East Midlands Regional Plan February 2008 annual monitoring report 2006/07 FOREWORD This is the sixth Regional Plan Annual Monitoring Report produced by the East Midlands Regional Assembly as Regional Planning Body (RPB) and monitors policies contained within the Public Consultation Draft East Midlands Regional Plan which was published in September 2006. The Report builds on the partnership working established in the previous rounds of annual monitoring, with much of the technical work undertaken by Intelligence East Midlands, overseen by the Assembly’s Monitoring and Review Advisory Group and other Regional Plan Groups. In the context of the new planning system, with its focus on delivery of sustainable development and sustainable communities, monitoring takes on an added importance in providing a check on whether those aims are being achieved. An important aspect of these arrangements is the flexibility to update components of the Regional Plan to reflect changing circumstances.The ability to focus on specific sub regional policy areas and to be able to undertake partial reviews, as opposed to revising the entire Regional Plan, allows RPBs to respond quickly to changing priorities for development in their areas. Monitoring plays a critical part in any policy review.That is why part of the test of soundness of the Regional Plan is whether there are clear mechanisms for implementation and monitoring. The Regional Plan has a critical interface with national policy, other regional strategies and local plans and programmes. The Regional Assembly is increasingly coordinating its monitoring with the national, regional and local monitoring of related strategies, plans and programmes.This is helping to promote the exchange of information, achieve some degree of consistency between different planning and monitoring activities and reduce overall resource requirements. It is also assisting the Assembly in gaining a greater understanding of the changes taking place in the Region.The Assembly continues to work with local authorities, regional partners and Communities and Local Government on the development and collection of indicators and data and is playing its part in the drive to secure agreement on data specifications. I would like to acknowledge the support of the Region’s Planning Authorities and wide range of other data providers, not least our own Planning, Housing and Transport team here at Melton Mowbray, whose time and technical expertise have contributed to the successful production of this Report. I hope you find this Annual Monitoring Report both informative and interesting to read. Councillor Jim Harker Chairman of the Regional Housing, Planning and Transport Joint Board East Midlands Regional Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2006/07 3 CONTENTS* Executive Summary 10 Section 1- Introduction 14 Section 2- Key Points & Actions 18 Section 3- Housing 29 Policy 2- A Regional Approach to Selecting Land for Development 33 Proportion of housing completions achieved on previously developed land or through conversions Policy 3- Promoting Better Design 33 Density of new housing BREEAM standards Lifetime Homes standard SuDs drainage schemes Policy 14- Regional Housing Provision 36 Housing trajectories Policy 15- Regional Priorities for Affordable Housing 41 Affordable housing completions by LA areas Ratio of wage rates and housing costs Policy 16- Regional Priorities for Provision for Gypsies and Travellers 44 Number of pitches provided Policy 17- Regional Targets for the Efficient Use of Land and Buildings for Housing 45 Density of new housing Proportion of housing completions achieved on previously developed land or through conversions Vacant dwellings by tenure Policy 18- Regional Priorities for Managing the Release of Land for Housing 47 Phasing policies in place in LDFs Section 4- Economy 49 Policy 2- A Regional Approach to Selecting Land for Development 52 Development served by public transport Policy 19- Regional Priority Areas for Regeneration 53 Net change in land and floorspace developed for employment by type Benefit Claimant Count Policy 20- Regional Priorities for Employment Land 56 Net change in office and industrial land / floorspace and proportion on PDL Employment land supply by type Rental and land values Policy 21- Regional Priorities for Town Centres and Retail Development 70 Amount of completed retail, office and leisure development by local authority area % of completed retail, office and leisure development in town centres Outstanding planning permissions and allocations for retail, office and leisure development Policy 22- Regional Priorities for Casino development 74 Number of casinos developed in regeneration areas Policy 23- Regional Priorities for Rural Diversification 75 Number of new business start ups New jobs created East Midlands