October 30, 2020 30, October r r One Church, East to West: Loving Jesus, Serving Sharing Jesus East to West: One Church, VOCATION DISCERNMENT—Seminarian Robert Hearnes has a conversation with Bp. Edward M. Rice concerning his dis- cernment of God’s will in his life in his seminary studies. The Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau is launching a ‘Called DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD—CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI GIRARDEAU, OF SPRINGFIELD—CAPE DIOCESE by Name,’ program, inviting adults to prayerfully consider younger members of their family or friends who they feel may have the qualities to be a priest or religious brother or sister and make a referral to the bishop. National Vocation Awareness Week is Nov. 1-7. (Photo by Dean Curtis/The Mirror) Diocese launches ‘Called by Name’ during The Mir The National Vocation Awareness Week Nov. 1-7 By The Mirror staff Locally Edward M. Rice has made promoting Vol. LVI, No. 14 No. LVI, Vol. Springfield As part of the observance of the vocations a priority. National Vocation Awareness Week, “When I arrived to the diocese he Catholic Church in the Fr. Scott Sunnenberg sent materials to in 2016 we had a dozen seminarians, United States will celebrate all parish pastors, high school chap- thanks to the hard work of Bp. James National Vocation Awareness lains, as well as the diocesan Catholic V. Johnston, Fr. Patrick Nwokoye, and Week, Nov. 1-7, 2020. This Campus Ministry programs to assist in Fr. J. Friedel,” said Bp. Rice. “That’s a Tannual week-long celebration is an op- promoting vocations to the priesthood great number for a diocese our size. We portunity for dioceses and parishes in and the consecrated currently have 11 men in discernment. the US to uphold and promote voca- life. The material And we have been blessed to have or- tions to the priesthood, diaconate, and sent to the parishes dinations every year since I have been consecrated life and encourage the included homily here. I just found out that the average faithful to renew their prayerful sup- COVID-19 ideas for Nov. 1, age of our active clergy has dropped port for those currently discerning one challenges prayers of the faith- down to 52! It’s coming down, that’s of these calls. ful, bulletin inserts, the good news.” This year, the COVID-19 pandem- may worksheets, a youth “’Called By Name,’ a program ic has brought about unforeseen chal- provide an ministry guide, implemented in many dioceses across lenges in the lives of many throughout opportunity and other Online the US asks adults to prayerfully con- the country. Bishop James F. Checchio resources. sider younger members of their fam- of Metuchen and chairman of the USC- for genuine “The work of ily or friends who they feel may have CB Committee on Clergy, Consecrated discernment promoting voca- the qualities to be a priest or religious Life, and Vocations, offered that these fully tions is a work that sister or brothers,” said Caitlin Blaine, current challenges provide an oppor- belongs to every- administrative assistant for the Office tunity for genuine discernment fully rooted and one,” said Fr. Sun- of Vocations and Seminarians. “They rooted and dependent upon Christ. dependent nenberg, diocesan simply send their name and contact in- “These unusual and difficult times upon Christ. Director of Voca- formation to the vocation office. Those have brought much uncertainty and tions and Seminar- referrals will then receive a personal fear into our lives, but we know in faith ians. “While there letter from Bp. Rice, encouraging them The next issue of The Mirror that Christ’s powerful hand extends may be one person to consider that vocation along with will be Nov. 13, 2020. Sign up to receive the over all of us in mercy,” Bp. Checchio with the title of information on upcoming events.” diocesan newspaper via said. “I invite those discerning a voca- Vocation Director, everyone should be “This is a great opportunity to Email in digital format: tion to use this time to prayerfully re- promoting vocations within the par- plant the seeds of a vocation,” said Contact Debbie Thompson new your love for Christ and recognize ish setting: priests, religious, coaches, Fr. Sunnenberg. “We hope to involve at (417) 866-0841, or Email: your complete dependence upon Him teachers, and parents.” [email protected]. who loves and calls you uniquely.” Since his arrival in the diocese, Bp. See Called By Name / 6 2 The Mirror COLUMN October 30, 2020 COME, AND YOU WILL SEE Right to life remains preeminent priority Bp. Edward M. Rice n November 2019 the full body He than charged the bishops to get My role as a Bishop is of bishops reiterated that the that message out. Without the gift of not a popularity contest. I issue