July 2013 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 7 www.awwmag.com Energy-Efficient Pump Technology: Key Role in GCC’s Sustainable Growth (P.22) Membrane Distillation & Samra Wastewater Growth Drilled Thermal Energy: Treatment Plant: Deep Down Spouting A Successful Merge (P.13) Safe Reuse of Treated Water (P.49) Great Expectations (P.16) Arab Water World July 2013 Serving the Water, Wastewater, Desalination & Energy Sectors in MENA - Since 1977 www.awwmag.com July 2013 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 7 INTROductiON Issue Content..........................................................................01 Opening Letter & CPH Team........................................02 MENA Water Digest.............................................................04 Water TREATMENT Wastewater Treatment DESALINATION TECHNOLOGY POE Treatment Septic Systems Hybrid Desalination A Bright New Future for Water 07 Expanding Water Measures: Membrane Distillation and Thermal Energy: A Bode to Rely on 10 A Successful Merge 13 09 11 14 FEATURE INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS COUNTRY / REGIONAL REPORTS Well Drilling Hydropower Iran Growth Drilled Deep Down Spouting The Dawn of a New Era: Valuable Projects Underway Great Expectations 16 Power Investment in the GCC 20 Shaping the Water Sector’s Growth 39 Pumps Italy Energy-Efficient Pump Technology: Largest European Drinking Water Key Role in GCC’s Sustainable Growth 22 Plant under Construction 43 Jordan Water Testing Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant: Power Measurement Market: Safe Reuse of Treated Water 49 A Bright Look Ahead 32 Switzerland The Swiss Bottled Water Saved by the Chinese Bell 52 18 26 50 COVER STORY DEPARTMENTS A paradigm shift is ex- July 2013 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 7 Corporate Happenings......................................................55 Industry Literature.............................................................59 pected in the industrial pumps market in the www.awwmag.com Interview & Profiles..............................................................60 Products & Services...........................................................62 Energy-Efficient Pump Technology: GCC in the next ten years. Key Role in GCC’s Sustainable Growth (P.22) This change is expected from two fronts: growing SERVICES demand from the non- Coming Events........................................................................ 65 Buyers’ Guide...................................................................66 oil and gas sector and increasing footprint of smaller pump manufac- Membrane Distillation & Samra Wastewater Growth Drilled Thermal Energy: Treatment Plant: Deep Down Spouting INFO turers. Increased focus on A Successful Merge (P.13) Safe Reuse of Treated Water (P.49) Great Expectations (P.16) Advertisers’ Index...........................................................68 General Information............................................................69 energy efficiency pres- Closing Letter........................................................................... 70 ents huge opportunities Cover Photo Courtesy of: for intelligent pumps. Layne Bowler Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l. - Beirut, Lebanon Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977 www.cphworldmedia.com نساعد بتطوير الشرق اﻷوسط ومشال أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ 1977 تصدر عن سي بي أتش ورلد ميديا ش.م.م. - بريوت، لبنان الرسالة اﻹفتتاحية Opening Letter تطبيق Applying مبدأ The principle of الثواب والعقاب Reward & Punishment يعتقد معظم املسؤولني عن الثروة املائية يف البلدان العربية وكأن الوظيفة أو املنصب الذي يشغلونه Most of those responsible for water management in the Arab countries think أصبح ملكا ًهلم، يتصرفون به كيفما يشاؤون لتسيري شؤون العباد. يف هذه الرسالة، سأتطرق إىل أهم that the job or position they occupy belongs to them, acting as they please to manage people’s matters. In this letter, I will address the most important viola- التجاوزات واﻷخطاء اليت ميارسها هؤﻻء. .tions and mistakes done by these parties 1- تغييب رأي املواطنني Ignoring people’s opinions – 1 فاملشاريع اليت يتم دراستها وتنفيذها تأتي ا بناءًﻻجتهادات هؤﻻء املوظفني الذين يقبعون خلف Water projects that are being studied and implemented are based upon the مكاتبهم دون أن يأخذوا بعني اﻹعتبار مطالب وآراء املواطنني الذين ستشملهم هذه املشاريع. assumptions of those in charge of water resources without taking into account the claims and opinions of citizens who are going to be a part of these projects. 