MARK PURCELL Department of Urban Design and Planning University of Washington Box 355740, o!ld 4"0 Seattle W$ %&"%5 '(mail) mp!r*ell+!,-ed! Web) http)..fa*!lty-,ashington-ed!.mp!r*ell PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS /0"4(present $sso*iate 0hair, Department of Urban Design 1 Planning, University of Washington /0"3(present Professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington /005(/0"3 $sso*iate Professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington /003(/005 $ssistant Professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington "%%%(/003) 2e*t!rer, Department of eography, University of Washington "%%&("%%%) 2e*t!rer, Department of eography, U02$ "%%5("%%&) Undergrad!ate $*ademi* 0o!nselor, Department of eography and 0ollege of 2etters and #*ien*es, U02$- "%%3("%%5 3ea*hing $ssistant, Department of eography, U02$ EDUCATION 1998 Ph.D. University o C!"i orni!, Los Ange"es (&eo$r!'hy( Dissertation) 4Po,er in 2os $ngeles) 5omeo,ners $sso*iations, Urban Politi*s, and the Prod!*tion of Urban Spa*e6 199) MA University o C!"i orni!, Los Ange"es (&eo$r!'hy( 3hesis) 4Egypt7s 0optic 0hristians) 0ontested 0reations of Pla*e in the #tr!ggle for #!rvival6 199* +A D,-e University (R,ssi!n) Magna Cum Laude Phi Beta Kappa " Updated 8ay, /0"% CURRENT RESEARC. Political theory and demo*ra*y Urban political movements, espe*ially for a right to the *ity Urban politics and planning RESEARC. E/PERIENCE A0!r1s for Rese!rch /0"4 3he 9en :o!ng Best Paper Prize, a,arded yearly to the best paper p!blished in the <o!rnal Policy & Politics, p!blished by Poli*y Press- +oo-s /0"3 Pur*ell, 8- The Down-Deep Delight of Democracy- Wiley(Bla*=,ell) 2ondon- /00& Pur*ell, 8- Recapturing democracy: neoliberalization and the struggle for alternative urban futures- >o!tledge) ?e, :or=- 3o,rna" Arti2"es @ refereed A invited @A /0"% Pur*ell, 8- 4Demo*ra*y Beyond 5egemony6 in press at $lobal Discourse %)/- Bn Press @ /0"& Con, B and 8- Pur*ell, 4>adical >esilien*e) $!tonomo!s Self(management in Post(disaster >e*overy Planning and Pra*ti*e6 Planning Theory and Practice "%D/E) /35(/5"- @A /0"7 Pur*ell, 8- and B. Born, 4Planning in the spirit of Dele!ze and !attari? 0onsidering *omm!nity(based food pro<e*ts in the United #tates and 8exi*o6 %rban $eography 3&D4E) 5/"(53G- A /0"7 Pur*ell, 8- 4Hor Cohn De,ey Dand very m!*h also for *ontemporary *ritical theoryE6 %rban $eography 3&D4E) 4%5(50"- @A /0"G Pur*ell, 8- 4Hor Demo*ra*y) Planning and Publi*s ,itho!t the #tate6 Planning Theory "5D4E) 3&G(40"- @A /0"5 Pur*ell, 8- and #- 3yman, 40!ltivating Hood as a >ight to the 0ity,6 Local &n#ironment, /0D"0E) ""3/(""47- @A /0"4 Pur*ell, 8- 4>an*iere and >evol!tion6 'pace & Polity "&)/) "G&("&"- / Updated 8ay, /0"% @A /0"3 Pur*ell, 8- Possible Worlds) 5enri 2efebvre and the >ight to the 0ity- (ournal of %rban )ffairs 3GD"E) "4"("54* @A /0"3 Pur*ell, 8- 3he >ight to the 0ity) the str!ggle for demo*ra*y in the !rban p!blic realm- Policy & Politics 4"D3E) 3""(3/&- Winner of the 9en :o!ng Prize for Best $rti*le Published in Policy & Politics in /0"3- @A /0"3 Pur*ell, 8- 3o Bnhabit Well) 0o!nter(hegemonic movements and the right to the *ity- %rban $eography 34D4E) 5G0(574- @ /0"3 Pur*ell, 8- 4$ ?e, 2and) Dele!ze and !attari and Planning,6 Planning Theory and Practice, "3D"E) /0(3&- @A /0"/ Pur*ell, 8- rams*i Bs ?ot Dead) Hor a IBoth.