ANTI·MISCEGENATION LAWS STILL PREVAIL: AMERICAN SAMOA TRADITION PROHIBITING ORIENTALS MARRYING NATIVES CHALLENGED PAGO PAGO. American Sa- American SamoA prohibits PACIFIC ' C'IT'IZEN IN THIS ISSUE mon - A Kor""n fisherma" marriage of any Japanese, J,I. mb",hIP ' ublitOilon : J.pan", Am"I"," CllI,ru ~' "11, 12$ w.n" St., Los Ang,I", C. 90012 (2131 MA 6·4471 • GENER.\ L NEWS and an American Samoan Chinese or Korean to an Publishe d W.. E",p! W"k " 011 VOl( - ~ Clm , ..to g. h id L.. ACLV asks withdrl.wal of County woman have liled sull in Pago American Samonn. kl, Lan at 1.""1,,, CallI. resolutlon in honor af Or. Leeh .. Pago Asking lor an injunction Habernigg soys this is en­ ~~ren~!~erba~n~~c r::~~)~;:;~ against American S 8 III 0 8 n dorsed by Aspinall's advisory Vol. 65 No. 20 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1967 Edit/Bus. Office: MA 6·6936 TEN CENTS An\e:rlca Samoans: South Atrl .. Gov. Owen Aspinall's refusal council of Samoan chiels. ~~rdt' ·~~~\ ~~i'~~t'~t~Oh~~nes! to permit them to marry. rrhe sull could test lor the DI~Un,(\1tsh~ N I s to t mRrksman Miss Saoaa Gatoteotc, 32, tirst time whether U.S. laws ~::::.~~'bl~,!,:llt~~~lS ~~~~~ and Hyon KJm, 28, charge As- has precedence over American of wdghUilt~r Tommy Kono pinall's acUon 1$ "arbitrary, Salnoa law-if the High Court earn sup~rlor rA\lng from t'.nl· unlawful, and abuse or au- of American Samoa upholds HISTORIANS ACLU REQUESTS A.!'~~~ survivors sUH need medl ~ thorit..v and, a denial ot due Aspinall's directive and the caU care 5 process under the constitution couple appeals. • IACL-NATIO ' AL 01 American Samoa and the Los Angeles attorney· Max MOAN LOSS OF HAHN RETRACT JACL's role as human relaUons United States." Gilliam, rece.ntly in SamoR, group stressed at San Cn'brJel ed t I h and West Los Ana:eles Inaugurals; Te r r ito ria I AU y. Gen. has accept a reques 0 t e JACL Japan Tour should b. Charles Habernigg has filed High Court of American Sa­ ISSEI PAPERS 1967 CITATION ~~~:o~~~o~~!~: f::.outir. c~no'C; an answer to the suit stating moa that he represent the Memorial graduate scholarship: a long-standing custom in couple. History Project seeks Issei docu- Documents Needed PC Column Quoted ments 1 • JACL-Dl STRJCT to Support Research in Questioning NC-'VNDC quarterly to be hosted by SaUnas . _4 South African with Japanese • COLUMNISTS on Japanese in U.S. County Resolution Enomoto: Placer Coodwlll. Masaoka: Negro Election Vtctori~s . Bosokawa: In the Tlm'b~r. bride unable to bring her home LOS ANGELES - "Scholars LOS ANGELES - American Rotta: CUltural Pluralism. and historians are bemoaning Civil Liberties Union execu­ Kumamoto: Poetic Justice. Matsui: No ChiCKen. Please. JOHANNESBURG-An elder­ facilities for a white man with today's destruction 01 Issei tive director iason Monroe Ogawa: To Draft Card Burners. papers," reported Joe Grant has expressed "dismay" to­ Henry: Something for Everyone. ly white South Africa" artist a Japanese wife." Later, he elma: JACL Tourists. who recently married a young said, British auUlorities 1n Masaoka, administrator of the ward a resolution introduced Ye Ed's: Mata R aerimasu-IU. Japanese woman he met two Swaziland refused a residence Japanese American Research recently by Supervisor Ken­ years ago told the United permit. Project. based at UCLA. neth Hahn and adopted by Press International Oct. 15 he Wiessner said he now com­ Masaoka observed that the County Board of Super­ PERSPEC ~ is "at his wit's end" because mutes between Johannesburg "most surviving Nisei children visors honoring the late Dr . he cannot find a country and Tokyo, staying with his are unable to read Japanese John R. Lechner. where they both may live . wiCe as long 8S his temporary and when their Issei parents In a letter to Supervisor .... die, the children burn what Jerry Artist Laurens Wiessner, 72, permit lasts, tilen returning to Hahn Monroe stated one of the ~ said he met Miki Kono, 30, a South Africa to apply for a can well be their most valu­ ACLU's main objection to the • Enomoto lI! Tokyo hairdresser, in 1965 new permi t. Each trip costs able belongings - the Issei resolution was Lechner'S rep­ and married her seven months him more than U.S. $1 ,400. papers. Such papers being in utation as a "leader in the hate Nat" Presidtnt (I) ago. He said Japan refused ul don't know what I will Japanese the children see only campaign against Japanese PLACER GOODWILL him a permanent residence do if tbe J apanese Govern­ a limited sentimental value in Americans during World War In its best tradition, the 27th permit and he has only been ment refused to grant me a keeping papers and souvenirs 11." Annual Placer County JACL able to visit his wife