E1760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 10, 2015 the individual may use a firearm or explosive Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, have worked to make the grand opening of in connection with terrorist activity. crashed in Gander, Newfoundland. On that the new Meditation Museum II a reality and in This legislation was originally crafted in day 248 members of the 101st Airborne Divi- wishing them continued success. 2007 and endorsed by President Bush’s Jus- sion, including Sergeant Travis, were killed in f tice Department, has bipartisan support in the the worst air disaster in U.S. military history. House, and is supported by prominent Repub- This year, as we recognize the 30th anni- TRIBUTE TO LARRY AND CAROL licans and counter-terrorism & law enforce- versary of this disaster, family, friends and the ANDRESS ment experts. community will gather at New Hope Baptist H.R. 1076 greatly reduces the likelihood that Church in Niagara Falls to remember Ser- HON. DAVID YOUNG a terrorists can obtain some of the most lethal geant Travis, known to all as a ‘‘giver.’’ He OF IOWA weapons in America. gave help to his community, gave his faith to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Right now a terrorist can buy a firearm in the church, gave his love to his wife and chil- Thursday, December 10, 2015 the parking lot of a gun show, over the inter- dren, and gave himself in service to the mili- net, or through a newspaper ad without need- tary in defense of this country, in the name of Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise ing a background check. peace abroad, and in hopes of giving his fam- today to recognize and congratulate Larry and Mr. Speaker, you cannot be against crimi- ily a better life. Carol Andress of Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the nals, terrorists and the dangerously mentally ill So today, on behalf of a grateful nation, with very special occasion of their 50th wedding getting guns and be against H.R. 1076. a heavy heart we remember Sergeant Theo- anniversary. They were married on September Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1076 will save lives and dore Travis, Sr., who in selfless service to the 25, 1965 at St. Patrick’s Church in Council strengthen the rights of law-abiding gun own- United States of America, gave until he could Bluffs. ers. give no more. Sergeant Travis, his family, and Larry and Carol’s lifelong commitment to It deserves a vote in the House. the others who lost their lives on Flight 1285 each other and their children, Dave, Teresa f will be forever remembered for the great sac- and Deb, along with their grandchildren, truly rifices they have made. embodies our Iowa values. It is families like CONGRATULATING THE FESTUS f the Andress family that make me proud to call HIGH SCHOOL TIGERS FOR myself an Iowan and represent the people of CONGRATULATING THE BRAHMA THEIR 2015 MISSOURI CLASS 3 this great state. I commend this great couple KUMARIS AND SISTER JENNA ON BOYS CROSS COUNTRY STATE on their 50th year together and I wish them THE GRAND OPENING OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP many more. I ask that my colleagues in the MEDITATION MUSEUM II United States House of Representatives join HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY me in congratulating them on this momentous OF MISSOURI occasion. OF VIRGINIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, December 10, 2015 Thursday, December 10, 2015 HONORING MAUREEN NICHOLSON FOR HER SERVICE TO THE TOWN Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- OF POMFRET, CT today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- gratulate the Brahma Kumaris and Sister gratulating the Festus High School Tigers for Jenna on the grand opening of the Meditation their first place win in the 2015 Class 3 Boys Museum II in Tysons Corner, Virginia. HON. JOE COURTNEY Cross Country State Championship. The Brahma Kumaris is a non-profit organi- OF CONNECTICUT This team and their coach should be com- zation with over 9000 branches in 120 coun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mended for all of their hard work throughout tries. Founded in Hyderabad, Sindh in 1936, Thursday, December 10, 2015 this past year and for bringing home the state the Brahma Kumaris seeks to help individuals championship to their school and community. re-discover and strengthen their spirituality Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise I ask you to join me in recognizing the through self-reflection, meditation, and partici- to salute Maureen Nicholson’s more than thirty Festus Tigers for a job well done. pation in activities of social and humanitarian years of service to the Town of Pomfret, Con- f concerns. necticut. Maureen has served in all corners of Sister Jenna began her spiritual journey with local leadership since she moved to Pomfret HONORING SERGEANT THEODORE the Brahma Kumaris and is the founder and in 1988, most recently as the town’s First Se- TRAVIS, SR. director of both the original Meditation Mu- lectman. seum in Silver Spring, Maryland as well as From her start in Pomfret, Maureen was in- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS this new location in Tysons Corner. Sister volved in the Parent Teacher Organization, OF NEW YORK Jenna and several of her colleagues created Recreation Commission, Democratic Town IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the ‘‘Pause for Peace’’ campaign which has Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Finance, and Tree Warden, among Thursday, December 10, 2015 expanded into new programs including the Pause for Peace in the Classroom and Pause many more town and regional organizations. Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I stand before for Peace Spaces. Sister Jenna’s commitment In 2009, she was elected to the Board of Se- you today to pay tribute to Sergeant Theodore and influence have been recognized with nu- lectmen, and in 2012 was elected First Select- Travis, Sr., a man committed to duty and fam- merous awards and proclamations including man. ily, who lost his life in service to this nation. the President’s Lifetime National Community During her years as First Selectman, A Niagara Falls, New York native, Theodore Service Award, the Every Day Hero Award, Maureen secured almost half a million dollars Travis chose active-duty to support his young and the Friendship Archway Award. in grants for the Town of Pomfret. She se- family after serving in the U.S. Army Re- The benefits of meditation are scientifically cured the town’s emergency shelter and serves. He was a member of an elite team, proven. According to Psychology Today, medi- began work to bring large-scale solar power to the 101st Airborne—a Screaming Eagle and tation has been shown to increase immune the town. Maureen saw the potential cost-sav- initially traveled to Fort Campbell, leaving be- function, decrease depression and anxiety and ings in collaborating with neighboring towns to hind his wife, high school sweetheart Cynthia, even positively affect higher-order cognitive share accounting and auditing services, and and two young sons, Theodore Jr. and Stefan. functions in the brain. Perhaps the most pro- launched an innovative initiative with the Town Sergeant Travis left the United States with his found aspects of mediation are those that can- of Brooklyn. It is this enterprising spirit that de- unit on an assignment to aid peace negotia- not be measured scientifically. Self-aware- livered forward thinking policies to Pomfret, tions between Egypt and Israel. ness, inner-peace and tranquility, becoming and the town and region have benefitted. Following their mission, Sergeant Travis and one with your surroundings and your faith, and Maureen also worked to increase aware- his comrades boarded a plane in high spirits true acceptance of and respect for all others ness for residents of Pomfret by founding and and with great anticipation of returning to their regardless of age, race, gender, religion, or editing the Pomfret Times, and redesigning families for Christmas. Tragically they never economic status are but a few immeasurable the town’s website to promote and inform resi- made it home. On December 12th, 1985, and invaluable benefits. dents of the town’s resources and news. Her Arrow Air Flight 1285, carrying homeward Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join other non-governmental achievements include bound members of the 3rd Battalion, 502nd me in congratulating Sister Jenna and all who service on the Day Kimball Hospital Women’s VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Dec 11, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10DE8.004 E10DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 10, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1761 Board, founding of the Pomfret Gardeners, CONGRATULATING THE The 11th District of Virginia is home to al- membership on the Community Regional HERCULANEUM HIGH SCHOOL most 54,000 veterans. More than 70% are vet- YMCA Board, and serving as Director of the BLACK CATS FOR THEIR SECOND erans of the wars in the Persian Gulf. The Performing Arts of Northeastern Connecticut. PLACE FINISH IN THE 2015 MIS- opening of this new center will ensure that SOURI CLASS 2 BOYS CROSS they receive timely access to the benefits they I ask my colleagues to please rise to thank COUNTRY STATE CHAMPIONSHIP have earned. Maureen for her years of steadfast dedication. Although her leadership as First Selectman The opening of this office is yet another will surely be missed, I am confident that her HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER step in addressing the needs of our veterans. OF MISSOURI commitment to Pomfret will continue in the While the statistics indicate that overall, vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erans in the 11th District may be more eco- years to come.
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