Invitation for N om inations for 1969 A m erican Institute of N utrition A w ards Nominations are requested for the 1969 tion of distinctive research by investigators annual awards administered by the Ameri­ in the United States and Canada which can Institute of Nutrition to be presented has emphasized the nutritive significance at the next annual meeting. Nominations of milk or its components. The award will may be made by anyone, including mem­ be made primarily for the publication of bers of the Nominating Committees and specific papers during the previous cal­ non-members of the Institute. endar year, but the Jury of Award may The following information must be sub­ recommend that it be given for important mitted: (1) Name of the award for which contributions made over a more extended the candidate is proposed. (2 ) A brief con­ period of time not necessarily including vincing statement setting forth the basis the previous calendar year. Employees of for the nomination and, where appropriate, the Borden Company are not eligible for a selected bibliography which supports the this award nor are individuals who have nomination. Seconding or supporting let­ received a Borden Award from another ters are not to be submitted. (3 ) Five administering association unless the new copies of the nominating letter must be award be for outstanding research on a sent to the chairman of the appropriate different subject or for specific accom­ nominating committee before October 1, plishment subsequent to the first award. 1968, to be considered for the 1969 awards. Former recipients of this award are: General regulations for A.I.N. awards. 1944 - E. V. McCollum 1956 - F. M. Strong 1945 - H. H. Mitchell 1957 - no award Membership in the American Institute of 1946 - P. C. Jeans and 1958 - L. D. Wright Nutrition is not a requirement for eligibility Genevieve Steams 1959 - H. Steenbock 1947 - L. A. Maynard 1960 - R. G. Hansen for an award and there is no limitation as 1948 - C. A. Cary 1961 - K. Schwarz 1949 - H. J. Deuel, Jr. 1962 - H. A. Barker to age except as specified for the Mead 1950-H . C. Sherman 1963 - Arthur L. Black Johnson Award. An individual who has 1951 - P. György 1964 - G. K. Davis 1952-M . Kleiber 1965 - A. E. Harper received one Institute award is ineligible to 1953 - H. H. Williams 1966 - R. T. Holman 1954 - A. F. Morgan and 1967 - H. H. Barnes receive another Institute award unless it is A. H. Smith 1968 - C. L. Comar for outstanding research subsequent to or 1955 - A. G. Hogan not covered by the first award. A Jury of N o m in a t in g Co m m it t e e : Award composed of A.I.N. members, which K . E. H a r s h b a r g e r , C hairm an makes final selection and remains anony­ R. T . H o l m a n mous, may recommend that an award be R. G. H a n s e n omitted in any given year if in its opinion Send nominations to: the work of the candidates nominated does K. E. H a r s h b a r g e r not warrant the award. An award is usu­ Department of Dairy Science ally given to one person, but, if circum­ University of Illinois stances and justice so dictate, a Jury of Urbana, Illinois 61801 Award may recommend that any particu­ lar award be divided between two or more 1969 Osborne and Mendel Award collaborators in a given research. The Osborne and Mendel Award of Presentation of awards will be made $1000 and an inscribed scroll has been during the banquet at the annual meeting. established by the Nutrition Foundation, Inc., for the recognition of outstanding re­ 1969 Borden Award in Nutrition cent basic research accomplishments in The Borden Award in Nutrition, con­ the general field of exploratory research sisting of $1000 and a gold medal, is made in the science of nutrition. It shall be available by the Borden Company Founda­ given to the investigator who, in the tion, Inc. The award is given in recogni­ opinion of a Jury of Award, has made the J. N utrition, 95: 319-322. 