ITEEK SATURDAY,MARCH 21,1942 Average Daily Circulation ' The Weather For .the Month of Fehmary, 1943 Plan Field Trial Forecast of U. S. Weather Bnrean About Town ; __ 1 Heard Along Main Street DINE and DANCE at 7,120" Continued moderately eold this For Local Dogs .Member of the Audit afternoon and tonight. BINGO * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bren­ And on Some of Manche»ter*a Side Streets, Too Bnrean of Clrcnlations nan, o f 31 BUwell street, and their Manchester— A City of Village Charm Tonight in the British American Q ub daughter. Mrs. ZIU Pecan, have 'TTie Connecticut Sportsman's DANTE’S RESTAURANT W e heard recently that residents‘' school time were due to the same Maple Street gone to 'Camp Croft. Spartans- Association, Manchester Division, 10 East Center Street Odd Fellows Bnlldlng in Hebron are incensed over what\ ^ ^ , is planning to hold a field trial on PRICE THREE CENTS burg. S. C.. to visit Mr. and Mrs. j . .w 4 ____ 4U. TSfere have bfeen no reports of (Claasiae^ Advertisthg on Page I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH. 23, 1942 (FOURTEEN P.AGES) 20 Games Prizes $3.00 a Game Brennan's son. John, who Is now happened to the waste paper the t^^hers in Manchester pheasant within the next tw o-or ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING VOL. LXL, NO. 117 Featuring Chicken, Steaks, Spaghetti aad RavtoU. 7 Special Games Prizes ^ S7.00 a Game staUoned. there. Boy Scouts collected through that rushing from their jobs to go to three weeks, . on Olcutt street. Orders Put Up To Take Ont. 3 Free Games Prizes $3.00 a Game town. Seems that they called a work on sUll another job in a Some of the members can be seen, getting their dogs in shape al­ NOW FEATURING: r 1 Sweepstake Game o. * o ic James B. Hutchinson of 6) Oak Colchester truck driver who carted | neirby -defenM plant, but we have ready. Gordon Vennard and How­ Admission 25 cents. Playing Starts 8:15. street, who was stricken with a 12 bales from Hebron to a paper , been told that one teacher for one ard Wiley are working their two mill in Montville reason or another couldn't find Come Early for Penny Bingro! heart attack last Saturday, ia dogs hard, trying to steady them ART McKAY AND HIS BAND showing some improvement al­ When the truck driver arrived in class mem- down on point. There are many though he must remain quiet at Montville he was told the mill ‘>*7 help after sch ^l hou™. other owners who are woiltlng his home for some time yet. couldn't buy from individuals J>e- . ^ couple of cities in the state their dogs, and it can be seen that Australian Air Battle at New Peak; cause of some ruling by the OPM. up investigations because they are meeting with some suc­ • ■ I ' . A ll members of the Anderson- It was necessary, the superlnten- I their sons and cess. Shea Post Auxiliary who have dent of the p a p « mill sald!^to deal ! Jack Smith will be on hand, at tickets on the quilt ra ffle , will through regular junk dealers. So [hM^teich^ers were worki^^^^^ the trials, wifTi his two or three the waste paper had to t . k « -OAK GRILL' please make returns not later than where and reporting to dogs. There is going to be a local to a junk dealer in Norwich who “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” Tuesday, March 24. pretty much tired out. stake for any bird dog in Man­ paid 33 less a ton for the waste Somehow we can't find the chester. There will be three or Members of the Beethoven Glee than was formerly paid direct at four different stage runs in the SUPER-BINGO heart to be too critical of such ef­ DINE AND DANCE Club will leave from Emanuel the mill. forts. Aren't we all being told we course of the day. This is the first Mediterranean Scene of Navy Fight Lutheran church tomorrow night It looked like a deliberate must double or stint to win the trial that the dogs have ever run, To the Lilting Tunes of at 5:45 o'clock by chartered bus scheme to give the junk dealer the war? And we are also being told according to Lebro Frachia, who $200 IN PRIZES for New Laindon, where they will J'2 profit, so naturally when the we probably will be drafted for is the president of the local Sports­ DON MAC AND HIS give a concert at the Tower Meth­ Hebron people found out about it war work. If a teacher should fall man's Club. odist church. Owing to cancella­ they were pretty sore. All the junk asleep in class—‘well, we know a tion of the concert at the tJ. 8, dealer had to do was transfer the couple of kids who wouldn't com­ ARMY & NAVY CLUB, Inc. Deputy Commander Brett Greets MacArthur RHYTHM MASTERS load to his truck, drive right back Submarine base, the new time of plain. Farewell Party leaving Manchester is made neces­ to the mill that had refused It and Japs Make Heaviest DELICIOUS FOODS — MODEST PRICES! British Sink Eleven sary. sell It to the superintendent. If Saturday^ March 21 RoMt Beef Roast Turkey Veal Cutlets Baked Ham the junk dealer had done the job We have been wondering which of the milk dealers in town had Given \^liiteller of collecting and sorting the waste AT 8:15 P .M . 