I DAILY EVEIilliG EDITIQ!! DAILY EVENING EDITm " TO ADVERTISERS. ; Forecast for Eastern Orecoa. by th United stale Weather Observ-e- The Rait Oregonlan baa tb largest paid -- circulation of any paper Id Oregon, caat of ( at Portland. Portland and orer twlca tha circulation In Fandleton of id? otbar newspaper. Fair tonight and Saturday. ' COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL TAPER. VOL. 20. PENDLETON, OREG OX ; FIUDAV, MAfiCN C, 1914. NO. 8132 HOWARD CAPTURED AFTER BASEBALL TEAMS ARE BACK WEST TELLS GHIGA60 WHAT III SAID FATHER ANXIETY FDR FATE IMG CHASE BY SHERIFF FROM TOUR OF THE WORLD UGLl in HIM HE THIHS OF MINE STRIKE III DE VillUIIG TO OVEII TOLLS GIVEN NEW YORK, March 6. YOUTH XD COMPANION MAKE The ivE LIFE OF FOREIGNERS III liner Lusltanla. bringing the Gi- - mw CONDIT - T,D NOT BE TOL- - . OFFICIAL GO SOME TO ants and White Sox, docked at .a." --TV xftv w " OREGON HE GET THEM. " ,lts pier at 10 o'clock this morn- - r ry j CLARES. IIMIE FAVORABLE HEP A Ing. Thousands shouted a wel- - TO SAVE HIS WE After a long and . exciting chase I come.' The organized ball mag- - i tr J WW CUIUS which took pursuers and pursued six nates took possession of the lin- - V jO, Ma 6. Oswald W est, 1 Chl- - miles up Birch creek, over hills, across er. Federal League officials J a of Oregon, arrived In fields, through fences up were to yesterday on his way east. Ready to Hand and and unable charter a tug or While Dictator is Declared Dep- House Commerce Committee Con- passes Aged yng down draws. Sheriff Taylor and secure and were forced Mexican Desires to SurrendC . for his train. Governor West Meager Reports Receives But Fight- uty joe ..,id Over Government and Take. Field Sheriff Blakely late yesterday siders Matter With Regard to Re. to wait on the pier. The liner a few unkind things about the afternoon captured George Howard, was boarded at quarantine by Himself to Villa But Friends Warn v&pper magnates of Michigan, and ing in Some Parts Believed to be Against the Rebels. the boy yesterday peal of Free in Ban Johnson president told what might happen to were who Clause Bill. of the Him Against it. them Raging Fiercely. morning threatened to shoot his American leakue; Owner Landln the mines located in his state. father, and with him Earl Wood, an- of Boston, and President Baker The governor had been reading the other boy who has been associating of the Philadelphia Nationals. statement MacNaughton, REJAS lAY BE PRESIDENT JDST WHAT WILSON DESIRES of James with him.. The boys proved too fleet The Federals sent a wireless to REBEL WOULON'T UNDERSTAND general manager of the Calumet A WHITES AKD BLACKS of foot for the officers, an automobile Speaker asking him to tell the Hecla Mining company, that the min- OSE proved Impractical In the chase and other players the magnates were ing companies will not agree to ar- OTie Minister of Foreign Affairs la It waa 'finally necessary , for Sheriff I to In As- waiting for them at the Knlck- - IaNage the House Seems General Tcrrazaa Is Trying to Raise bitration of the strike and that no one the Possible Candidate for the Taylor to do a little relay riding In or. sured But Reception In erbocker hotel, ready to talk will be allowed companies Latter Predominate In Man Sections the Senate Half a Million Dollars Which Revo- to tell the ruo Position, ' According to Report der to land his quarry.' Is Not ho Certain Obstructive Tac- business. that their "own affairs are not their Janeiro Continues Under , lutionist Demand to Prevent For-mer- 'tt Huerta Declare lie Will Be Ready The officers firat came upon the tics May Delay Debate on Measure own affairs." Martial Law and News Ceaaor 1m Son Being Killed Wealthy 11 to ljmre Capital Within Month. boys on the Charles McBee place on for Several Weeks, Strict Butcheries Said to Hare Oc-- ; Mexican Has Lost Fortune. "I think that Is a fool remark," curred la On State. Butter creek. Deputy Blakely was said Governor West. "The people of "MEXICO CITY. March 6. After within SO yards of them before they WASHINGTON, March . The 0-- EL PASO. March 6. General Ter-raza- 's Oregon would not stand for that i appointing a aucceaaor who will be discovered house commerce committee, favorably W. R. & N. TO SPEND BUENOS AYRES, March him. He asked them to friends are trying to strike a minute. It is a matter which .Seri- acceptable to the Washington admin- stop but they heeded not his words reported In Congressman Sims' resolu- dissuade ous anxiety for foreigners In. some him from going to Chihuahua City to not only concerns mine owners and parts istration, Huerta unqueatlonably la and started up