Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1998 The aE stern Edge, Summer 1998 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The Eastern Edge, Summer 1998" (1998). Alumni News. 227. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/227 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Eastern " ... EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY·Office for Alumni Relations • Volume 2, Number 1 Summer Issue 1998 .. HOMECOMING/FAMILYEASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY™ DAY \�8 Alumni and Friends "Start your Engines" and "Gear Up" for Homecoming/Family Day '98, which promises to be better than ever this year. In this issue you will find a tentative schedule of Homecoming events taking place during the . e prof·e ssor /1ssoctllt . ) week of October 5th through the 10th, with d (skip Ger11l Family Day and the EMU vs. CMU football game er helps a LavfV ierit trY g stJIC! ending the festivities and taking the "Checkered \lou11 • doiis ; 1:,at.or o11 a a11 dlirlg Flag" on Saturday, October 10, 1998. rials h 111ate .rthe 5Ul·t > orlt' OJ • 1e11n11n g Time is racing by so mark your calendars and 1r1artY. held on j<Vtt1CS oct Jurirtg . "Ready, Set, Go Green!" 5 ,0111PU family pay- ■•■•1•1•1•■•■•1•■ •1• 1•1•1 •1•1•1• 1•1•1 •1 •1•1• 1 •1•1•1•1•1•1 •1•1•1•1•1 •■•1•1• 1 •■•1 I I I I I I I 11 1111I 1111111 111111 1 1111111 ·········•·1·•·•·I 1·•···•·1I 1 I·•··· ······1·•·····1·•···1·1·•·1·•·······1·•·····1·•·· Riley, Rivers address April grads .. By Ward Mullens, Officeof Public Information There were two commencement speakers for the builders-citizens who make a positive "You must help make the world April 26 commencement ceremonies, but their differencein the world." in which you live," she said. primary message was roughly the same. United States Riley pointed to Eastern Both Riley and Rivers, who serve Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley and U.S. Michigan's AmericaReads program as on the House Budget Committee, Representative Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) talked a success story and as an opportunity spoke to educational issues at a press about self sacrifice during their respective for students to become better citizens. conference after commencement. commencement addresses at Bowen Field House. AmericaReads encourages adults to Riley, a former governor of South Riley, who addressed the 11 a.m. ceremony, spoke become active in helping local schools Carolina, said that one of his goals about finding the time to become personally involved as reading mentors and tutors. is to increase the number of tutors in the community. Eastern Michigan's AmericaReads and mentors in K-12 schools. He "You have worked hard and seized opportunities program has more than 30 volunteers pointed to a "fall off" of knowledge offered to you ... but what you have learned so far is and tutors more than 100 childrenat between elementary school and high only part of the equation," Riley told the graduates three area schools. school. of the Colleges of Business, Education, and "Use the knowledge you have Riley said that about 10 percent Technology. "With the educational opportunity you gained both here and from your of America's high school students have been provided, comes certain responsibilities. parents and families to be take calculus while in other countries They are responsibilities to your community, to your contributing citizens who help shape about 90 percent take it. The family, and to the democracy in which you live-to be your communities into better stronger difference is what happens at the good, effectiveand contributingcitizens and community places. You can truly make a middle school level. difference," Riley said. "One of the most important Rivers, who received an honorary things is to connect high schools and Lynn Rivers, US. doctor of public service degree at the Representative (D-Ann Arbor) college," he said. 2:30 p.m. ceremony, was leery about Riley said that programs such as giving advice to the graduates. In a AmericaReads and a program called light-hearted speech Rivers warned that good advice "High Hopes" can help change those numbers. can often be contradictory. Riley also noted the "tremendous challenges" "The early bird gets the worm, but good things teachers face. He pointed to the recent high school come to those who wait," she said. "Virtue is its own and middle school violence as well as the growing reward, but nice guys finish last." student diversity in classrooms. Rivers did reemphasize that students should be "It takes a certain capacity to teach all students Richard W Riley, United States Secretary ofEducation willing to give of themselves. well," Riley