RIDE THE WAVES ALL-UNVERSITY At Gilmore Stadium WEEKEND Tojnorrow Night Make Plans Now Vo lum e XXX SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 3, 1950 No. 15 Train Canceled to All-Cal; “H EY, MAW, GOT ME A MAN!” D0GPATCH DAYS AGAIN Rooters May Fly to Berkeley IN ‘COSTUME REVIVAL’ Cancellation of the proposed rooters train to the All- After a reluctant hiatus of a year during which no Gaucho University Weekend in Berkeley next week was announced by could wear a costume to a dance, the good, old “costume Graduate Manager Russ Erikson. Reason given was the fact brawl” again returns with the Delta Sigma Phi sponsored that UCLA rooters will fly to the celebration instead of go by “ Sadie Hawkins Dance” Tonight at the Carrillo Auditorium. train. Tonight is the night for all Wolf Mary Ann Zane, Cal Club Gals and sweet and innercent chairman in charge of ar­ New ‘Antigone’ to Be JUMPING JUPITER! Daisy Maes to howl, according to rangements for students on publicity which has been plaster­ this campus of the Univers­ Staged Minns Scenery NOW ITS ROMANS ing the campus for the past week. ity, said that arrangements “Antigone,” a speech depart­ Finally, the newly organized At 8:30 pm, the festivities start are being completed to char­ ment play to be presented Novem­ Independents have found a name! and will continue until midnight ter an insured DC4 passen­ ber 17, 18 and 24, will have no At their meeting last Monday night to the dance music of Chuck Cope­ ger plane from Robin Air­ curtain pulled for any acts or they ran down a long list of name land and his Orchestra. lines to fly Gauchos to Ber­ scenes, and will have little scenery, suggestions and came up with a Weddin’ Belles keley leaving Friday after­ according to Mr. Robert O ark) in unanimous choice, the Romans. Delta Sigs guarantee the pres­ noon and returning at noon charge of sets. One of the attractions of the new ence of Hairless Joe and Lonesome on Sunday. “The idea is to use an archi­ name is that it serves a special pur­ Polecat to preside over the Kick- Reservations for the flight will tectural form with no particular pose in identifying the new group. apoo Joy Juice vat and Marryin’ be $16 round-trip, with transpor­ locale,” Mr. Clark commented. The Romans are not Greeks. Sam, who will perform cut-rate, tation provided from Oakland air­ “This is similar to the traditional Elected president at Monday’s insultin’ marriages. port to Berkeley. At least 64 res­ Greek shows that have very little meeting was Corky Stromberg. ervations must be made by Mon­ A copy of the marriage license scenery.” Other officers elected are Pat day, November 5, or the flight has been on display in the Quad The sets will help to carry out Welsh, vice-president and social will be cancelled. showcase. modem implications rather than chairman; Jean Lyttle, secretary- Housing Forms Seventy-five dollars worth of localize the action. treasurer; arid Roy Cathray, pub­ Mary Ann also announces that prizes will be awarded for the best Platform s licity chairman. Phil Jacks was application forms for students for and most authentic costumes. Platforms will go from the stage appointed parliamentarian and the weekend are available in the A photographer will roam into the auditorium. Other scenery Eleanor Artuso and Patti Mitchell Graduate Manager’s Office and around the dance to record the on the stage will consist of steps are temporary co-chairmen for that as much student housing as events for posterity. Souvenier and a sky site at the back of the membership. possible may be arranged with tickets may be purchased for the stage. Berkeley providing the applica­ The publicity committee is com­ dance from any Delta Sig for a Lights will give the principal tions are received early. Naturally posed of Chairman Cathray, Nellie slight consideration. scenic effects and will be used in THE UNWILLING BRIDEGROOM is found trapped in this nothing positive can he promised Hart, Eva Lewin, and Harriet Polt. place of a curtain. tintype of a Sadie Hawkins race of the dim past. Daisy Mae weilds Chi O Tracks ters in the way of accomodations. The Romans, who under their The set, complete with furniture, the club and exhibits the trap which won her L€l Abner. The char­ old name won a Homecoming Par­ At noon in the Quad, a bevy of Tickets fdr the two games on is being built by stagecraft classes. acter in the stovepipe lid calls hisself Marryin’ Sam and specializes ade trophy, discussed getting a Dogpatch “belles” recruited from Saturday are being sold for $1.50 The furniture will follow the de­ in cheap weddin’s. —Photo by Available Jones sponsor, made plans for participa­ some sororities will chase their each with student body card, and sign of the Empire Period. tion in the next Gaucho