A P«horamii COVERING or W$0 HOLMDE*. aUDUON IfcPeople And MRLMIO. aUfAWAN vcnU MAI AWAN WWOUOH Member f7A YtAR - 4th WEEK I PraM AuoctiiUoa MAFAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1965 National Editorial AuocliUon Single Copy Tan Cents Foodtown; Three Firemen Hurt availability of the aerial ladder (or I awan Wine and Liquor hulld'uiRs mi prate glass out. causing it to fall mother, Mrs. Gussie Bell, had thij A million-dollar lira gutted the Foodtown market of Chief John Melna, borough po- blaze cannot be known until after lice, reported Paul Pouzenc, pro- ttte premises have cooled olf and saving the total Matawan business raculously escaped major damage, on persons, injuring ur killing them, t business incorporated in the nama Martin and Calvin Bell at IM Main St., Matawan, in the prietor of a tavern nearby on Investigation made. (listed. \Jhe heat was so Intense from th» Martin Hell reported the Food- • of the Cju,Mji|i^^Corp. after tho town store had justj been stocked j death.''oi^piMiViMader of. fl\e•-.. early hours of this morning; reducing the interior to a Main St., first spotted smoke emit- -A-eailt-went out for outsid«.help," -v-Hoie lines were run both to LnkpfdUrae- thut firt-lnands were caniuil i; : rubble and leaving only the seared and cracked walls stand- ting from the Foodtown building bringing firemen of Frenuau;-- the I^fferts and Lake Matawan, so j through the windows of the apart- thai afternoon with $20.0(10 worth of ibusiness". ' i foods and meats in anticipation of j Martin and Calvin Bell ..were of ing. Chief Patrick Longo, Matawan Borough Fire Depart- and gave the alarm at 1:10 a.m. two Matawan Township companies that water supply was fortuitously rncnt of Mrs. Peggy Hoffni-r, ac- The fire had evidently been burn- and Engine Co., Eagle Hose and no serious problem. Traffic was I ross th« street nt 131 Main St., mid heavy weekend trade. The proprie-: Ihe opinion that Ihe walls left stand- ment, reported the alarm a* coming in at 1:10 a.m. He ing within the building for some Hook and Ladder, Keypjjft,., to '.he more of a hamper us wilh streets | plastic shades in her apartment tors said the last persons wen,' off jing are so cracked with heat that •aid the (ire was under control by 2:30 a.m. despite the time as it was breaking through the scene. Hcok and jjaw'r'?:1 uenal in the Atlantic Avc. • Church Si j niellcd. Chiefs Longo and Mdita Ilie premises at 9 p.m. yesturday. j they'"r#jio,ie demolished and any headway it gained and no other structures were ignited roof when firemen arrived at 'he ladder was quickly •ftiVdMl and a area and Lloyd Rd. closed off. • vere much concerned at tho way The Hells had developed theI new structure to go up on the pre- mises will have lo be a completely even though the Matawan Wine & Liquor shop is close scene. The heat and headway of force line was plajfjEiVtlto blaze much auto and truck travel had ; spectators crowded in front of the store to its present sizu over a per-1 flames blocked any attempt of fire- from above. Courffilmon Vcrnon! been diverted to using borough I large plate I'lass windows of liusi- iod of 1G years. It was one of Maw-.[new building. against the north wall of Bell's and Sandford Pharmacy is men to go within the building. Ellison, chairman of (ire affairs for Istreets. "c.'-s- !Hii!ditH:s iicro^.s the street, waii's older business esiabliiji:', (Adillliun.il Fire Pictures). 10 feet across Little St. away. The fire trucks left the Chief Mclnn said tlie cause ot the the borough council, credited the' Sandford Pharmacy and the Mat-1 fearing the heat would buckle the incuts. Tlie brothers and their I'age Two ecene at 6:30 a.m. except for one on standby duty. 'Chief Longo reported three Matu wan first Aid Squad for treatment "YES" Group To Meet Tom's Ford WilT wan firemen were lufficiently in- lor smoke inhalation. Robert Zietf- To Move For Contempt Aug. 5 jured in fighting the blue to be ler, Washington Engine Co. was The Planning; Board of the Mat- removed from the scene. Richard treated at the scene. The Chief re- awan - Keyport Youth Employ- Expand Business Hackmann, Midway Hoie. and Hu«- ported a number of other firemen ment Service will meet Tuesday, aell Bucco,M. E. Haleyy were tak- given treatment for temporary fits at 8 p.m. In the clubhouse ol the At New Site Near •n to Rlvcrviaw Hoipllil by Mali- of "wheezlness" from the smoke. Woman's Club of Malawan, 1*1 If Pardun Stays Sewer Job Jackson St., Maliwan. Mrs. J. B. William