Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 82(5), 2010, pp. 831–837 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.2010.09-0546 Copyright © 2010 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Suppressing Aedes albopictus , an Emerging Vector of Dengue and Chikungunya Viruses, by a Novel Combination of a Monomolecular Film and an Insect-Growth Regulator Mark Nelder , Banugopan Kesavaraju ,* Ary Farajollahi , Sean Healy , Isik Unlu , Taryn Crepeau , Ashok Ragavendran , Dina Fonseca , and Randy Gaugler Center for Vector Biology, Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Mercer County Mosquito Control, West Trenton, New Jersey ; Monmouth County Mosquito Extermination Commission, Eatontown, New Jersey; Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Abstract. The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is rapidly increasing its global range and importance in transmission of chikungunya and dengue viruses. We tested pellet formulations of a monomolecular film (Agnique) and (S)-methoprene (Altosid) under laboratory and field conditions. In the laboratory, Agnique provided 80% control for 20 days, whereas Altosid, in combination with Agnique, provided 80% control for > 60 days. During field trials, the 1:1 pel- let ratio of combined products provided > 95% control for at least 32 days and 50% control for at least 50 days. Altosid remained effective after a 107-day laboratory-induced drought, suggesting that the product serves as a means of control during drought conditions and against spring broods in temperate regions. Agnique and Altosid, when used in tandem for cryptic, difficult-to-treat locations, can provide long-term control of Ae . albopictus larvae and pupae. The possible additive or synergistic effects of the combined products deserve further investigation. INTRODUCTION structure of the immature community (most effective against late instars). The concept of combining an MMF with an insect- The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an growth regulator, 15 however, has not been evaluated. important vector of dengue virus (DENV, the causative agent The success of Ae . albopictus as an invader is partly because of dengue), of which there are globally 100 million infec- of the pervasiveness and varied nature of its immature habi- 1 tions per year. Ae. albopictus is the primary rural and subur- tats, which include artificial (e.g., trash, tarps, plastic toys, and 2 ban vector in the DENV foci of Asia and the Pacific Islands. tires) and natural containers (e.g., tree holes and bamboo inter- More recently, Ae . albopictus has become the primary vector nodes). 16 More importantly, this mosquito is found primarily of chikungunya virus (CHIKV), an arboviral disease infecting in urban areas, where inspection and control by mosquito- 3,4 over 1 million people in India and the Indian Ocean islands. abatement personnel are logistically difficult. For effective Ae. albopictus has created concern in areas where this mos- control of Ae . albopictus immatures, operationally feasible, quito has invaded and caused epidemics of CHIKV, such as cost-effective, and long-acting measures are needed. Over 5,6 Italy and La Réunion. In Gabon, Ae . albopictus is the pri- most parts of its range, there are no interventions specifically mary vector of CHIKV and DENV-2 in urban, suburban, and directed against Ae . albopictus by mosquito control programs. rural areas, where 8 of 3,21l individuals have been diagnosed Considering the relatively large number of containers that tend 7 with concurrent infections. Since its introduction into the to be hidden or difficult to reach and treat in urban residen- continental United States in 1985, Ae . albopictus has spread to tial centers, we preferred to use a relatively quick acting agent 8 37 states, creating public health concerns. Cache Valley virus, (i.e., where dead larvae and pupae are visualized in 24–48 eastern equine encephalitis virus, Jamestown Canyon virus, La hours) and a long residual. Currently, products available to treat Crosse virus (LACV), and West Nile virus (WNV) have all been Ae . albopictus and mosquitoes of similar life histories are either 9–12 detected in North American Ae . albopictus . The coupling of quick-acting pesticides with little residual effect or slower- vector and biting nuisance status underscores the importance acting pesticides with a residual effect. We tested the dual use of control of Ae . albopictus for public health worldwide. of a MMF (Agnique) and an insect-growth regulator (Altosid) Monomolecular films (MMF) such as alcohol-ethoxylated against larvae and pupae of Ae . albopictus under field and lab- surfactants (Agnique and Arosurf) have been used against oratory conditions to evaluate their combined effectiveness. 