Round-Up, men in the annual marathon. Par­ $3.00 without. All-University Behind Scenes DEFERMENTS GRANTED and planned a money-raising pro­ ticipating in the catch-what-you- SENIOR VETERANS! Dance tickets are $1.80 per couple. Students working on behind-the- TO ROTC STUDENTS ject. can will be Chi Omegas Ronnie Both are still available in the Grad­ scenes jobs are Sally Woolsey and If you expect to continue Lechleiter, Judith Cook, Joanne uate Manager’s Office. ROTC students, second, third your educational training About thirty Romans were pres­ Virginia Peterson, prompting; Ce­ ent at the meeting. The meetings, Shearer, Yvonne Ribhany, Kay Seat Block and fourth years, are being given after graduation, it will be cil Forbes, lighting; and Wally held every Monday night, are open Ryan, Anne Smith, Marilouise As many students as possible Jonason, furniture. the oportunity to sign deferment necessary for you to pro­ Goodman, Cathy Cox, Robin are urged to be in Berkeley by cure a supplemental letter to all interested students and mem­ Cast for the play is Chorus, Wal­ agreements this week, according to bership is open to all non-organ- Browne, Mary Cadwallader, Evie Friday morning for the University of eligibility. This applies ly Jonason; Antigone, Marie Wil­ the campus ROTC office. ized students. Willets and Marlene Boone. Meeting in the Men’s Gym at 11 lett; Nurse, Beverly Benedict; Is- even though you do not Others in the race will be Delta am, since there will be a block of In return for this, the student mene, Sally Woolsey; Haemon, change training institutions. Sigma Epsilons Margaret Feliz, agrees, if the Army needs him, to seats reserved for Santa Barbara Gene Lonon, and Creon, Fred Make application no later Faculty Wives Will Jean George, Vivian Schmitz and students. Goerner. serve as an officer for two years than eight weeks before let­ Bonita Mitchell. Theme of the entire weekend is ter must be presented for Hold Canasta Benefit Others are First Guard, William after his graduation. It also en­ Dick Krupp, general chairman a tribute to President Robert Gor­ registration. Under the sponsorship of the Vasse; Second Guard, Ed Mon- ables him to complete his educa­ of the dance, announces the Mar­ don Sproul on his twentieth year If you have any questions Faculty Wives Club a bridge and real; Messenger, Tony Holbrook; tion, qualify for a commission, riage License for the dance which as head of the University. For this check with the Office of canasta benefit will be held to­ Page, Marlene Shapro; and Euru- and, if needed, to servq as an offi­ reads: reason, members of the California cer instead of a private. Veterans Affairs on this morrow at the Cabrillo Pavillion dice, Diane Hathaway. “Be it know to all yo’ gals pres­ Club on all campuses strenuously Deferments are also available campus. from 2 to 5 pm. All women stu­ urge all students to attend and par­ Group Chorus ent that Joe Gaucho is the wprser to ROTC students who have com­ Lyle G. Reynolds, dents and wives and mothers • of The Group Chorus will be com­ half an’ po’ onfortunate spouse o’ ticipate in the many activities pleted the second year basic and Campus .Coordinator students are invited to attend. scheduled. posed of Marlene Shapro, Robin Janie Gaucho married in howlin’ who have four semesters left in of Veterans Affairs Bridge and canasta tables will Additional information about Browne, Shirley Thome, Marie wedlock by Marryin’ Sam.” school. be set up for those interested in the Weekend may be secured from Schmittou, Virginia Vierra and card playing. Dessert will be the Graduate Manager’s Office, the Barbara Johnson. served at 2 pm, with a door prize POWDER PUFFERS posters and mimeographed “scoop Campus Hosts Speech-Forensics Tourney, awarded later in the afternoon. sheets” distributed by the Cal Club LIBRARY RECEIVES Another feature of the party will IN AZTEC RALLY or from members of the Cal Club. NOISE COMPLAINTS Nineteen Southland Colleges Represented be Mexican booths at which bak­ Tentative plans for a big rally Many complaints have been re­ ery goods, flowers, and hand­ for the Santa Barbara-San Diego a n e o u s Speaking, Impromptu ceived by the Library Committee Santa Barbara College is play­ crafts will be on sale throughout State' football game were made Frosh Class Meeting Speaking, Oratory, Experimental concerning the undue amount of ing host to aproximately 200 en­ the afternoon. The proceeds from Tuesday night by the Rally Com­ Wednesday Night, 7:30 trants in the Invitational Practice Speaking, and Discussion. talking in the library, acording to Attention all Freshmen! There the benefit party will be used to­ mittee, it was announced by Reno Nancy Trowbridge, chairman.
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