(111The Bible and 11111#14 ,141,1!,,Irpti. , III, l!.Yrl WJ.ll III VII I II' ti 1111,111, t:1,1111' I I: 1).,N111‘111,191 %t 1II isc.erning e gimes youth. In London there were a quarter more con- victions of youth from seventeen to twenty-one in 1958 than in 1957, and the latter year showed a twenty-five per cent increase over 1956. Since 1953 the figures for youth crime have doubled Key both in London and over the whole country. One of the maps at New Scotland Yard on which a record is kept of every crime committed in the London Naturally, these figures are reflected in the pri- Metropolitan area. son population, which in 1958 was over 20,000 as against about 8,000 twenty years ago. Nor is this trend confined to our own country. THE CURE FOR CRIME The Federal Bureau of Prisons in the United States has just published its report which showed that It FOR a long time the impression has been at the end of 1958 there were 205,643 behind I. deepening in the minds of thinking people that prison bars, which is 225 per cent over the prison the wave of lawlessness which began to rise after population of ten years ago. And the crime statis- World War II must be reaching a new and sinis- tics of other countries doubtless reveal the same ter peak, for hardly a day now passes without its tragic trend. quota of foul murders, bank raids, and coshings, Commenting on the figures in his own report, besides the constant stream of lesser crimes. Sir Joseph Simpson, London's Chief Commissioner This impression has been confirmed by the pub- of Police, makes a remark of the deepest signifi- lication, during the past few weeks, of the 1958 cance. "Perhaps the most disturbing feature of the crime statistics for the City of London and for rise of crime today," he says, "lies in the fact that the United Kingdom as a whole. neither the absence of real poverty nor the more In London the figures for indictable offences progressive methods employed in dealing with de- last year were nearly eighteen per cent higher than linquents appears to have done anything to reduce in 1945, the previous "peak," and sixty per cent the volume of crime." higher than in 1938. For the whole country, the The reason that the situation is so "disturbing" increase was fifteen per cent over last year, with to so many social thinkers of our time is because a similar proportionate increase over earlier years. for decades the evolutionary philosophy has been Most disturbing of all the grim figures pre- given currency that as poverty is eradicated and sented is the rocketing increase of crime among men are better educated for citizenship, man's Covea Therein: : WestrMnster Abbey from St. James' Park. L. SIVIS0111. PRICE: FOURPENCE "natural goodness" will manifest itself and crime Jesus Himself declares that the world will will progressively disappear. But the figures now sink to such a depth of corruption and vio- published indicate an absolutely opposite tendency. lence as to be comparable with "the days of Lot" The raising of standards of living seems to have and "the days of Noah," and that the human provided men with more opportunity for illicit situation will demand as desperate a remedy. conduct, the increase of knowledge has led to the In other words, the Bible clearly reveals that devising of more cunning methods of criminal the one hope for a world which is plunging to action, and progress has forged new weapons of moral and spiritual ruin is for God to step in unrighteousness. again, through the personal return of His Son, It is only an evasion of the real import of the to eliminate sin and sinners and to supersede "this reports to suggest, as some have done, that the present evil world" by a "new heavens and a new trouble lies in the inadequacy of the police forces earth wherein dwelleth righteousness." of the country. If the elimination of poverty and While, therefore, we give all honour to the the spread of education were the most potent fac- forces of law and order, both national and inter- tors in the elimination of crime there should by national, which are striving to restrain the tide now be a progressively decreasing and not in- of evil which is rapidly overwhelming the world, creasing need of police forces. we believe that the most important work that can The blunt fact is that these statistics are a crush- be done today is the carrying of "this Gospel of ing indictment of the materialist and humanistic the kingdom" to "every nation, and kindred, and philosophies which for years have been driving tongue, and people," that all who will may have God and spiritual values from the minds of men. the opportunity, through the operation of divine For to divorce morality from religion is to take grace, of finding a place in God's coming kingdom away the only effective power for moral decision. of righteousness and peace. These figures provide new emphasis for what the Bible has always said, namely that crime is the outworking of sin in the human heart, and sin Second Vatican Council is the result of departure from God. And until WHILE the official title of the forthcoming papal man returns to God and seeks the spiritual power Council has not been announced it seems to be to conform to His commandments, the present generally thought that it will be called the Second crime wave will never be reversed. Vatican Council. It will probably be held in 1961 If the Bible is so right in its diagnosis of the and the venue will be either the Church of St. causes of crime, we may well ask what hope it ex- Peter's or that of St. John Lateran. tends of such a return to God and His righteous- Archbishop Basher who has jurisdiction over ness. There are Christian social reformers who the Orthodox in North America has described believe that a Christian state and a Christian Pope John as "sent from God to accomplish a world, ordered in truth and righteousness is a sacred mission and bring unity to Christendom." justifiable hope and an attainable goal, but wherever they got this idea from they did not get it from the Bible. Sad to say, the Bible holds out no hope of any nation-wide or world conversion to God and His righteousness. Rather do the Scriptures foresee "evil men and se- ducers" waxing "worse and worse, deceiv- ing, and being deceived." 2 Tim. 3:13. "This know also," asserts the apostle Paul, "that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to par- ents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, in- continent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Keystone t r ait or s, heady, highminded, lovers of plea- Mr. Kruschev shows his appreciation of Vice-President Nixon's speech at the opening of the United States ex- sures more than lovers of God." 2 Tim. 3:1-4. hibition in Moscow. SEPTEMBER 24, 1959 THREE Israeli girls prepare to take up arms in defence of their country. Planet WILL ISRAEL SURVIVE? tip MANY were shocked by the sabre-rattling East life, the bitter quarrel is certain to disrupt threats of Egypt's president, reported recently every beneficial initiative which may be taken to from Alexandria. Colonel Nasser celebrated the end the friction between Arabs and the West. seventh anniversary of his country's revolution by By their military successes in the Suez campaign publicly declaring the irreconcilable hostility of and elsewhere, the Israeli Jews have aggravated Egypt toward Israel. "We await a decisive battle," Arab fears that they would enlarge their borders. he said, "to get rid of Israel once and for all. Hatred has so deepened that extermination of This is the dream of every Arab." Israel is task number one in the Arab national A Jewish invasion of Sinai would be welcomed, policy. he said, for it would provide the newly equipped Survival prospects for the one and a half million and greatly strengthened Egyptian army with the Jews in their tiny territory seem slender indeed, opportunity of wiping out the Jews: "If there's surrounded as they are by forty million hostile a challenge, we accept. If there's any decisive Arabs. battle, we want it." That the Jewish people can find no security in Like a Moslem prophet, he predicted the even- their national home is a sad situation in view of tual extermination of Israel. He felt sure that since their tragic sufferings throughout the ages. It is Egypt's own munitions factories will soon be pro- also a situation fraught with danger for the whole ducing tanks and other war material, he would world, since the interests of the great national have little difficulty in achieving the Arab dream titans are definitely focused on this strategic area. of liquidating the Jews. The question is : Will feelings one day change Which ugly episode highlights a perennial pro- toward the Jews ? Time, we know, is a great healer. blem of the Middle East. The dispute between Given enough of it, may we expect the disease of Jews and Arabs seems likely to wreck any plan anti-Jewish hostility to be healed? Will the present for lasting pacification in that whole area.
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