said. .. • 2 Volume 2, Number 1 Greetings: TIN East,m E,lge i, pmJucedthree times per year for alumniand friend, of Eam-m ;\lichigan Ulliversi y throughthe Otlicefor \lumni Rchtiot�<, r Homecoming '98, scheduled from October 5 Divi!,ionofUnh·ersity Rcl.mon�. through October 10, is fast approaching. The theme Addressdmnges, duplicnte copy inforn,ationor of this year's festivities is "Ready, Set ... Go Green!" informationreq�csh) c.hould be directed to: Officefor Alumni Relation• In this issue of The EasternEdge, we have highlighted EaMcrnNlichigan Univc.rsit} 13 Welch 1-lo.lJ some of the many wonderfulactivities planned at your ) psil•nti,\,ll -18197 73-4/-187-0250 alma mater. I encourage you to be a part of 73-4/487-7009(fa.x) e-mail: l1umni.rclarion.,[email protected] Homecoming '98 as we dedicate the $49 million 'World Wide Web: lt1tp://ww,,.emich.cdu/p11blic/alumni Bruce T.Halle Library. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to Cover.u,d ,nsiJc pho1os by unl\•ersin· photograph�r Dick Schwar,eunlc,,., otherwise noted. introduce you to two new members of our Alumni Gr;tpluc Designer:Deborah Kern. Kerns'Creative Relations team, Lynda S. McC stal and Horace D. Services ry Thomas. L da is our new senior secretary and office The:AlunuU Association Board of Director� yn W. Frederick Roberts, 'Sb, '68, pr�-,;1d,nt manager. A lifelong resident ofY psilanti, she worked D..i.vid,/'\nlc\l, '72, pre,;;ident-elcct orace Thomas, assistant director Lynda McCrystal,senior secretary Charle, 11:unsh,'84, pnrlinmcntarian 13 years at the University of Michigan Computing H D. .'\UcnT. Shdncld. '88, trna,urcr/sccn:ta'}' S. Denms !\I. Beagen, 'nu Center beforejoining the EMU staff She worked Ken Behmer, '64, 70 GeofKC Brielofi;'86, '<Jl,'98 three years in the Athletics Department where she was responsible for Athletic ticket sales and maintenance of the EMU JulieC.111rweU, '94 Eric Fot>tcr,'91 Athletic Club. She currently is pursuing a bachelor's degree in communications. Timothv Grillin,'72 J\JanJe>1cl, '88 Horace started working at EMU in 1991. He was a career development assistant until 1994 before being promoted to a J\n11ctteSabo Johnso11, '94 Frances[ ones. '79 career development associate. While working in the Career Services Center, his accomplishments included: developing and David Kluhcck, '76, •�5 implementing professional experience programming for the College of Arts and Sciences, conducting seminars on job \Villirun ,\lalcolm,'i7 Rov ,\JcC'slistcr,'77 search preparations, and developing and coordinating the departmental walk-in advising program. He designed a career .M:irvin11. .'llcKmney, '65. '67, '<,S,'77 Robert Oli,-cr,'67. '69 1 mentoring program and co-wrote the grant to fund it. He currently hosts the Minority Business Review Cable Show and is 1Jcl1s!-aOostmeycr, 94 RalphC, Pmmnn, '57 a member of the York Woods Foundation Board of Directors. Karen Pitton, 79 Eric lh,s,, '91 '95 Horace received his bachelor's degree in health psychology from Andrews University and his master's in business Rick Rnss, '75, '77, '85 Cynthia Stanley, '81 administration from EMU in 1995. He currently is pursuing his second master's degree at EMU in management information Alumni Rclarions Team systems. Vicki Rc.111me ;>.iushc,ky,'91, '96. director l loracc ]). Thomas, '95, assist.mt director As our assistant alumni director, Horace will be responsible for our alumni chapter program, serve as advisor of the Li'-J N. Goodwin, admlni(jt.r.lti\'C ;\$(i:-.t.tlll Jr LVt1da S, 1\kCrv-.rn.l,senior ,c,·rct,uY Student Alumni Association, and coordinate the Alumni Admissions program and the Career Services Network. I am Jennifer,\ l. Blok.student a;sishint . extremely pleased that Lynda and Horace have joined our staff, dedicatedto serving you, our loyal alumni. 1::xecutive Offirets If \\'illinm E. Shelton, pre<ident Thank you very much for your continued interest in Eastern Michigan University and our Alumni Association. you are Ronald\V. Collin,, provc"t .utd ,·,cc pre.sidentfor interested in becoming one of our enthusiastic volunteers, or have a comment or idea, please drop us a line, send us an e-mail, ;u.:adcmkam1i� Patrick). Doyle, '92. vice prc,idc11tfur bu<ine« and or give us a call. finance anil trrn1urcrt1l the l,o,1nl of regents Courmey 0. ,\ kAnulT,vi,·e president fore11rollment As alumni, we can all be very proud of Eastern Michigan. Great things are happening at EMU and we are glad you are a servict.� Juanita M. Reid. '75. 1•icc presidentfor tuuversity part of it. rdation� Laurc1u:t.:N. Sm1th, vice president foruni\'cn.ity GO GREEN! rn,ttkc,ing:and Mudent affairs Board ofllcgcnrs PJulip l l"l.c.Mr1:iti.
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