25 GAM ES! Half Broilers Steaks Veal Seallopine Mra. Bernice Sendrowski, pres­ to make re-deliveries on about 1,- it would have been different and no ident of St. John's Sewing club 600 quarts of milk within the paat (20) $5.00 GAMES! (3) $10.00 GAMES! Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer one would have begrudged the which Is having a program and week. Seems that in some way or Charles Whltcher. who has been (1) $20.00G.4ME! (1) $50.00 GAME! 30 Oak Street Tel. 3894 supper in honor of St. Joseph at dealer his profit. other some disinfectant got into associated with G. E. Willis A Son. Of Italians’ Ships; Port Moresby Raid; A L L FOR $1.00! PulaakI hall tomorrow afternoon, We understand that the local pa­ Inc., for many years, has resigned a batch of milk and had been dis­ Ample Parking In Rear of Club. urges all members to report early per mills, some of them, at least, tributed before the fact was dis­ his position and was tendered a We Cater To Banquets with tickets as the drawing will buy waste paper from individuals, covered. So the dealer quickly re­ farewell party at the Villa Louisa take place. Out of town speakers and don't Insist that the papers traced the route and made deliver­ last night. Thomas Murdock had will be present and a pleasant time come from a junk dealer. ies of uncontaminated milk to hla charge of the affair. Guests In­ la assured all who sttend. customers. It ia said that the taste cluded Robert J. Smith, Contrac­ Convoy Hai m i l ered Will Continue Fight We have been hearing a lot of was not affected and the milk tors George L. Fish and Harry Ry. Group No. 4 of the Memorial complaints about the failure of bus would not have harmed anyone, lander. Leon Thorp of The Herald, Hospital Women's auxiliary Mrs. drivers to make local "connec­ but the dealer was too careful to and Harry E. and Harry F. Hills. TM GLAD MY William Knofskie, leader, will tions” connect. A group of resi­ take any chance. Others present Included G. E. Italians Report Engage-' Submarines, Within Anierican-Filipino Units JJntisn \X/^rsnfo Smashing or Damaging meet Monday afternoon at two HUSBAND WAS dents In the Buckland section are Willis, Raymond Burnham, Rus­ British Join o'clock at the hospital. Members the most recent to tell us about the sell Paul. Ernest Smith, Henry nieiit Off North Afri­ Sight of Watchers on Assure MacArthur in O f 47 ^Enemy -------- Planes of Group 3 are Invited. We heard a group of women re­ NOTICE! trouble. I f you mlas a bus at De­ Massey and a number of other STUBBORN! ...... marking the other day on the con­ Italian and Albanian In Tliree Days While pot Square it means losing an hour young men employed In the yard, i can Coast; Warships Message They Will Army Decide I was always so tired after dition ^ the rubbish depositories Subs^ Hunt Toimg people of the Mu Signs or else walking. It was also announced last night ; Hammer at Big Brit­ Coasts, Sink Two Fas­ Continue Defense with Japs Held Off Except washdays that my husband Chi society will be In charge of The Buckland folks said their in the business section. One o f the that Russell Paul, formerly with j insisted I send my washing the veaper service at the Second real complaint is over their chil­ women said she didn't know which the Manchester Luijaber Company, ' 20th Annual Meeting ish Convoy Crippled Near Cuba cist Subs, Two Supply Same Zeal and Cour­ Its Status For Thrusts out. Lucky for me, I tried Congregational church tomorrow dren missing connections and ar­ was worse, the litter on the streets, is how associated with G. E. Willis or the looks of the rubbish cans. Ships, Six Schooners age They Exhibited Wins Praise of Cur­ New’ Model. I was so thrill­ evening at eight o'clock, and next riving home or reaching their des­ * Son^ Inc.
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