J Courier-Journal - Friday, Nov. 29, 1968 Five heroes of the Vietnam War were honored at the White House where President Johnson pre­ sented the Congressional Medal of Honor to each. Left to right, they are Spec. 4th Gary G. Wetzel i A «. i ^Wls,; SpeCl 5th DwiS|lt H Johnson of Detroit; Sgt. Sammy L. Davis of Martinsville, ind.; the President; Capt. James A. Taylor of Areata, Fla.; and Chaplain (Capt.) Angelo J. Liteky of Jacksonville, Fla. (RNS) Priest Receives Medal of Honor Washington — (NC) — A mis­ The distinction of becoming the His outstanding heroism in that sionary priest, dedicated in peace­ first chaplain awarded the Medal of engagement won him the Distinguish­ time to work among Negroes in the Honor went to the late Father Jo­ ed Service Cross. A later review of South, is the second military chap­ seph T. O'Callahan, S.J., a Navy chap­ the same action merited him the lain in the nation's history to be lain in World War II. awarded the highest decoration for highest award — the Medal of Honor. heroism — the Congressional Medal Father Liteky was serving with a Father Liteky is the son of the of Honor. light infantry company Dec. 6, 1967 late Charles Liteky, who was retired on a reconnaissance mission when it from the Navy. His mother, Mrs. Fittingly, the honor came to Fa­ was ambushed near Phuoc Lac by a Gertrude Liteky now resides in Jack­ ther (Capt.) Angelo J. Liteky, 37, battalion of Viet Cong and North sonville, Fla. His brother, Patrick, is M.S.SS.T., here in his native city Vietnamese. Disregarding heavy serving with the Army in Europe. — at a ceremony at the White House. enemy fire, the priest walked among his men encouraging them, minis­ A high school football star in Jack­ Father Liteky, who previously was sonville, Father Liteky attended the decorated with the Distinguished tering to the wounded, giving the last rites to the dying. University of Florida. He was or­ Service Cross, was one of five heroes dained to the priesthood in 1960 in to receive medals of Honor from Winchester, Va. He spent his early President Johnson. The others were During the engagement, he rescued priesthood as spiritual director of a Capt. James A. Taylor, 30, Areata, 20 wounded soldiers from the battle­ lay Catholic group, conducting con­ Calif.; Spec. 4 Gary G. Wetzel, 21, field. A fellow chaplain reported ferences and retreats in the East and Oak Creek, Wis.; Spec. 5 Dwight H. some of the rescued wounded plead­ New England. Johnson, Detroit, and Sgt. Sammy L. ed with officers not to let Father Davis, 22, Martinsville, Ind. Liteky continue his rescue missions. In 1963 he became pastor of The chaplain said: "They felt he was Colonial Beach, Va., a mission par­ Father Liteky, who joined the pressing his luck, that no man ish which extended over more than Army chaplain corps in 1966, is the should survive and continually go 2,000 square miles. He joined the first chaplain to receive the Medal back into that hell fire without be­ Army chaplain corps in September of Honor for heroism in the Vietnam ing hit. We felt that day that Father 1966, and went to Vietnam in Febru­ war. Liteky could walk on water." ary 1967. World Synod Hanoi Visit Once Topics Listed Vatican City — (RNS) — The 1969 meeting of the Roman Catholic Church's international Synod of Bish­ Considered by Pope ops will have as its first task a com­ plete review of the work of the first Vatican City — (NC) — Pope The centenary recalls the act of (1967) synod, according to a letter Paul VI has intimated in a letter to consecration made by Msgr. Paul sent to episcopal conferences the archbishop of Hanoi that he Puginier, a Frenchman who was ap­ throughout the world by Bishop would liked to have visited North pointed vicar apostolic for Western Ladislaus Rubin, permanent secre­ Vietnam in connection with a reli­ Tonkin at the age of 33 and who con­ tary of the synod. gious anniversary iff the war situ­ secrated his vicariate apostolic to the Bishop Rubin's letter said that the ation did not exist. Blessed Virgin on Nov. 21, 1868. request for participation by expert Pope Paul's desire was contained theologians, often expressed during Pope Paul said the occasion of the the first synod, will be met during in a personally written letter to Arch­ centenary "seems to us, in the midst bishop Joseph Marie Trin nhu Khue the second meeting of the bishops. of past and present sufferings, a He asked for suggestions on theolo­ of Hanoi on the occasion of the first source of hope and of supernatural centenary of the consecration of gians who should be chosen to work joy for everyone. In fact, it consti­ on the preparatory commissions. Western Tonkin, now