occasion­ new visitor's permit," he said. which in another generation will certainly be lost or de­ Enclosed with the letter wa. Goodwill Dinner attracted a ally on a temporary visitor's "It will mean I have to visit a copy of Jeffrey Matsw's col­ goodly crowd and illustrated permit. Japan every year on a tourist stroyed. Yet these documents may be one-ol-a-kind, valu­ umn in the Nov. 3 PaciOc Citl­ once again the warm and cor­ Wiessner said South Africa visa. But as long as I can af­ zen. National Japanese Amer­ able items in the I ssei story dial relations existing in the will not accept the couple be­ ford it 1 shall do so. ican Citizens League organ, al at UCLA. Issei papers will be rustic Mother Lode country cause Japanese are regarded Wi essner is a wealthy artist a published example of Dr. between the community and as nonwhites for marriage whose paintings are widely­ kept in perpetuity sale from fire, water or aging damage!' Lechner's pre-war and war­ its Japanese American mem­ purposes, although in other known in South Africa. time anti-Japanese adivitie •. bers. circumstances they are treated He said he owns a large The Far West has been the of It was my hon.or to intro­ as whites. He said the South number of South African gold scene Japanese activities Withdrawal Asked from before the turn 01 the duce YoTi Wad a \\Iho, as prin­ African consul in Tokyo warn­ shares and if the Japanese The ACLU director furthl!!' cipal speaker, gave a most in­ ed hi.m before his marriage authorities gave him permis­ century. But little authorita­ • u g g est e d that Supervisor tive evidence which is de­ formative and sensitive mes­ the couple never would be sion to settle in J apan he Hahn "immediately withdraw scriptive of their pre-1900 sage on the complex and dit­ allowed to live together as would sell the shares and in­ the resolution wltich I am sure IIcult world of adult-teen ager man and wue in South Africa. vest the money in Japan by lives has. as yet, been gath­ you would not bave intro­ relationsltips. Plans to settle in Swaziland, building an apartment block. ered by historians and schol­ duced had you known of ars. For accurate reporting 01 A notable comment of ap­ Britain's last African posses­ Wiessner said he had visit­ PHOTOGRAPHIC ART -long Beach by Arthur Fielder, whose face appears Lechner's activities in tbe day. preciation was passed to me sion and slated for indepen.. ed Japan "several times." He this period to be done, schol­ Independent, Press-Telegram staff pho­ in the pond. Fumiko Craner, 1967 Miss belore he discovered the 'com_ about Yori's talk by State dence next year, were stymied met Miki during a visit to ars must rely on evidence: munist menace'." based on documents. to/!rapher Joe Risin/!er's talent <:raced Harbor. gazes into the pond. The long Sen. Stepben Teale. Since Yo­ because they would have to Tokyo two years ago and mar­ pa~e Documents need not be legal the complete front of the Sunday Beach-Harbor JAC L was amon/! sponsor­ Monroe also offered further n's resignation from the Cali- fly from Japan via South ried her seven months ago docwnentation of Lechner', Africa and the Johannesburg after an engagement lasting papers. They are diaries, let­ women's section to publicize the recent ing organizations of the concert. 10rnia Youth Authority. more Yomiuri Nippon Orchestra concert led anti-Japanese acts for the Su­ than a "few staff members in Airport IIdoes not have transit two months. ters, books, business accounts, dated and identified photo- pervisor's own examination. .U levels in that agency have The resolution was sought commented on bow much he graphs, commercial journals, bank passbooks and savings by the Americanism Educa­ Is missed. Certainly the YMCA accounts, newspaper clippi.ngs, RIG~TS tional League, Inglewood, of has gained by the Youth Au­ JACL ROLE AS HUMAN ORGANIZATION 4 CANDIDATES VYING FOR papers of a personal and com- wlticb the late Dr. Lechner thority's loss. was the founder-director. Breaking up the long baul ~~~~~e~~~~e~~~~: l The resolution in question from San Francicco, Yori, DR. NOBE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD :f cO:il STRESSED AT WEST L.A., SAN GABRIEL \' Satoda,-a~ kinds, memoirs, awards aDd was worded to honor Dr. Y< - ;Y<>Sh.Hotta ot ~acramento , - memorabilla of all descrlp­ Lechner for "a litetlme de­ ,to}., by in and LOS ANGELES - Four male Bachelor of Science degree at tions. dicated and patriotic servlee I chauffeured us all to Au­ Na t'l President Enomoto Delivers Keynote Speeches graduate students have quali­ Ursinus College and is cur- Masaoka is currently on a to his country." burn.
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