2- وضع دراسات غري موثوقة Developing unreliable studies – 2 يتم تنفيذ معظم الدراسات بواسطة بيوت هندسية استشارية بناءًا ﻷهواء ومتطلبات اﻷجهزة Most of the studies performed by consulting engineering are based upon the املختصة. والويل ثم الويل لكل استشاري تسول له نفسه خمالفة التعلميات اليت يقررها املسؤولون requirements of the competent bodies, so consultants will think twice before عن هذه الدراسات. .ever violating the instructions put by those responsible for the studies 3 – Political Interest 3- مصاحل سياسية Projects are chosen based upon the interest of politicians and those in charge يتم اختيار املشاريع املائية استنادا إىلً مصاحل السياسيني وأصحاب النفوذ وليس إىل متطلبات .and not according to people’s requirements and demands واحتياجات املواطنني. Choosing the most costly project – 4 4- اختيار املشروع اﻷكثر كلفة Since corruption is widely spreading among institutions managing the water field, the most costly project is being chosen. The more the costs of the project بسبب الفساد املنتشر يف أوساط املؤسسات اليت تعنى حبقل املياه، يتم اختيار املشروع اﻷكثر كلفة. are, the more commissions are distributed among those responsible for these فبقدر ما تزداد أكﻻف املشروع، بقدر ما تزداد العمولة اليت سيتلقاها املسؤولني عن هذه املشاريع. .projects 5- تقديم دراسات ملفّقة Developing fabricated studies - 5 حتتاج العديد من املشاريع املائية إىل متويل بيوت مالية ماحنة، أهمها البنك الدولي. وللحصول -Many of the water projects need to be financed by financial institutions, par ticularly the World Bank. In order to have loans from these institutions, studies على قروض مالية من هذه املؤسسات، يعمد املسؤولون عن الثروة املائية إىل وضع دراسات ﻻ تعكس .that do not reflect the exact costs of these projects are being developed حقيقة أكﻻف هذه املشاريع. Not proposing an alternative project – 6 6- عدم اقرتاح مشروع بديل Those responsible for water resources avoid proposing an alternative project يتفادى املسؤولون عدم وضع مشروع بديل للمشروع الذي خيتارونه وذلك لكي يتم تفادي اختيار in order to avoid selecting it; i.e. a project which will be less costly than the one to be implemented. املشروع البديل الذي ستكون أكﻻفه أقلمن املشروع املقرر تنفيذه. The above mentioned points are just the tip of the iceberg, so what would the كان هذا غيض من فيض من املخالفات والتجاوزات اليت حتصل يف حقل املياه. فما احلل؟ ?solution be إن احلل الوحيد الذي يضمن تفادي معظم التجاوزات واﻷخطاء اليت حتصل يف دراسة وتنفيذ The only solution to avoid those mistakes in the studies and implementations املشاريع املائية هو إعطاء دور ّال فعللمؤسسات غري احلكومية ومتكينها العمل كمراقب of water projects is to give an effective role to nongovernmental organizations to work as a watcher that has the authority to get all the information needed to ّ Watch Dog ) ( يتمتع بصﻻحيات متكنه من احلصول على مجيع املعلومات اليت حيتاجها لكي set an viewpoint based on solid facts. In addition, the principle of reward and يبين رأيه على وثائق ملموسة. كما ينبغي تطبيق مبدأ الثواب والعقاب حبق أصحاب القرار وكذلك -punishment should be applied to decision makers and nongovernmental insti حبق املؤسسات غري احلكومية. وهذا ما يستدعي إنشاء جلنة قضائية يوكل اليها مجيع املشاكل tutions. This calls for the establishment of a judicial committee which is to be واخلﻻفات اليت تطرأ يف حقل املياه. .entrusted with all disputes and problems that arise in the water field فتحي شاتيﻻ Fathi Chatila رئيس التحرير Editor-in-Chief CPH Team Honorary Content Consultants (HCC) (Email domain is @cphworldmedia.com) • Dr. Bakenaz A. Zeydan - Head of Water Engineering Department, Tanta University, Egypt Founders • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006) • Dr. Eng. Darwish Ibrahim Yousef - Prof. of Yousef Office for Science & Engineering, Syria Management • President Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Cha- • Dr. Jalal Halwani - The Lebanese University, Lebanon • Eng. Mohamad Amin Saad - President Masar Technologies, USA tila (B.Arch) / r.chatila@ • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / ar.hallak@ • Admin- • Dr. Mritunjay Chaubey - Pentair Water, India istrative Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ • Administrative Assistant Dania Itani • Euro Ing. Prof. Nidal Hilal - Director of The Centre for Clean Water Technologies, Editorial & Research • Editor-in-Chief Fathi Chatila / f.chatila.chatila@ • Acting ER Manager/Se- Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre, School of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea nior Editor & Researcher Dina Fawaz / d.fawaz@ • Editor & Researcher Rawand Fakih/ r.fakih@ • SA2 8PP, UK. Assistant Editor & Researcher Soha Ghandour/ s.ghandour@ • Dr. Riyad Abou Maizar - Associated Consultants Engineers (ACE), Bahrain • Dr. Walid Saleh - Int’l Network on water, Environmental & Health (INWEH), The Circulation & Marketing • Circulation & Marketing Manager Jad L. Aboulhosn / j.aboulhosn@ United Nations University, Jordan Information Technology • IT Operation & Support Officers Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ • Mazen • Dr. Yousef Al. 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