North Vietnam, tutes an appeal, and an invitation, to to the Blessed Virgin Mary. anticipate help and aid from the Subjects on the synod agenda will In writing to the archbishop Pope most Holy Virgin." include new rules for mixed mar­ Paul said: "This anniversary "offers riages and new norms for Catholic us the happy occasion for expressing Assuring the North Vietnamese of education In various countries. to you, as well as to all our beloved his awareness of their attachment to sons — bishops, priests and faithful Our Lady, the Pope said: — of North Vietnam, the feelings we Cardinal Leger have for you. It is often very diffi­ "Thus with great hope we invoke cult for us to express them to you upon you on the occasion of the cen­ tenary the most special protection of To Ordain Deacons "Had circumstances been * more the Virgin Mary. May it enable you favorable, rest assured that we would above all, through her powerful in­ Douala, Cameroun — (RNS) — have very willingly come among you tercession, to preserve intact the Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger, former to encourage you in your hard trials precious deposit of Catholic faith Archbishop of Montreal who is now and to make you feel with what spirit which in the past sustained your a missionary in Cameroun, will or­ we share them. We wish at least by fathers in their trials and which thus dain seven married men to the dia- this message to be in some way pres­ will make your souls strong and conate here on Dec 18. ent at your side, believing that we serene in the midst of present dif­ ficulties and also constant in their Bishop Thomas Mongo of Douala, must above all give the assistance of in announcing the event, said that our ministry to those who are in faithfulness to God and to His Church." it would be the first ordination of tribulation." deacons in Africa. He asked all priests to help prepare the laity for the infiQvatiQa, The Douala diocese, with more than 177,000 Catholics, has approxi­ Pope, U Thant Exchange mately 100 priests. Notes on Day of Peace9 Dr. Haroutunian Dies, Theology Professor United Nations — (RINS) — Pope In his reply, U Thant said it was Paul VI has informed Secretary Gen­ a cause of further satisfaction for Chicago — (RNS) — Dr. Joseph eral U Thant that he again intends him to note that the papal theme Haroutunian, professor of systematic to observe New Year's Day as the chosen for the second observance of theology at the University of Chi­ "World Day of Peace." this day associates the objective of cago Divinity School, died of a heart peace to that of the recognition of attack here on Nov. 16. He was 64. The United Nations leader, in re­ human rights. plying to the papal message, said that A clergyman of the United Presby­ the assumption that the path to peace He was particularly appreciative, terian Church, Dr. Haroutunian was and the path to human rights are con­ he said, that these basic concepts are born in Turkey. He studied at the vergent and that there can be no promoted "under the high auspices American University in Beirut, Le­ real peace in the world without uni­ of His Holiness and with the weight banon before coming to the U.S. in versal respect for human freedom of his moral and spiritual authority." 1923. and dignity, "is at the core of the philosophy of the United Nations." The text of letters exchanged by Cardinal Warns: Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Vatican Secretary of State, and U Thant were cleared here. Cardinal Cicognani wrote that Pope Don't Demythologize Faith Paul VI has chosen "Recognition of Human Rights, the Path to Peace" as (NC News Service ing God and the most sacred Trinity, the theme for the day of peace. then they passed to the demytholo- touches. Featured is a back-belt, chain deta led Vatican City — The time has come gization of Christ, of the Gospel and He suggested that Jan. 1, 1969 to demythologize the demythologiz- of the principal dogmas of our faith, jacket that is slightly shaped for flattery s should also serve to commemorate ers according to Pericle Cardinal to terminate (but was that really the single - breasted and round collared, with the 20th anniversary of the Universal Felici, president of the Pontifical end?) with the demythologization of matching stove-pipe pants, A-line skirt and Declaration of Human Rights. The Commission for Interpretation of the the priesthood and of the Church's actual anniversary date is Dec. 10. Decrees of the Second Vatican magisterium (teaching authority), mock-turtle neck, long-sleeved white sweater. Cardinal Cigonani wrote that Pope Council.
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