f'ublic Library VoL 47; No. 87 t&i BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUUARY 9,1934 Single Copy, 4 Centa S. BELMAR BUDGET Frank P. Burke Republican Club TRAGIC END TO A Lincoln Dinner PASSES FINAL READING Passes Away LIFE OF U SEFULNESS Heart Failure Brings Sud­ To Be Held Monday at Elks DROP IN AMOUNT FOR TAXATION den End at Age of Home in Red KILLED WHILE ATTENDING DUTY Statement Shows Sound Condition of Borough Finances Sixty-four Bank William M. Bergen Found Dead by State Troopers Near Despite Aid Cuts A familiar figure and genial person­ Over 200 reservations have been re­ ality was removed from our midst ceived for the Fourth Annual Lincoln Farmingdale With a further out of $500 made in Endorse Antonides Wednesday morning by the sudden Day Dinner and Dance which will take the South Belmar budget on account death from heart failure of Frank P. place on Monday at 8 P. M. in the Elks By the sudden and tragic death of mond J. and George W. Bergen. Fun­ of street paving appropriation, the tax For Postmaster B urke. Home, Red Bank under the auspices of William M. Bergen, Belmar loses an­ eral services will be held at his home, ordinance for 1934 w as passed unani­ Mr. Burke, well known as a build­ the Young Men’s Republican Club of other old and respected citizen. Mr. 613 F street, S atu rd ay aftern o o n a t 2 mously by the Borough Council Mon­ Executive Committee of ing contractor, died at his home, 308 th a t town. Berger was one of nature’s gentlemen o’clock. The Rev. Clair A. Morrow, day night- Thirteenth avenue. He was apparent­ Hon. Charles A. Eaton who repre­ —quiet, never obtrusive and always pastor of First Presbyterian Church Democratic Club Give ly in good health as he attended to T he to tal appro p riatio n s are $33,505.- sents the Fifth District of New Jersey willing to give his opinion on matters will officiate. Interment will be made business on. Tuesday. 83 instead of $34,005.83 as originally Full Support in Congress, will be the principal that counted, render aid unostenta­ in Atlantic View Cemetery. He was born in Elizabeth sixty-four stated. speaker. Congressman Eaton is a tiously in any civic movement and "do A passing motorist who passed a few Everett H. Antonides was unani­ years ago and came to Belmar in 1920. The amount to be raised by taxation his bit.” moments after the accident notified mously endorsed for appointment as He was a prominent figure in the member of the Foreign Affairs Com­ th is y ear is $26,340.83 as com pared w ith County Road Supervisor State troopers. They found Bergen postmaster of this borough at a meet­ sporting world, having formed the fa­ mittee and one of the ablest speakers $26,386.19 for 1933. slumped over the steering wheel of the ing of the executive committee of the mous “Elizabeth Stars/' who played in the House of Representatives. With all departments amply provid­ sedan, the huge transformer, weighing Young Men's Democratic Club Monday Sunday games with the teams of the The following have advised the com­ ed for and several sources of revenue National and American leagues. Mr. about 200 pounds, on th e floor beside evening. mittee they will be present: Senator cut out this year the Council has put Burke also operated the “Star” bowl­ him. The top of his skull had been Mr. Antonides is a graduate of As- Frank Durand, Freeholder Raymond out an exceptionally good statement, ing alleys in Elizabeth for many years crushed in. bury Park High School and attended L. Wyckoff, Judge Harry Truax, For­ which shows a sound condition of the and was an exceptionally capable The electrical device became loosen­ Columbia University. mer State Senator E. Donald Sterner, bowler himself, having participated in ed by the impact when the car hit the borough finances. The executive committee is compos­ several National tournaments. In Bel­ Mrs. Emma Van Schoick, Edgar I. There were no objections to the pass­ pole, splitting it vertically but not ed of Joseph Dillon, George Bailey, mar he was a member of the bowling Vanderveer, U. S. Senators, W. W ar­ age of the budget after the figures had team of the Rod and Gun Club. ren Barbour and Hamilton F. Kean knocking it down. The transformer Otto Geiss, James Reddick, Fleming Mr. Burke was a member of St. been explained regarding the fire de­ crashed through the roof the car and Scott, Leon Apgar, Samuel Blum, Ab­ Rose’s church and a member of the will be present if duties at Washington partment appropriation. struck Mr. Bergen. raham Klitzman, George Riley, Caesar Holy Name Society. He has been will permit. Any extra calls by