ŠTUDENTSKÁ VEDECKÁ KONFERENCIA 2014 Bratislava, 9. apríla 2014 Sekcie: Doktorandi Posterová sekcia Za odbornú, terminologickú, grafickú a jazykovú úpravu jednotlivých príspevkov zodpovedajú autori. Recenzenti: Doc. PaedDr. Ludmila Zapletalová, PhD. Doc. PaedDr. Peter Mačura, PhD. PaedDr. Ladislava Doležajová, PhD. Zostavovatelia: doc. PaedDr. Oľga Kyselovičová,PhD.; Doc. PaedDr. Peter Mačura, PhD.; PaedDr. Ladislava Doležajová, PhD. Mgr. Lukáš Chovanec, Phd. Technický redaktor: Mgr. Lukáš Chovanec, Phd. Rozsah: 118 strán Vydal: © Fakulta telesnej výchovy a športu, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave 2014 ISBN 978-80-223-3663-5 EAN 978-80-223-3663-5 OBSAH Sekcia doktorandov Jaroslava ARGAJOVÁ........................................................................................................6 THE DEPENDENCE OF THE PERFORMANCE CHANGES OF SPEED STRENGTH ABILITIES AND THE PERFORMANCE CHANGES OF SKILLS IN 15-YEARS-OLD BASKETBALL FEMALES (Supervisor: Prof. PaedDr. Tomáš KAMPMILLER, PhD.) Michal JELEŇ, Tomáš VILMAN.....................................................................................14 THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS SERIAL STRETCH LOADING FREQUENCIES ON RATE OF FORCE DEVELOPMENT (Supervisor: Prof. Mgr. Erika ZEMKOVÁ, PhD.) Veronika KORBAČKOVÁ, Jana POTOČNÍKOVÁ......................................................23 DIFFERENCES OF PERSONALITY TRAITS IN FEMALE BASKETBALL AND TENNIS PLAYERS (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Helena MEDEKOVÁ, PhD.) Katarína LONGOVÁ.........................................................................................................32 DEVELOPING OF EXPLOSIVE POWER BY LOADED SQUAT JUMPS WITH DIFFERENT PERIODIZATION (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marián VANDERKA, PhD.) Pavel ŠMELA.....................................................................................................................46 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS´ OPINIONS ON FITNESS PROGRAM (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Janka PERÁČKOVÁ, PhD.) Tomáš VILMAN, Michal JELEŇ.....................................................................................52 THE ACUTE EFFECT OF STRENGTH EXERCISE WITH DIFFERENT SERIAL STRETCH LOADING FREQUENCIES ON RATE OF FORCE DEVELOPMENT IN CROSSFIT ATHLETES (Supervisor: Prof. Mgr. Erika ZEMKOVÁ, PhD.) Posterová sekcia Ľuboš BENKOVSKÝ.........................................................................................................60 EFEKTÍVNOSŤ ŠPORTOVEJ PRÍPRAVY MLADŠÍCH ŽIAKOV VO FUTBALE (Školiteľ: doc. PaedDr. Pavol PERÁČEK, PhD.) Ľuboš GRZNÁR.................................................................................................................67 MONITOROVANIE ZOTAVOVACÍCH PROCESOV V JEDNOROČNOM CYKLE PO ANAERÓBNOM ZAŤAŽENÍ VÝKONNOSTNÝCH PLAVCOV (Školiteľ: PaedDr. Yvetta MACEJKOVÁ, PhD.) Alžbeta CHOVANCOVÁ..................................................................................................72 SPOKOJNOSŤ S VNÍMANÍM OBRAZU TELA ŠPORTUJÚCICH A NEŠPORTUJÚCICH MUŽOV A ŽIEN (Školiteľ: doc. PaedDr. Janka PERÁČKOVÁ, PhD.) Martin KOJNOK...............................................................................................................79 DIFERENCOVANÁ ADAPTÁCIA A JEJ VYHASÍNANIE PO APLIKÁCII PLYOMETRICKÉHO, SILOVO - RÝCHLOSTNÉHO A KOMBINOVANÉHO (Školiteľ: doc. Marián VANDERKA, PhD.) Ivana KRASŇANOVÁ......................................................................................................86 ÚROVEŇ KOORDINAČNÝCH SCHOPNOSTÍ ŽIAKOV DRUHÉHO STUPŇA ZÁKLADNYCH ŠKÔL (Školiteľ: doc. PaedDr. Anton LEDNICKÝ, PhD.) Michal MATUŠOV.............................................................................................................92 VZŤAH MEDZI RÝCHLOSTNO-SILOVÝMI PARAMETRAMI A RÝCHLOSŤOU LETU LOPTY PRI SMEČI VO VRCHOLOVOM VOLEJBALE ŽIEN V RÔZNYCH OBDOBIACH RTC (Školiteľ: doc. PaedDr. Vladimír PŘIDAL, PhD.) Lukáš ODRÁŠKA..............................................................................................................99 VPLYV IZOKINETICKEJ FORMY ZAŤAŽENIA NA ZMENY RÝCHLOSTI PLÁVANIA PO ODRAZE U VÝKONNOSTNÝCH PLAVCOV (Školiteľ: prof. PaedDr. Yvetta MACEJKOVÁ, PhD.) Zuzana PINTÉROVÁ......................................................................................................107 VPLYV ZÁŽITKOVÉHO UČENIA S OBSAHOM ŠPORTOVÝCH AKTIVÍT NA SPRÁVANIE SA PROBLÉMOVÝCH ŽIAKOV V ŠKOLSKOM PROSTREDÍ (Školiteľ: doc. PaedDr. Janka PERÁČKOVÁ, PhD.) Barbora VRTIAKOVÁ....................................................................................................113 KOMPENZAČNÉ POHYBOVÉ AKTIVITY MLADÝCH ŠACHISTOV (Školiteľ: prof. PhDr. Josef OBORNÝ, PhD.) SEKCIA DOKTORANDOV SEKCIA DOKTORANDOV THE DEPENDENCE OF THE PERFORMANCE CHANGES OF SPEED STRENGTH ABILITIES AND THE PERFORMANCE CHANGES OF SKILLS IN 15-YEARS-OLD BASKETBALL