of abortion remains the pre- life, none of the other issues matter. don’t weigh my words in eminent priority of the pro-life As a further insight into the thinking order to not offend others Imovement. Yes, there are other issues of Pope Francis, he said that abortion or engender support from that we cannot dismiss or ignore that is not primarily a Catholic or even a people. My responsibility is are serious threats to human life and religious issue, it is first and foremost to the truth as revealed by dignity—such as racism, the environ- a human rights issue. God in Sacred Scriptures, mental crisis, poverty, and the death In my last column, I mentioned Tradition, and the teaching penalty—but the bishops renewed that I’ve been criticized because I authority of the Church. their commitment to the most fun- use the term “culture of death,” and And, as much as I do so, damental right, the right to life. that is seen as a negative statement. people are free to dismiss We discussed the use of the Abortion is beyond “negative,” it is my words or follow them. term “preeminent priority” and evil because it involves the direct, I hope that what I write is whether it adequately expressed intentional killing of a human being a reflection of the teach- the desire of Pope Francis. Then, in made in God’s image. I’ve also been ings of the Church. When January, during our Ad Limina visit, told that I should quit quoting Pope I write on the development Abp. Joseph F. Naumann (whose John Paul II and focus on the work of of the church’s understand- guest column you can read on p. our current Holy Father. Well, in the ing on the death penalty, I 4), brought up the same issue to the above paragraph I do just that! I’ve received criticism from both Holy Father. With all of the bish- also been questioned about my lack sides. And when I write on ops of Region IX assembled i.e., the of support for “the common good.” the sanctity of human life, I responsibility, a true obligation, to bishops of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Of course, people want me to speak then too received criticism from both form our consciences and participate and Missouri, Abp. Naumann raised up when I’m supporting their causes. sides. in the civic life of this nation. We the issue with Pope Francis: “Is abor- And as I recently responded to some- In “Gaudete et Exsultate” have a dual heritage as both faithful tion the preeminent priority?” Our one, there are those people who want (“On the Call to Holiness in Today’s Catholics and American citizens. As Holy Father gave a resounding yes! me to be quiet. World”), addressing the call to holi- Catholic, our baptismal commitment ness, Pope Francis states, is to bear public witness to the teach- “Our defense of the innocent ing of Jesus Christ requires our active unborn, for example, needs to be clear, participation in the democratic life of firm, and passionate, for at stake is the our nation. As Catholic citizens and dignity of human life, which is always Americans, we have a serious moral sacred and demands love for each obligation to vote. person, regardless of his or her stage of Let me conclude with a quo- development. Equally sacred, however, tation from a statement of Florida are the lives of the poor, those already Conference of Catholic Bishops en- born. …” titled, “Not liberal. Not conservative. To those who say we don’t do Simply Catholic.” enough for those who have chosen War, terror, and violence have life, I tell them to visit LifeHouse caused thousands of lost lives. We Crisis Maternity Home here must work for just solutions in Springfield. There you will to conflict in the Holy Land, see what we do for women throughout the Middle East, who have chosen life. At and face the reality of racism in LifeHouse they offer a full- My role as our own country. The millions time, 24 hours a day/seven a Bishop of undocumented persons living days a week transitional in the United States deserve housing program for home- is not a our compassion. All of us were less and pregnant women popularity immigrants at some point. Our and their young children. contest. immigration system is broken, Services include housing, and we need a humane solution food, clothing, case manage- to it. The growing disparity ment for a year following between rich and poor means the birth of the child, social most of the world’s resources services, healthcare services (medical, are in the hands of a small percentage dental, vision, medication) prenatal of its people. The federal budget is a and post-delivery health education, moral document and reprioritize the counseling, parenting and life-skills poorest and most vulnerable among education, budgeting, transportation, us.
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