Enrolment Statistics As at 30 June 2020

Enrolment Statistics As at 30 June 2020

Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 001 City of Albany Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Breaksea 4186 15.49% 02 Kalgan 4699 17.39% 03 Vancouver 4727 17.50% 04 West 4577 16.94% 05 Frederickstown 4415 16.34% 06 Yakamia 4412 16.33% District Total 27016 100.00% 129 City of Armadale Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Heron 6863 12.33% 02 River 7669 13.78% 03 Ranford 8911 16.02% 04 Minnawarra 7017 12.61% 05 Hills 7908 14.21% 06 Lake 9481 17.04% 07 Palomino 7790 14.00% District Total 55639 100.00% 105 Shire of Ashburton Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Ashburton 43 1.46% 03 Tom Price 1516 51.41% 04 Onslow 396 13.43% 06 Tableland 88 2.98% 07 Paraburdoo 622 21.09% 08 Pannawonica 284 9.63% District Total 2949 100.00% 002 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Augusta-Margaret River 10574 100.00% District Total 10574 100.00% 130 Town of Bassendean Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Bassendean 11096 100.00% District Total 11096 100.00% Page : 1 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 003 City of Bayswater Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 12045 26.02% 02 Central 11810 25.51% 03 West 13320 28.78% 04 South 9114 19.69% District Total 46289 100.00% 116 City of Belmont Ward # Electors % Electors 01 West 9457 37.58% 02 South 8271 32.87% 03 East 7435 29.55% District Total 25163 100.00% 004 Shire of Beverley Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Beverley 1325 100.00% District Total 1325 100.00% 005 Shire of Boddington Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Boddington 1161 100.00% District Total 1161 100.00% 007 Shire of Boyup Brook Ward # Electors % Electors 02 Scott's Brook 217 18.08% 03 Benjinup 247 20.58% 04 Boyup Brook 498 41.50% 05 Dinninup 238 19.83% District Total 1200 100.00% 008 Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 665 19.34% 02 South 2773 80.66% District Total 3438 100.00% 009 Shire of Brookton Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Brookton 684 100.00% District Total 684 100.00% Page : 2 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 010 Shire of Broome Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Broome 6437 85.22% 02 Dampier 1116 14.78% District Total 7553 100.00% 011 Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Broomehill-Tambellup 696 100.00% District Total 696 100.00% 012 Shire of Bruce Rock Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Bruce Rock 659 100.00% District Total 659 100.00% 117 City of Bunbury Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Bunbury 22958 100.00% District Total 22958 100.00% 013 City of Busselton Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Busselton 27998 100.00% District Total 27998 100.00% 141 Town of Cambridge Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Coast 9626 49.35% 02 Wembley 9879 50.65% District Total 19505 100.00% 118 City of Canning Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Mason 11287 20.87% 02 Bannister 11211 20.73% 03 Beeliar 9549 17.65% 04 Nicholson 10593 19.58% 05 Beeloo 11450 21.17% District Total 54090 100.00% Page : 3 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 014 Shire of Capel Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Capel 11737 100.00% District Total 11737 100.00% 015 Shire of Carnamah Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Carnamah 383 100.00% District Total 383 100.00% 016 Shire of Carnarvon Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Town 2458 77.88% 02 Plantation 538 17.05% 03 Gascoyne/Minilya 85 2.69% 04 Coral Bay 75 2.38% District Total 3156 100.00% 017 Shire of Chapman Valley Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Chapman Valley 982 100.00% District Total 982 100.00% 018 Shire of Chittering Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Chittering 3922 100.00% District Total 3922 100.00% 131 Town of Claremont Ward # Electors % Electors 01 South 2600 35.15% 02 West 2246 30.37% 03 East 2550 34.48% District Total 7396 100.00% 119 City of Cockburn Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 24674 33.01% 02 East 25211 33.73% 03 West 24864 33.26% District Total 74749 100.00% Page : 4 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 019 Shire of Collie Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Collie 6276 100.00% District Total 6276 100.00% 020 Shire of Coolgardie Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Coolgardie 1670 100.00% District Total 1670 100.00% 021 Shire of Coorow Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Coorow 732 100.00% District Total 732 100.00% 022 Shire of Corrigin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Corrigin 804 100.00% District Total 804 100.00% 132 Town of Cottesloe Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 1523 25.40% 02 Central 1489 24.83% 03 South 1593 26.56% 04 East 1392 23.21% District Total 5997 100.00% 023 Shire of Cranbrook Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cranbrook 725 100.00% District Total 725 100.00% 024 Shire of Cuballing Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cuballing 623 100.00% District Total 623 100.00% 025 Shire of Cue Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cue 120 100.00% District Total 120 100.00% Page : 5 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 026 Shire of Cunderdin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cunderdin 778 