarization [21]. However, in linear Compton scattering the in the nonlinear regime of Compton scattering [22, 43–45]. electron-photon collision luminosity is rather low. The colli- Moderately polarized γ-photons have been predicted in strong sion luminosity can be increased by using high-intensity lasers, fields in electron-spin-averaged treatment [7, 46, 47]. However, but in this case the interaction regime moves into the non- the polarization properties of radiation are essentially spin- linear regime, when the radiation formation length is much dependent in the nonlinear regime [27, 48], differing from those arXiv:1907.08877v2 [physics.plasm-ph] 27 Nov 2019 smaller than the laser wavelength. Then during the photon in the linear regime [49–52]), which calls for comprehensive formation the laser field does not vary much and the emission spin-resolved studies, especially in the most attractive high- process acquires similarity to bremsstrahlung. Namely, in the energy regime. nonlinear regime the circular polarization of the emitted γ- In this Letter, the feasibility of generation of polarized ultra- photon requires longitudinally spin-polarized (LSP) electrons. short multi-GeV brilliant γ-rays via nonlinear Compton scatter- ing with spin-polarized electrons is investigated theoretically (see Fig. 1). High-flux γ-photons with polarization beyond 95% are shown to be feasible in a single-shot interaction, along ∗ [email protected] with new applications in high-energy, astro- and strong laser y [email protected] physics. The investigation is based on the developed Monte 2 tum. The angle-integrated radiation probability of a polarized photon with a polarized electron reads: 2 d W f i W = R (F + ξ F + ξ F + ξ F ) ; (1) dudη 2 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 p h 3i where WR = αm= 8 3πoc (k · pi)(1 + u) , α is the fine struc- ture constant, u = "γ= "i − "γ , oc the Compton wavelength, "γ the emitted photon energy, "i the electron energy before radiation, η = k · r the laser phase, while pi, k, and r are four-vectors of the electron momentum before radiation, laser wave-vector, and coordinate, respectively. The photon polar- ization is represented by the Stokes parameters (ξ1, ξ2, ξ3), defined with respect to the axes eˆ1 = aˆ − vˆ(vˆaˆ) and eˆ2 = vˆ × aˆ FIG. 1. Scenarios of generating CP and LP γ-rays via nonlinear [64], with the photon emission direction nˆ along the electron Compton scattering. (a): An arbitrarily-polarized (AP) laser pulse velocity v for the ultrarelativistic electron, vˆ = v=jvj, and the propagating along +z direction and head-on colliding with a longitu- unit vector aˆ = a=jaj along the electron acceleration a. The dinally spin-polarized (LSP) electron bunch produces CP γ-rays. (b): variables introduced in Eq. (1) read: An elliptically-polarized (EP) laser pulse propagating along +z direc- 2 h 0 0 i 2 tion and colliding with a transversely spin-polarized (TSP) electron F0 = −(2 + u) IntK 1 (u ) − 2K 2 (u ) (1 + Si f ) + u (1 − Si f ) bunch produces LP γ-rays. The major axis of the polarization ellipse 3 3 h 0 0 i 2 0 2 x IntK 1 (u ) + 2K 2 (u ) + 2u Si f IntK 1 (u ) − (4u + 2u ) is along the -axis. 3 3 3 0 2 0 (S f + Si) [vˆ × aˆ] K 1 (u ) − 2u (S f − Si) [vˆ × aˆ] K 1 (u ) 3 3 2 h 0 0 i Carlo method for simulation of polarization-resolved radiative −4u IntK 1 (u ) − K 2 (u ) (Si · vˆ)(S f · vˆ); (2) 3 3 processes in the interaction of an ultrastrong laser beam with 2 0 n o F1 = −2u IntK 1 (u ) (Siaˆ)S f [vˆ × aˆ] + (S f aˆ)Si [vˆ × aˆ] + a relativistic spin-polarized electron beam. While the scheme 3 for CP γ-photons includes an arbitrarily-polarized (AP) laser h i 0 4u (Si · aˆ)(1 + u) + (S f · aˆ) K 1 (u ) + 3 pulse colliding with a LSP electron bunch (see Fig. 1(a)), the 0 2u(2 + u)vˆ[S f × Si]K 2 (u ); (3) scheme for LP γ-photons employs an elliptically-polarized 3 (EP) laser pulse with a small ellipticity colliding with a trans- n 2 n o F2 = − 2u (Sivˆ)S f [vˆ × aˆ] + (S f vˆ)Si [vˆ × aˆ] + 2u(2 + u) versely spin-polarized (TSP) electron bunch (see Fig. 1(b)). o 0 h i The spin-dependent radiation reaction in a laser field with a aˆ[S f × Si] K 1 (u ) − 4u (Si · vˆ) + (S f · vˆ)(1 + u) 3 small ellipticity yields the separation of γ-photons with respect 0 h i 0 IntK 1 (u ) + 4u(2 + u) (Si · vˆ) + (S f · vˆ) K 2 (u ); (4) to the polarization and the enhancement of the polarization 3 3 " 2 2 # rate. u u 0 F3 = 4 1 + u + (1 + u + )Si f − (Si · vˆ)(S f · vˆ) K 2 (u ) Let us first introduce our new Monte Carlo method for simu- 2 2 3 lation of polarized γ-photon emissions during the interaction 2 n o 0 +2u Si [vˆ × aˆ] S f [vˆ × aˆ] − (Si · aˆ)(S f · aˆ) IntK 1 (u ) of polarized relativistic electrons with ultrastrong laser fields. 3 Photon emissions are treated quantum mechanically, while the h i 0 −4u (1 + u)Si [vˆ × aˆ] + S f [vˆ × aˆ] K 1 (u ); (5) electron dynamics semiclassically. At each simulation step the 3 photon emission is determined by the total emission probabil- 0 0 R 1 where u = 2u=3χ, IntK 1 (u ) ≡ 0 dzK 1 (z), Kn is the n-order ity, and the photon energy by the spectral probability, using 3 u 3 modified Bessel function of the second kind, S and S are the common algorithms [53–55].
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