this department prominently associated with the Bel­ Mayor Van R. Halsey of Rumson, No other , automobiles were within Vola, William Murphy, Leo McConnell mar American Legion and was active­ will be taken care of as emergency several hundred yards of the accident Max Barr, Joseph Berger, Benjamin ly instrumental in the construction of chairman of Monmouth County Repub­ measures as is done in all communities. their club house. when Mr. Bergen’s car skidded, and Kasdan, Ennis Pierce, Everett Anton­ lican committee will be toastmaster. Beside his widow, Mary McLoughlin, there were no eyewitnesses, according ides, Milo Burke, Harry Sharkpwitz, he is survived by a son, Raymond A. REV. CLAIR MORROW to the State Troopers. Budget Passes John Byrd, Arthur McGrath and Wil­ Burke and a married daughter, Mrs. Matthew J. Bride, and two grandchil­ ADDRESSES KIWANIANS For some time after the accident, liam Briden. Final Reading dren, Claire, aged three, and Mary officials and friends vainly attempted Alice, one year old, all of Belmar; also The Rev. Clair A. Morrow, secretary a brother, William Burke of Elizabeth. to get In touch with Mr. Bergen’s two MRS. MORRIS HOSTESS of the Kiwanis Club took the floor $13,978.22 Less to Be Raised The funeral will be held from his sons, Raymond J. and George W., who TO TRI-CITY CLUB late home on Thirteenth avenue Sat­ “ I" WILLIAM M. BERGEN. Wednesday at the weekly luncheon In were in the South. Tuesday night the by Taxation Cuts Rate urday morning at 8:30. Solemn re­ the Community Center Wednesday. Mr. Berger, who has been county Mrs. Abraham Morris entertained quiem mass, with Father W. J. Mc­ two were located in Miami. They left 5 $3.00 per $1,000 Mr. Morrow took as his topic "Lin­ road supervisor for a number of years the members of the Tri-City Club at Connell, formerly associated with St. for Belmar immediately. Rose’s, officiating, will be held at St. coln” and gave a very interesting and was out on his usual inspection Tues­ The borough budget for 1934 was her home on Sixteenth avenue, where Rose's church at 9. Interment will be Mr. Bergen was bom In Freehold, informative address. He did not ne­ day afternoon. Alone in bis automo­ passed op second reading and finally cards and a very enjoyable social time in Spring Lake under direction of T. Feb, 20, 1862, th e son of Jam es an d H. Bennett. glect the checking up of members. bile on the Adelphia road about half a was enjoyed. After playing bridge and Amy Potts Bergen. Hi*-, family moved adopted by the Borough Commission mile west of Farmingdale Mr. Berg­ 500 delicious refreshments were served. to Belmar when he was twelve years Tuesday morning. en's car skidded on the icy pavement Winners at bridge were Miss Matilda old. Settling here his father opened a There were no suggestions as to LEGION CONVENTION near the Rogers Drum Factory and Cohen and Miss Sylvia Wachnancy. livery business. change in the figures submitted or ob­ struck a power transmission pole. The Miss Anna Wakstein was the winner Within five years William had be­ jections to the budget. electric transformer, ice-coated, snap­ -a*. HERE IN SEPTEMBER come thoroughly familiar with the bus­ The amount to be raised by taxation of the 500 prize. ped and crashed through the roof of iness, his father putting him in charge. iB $13,978.22 less th an last year Among others present were Misses his car, killing him instantly. WILL BRING THOUSANDS TO BELMAR Later he became proprietor. With every department of local gov­ Ruth and Rose Dashefsky, Gladys Mr. Bergen was . in his seventy-third (Continued on Last POge)' ■ ernment provided for and future needs Milch, Lillian Green, Sally Ginsburg, year. He is survived by two sons, Ray­ anticipated the tax rate is cut by $3 Adele Grushka, Sella Bunin, Hy Katz, Visiting Legionaires Will Carry Season of 1934 Beyond Phil Schwartz, A1 Edelstein and Dr. p er $1,000, a show ing unequalled by Labor Day SHARK RIVER FIRE DESTROYS any neighboring community. M orris. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 11th AVENUE HOME The State Convention of the Ameri­ S. BELMAR APPOINTS CARLTON APPOINTED Found Dead By can Legion will be held in this bor­ The ordinance appearing in this is­ The fire department was called out SPECIAX OFFICERS BOROUGH CLERK at 3 o’clock Thursday morning to- Gas Asphyxiation ough September 6th, 7th and 8th. sue an d show ing th e am ount of $75,- 000.00 for th e S h ark R iver Im prove­ tackle one of the toughest fires in the That Belmar has been chosen for On recommendation by Mayor Chas.
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