319 . J : ' 3 2 0 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION most significant published contribution in Former recipients of this award are: approximately the calendar year preceding 1939 - C. A. Elvehjem P. L. Day 1940 - W. H. Sebrell, Jr. E. L. R. Stokstad the annual meeting of the Institute, or J. C. Keresztesy 1948 - F. Lipmann J. R. Stevens 1949 — Mary S. Shorb who has published recently a series of S. A. Harris K. Folkers papers of outstanding significance. Nor­ E. T. Stiller 1950 - W. B. Castle K. Folkers 1951 - no award mally preference will be given to research 1941 - R. J. Williams 1952 - H. E. Sauberlich 1942 - G. R. Cowgill 1964 - J. S. Dinning workers in the United States and Canada, 1943 - V. du Vigneaud 1965- J . G. Bieri but investigators :n other countries, espe­ 1944 - A. G. Hogan 1966 - M. Daniel Lane 1945- D. W. Woolley 1967 - W. N. Pearson cially those sojourning in the United States 1946 - E. E. Snell 1968 - H. F. DeLuca or Canada for a period of time, are not ex­ 1947-W . J. Darby cluded from consideration. N o m i n a t i n g C o m m i t t e e : Former recipients of this award are: L . M . H e n d e r s o n , Chairman H . E . S a u b e r l i c h 1949 - W. C. Rose 1959 - Grace A. Goldsmith 1950 - C. A. Elvehjem 1960 - N. S. Scrimshaw H . P . B r o q u i s t 1951 - E. E. Snell 1961 - Max K. Horwitt 1952 - Icie Macy Hocbler 1962 — William J. Darby Send nominations to: 1953 - V. du Vigneaud 1963 - James B. Allison L . M . H e n d e r s o n 1954 — L. A. Maynard 1964 - L. Emmett Holt, Jr. 1955 — E. V. McCollum 1965 - D. M. Hegsted Department of Biochemistry 1956 - A. G. Hogan 1966 - H. H. Mitchell University of Minnesota 1957 - G. R. Cowgill 1967 - Samuel Lepkovsky St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 1958 - P. Gyorgy 1968 - C. H. Hill 1969 Conrad A. Elvehjem Award for N o m i n a t i n g C o m m i t t e e : Public Service in Nutrition L. E . H o l t , J r ., Chairman M . K . H o r w i t t The Conrad A. Elvehjem Award for E L . R . S t o k s t a d Public Service in Nutrition, consisting of $1000 and an inscribed scroll, is made Send nominations to: available by the Wisconsin Alumni Re­ L E . H o l t , J r . search Foundation. The award is bestowed Professor of Pediatrics in recognition of distinguished service to New York University School the public through the science of nutrition. of Medicine 550 First Avenue Such service, primarily, would be through New York, N.Y. 10016 distinctive activities in the public interest in governmental, industrial, private, or in­ ternational institutions but would not ex­ 1969 Mead Johnson Award for clude, necessarily, contributions of an in­ Research in Nutrition vestigative character. The Mead Johnson Award of $1000 and Former recipients of this award are: an inscribed scroll is made available by 1966-C . Glen King 1967 — J. B. Youmans Mead Johnson and Company to an investi­ 1968 - W. H. Sebrell, Jr. gator who has not reached his 46th birth­ N o m i n a t i n g C o m m i t t e e : day during the calendar year in which the R . E . S h a n k , Chairman Award is given. Selection by the Jury of O l a f M i c k e l s e n Award will be based primarily on a single O . C . J o h n s o n outstanding piece of research in nutrition Send nominations to: published in the year preceding the annual R . E . S h a n k meeting or on a series of papers on the Department of Preventive Medicine same subject published within not more Washington University School of Medicine than the three years preceding the annual 4550 Scott Avenue meeting. St. Louis, Missouri 63110 Invitation for N om inations for 1969 A m erican Institute of N utrition Fellow s The Fellows Committee of the American Institute of Nutrition in­ vites nominations for Fellows in the Society. Eligible candidates are active or retired members of the Society who have passed their sixty- fifth birthday (by the time of the annual meeting) and who have had distinguished careers in nutrition. Up to three Fellows may be chosen each year. Nominations may be made to the Chairman of the Fellows Com­ mittee by any member of the Society, including members of the Com­ mittee. Nominations (in 5 copies) are due by October 1. A supporting statement giving the reason for the nomination is desirable. Final selection will be made by the Fellows Committee and a suit­ able citation will be presented at the Annual Dinner in April. Fellows Committee: A g n e s F. M o r g a n , Chairman R i c h a r d M . F o r b e s T. H. J u k e s L. A. M a y n a r d A. E . M o r r i s o n Send nominations to: A g n e s F.
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