$nd7 $pproa*h to >adical eography- )CME An +nternational (ournal for Critical $eographies ""(3E- A /0"/ Pur*ell, 8- Hran=enstein is dead, a response to >ichard Day- )CME An +nternational (ournal for Critical $eographies ""(3E- @A /0"" Pur*ell, 8- 3he >ight to the 0ity and 0ontemporary Urban 8ovements, for Les Cahiers de la Cambre, n- ..- Editors) Blaria Bonib!rini (University of Hloren*e), 2!isa 8oretto DBnstit!t #!pJrie!r d7$r*hite*t!re 2a 0ambre), 5arry #mith D5eriot(Watt UniversityE and C!dith 2e 8aire DBnstit!t #!pJrie!r d7$r*hite*t!re 2a 0ambreE- @ /00% Pur*ell, 8- 5egemony and differen*e in political movements) artic!lating net,or=s of eK!ivalen*e- /ew Political 'cience 3"D3E) /%"(3"&- @ /00% Pur*ell, 8- >esisting neoliberalization) 0omm!ni*ative Planning or >adical Demo*rati* 8ovementsF Planning Theory &D/E) "40("G5- A /00% Pur*ell, 8- 2e droit L la ville et les mo!vements !rbains *ontemporains- Rue Descartes G3) 40(50- @A /007 Pur*ell, 8- 0ity(>egions, ?eoliberal lobalization, and Demo*ra*y) $ >esear*h $genda- +nternational (ournal of %r!an and Regional Research 3"D"E) "%7(/0G- @ /007 Pur*ell, 8- #=illed, *heap, and desperate) ?on(ten!re(tra*= fa*!lty and the del!sion of merito*ra*y- Antipode 3%D"E) "/"("43- 3 Updated 8ay, /0"% @ /00G Pur*ell, 8- and B. Born DeK!al a!thorsE $voiding the lo*al trap) #*ale and Hood #ystems in Planning >esear*h- (ournal of Planning &ducation and Research /GD/E) "%5(/07- @ /00G Pur*ell, 8- Urban Demo*ra*y and the 2o*al 3rap- %rban 'tudies 43D""E)"%/"("%4"- @ /005 Pur*ell, 8- and Bro,n, C- DeK!al a!thorsE) $gainst the lo*al trap) s*ale and the st!dy of environment and development- Progress in Development 'tudies* 5D4E) /7%(/%7- @ /005 Pur*ell, 8- and Bro,n, C- DeK!al a!thors) 3here7s nothing inherent abo!t s*ale) Political e*ology, the lo*al trap, and the politi*s of development in the Brazilian $mazon- $eoforum 3G(5E) G07(G/4* @ /005 Pur*ell, 8- (first a!thor) and ?evins, C- Pushing the bo!ndary) state restr!*t!ring, state theory, and the *ase of U-#-(8exi*o border enfor*ement in the "%%0s- Political $eography /4D/E) /""(/35- @A /004 Pur*ell, 8- >egionalism and the liberal(radical divide- Antipode 3G(4E) 7G0(7G5- @ /003 Pur*ell, 8- 0itizenship and the right to the global *ity) reimagining the *apitalist ,orld order- +nternational (ournal of %r!an and Regional Research /7(3E) 5G4(5%0- @ /003 Pur*ell, 8- Bslands of pra*ti*e and the 8arston.Brenner debate) 3o,ard a more syntheti* *riti*al h!man geography- Progress in 0uman $eography /7(4E) 3"7(33/- A /003 Pur*ell, 8- D,ith D- 8artin and '- 8*0annE- #pa*e, s*ale, governan*e, and representation) *ontemporary geographical perspe*tives on !rban politics and poli*y- (ournal of %rban )ffairs /5D/E) ""3("/"- @A /00/ Pur*ell, 8- Ex*avating 2efebvre) the right to the *ity and its !rban politi*s of the inhabitant- $eo1ournal 5&D/(3E) %%("0&- @ /00/ Pur*ell, 8- Politics in global *ities) 2os $ngeles *harter reform and the ne, so*ial movements- &n#ironment and Planning ) 34D"E) /3(4/- @ /00/ Pur*ell, 8- 3he state, regulation, and global restr!