RED BAN EGISTE SECTION ONE VOLUME LXIV, NO. i. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941. PAGES! TO 16 Supper Tonight At 700 DogsEntered In Reformed Church Big Sailing Regatta $1,600 Cleared For Second Registration The second annual supper served Child Welfare by the ladles of the Red Bank Re- formed church on Shrewsbury ave- Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, Jr., Annual Rumson Sfiow nue, will take place in the churoh On Fourth Of July of Brookdale farm, Llncroft, For Draft Next Tuesday 1 notified The Register Tuesday dining room tonight. Supper will be that there had been 1,100 paid served from 0:30 o'clock and will admissions at the annual Social consist of ham and all ths fixings. Service pet show, and that the Event Saturday At Rumson To The ohalnnan in charge of the af- Inter-Club Races Feature gross receipts totaled. $1,861.94. Instructions Issued By Re'd Bantc fair is Mrs. Wallace B. Ronkln. She She said that approximately Feature Water Test Exhibition will be assisted by tho following com- Event* On M. B. C. Program $1,600 had been cleared for child Board—Expect 15d to Register Here mlttees: Kitchen committee, Un. welfare work. John Weller chairman, Mrs. Eliza- An -unusual "water test" exhibition beth Estelle, Mrs. Victor Hembllng, Arrow and lightning class boats, She was especially apprecia- Instructions for the second draft will be one of the interesting fea- Mrs. Rusiel Clark, Mrs. H«It3r"£i- knockabouts, comets, sneakboxes, tive of the co-operation received registration for military service neat tures of the 13th annual dog show of Joseph Serpico telle and Mm. John Cook; dining Council Issues snipes, moths and the new penguins from the business people of Red J. F. Humphreys Tuesday/July 1, have been Issued the Monmouth County Kennel club, room, Mrs. Harry Snlffen chairman, will be seen racing on the North Bank and vicinity. MrB. George by the Red Bank draft board. The ttefJhlK Mrs._HcnryLBennett, Jlrs^Roy Pat- 13 Licenses Shrewsbury river in one of the larg- Bodman,oflnance chairman, an- Now Manager Of Red Bank board; known a» Draft at Thornton Farms, Rumson. Poo- ten, Mrs. Leon Rex, Hrs. Edward est-Fourth-of-July-salllng-regettas nounced Friday that in her Board No. 3 for Monmouth county dles, spaniels and retrievers will be Erickson, Mrs. M. Mackey, Misses ever staged by tho Monmouth. Boat ~opinionT"the"event was looked" and located at 14 Mechanic: street Is - eligible for entry in the, exhibition, Esther Crelln, Joyce Estelle, Lillian At Sea Bright club of Red, Bank. All yacht clubs forward to and thoroughly en- Tetleys Store required to take ; care • of all men and will be required to make one re- Two New Firms Baden, Doris Bennett, Peggy Ran- n this area have been Invited to send joyed." Others on the finance Its ita jurisdiction subject to the reg- trieve from the South Shrewsbury entries to compete for trophies to be committee are Arthur.Glbb, Les- istration. kln, Edith Duncan, Pearl Ralph and ter Ross, Morton Newhall, Mrs. river, affording the spectator an op- Jane Pennlngton; cakes, Miss Pearl Action on Other awarded the various place winners. Was Formerly in The board'* instruction* an aa fol- * *Alters Store Here : Harry H. Neuberger, John L. portunity to witness~neld—dogs-ar Uaph~and-Mrs.—teon—Pennlngton; Ji. feature of the holiday racing will lows: be the resumptlonTof competltloiTBe^ -Montgomeryr-Mrs.-Geraldine L.- work. The exhibition will be Judged . to Handle increased tickets, Mrs. Russell Clark, and hos- —Tetleya- Sporting J The—President's proclamation-ie- by two well-known field expe'rtsj Mrs. tween the larger craft of the North Thompson and Mrs. Leon Cub- pitality, Mrs. Ezra Osborn, Mrs. Rose berly. « qulres registration of every male cit- Walton Ferguson and Alfred Ely. Business in County Predmore and Mrs. Trevonlan Ben- Taken Saturday and South Shrewsbury rivers. Rum- Goods Department izen Who reaches 21 years of age on Throughout the day over 700 pure- nett -;•_;_ son Country club has accepted an in- or before July 1, 1941. Also those bred dogs will be passed by the lead- vitation from the regatta committee subject to registration who were re- Joseph R. Serpico, who for the Ten retail consumption liquor lic- to send its fleet of Arrow boats here James F. Humphreys of Lake ave- quired to register October 16, 1940, ing judges In tho country, arid the enses, two retail distribution licenses final award of "Best in Show" will post several years has conducted a to race against the Lightning boats. Petitions For And nue, who last week sold his Interest and have not registered. Any regis- typewriter ^business at 107. Mon- USO Session At and one club license wore granted The