J. O'Hagan jr.. Asbury there is no better compliance with ting by the Sewerage Authority of Parkway Interchange Warrington, President ot YES In Park, attorney lor the Malawan the terms of the contract after the a deadline of June 7 for the iom Cranford will act is consultant Township Sewerage Authority, was order of the court for Ihe compic- pleting of the project. Mr. Kaufman Thom-as Ly-ltle, president of No Delay Asked In ler the meeting, scheduled lo appear before Super-: tion of the work has been put in entered an action before the court Tom's Ford Inc., 60 Main St., YES is a non-profit organiia- lor Court Judge Gen? R. Marino! written form today, a motion to jseeking an accounting of the finan- Matawan, confirmed yesterday that Mw designed to jet Jons lor in Freehold this morning with an hold the Pardun firm in contempt cial responsibility of the Seweu^e approval had been received from young people between the sgn order to fix in written form the I will be entered in Superior Court in !Authority and alleging there uere the Ford Motor Co. for removal of •f 14 and II. A great deal ol verbal directive given by Judt-ei a week's time. I $300,000 in additional claims that the firm's main auto sales room l<i Apportionment Plan volunteer work Is necessary to needed to L-- adjudicated. a 4.5 acre trad at the intersection Leon Leonard, in Chancery Division j the Pardun firm ceased to have of Routes 15 and 36 and the Garden war Township officials fail- when they prepare budgets for the 1it slartrd and lo keep II go- July 2, directing that C. J. Pardun1 more than a skeleton force at work Action Withdrawn im-Sl school year. State Parkway Interchange in Key- «d to file an application with the c & Son. Milltown, should proceed on the Cliffwood Beach project j This action was withdrawn bo- port. State Department ol Education for Methad Of Apportionment The Matawan Junior Woman') wilh Ihe installation of sewers in over a month ago despite the set-,fore Judge Leonard July I when The method of sharing operating Mr. Lyttle expressed his regret a, year'i delay in the updating of Club, sponsoring YES In this ar- Cliffwoixl Beach with "reasonable his verbal order for completion of costs among member municipalities ea, elteads in Invitation to any- at moving the showroom front Ike cost sharing formula employed dispatch" and "good faith." The Ihe work was given. The court lit In those districts has been based on •a* Interested to attend the meet- form of order was to be heard by that lime declined to entertain a Malawan, where it has been since lo support the Matawan Regional average daily enrollments for the lag aad vehMttr their services William U. Kaufman, Elizabeth, as Bus Use Approved Ihe firm was the second Ford out- school year preceding preparation suggestion by Mr. Kaufman that School District, la help gel VKS "oil the ground attorney for the Pardun firm, but IUHHIIH firm could be sought lo let lo be established In tho state of the budget. The bill signed Into half century ago. Hul he noted th* The year'i delay clause wis In- la eat eemmaally." thin morning there was no ari>u- complete the contract. aerted ia ihe law at the request law changed this to the number of mt'nt on whether the written form For Recreation new location provided Ihe acreage of Mayor Henry Triphigea it con- pupils enrolled on the last school The verbal order of Judga Leon- to accommodate the srowih of (lit by Mr. O'llagan covers exactly the ard put off until completion of the) ferences with stito officials and day of September of the "current" Intent of Judge Leonard'.* vorbal Available To Both The directors of tho Farmer* business and the location Is an un- legislator* earlier this year. school year. Inquiry Ordered work contracted for the "money ! & Merchant* National Hank have usual one Indeed, at the conflu- A year's delay was possible under Thus, In preparing I9M-87 bud- order, lorough And Township Issues" that have arisen between ann/Hiiiceil tin1 appointment of Mrs. ence of two highways with the In- the Mil signed by Gov. Richard J. gets, the reaionil districts will use Mr. O'llagan said ycsti-tduy In- the Sewerage Authority and the Mae A. Dell as an Assistant Cash- terchange, plus being a New York Hughes June IS, provided the com- Sept. 31, IMS enrollments Instead of On Fire Hydrants had been Informed by Matawan Use during Ihe summer of slu-' I'urdun firm. It W.IH acknowledged ier of Iht' bank.
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