13 immature mosquitoes since the early 1980’s. After being Our study is the first report combining these insecticides for added to water, they interfere with the surface tension, pre- combating Ae . albopictus , showing a potentially novel tool for venting larvae and pupae from remaining on the surface and controlling container-inhabiting mosquitoes. breathing. Insect-growth regulators, such as (S)-methoprene (Altosid), have been used to combat immature mosquitoes since the mid 1970’s. (S)-methoprene is a mimic of juvenile MATERIALS AND METHODS hormone III (naturally found in mosquitoes). It targets fourth Laboratory trials. Colony maintenance. The Ae. albopictus instars by interfering with diploid cell division and apoptosis used in all laboratory trials was F4 generation, initially in polytene cells, and it creates midguts in pupae that are simi- collected as larvae during August 2007 from an auto-salvage 14 lar to larval midgets, preventing normal development. MMFs yard in Trenton, NJ. Maintenance of the colony and rearing of produce rapid mortality (less than 48 hours), whereas insect- test larvae followed established protocols. 17 Briefly, egg papers growth regulators may take up to 7 days, depending on the age were submerged in 2 L of tap water (1 paper per enamel tray) containing 0.15 g of lactalbumin/Brewer’s yeast (1:1 ratio by mass), and eggs were allowed to hatch at 27°C under a 16-hour * Address correspondence to Banugopan Kesavaraju, Salt Lake City light to 8-hour dark photoperiod. Egg papers with unhatched Mosquito Abatement District, 2020 North Redwood Road, Salt Lake eggs were removed from trays after 24 hours to ensure uniform City, UT 84116. E-mail: [email protected] hatch (i.e., production of larvae of similar age). Developing 831 832 NELDER AND OTHERS larvae were fed on finely ground rat chow (day 3 = 0.5 g in (average mass = 0.03 g) was applied to each container, and 50 mL tap water; days 5, 7, and 9 = 0.5 g in 50 mL tap water ) survival was measured after 48 hours. Experimental conditions until they reached the fourth instar. Only fourth instars were followed the protocols established in Agnique and Altosid used in all trials. combination trials. Data were analyzed with an ANOVA with Combined efficacy of Agnique and Altosid. Pellet formu- number surviving as the dependent variable and treatment lations of the MMF, Agnique, were obtained from Cognis (control, Agnique), instar, and their interaction as the Corp. (Cincinnati, OH), and the (S)-methoprene, Altosid, was independent variables. from Wellmark International (Schaumburg, IL). Twenty ran- Field trials. Site descriptions and climate. Suburban and domly selected pellets were weighed to establish mean pellet urban field plots (100 m 2 ) were selected in Mercer County mass for each product (Agnique = 0.06 ± 0.006 g; Altosid = and Monmouth County, New Jersey. Mercer County is located 0.13 ± 0.009 g). northeast of Philadelphia, PA, and it borders the Delaware All trials were performed in 400-mL Tri-Pour (VWR, West River in the city of Trenton. Monmouth County is south of New Chester, PA) lidded containers with 250 mL of tap water, York City, NY, and it borders the Atlantic Ocean and Raritan 10 fourth instars, and 0.04 g of lactalbumin/Brewer’s yeast Bay. These sites were chosen based on county surveillance (1:1 ratio). Insecticide treatments, each with five contain- reports indicating established Ae. albopictus populations. ers, were as follows: Treatment 1 (T1), 0.06 g Agnique/0.00 g Experiments were conducted July 24, 2008 through October Altosid (Agnique only); T2, 0.03/0.065; T3, 0.03/0.13; T4, 31, 2008 (in Mercer County, trials ended October 24, 2008) 0.03/0.26; T5, 0.06/0.065; T6, 0.06/0.13; T7, 0.06/0.26; T8, using local populations of Ae . albopictus . 0.12/0.065; T9, 0.12/0.13; T10, 0.12/0.26; and T11, 0.00/0.13 For Mercer County, urban sites were located in Trenton. (Altosid only). Controls (C) consisted of 10 cups without Site 1 was an active automotive repair shop located within insecticides. Insecticides were applied to containers 2 hours an industrial area (40°14′ N, 74°44′ W). Site 2 was an automo- before starting the experiment. Survival was measured as the tive repair shop within a suburban neighborhood (40°14′ N, number of adults that emerged from pupae in 10 days. After 74°44′ W). Residential homes in site 2 were comprised of row 10 days, all remaining larvae, pupae, and adults were removed, houses of similar age and size. Tall trees ( Quercus and Acer and a fresh batch of 10 fourth instars was introduced. The spp.) and shrubs along the fencing provided shade for resting procedure was repeated 11 times for a test duration of 120 Ae . albopictus for both experimental sites. Further informa- days. All trials were conducted at 25–27°C with a 12-hours tion on selected sites in Mercer County has been described in light and 12-hours dark photoperiod. Water was maintained detail previously. 20 Precipitation and temperature data, during at 250 ± 10 mL by adding water at 10-day intervals.
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