AMEUGA'S LARGEST WEEKliY FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES — QaahJL S-en/iHCA. U. S. Civil Service Asl(s La £ R Higlier Overtime Pay yol. 6—No. 25 Tuesday, February 27,1945 Prire Five Cents See Page 2 CLOTHING MEN NEEDED Salary Up to $100 a Week ALSO 340 IMPORTANT WAR JOBS See Pages 2,11, 16 ^Upgrading' Plan Proposed for Many r; federal Employees in New York Area Upgrading of employees, berg, Regional Director of the their highest skills, arrange for program, she said: power utilization is one that re- Ji'ansfers from one depart- War Manpower Commission, has the transfer of workers within the "Full utUization of the abilities quires continuing attention, be- arranged for the study with Mr. agency in the interest of greater and skills of a war worker is as cause of such factors as the de- ptient to another, new uses of James E. Rossell, Regional Direc- efficiency, or arrange transfers of important as recruitment of the velopment of new programs with- employee skills — these are tor for the Second United States workers from their own agency to worker in the first place, and the in a plant or agency, and the definitely in the wind for Civil Service Region. another which can better use their War Manpower Commission has, continuous turnover in personnel. 4arge numbers of Federal The survey, Mrs. Rosenberg said, skills. from the beginning, made man- For these reasons the program is will embrace 26 factors relating to power utilization a major part of a permanent one. jurorkers in the New York Mrs. Rosenberg said that the the full utilization of workers, and survey is part of a continuing pro- its program. This applies to Fed- "It is especially important right Area. is designed to assist agency heads gram for utilization of personnel eral agencies as well as to private now, with the supply of labor for All Federal agencies in New in determining whether their em- by Federal agencies in this area, industry, and we feel that an ef- war production as limited as it is, rork State which employ moi'e ployees are being used to their full which has been in progress since fective job has been done in in- that both private industry and fhan 300 people are being asked to abilities and capacities in their 1942 under the War Manpower creasing the effectiveness and government scrutinize closely the review their operations from the jobs. As a result of the survey, Commission and the Civil Service productivity of workers in both work of every employee, and try andpoint of full utilization of agency heads may upgrade work- Commission. fields. to have it used as advantageousljr ir personnel. Mrs. Anna Rosen- ers who are not being used at Explaining the purposes of the "However, the problem of man- for the war effort as possible." Legislature Speeds Up NYC Promotion Setup On Civil Service Bills Faces Overiiauling .Several State Assn. Bills Get Favorable Action How to decide whether promotion examinations for New York City employees shall be held on a departmental ALBANY—Measures spon- lative and judiciary budgets are order of original appointment as prepared by the departments, compai-ed with other employees or City-wide basis was the problem considered by the Munici- sored or approved by the As- without the supervision of the holding same title in same depart- pal Civil Service Commission last week. ^sociation of State Civil Serv- Budget Director, as is the case of ment. Employees shall have their other State departments; and that names placed upon both depart- The deterniiination as to whether • ice Employees are moving a bill to grant them tiie war pay mental and general preferred lists. employees will have to compete gineman; Plumber, etc. '^through legislative channels, would meet with approval. Lists are classified as general with all others in the City, or just Among other State Association- preferred, departmental promo- General promotion examina- appearing before the legis- sponsored bills which were favor- tion and open-competitive. Third with those in their department, tions should not be held for po- ^'lative bodies for a vote; then ably acted upon: reading in both houses. depends on the following factors, sitions in the higher salary brack- ,will go to Governor Dewey Pension Rights Preferred Lists according to the Commissioni ets where, by virtue of long ex- Ostertag, Assembly Introduc- Atso passed by the Senate was ifor his final consideration. tory 457. This continues until a bill introduced by Senator Parisi General Promotions perience or work in a particular (Introductory 128) to extend imtil department, duties tend to become The war emergency bonus bill July 1, 1946, the provision pro- General promotion examina- vhas been reported out by the As- tecting civil service and pension June 1, 1946, the life of preferred unique in that particular depart- tions should be held for positions sembly Ways and Means Commit- rights of public employees serv- lists which were established be- ment and where the employee's tee and is on the third reading— ing overseas with the American tween December 31. 