Vol. III, No. 102, 8th Waning of Waso 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Wednesday, 27 July, 2016 Union Foreign Affairs Senior General Yangon’s crime Minister attends Min Aung Hlaing crackdown operations 49th AMM’s related visits Thandaungyi to be extended meetings in Laos to other locations PAGE 3 Station PAGE 9 PAGE 3 TOWARD FEDERAL SYSTEM The leaders from ethnic armed organisations hold plenary meeting in Mai Ja Yanng, Kachin State. PHOTO: PHO HTAUNG Ethnic Armed Organisations’ conference commences Ye Khaung Nyunt among the ethnic groups in the country. the conference to discuss and ne- National Front-CNF, Democratic meeting, as the government is Khu Oo Reh, the secretary of gotiate with tolerance and loving Karen Buddhist Army-DKBA, THE ethnic armed organisations planning to hold the Union Peace the United Nationalities Federal kindness towards each other. the Karenni National Progressive plenary meeting commenced in Conference — 21st century Pan- Council (UNFC), spoke on the At the conference, ethnic Party (KNPP), the KNU/KNLA Mai Ja Yanng, Kachin State, yes- long. importance of the conference for armed groups will discuss four Peace Council, Lahu Democratic terday, attracting leaders repre- U N’Ban La recounted what the ethnic armed groups, calling topics: discussion and approval of Union-LDU, New Mon State Par- senting 17 ethnic armed groups he discussed with State Coun- the conference a “historic event a Panglong manual, adoption of ty-NMSP, National Democratic to search for common ground in sellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for ethnic armed groups”. basic principles for the constitu- Alliance Army-NDAA (Mongla), working toward a federal system recently in Yangon, saying that The four-day conference is tion of a federal democratic State, the Pao National Liberation Or- in the country. the council urged her to settle intended to prepare for coming basic principles for security and ganization-PNLO, Restoration Delivering his opening re- the current armed conflicts and Union Peace Conference — 21st defence and amending the frame- Council of Shan State-Shan State marks, U N’Ban La, Chairman of to carry on the political commit- century Panglong and to seek work for the political dialogue. Army (RCSS/SSA), the Shan the United Nationalities Federal ment gained between General common ground between ethnic The plenary meeting was State Progress Party/Shan State Council (UNFC), spoke of the Aung San and ethnic leaders in armed groups in order to broker attended by Arakan Liberation Army-SSPP/SSA, UNFC, The importance for seeking common 1947 in order to reach a cessation deals for a future Union in My- Army-ALP, Arakan National United League of Arakan/Arakan ground in meeting and imple- of armed conflicts and to build a anmar. Council, All Burma Students Army-UL/AA, mentation of agreements reached federal democratic system in the He also urged participants of Democratic Front-ABSDF, China See page 3 >> 2 NATIONAL 27 July 2016 Amyotha Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw continues for second day with Q & A session on worker issues THE Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s eration has been formed, adding second regular session entered its that actionis is being taken against second day with a question and undisciplined agencies based on answer session on Myanmar mi- the extents of the violations. grant workers, the daily minimum According to the Union min- wage and expats working in the ister, employment agencies are country yesterday. responsible for taking care of the In his response, the Union agency workers in accordance Minister for Labour, Immigration with prescribed rules and regula- and Population said that the min- tions. istry has prioritised measures to The Union minister added Amyotha Hluttaw is being convened in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA protect Myanmar migrant work- that works were being undertak- ers and ensure their socio-eco- en in cooperation with ASEAN (K3,600) the Union minister said The National Minimum different points of view based nomic betterment. member countries to ensure safe that it is impossible to revise the Wage Committee set a mini- on present commodity prices, The Union minister said that and healthy workplaces for My- current minimum wage that had mum wage of K3,600 for an foreign investments, employ- there are 243 registered overseas anmar migrant workers vulnera- been set at the moment as coor- eight-hour work day on 29 June er-employee relationship, job employment agencies in Myan- ble to labor exploitation and dis- dination with Union/Region/State 2015. opportunities, monetary sta- mar and that the Myanmar Over- criminatory treatment. committees relating to minimum He stressed the need for bility and regional matters. seas Employment Agencies Fed- On the daily minimum wage wage is needed. seeing the minimum wage from —Myanmar News Agency Pyithu Hluttaw Ethnic excursion group visit Naypyitaw for four days ANOTHER group of