FEMALES Jaroslava ARGAJOVÁ Department of Track and Field, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Comenius University in Bratislava Supervisor: Prof. PaedDr. Tomáš Kampmiller, PhD. ABSTRACT Speed strength abilities are one of the most important factors in basketball performance. The aim of this study was to determine, whether there exists a dependence of the performance changes in the chosen tests of speed strength abilities and performance changes in the chosen tests of skills after an 8-week training intervention in a 27- membered group of 15-years-old basketball females. There was presumed that there is a differentiated relationship of the performance changes in the tests of speed strength abilities on the performance changes in the tests of basketball skills. For the diagnostics of the level of speed strength abilities there were used following tests: bench press, 10 seconds maximal jumping test, drop jumps from different heights (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 m), countermovement jump, seated box jump, bar/barbell squat jump. The level of individual skills was evaluated by agility test, dribbling slalom, repeated rebound test, wall pass test, timed layup test, shooting from 4 meters test, free throws test. Spearman pair correlation analysis was used for evaluation of the data. There was determined differentiated dependence between speed strength abilities and skills since there occurred different number of significant correlations (p<0.01 and p<0.05) between the tests of speed strength abilities and separate skills. The most noticeable influence of speed strength abilities seems to be in repeated rebound test (11 correlations), wall pass test (8 correlations) and dribbling slalom (5 correlations). Less influenced were timed layup test (1 correlation), agility test (1 correlation), free throws test (2 correlations) and shooting from 4 meters test was not influenced at all. Based on the findings of the study there can be recommended the usage of speed strength exercises in the training process of young basketball females, specifically drop jumps, repeated jumps and medicine ball exercises. Key words: basketball, speed strength abilities, skills, performance changes 1 INTRODUCTION Changes of direction and speed in a basketball match can be considered as one of the most typical movements of a player. McInnes et al. (1995) determined that players change direction on average every 2 seconds. Therefore there is a need for almost constant acceleration and deceleration during a basketball movement, in other words need to speed up or slow down as quickly as possible and at the smallest space possible. High intensity of 6 SEKCIA DOKTORANDOV the game can also be indicated for example by sudden changes of movement types and speed levels, jumping and sudden stopping and starting which all have a very explosive character. This applies also to upper limb movements such as dribbling, passing or shooting. The execution of those movements depends mainly on power and strength of lower and upper limbs, agility, coordination, speed of cyclic and acyclic movements of aerobic and anaerobic character (Erčulj, Dežman, Vučković, 2003; Stone, 2007; Zwierko, Lesiakowski, 2007). For players to have an advantage over their opponents, they have to perform faster and be stronger than their opponents. This requires a sufficient level of player´s speed strength abilities. 2 AIM, HYPOTHESIS, TASKS OF THE STUDY 2.1 Aim of the study The aim of this study was to determine, whether there exist a dependence of the performance changes in the chosen tests of speed strength abilities and performance changes in the chosen tests of skills after an 8-week training intervention in a group of 27 15-years-old basketball females. 2.2 Hypothesis of the study There is a differentiated dependence of the performance changes in the tests of speed strength abilities on the performance changes in the tests of basketball skills. 2.3 Tasks of the study 1. Determine the performance differences between performed pre-tests and post-tests of speed strength abilities and basketball skills. 2. Determine the dependence of the pre-tests and post-tests performance changes. 3 METHODS The battery of tests which were chosen was tested on a group of 27 young female basketball players from two teams in Bratislava. At the time of pre-testing, the average body height was 1.71±0.06 m, average body weight was 63.67±7.28 kg, mean body mass index was 21.77±2.06, average age was 15±0.39 and average sport age was 4.85±1.96 years. At the time of post-testing, the average body height was 1.72±0.06 m, average body weight was 63.96±7.93 kg, mean body mass index was 21.63±2.08, average age was 15±0.39 and average sport age was 4.85±1.96 years. There were little or no changes between pre- and post-testing. Pre-testing took place in
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