1940, and in the lower salary bracket cate- particular value to a c' partment .for voting this week. Red Cross or similar agencies. March 31, 1942. gory or in the prevailing rate Two other bills. Introduced with is the fact that he is a depository Also reported out of committee Passed Assembly. category where the positions oc- .W€is a bonus bill for the State Wicks, Senate Introductory 425. the approval of the ASCSE are: of special departmental practices, sur in several departments and >iJudiciary—(Stephens, Introduc- Continues until July 1, 1946, the 1. A measure to extend Feld- customs and procedures. tory 1057) which provides for pay- provision permitting members of Hamilton provisions to employees where the duties are of a sub- ment of additional war emergency the State Retirement System, ab- of the Niagara Fi'ontier Authority stantial identity in character and When a general promotion ex- by Senator Burney. pay to officers and employees of sent on military duty, to borrow do not require any particularly amination is given, it will be "the judiciai-y at 20 per cent, if all except $1 of their funds in the 2. A bill to give employees at opened to employees in t:..:;e de- salary is less than $1,500 a year; system. Passed Senate. Dannemora and Matteawan the extended period of in-service ^10 per cent if pay is $4,000 a year Wicks, Senate Introductory 6. same rates of pay as that received training as between depai-tments. partments where eligibles aro or more. The total bonus may This bill protects the rights of by prison guards in the State Illustrations of this type of po- actually employed and where there service. This was introduced by not exceed $1,000, civil service employees ordered by sition are: Clerk, Grade 2; At- are, or are expected, vacancies to Another Assembly bill, intro- any U. S. agency to enter war Assemblyman Ryan and Senator which those passing the examina- iuced by Mr. Stepiiens, grants the work or agznculture. Provides for Bontecou. tendant, Grade 1; Automobile En- emergency war bonus to legislative leave of absence, restoration to tion may be promoted during the iployees. (Intro. 1342.) position after war work ends, pro- life of the list. These latter two bills were tection of pension. Passed Senate. itroduced after representatives Dismissals For More Public The Civil Service Commission the ASCSE had discussed the Erwin, Senate Introductory 958; has not, to date, acted on the tter with lesloiative leaders. It Lupton Assembly Introductoi'y State News—Pages Administration plea of many NYC employees that /as felt that the Governor had 955. These bills provide that re- a means be worked out to pro- lat included these bills in his movals or demotions in civil serv- )Udget Message because the legis- ice positions shall be in inverse 6. 7, 8, 9. 72. 75, 16 Page 10 vide for promotion-without-tests. Page Two am SERVICR LEADER Tiiesiliiy, Febniary 27, 1945 Here s ffie Sfory of U. S. Civil Commission's OPA Still Seeks Specialists Measure Dealing With Pay Raises and Overtime in Clotliing A special recruiting drive being WASHINGTON — The will be done. At this early stage, employees compensatory time off months In the lower grades and conducted for the Office of Prico U. S. Civil Service Commis- chances of passage seem bright— from duty. from 30 to 18 months In the up- Administration is fast coming to at least before next summer, when —The bill would establish a per brackets. Also It would make a successful conclusion. The tem« sion has at last given Con- the present overtime bill dies. these raises effective at the begin- gress the omnibus bill which basic rate of pay for night porary office of the Commission Here is what the Civil Service work which Is 10 per cent above ning of the next month after the established in Room 4-100 at the •I would reorganize the Fed- Commission's bill will do: the basic rate of pay for the same conditions have been met rather Empire State Building has proven eral salary system. But it work during daytime. than having to wait until the start to be a most effective means of —It will provide overtime pay of the next quarter. does not ask for a basic pay securing personnel to meet the for work in excess of 40 hours —Provision is made for extra raise. a week, permanently. —Wtth reference to the existing needs of OPA. To date, sufficient pay for work on holidays at provision for one additional applications have been secured Disappointment was expressed —The bill win change the pres- a rate of one and one-half times wlthln-grade salary Increase with- adequately to take care of the by Federal employee union heads ent method of computing such the regular rate of pay.
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