the hillside at a pace tion repealing the clause giving Am- IN WALLA WALLA of Brazil Is felt as a result of erican vessels exemption from Pana- $50,000 give himself up to Villa as hostage the strikers, but every taxpayer In the reports of fierce fighting preparing to take the field personally which the officer could , not hold. between the Dore-mu- s. for his son, Luis, Jr., a prisoner state of Michigan. against the rebela In the very near Sheriff Taylor waa across .'the creek ma canal tolls. Committeeman in whites and negroes in localities Laf-fert- y the rebels' hands. They la aald he has In mind and they eluded also. finally Knowland, Hamilton and argued that The governor will speak before the where the black populations are large. future. It for him He Villa Is not the man o appreciate an the presidency Joe Je La Portlllo T secured a saddle mule at a farm house voted against the report. WALLA WALLA. March 6. The woman's department of the National The telegraph censorship at Rio Is O.-- offer of such sacrifice it un- Ac- boys The Sima resolution exactly what R. & N. Comtianv will nnonH and Civic Federation In New York next Janeiro, where martial law prevails, Rojas, minister of foreign affalra. but the proved wily. They dlsap doubtedly would cost cording to frtenda, Rojas was given peared over hills, doubled back President Wilson asked In his mes- ISO, 000 in making improvements in the father's life Friday. His topic will be "Prison Re, made it Impossible to get more than : when sage to congress. Adamson of Geor- w year, without saving the son's. portfolio of foreign to out of sight, croased as many fencea alia alia this according to in- form." Inkling of the situation. Stories are the minister gia, press adoption ' give as ways will its in the formation received by District Freight Terrazas exerted himself vainly to current of shocking butcheries the Americans a chance to make they could and in other made house but it rests with Underwood, of Passenger Agent raise half a million in the proved it difficult pursuer to and R. Burns and J. dollars which state of Ceara. his acquaintance. He haa for their fol Alabama, who opposes it, to decide P. O'Brien, vice president Villa to prevent being general low. and gener- wanted his son MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Argentine capital Is largely inter- friendly to them, and the when it will come up. There were al manager of the road. chosen to head the rebels' prospective opinion among foreigners ta will Howard was with a .22 rlble ested In BrazIL he armed Indications that obstructive tactics The improvements attack on Toreon, which would mean be satisfactory to everybody concern- but did not offer to use It in resist will Include a OF COUNTY TO BE FORMED will be resorted to and it is unlikely ten-sta- ll almost Though was except ance. Both boys were brought back round house, new shops, tools certain death. he ed the rebela,,, a consideration of the measure will pits rated at forty million before la reported to consult- and locked In Young Howard, cinder and other equipment and dollars Huerta have Jail. be possible until after the adminis- necessary improvements. the rebellion, Terraza's circumstan- BROVfl WILL RtESIGII ed O'Shaughnessy regarding the plan who Is out on parole, will probably tration's anti-tru- st program has been The improvements will ces circumstances have been straight- PASTORS ALL DENOMINA- "I Intend to leave the capital wlth-- i be sent back to the reform school ana put through. This would mean a de- be made in OF O.-- ened by the rebel confiscation of his In a la to It la possible Wood boy will ac lay to July. the neighborhood of the yards TIONS WILL ORGANIZE month," he understood have the June or passenger property. mild, will go to front, leav company him. Senator O'Gorman, of and old station. It is prob- LEAGUE "and the leader the new freight HERE MONDAY. PRESIDEHGY Ing government T The boy insurgents re- able that a depot and the in other hand. mother of the believes that democratic against the loading am sure the United States will be the criminality of her son Is due to peal, said the senate committee would shed will be Included. ROBBERS GET $10,000 pleased pressure on the brain caused by a not rush matters. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT All ministers of Umatilla county of with this arrangement" to la blow from a ball bat some years ago. It seemed likely the resolution would Hill's Nomination Favorable, all denominations have been called There official authority for the Mon- WALLA WALLA.
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