100.00% District Total 778 100.00% 027 Shire of Dalwallinu Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dalwallinu 798 100.00% District Total 798 100.00% 028 Shire of Dandaragan Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dandaragan 2348 100.00% District Total 2348 100.00% 029 Shire of Dardanup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dardanup 9815 100.00% District Total 9815 100.00% 030 Shire of Denmark Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Kent/Nornalup 993 21.89% 02 Town 1667 36.74% 03 Scotsdale/Shadforth 1877 41.37% District Total 4537 100.00% 103 Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Derby/West Kimberley 3308 100.00% District Total 3308 100.00% 031 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Donnybrook/Balingup 4339 100.00% District Total 4339 100.00% 032 Shire of Dowerin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dowerin 472 100.00% District Total 472 100.00% Page : 6 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 033 Shire of Dumbleyung Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Kukerin 52 11.38% 02 North 154 33.70% 03 South 79 17.29% 04 Dumbleyung 172 37.64% District Total 457 100.00% 034 Shire of Dundas Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dundas 334 100.00% District Total 334 100.00% 133 Town of East Fremantle Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Plympton 1415 25.01% 02 Preston Point 1433 25.33% 03 Richmond 1375 24.31% 04 Woodside 1434 25.35% District Total 5657 100.00% 035 Shire of East Pilbara Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 102 3.43% 02 East 260 8.75% 03 Lower Central 61 2.05% 04 North 9 0.30% 05 North West 41 1.38% 06 South 2500 84.09% District Total 2973 100.00% 036 Shire of Esperance Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Town 6559 71.71% 02 Rural 2587 28.29% District Total 9146 100.00% 037 Shire of Exmouth Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Exmouth 1573 100.00% District Total 1573 100.00% Page : 7 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 120 City of Fremantle Ward # Electors % Electors 01 East 3811 16.59% 02 City 3942 17.16% 03 South 3795 16.52% 04 North 4134 17.99% 05 Hilton 3349 14.57% 06 Beaconsfield 3947 17.18% District Total 22978 100.00% 038 Shire of Gingin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Gingin 3581 100.00% District Total 3581 100.00% 039 Shire of Gnowangerup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Gnowangerup 740 100.00% District Total 740 100.00% 040 Shire of Goomalling Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Goomalling 663 100.00% District Total 663 100.00% 121 City of Gosnells Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Gosnells 73121 100.00% District Total 73121 100.00% 041 City of Greater Geraldton Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Greater Geraldton 26666 100.00% District Total 26666 100.00% 042 Shire of Halls Creek Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Halls Creek 1461 100.00% District Total 1461 100.00% 043 Shire of Harvey Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Harvey 18897 100.00% District Total 18897 100.00% Page : 8 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 044 Shire of Irwin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Irwin 2653 100.00% District Total 2653 100.00% 045 Shire of Jerramungup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Jerramungup 758 100.00% District Total 758 100.00% 135 City of Joondalup Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 17667 15.70% 02 North 21899 19.46% 03 North-Central 20919 18.59% 04 South 15586 13.85% 05 South-East 16419 14.59% 06 South-West 20053 17.82% District Total 112543 100.00% 046 City of Kalamunda Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 9697 23.89% 02 South East 9902 24.39% 03 North West 10845 26.71% 04 South West 10153 25.01% District Total 40597 100.00% 006 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kalgoorlie-Boulder 16682 100.00% District Total 16682 100.00% 086 City of Karratha Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Karratha 9295 80.25% 02 Dampier 770 6.65% Wickham-Point Samson- 03 1518 13.11% Roebourne-Cossack-Pastoral District Total 11583 100.00% Page : 9 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 047 Shire of Katanning Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Katanning 2416 100.00% District Total 2416 100.00% 048 Shire of Kellerberrin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kellerberrin 805 100.00% District Total 805 100.00% 049 Shire of Kent Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kent 330 100.00% District Total 330 100.00% 050 Shire of Kojonup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kojonup 1269 100.00% District Total 1269 100.00% 051 Shire of Kondinin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kondinin 533 100.00% District Total 533 100.00% 052 Shire of Koorda Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Koorda 258 100.00% District Total 258 100.00% 053 Shire of Kulin Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 106 19.34% 02 East 56 10.22% 03 West 176 32.12% 04 Town 210 38.32% District Total 548 100.00% 136 City of Kwinana Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kwinana 25889 100.00% District Total 25889 100.00% Page : 10 Local Government Statistics as at 30/06/2020 054 Shire of Lake Grace Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Lake Grace 893 100.00%

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