Long Branch Yacht club skip- In Tetley's Sporting Goods depart- trant who is not within his board's be presented by Harry H. Brunt of last Thursday night by tho Sea jurisdiction on registration day must Femberton, The show grounds ad- mouth . street, has been appointed pers will bring their fleet of comets ment, has been named manager of Bright borough council. Councilman to Red Bank, and also their dinghies, Tetley'a, Inc., 17 Broad street, work- register before a local board wher- join the Rumson Country club and agent for the new L. C. Smith, type- Against Hospital ever he happens to be. writer and Victor Adding Machine Rumson Country Nells Jacobsen presided in the ab- which will race the penguins. Other ing Under Mrs. Anne Tetley, pro- overlook the picturesque Shrewsbury sence of Mayor Walter J. Sweeney. The mere issuance of the- procla- Co. In this section, ftiushton's of As- boats from that club will race In the prietor. mation by the President is notice to river. A total of $3,600 fees was received open handicaps. Entries are also ex- To Be Prepared Buses will meet trains at Red bury Park was formerly agent for all affected and anyone who neglects txrth concerns. Club Tonight from the 13 licensees and the sum pected from other yacht clubs and a or refuses to register is subject to Bank Btation and. provide transpor- was used to pay three beach protec- large fleet will ba at the line for each the penalties set forth in the law. tation to and from the show grounds tion bonds of $1,000 each. ' Several event. Council Takes No Actual place of residence determ- throughout the. day. Mrs. Amory L. Judge Thomas Brown, applications for new liquor licenses ines where a man shall register, and Haskell, .president of the Kennel remain to be acted on and a meeting The warning gun for the first sail- Definite Action not a mailing address or place of club, has arranged for a luncheon to Chairman, Host at will be held Saturday afternoon at ing race will sound at 2:19 and the business. For Instance, a man who be served at the Country club to offi- 4 o'clock fox that purpose. Btartlrig gun at 2:25. The arrow- for the Present gives a mailing address of River ciate and exhibitors. First Meeting llghtnlhg race will be the first event, Plaza, Red Bank, or Riverside Proceeds of the show will be do- •Those granted licenses were Jos- followed by the comets, Class A and Heights, Red Bank, will not register eph and Edna Katterer, lone B, Gll- Another discussion on the pro- with tho i Red Bank board, as these nated to the Public Health' Nursing - The first organization meeting. of B sneakboxes, snipes, moths, pen- places are in Mlddletown township association of R^maon, Fair, Haven lig, Helmer and Elizabeth Hensen, guins and the open handicap event. posed new Riverview hospital at the tho Northern Monmouth county dis- James A. Ryan, Francis W. Downs, corner of River road and Battin road,, and they should register therefore in and Sea Bright and to the Mon- trict of the U. S. O. will be held at Tho regatta committee has tenta- Atlantic Highlands, which covers mouth County 'Organization for So- James P. Hamilton, Sea Bright Fair Haven, was held at Monday the Rumson Country club this even- Yacht club. May W. Pannacl, Olaf J. tively scheduled a two-man canoe night's meeting of the mayor and Mlddletown township, though their cial Service. ing, with the chairman, Judge Thom- race of 220 yards at 1:45, a two-man mailing address Is given as Red . In the water test exhibition the and Christian J. Axelsen and Pen- council of that borough. Gardiner Bonk, as Brown of Locust, acting as host. insula hotel, retail consumption; rowing rdca of 220 yards at 1:55 and Stout of Battin road, who was one of c Monmouth County Kennel club of- Representatives are expected to be a canoe tilting event at 2 o'clock as Report must be made to the local fers $15 and a sterling silver trophy Gardella's market and Cannel sta- the objectors at the council meeting board of any man who is too ill or present from Red Bank, Shrewsbury, tionery store, retail distribution, and special attractions just preceding the two weeks ago, told the officials that for first prize, $10 for second prize sailing races. for any other" valid reason cannot and $5 for third prize, for-fill retrlov- Fair Haven, Rumsqn, Little Silver, Sea Bright Beach club, club. he Is withdrawing any personal ob- register, so that the board may make Sea Bright, Highlands, Atlantic The borough clerk, E. Wolcott These events are open to all resi- jection to the hospital and Is willing prompt arrangements to register era and Irish water spaniels In divi- dents of Red Bank and vicinity.
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