*t!ring: reasserting the politi*al in political e*onomy- Review of +nternational Political &conomy %D/E) /&4(3"&- @ /00" Pur*ell, 8- 8etropolitan Politi*al >eorganization as a Politi*s of Urban ro,th) 3he 0ase of San Hernando Malley Se*ession- Political $eography /0D5E) "0"("/"- 4 Updated 8ay, /0"% @ /00" Pur*ell, 8- ?eighborhood $*tivism $mong 5omeo,ners as a Politi*s of Spa*e- Professional $eographer 53D/E) "7&("%4- @ /000 Pur*ell, 8- 3he De*line of the Politi*al 0onsens!s for Urban ro,th) 'viden*e from 2os $ngeles- (ournal of %rban )ffairs **D"E) &5("00- @ "%%& Pur*ell, 8- $ Pla*e for the 0opts) Bmagined 3erritory and Spatial 0onflict in Egypt- Cultural $eographies )(4E) 43/(45"- @ "%%7 Pur*ell, 8- >!ling 2os $ngeles) ?eighborhood 8ovements, Urban >egimes, and the Prod!*tion of #pa*e in So!thern 0alifornia- %rban $eography 18D&E) G&4(704- +oo- Ch!'ters @ refereed A invited A Bn Press Pur*ell, 8- and #- 3yman, 40!ltivating Hood as a >ight to the 0ity,6 in %rban $ardening as Politics, edited by 0- 0ertoma and 0- 3ornaghi, >o!tledge- >evision of Pur*ell, 8- and #- 3yman, 40!ltivating Hood as a >ight to the 0ity,6 Local &n#ironment, /0D"0E) ""3/(""47- A /0"& Pur*ell, 8- 4Possible Worlds) 5enri 2efebvre and the >ight to the 0ity-6 Bn Dialogues in %rban and Regional Planning, vol- G, edited by 0- #ilver, >- Hreestone, 0- Demaziere, >o!tledge- >eprint of: Pur*ell, 8- Possible Worlds) 5enri 2efebvre and the >ight to the 0ity- (ournal of %rban )ffairs 3GD"E) "4"("54* A /0"G Pur*ell, 8- 4N!r ?e, $rms6 in The 0andboo2 of /eoliberalism, edited by #imon #pringer, 9ean Bir*h, and C!lie 8a*2eavy, >o!tledge- @A /0"G Pur*ell, 8- 4Urban Demo*ra*y Beyond Dele!;e and !attari” in Deleu"e and the City, edited by 5JlOne Hrichot, Conathan 8etzger, and 0atharina abrielsson, Edinb!rgh University Press- A /0"5 Pur*ell, 8- 4'K!ality at the Beginning: >an*iere and Demo*ra*y 3oday,6 *hapter in Cities and +nequalities in a $lobal and Transnational 4orld, edited by Harana= 8iraftab, 9en Salo and David Wilson, 3aylor 1 Hran*is- A /0"5 Pur*ell, 8- 4See=ing Dand Hinding) Demo*ra*y6 in 4a#es of 'ocial Mo#ement Mobilizations in the Twenty-5irst Century, edited by ?ahid 9ona= and >asim Pzgür DRnmez, 2exington Boo=s- 5 Updated 8ay, /0"% A /0"4 8ason, 9- and Pur*ell, 8- 4H!ller eographies) Solidarity $nd Defen*e Nf 3he Self” forth*oming in The Para-)cademic 0and!oo2 A Tool2it for ma2ing-learning-creating- acting* 5ammerNn Press- A /0"/ Pur*ell, 8- >is*oprire 2efebvre) Bl Diritto alla 0ittL e la Politica Urbana dell7$bitante- Bn M- Bindi and #- #!sanna, Eds- Babel6 Diritto alla Citt7 >ome) Hortepressa, pp- 57(&3- SBtalian translation of 4'x*avating 2efebvre) the right to the *ity and its !rban politics of the inhabitant-6T A /0"/ Pur*ell, 8- Bnsistent demo*ra*y) neoliberal governan*e and pop!lar movements in Seattle- Bn 8-P- #mith and 8- 8*U!arrie, Eds- Rema2ing urban citi"enship organizations, institutions, and the right to the city, ?e, Br!ns,i*=) 3ransa*tions Publishers, pp- "73("%0- A /0"" Pur*ell, 8- ?eoliberalization and Demo*ra*y- Bn #- Hainstein and #- 0ampbell, Eds- Readings in %rban Theory- Wiley(Bla*=,ell, pp- 4/(54- A /00% Born, B.
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