Regional Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2006/07 4 CONTENTS Policy 24- Regional Priorities for Tourism 80 Change in number of jobs in tourist related activities Visitor spending in region Number of overnight stays in region Policy 25- Regional Priorities for ICT 83 Access to broadband Level of service form broadband infrastructure Take up and use of broadband services Section 5- Environment 86 Policy 26- Protecting and Enhancing the Region’s Natural and Cultural Heritage 91 Cases of damage to natural and cultural assets and compensatory measures Improvements in the condition of land classified as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Policy 27- Regional Priorities for Environmental and Green Infrastructure 94 Policy 28- Priorities for Enhancing the Region’s Biodiversity 95 Change in areas of biodiversity importance, including: priority habitats and species (by type); and areas designated for their intrinsic value including sites of international, national, regional or sub-regional significance Policy 29- Regional Priorities for Managing and Increasing Woodland Cover 97 Area of new woodland created Policy 30- Priorities for the Management and Enhancement of the Region’s Landscape 98 % of region covered by Landscape Character Assessments Policy 31- Regional Priorities for the Historic Environment 99 Number of listed buildings at risk Policy 32- A Regional Approach to the Water Resources and Water Quality 101 Planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice Developments with SuDS Water efficiency targets in new development Policy 33- Regional Priorities for Strategic River Corridors 103 Ecological River Quality Condition of SSSIs in river corridors Policy 34- Priorities for the Management of the Lincolnshire Coast 107 Change in areas of biodiversity importance, including: priority habitats and species (by type); and areas designated for their intrinsic value including sites of international, national, regional or sub-regional significance Policy 35- A Regional Approach to Managing Flood Risk 108 Planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flood defence ground Planning permissions granted with SuDS Number of strategic flood risk assessments undertaken Policy 38- Regional Priorities for Energy Reduction and Efficiency 112 Domestic and Commercial/Industrial Energy Consumption East Midlands Regional Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2006/07 5 CONTENTS Policy 39- Regional Priorities for Low Carbon Energy Generation 115 Capacity of additional Combined Heat and Power facilities Capacity of additional renewable energy facilities Carbon dioxide emissions Policy 40- Regional Priorities for Culture, Sport and Recreation 121 Number of businesses in the creative industries Number of people employed in the creative industries Section 6- Minerals, Aggregates & Waste 122 Policy 36- Regional Priorities for Minerals 124 Production of primary land won aggregates produced by Minerals Planning Authority Production of recycled and secondary aggregates by Minerals Planning Authority Policy 37- Regional Priorities for Waste Management 129 Capacity of waste management facilities by type by Waste Planning Authority Amount of controlled waste arising and managed by management type % each management type represents of total waste managed Proportion of waste diverted from landfill Section 7- Transport 144 Policy 41- Regional Transport Objectives 144 Policy 42- Sub Area Transport Objectives 145 Policy 43- Regional Approach to Traffic Growth Reduction 145 Levels of traffic growth Scale of congestion in urban areas and on inter-regional routes Policy 44- A Regional Approach to Behavioural Change 151 Number of businesses and schools with travel plans % of workforce employed by companies with travel plans % of pupils attending schools with travel plans Journeys made by cycle Number and length of new cycle routes provided Policy 45- Regional Priorities for Parking Levies and Road User Charging 154 Policy 46- Regional Car Parking Standards 155 Policy 47- A Regional Approach to Developing Public Transport Accessibility Criteria 155 Policy 48- Regional Heavy Rail Priorities 156 Punctuality and reliability of services Policy 49- Regional Priorities for Bus and Light Rail Services 157 Level of bus and light rail patronage (number of boardings) Policy 50- Regional Priorities for Integrating Public Transport 158 New Public Transport Interchanges Developed New Park and Ride Facilities Policy 51- Regional Trunk Road Priorities 159 Number of people killed or seriously injured in road accidents East Midlands Regional Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2006/07 6 CONTENTS Policy 52- Regional Major Highway Priorities 160 Policy 53- Implementation of the Regional Freight Strategy 161 Policy
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