ethnic shed, National Museum and Ag- and Rakhine States arrived in youngsters have visited Naypy- ricultural Research Department Nay Pyi Taw on Monday. itaw in a bid from the govern- (Head Office) in Nay Pyi Taw According to the ministry, ment to project a uniting image yesterday, with three more days the excursion program is aimed in the lead up to the 21st Centu- to go. at strengthening Union spirit by ry Panglong Peace Conference It was the second “educa- deepening their understanding to apparently be held at the end tional” trip for national races of each other in different cul- of August. organised by the Ministry of tures and ensuring an opportu- The 100-member excur- Border Affairs. The ethnic ex- nity to apply knowledge gained sion group visited Uppatasanti cursion group comprising 25 during the trip in their own re- Pagoda and the white elephant each from Kachin, Kayah, Mon gions.— Myanmar News Agency ADB to renovate disaster stricken areas in Chin State ASIA Development Bank (ADB) Currently, KFW develop- office and this project is said to has vowed to provide US$10 ment bank from Germany has cost €2m. million for renovation and reha- already provided €18m for South- Over US$800m will be spent Union Minister for Health and Pyithu Hluttaw representative Daw bilitation of areas hit by natural ern Shan State. Over US$70m on the rural development projects, Sports Dr Myint Htway. PHOTO: MNA San San Ei. PHOTO: MNA disaster in Chin State, according was received from the World according to an announcement to the Department of Rural De- Bank to renovate roads and bridg- from the Rural Development De- velopment. es damaged by the natural disas- partment. Pyithu Hluttaw continues for The project is aimed at de- ters in Magwe, Bago, Sagaing, From 2014-15 to 2015-16 veloping roads in the isolated re- Yangon and Ayeyawady regions. FY, water supplies, health pro- second day with discussions on gion as well as working to have ADB has already signed an- jects and self-help water meter a consistent supply of water and MoU to provide US$10m for a re- systems were conducted in 34 public health services electricity fed into the region. The habilitation project in Chin State townships of Kachin, Rakhine Department of Rural Develop- from 2016 to 2018. Electricity and Shan states, Taninthayi, THE second Pyithu Hluttaw’s bed Thanlyin District Hospital to ment has been working with 30 supply project in Southern Shan Sagaing, Magwe and Manda- second regular session continued the south. international organisations to help State from 2016 to 2018 has been lay regions in cooperation with into its second day with lawmak- Next, the Union minister meet quotas for the project. submitted to Union government UNICEF.—ZarZar ers holding discussions on public pledged to upgrade the 25-bed hos- health services and other parlia- pital in Mong Pyin Township into mentary activities yesterday. a 50-bed centre while responding Regarding a question on to a question fromPyithuHluttaw SEA-ME-WE5 submarine internet fiber cable whether there is a plan to build a representative U Sai Tun Sein. 100-bed hospital in Dagon Myothit He added that all 25-bed (South) Township, Union Minister health facilities in regions and networks to be installed in early 2017 for Health and Sports Dr Myint Ht- states are set to be upgraded into SEA-ME-WE5 (South East Myanmar Post and Telecommu- SMW3 are mainly used. way replied that the already-built 50-bed centres under the National Asia- Middle East - Western Eu- nication (MPT) is one among The rate of internet usages 25-bed hospital will be upgraded Plan running from 2016-2017 FY rope 5) submarine internet fiber telecommunication operators, has risen this year. The meas- into a 50-bed with eight special- to 2020-2021 FY. system will be installed in early which is building the network. ures to enhance the SEA-ME- ised treatment services during this ThePyithuHluttaw approved 2017, said an official from the After the completion of this WE3 submarine cable network fiscal year. the amendment bill to the An- Ministry of Transport and Com- cable network, backbone band- were undertaken in 2015. As a The Union minister point- ti-Corruption Law sent by Amyo- munication. width will be wider on fiber-op- result, the bandwidth of SEA- ed out that the township, formed tha Hluttaw with amendments. Currently, installation of tic networks. ME-WE3 has risen from 7Gbps with 32 wards and with a popula- Afterwards, Moenyin Town- tion of 296,979, has one township ship Pyithu Hluttaw representa- land cable networks is at it’s fi- Currently, Myanmar has to 60Gbps. hospital, one station hospital, two tive Daw San San Ei submitted nal stage for the installation of been using cross-border fiber Three operators in My- regional health centres and two ru- a proposal calling on the Union the SEA-ME-WE5 submarine link, SEA-ME-WE3 subma- anmar are currently using ral health centres providing health government to expand the organi- cable networks.
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