•f-n^ ^ -'y /.' zsgsHSHSHSHsgs^sHSESHsgsHSEsssasasgsESESHSHsgsasasasaszsHsgsHsasasHSHsgsasEszasasHsgsasasssasasBsssHSHSSsas^ Dotre DeiTPI ^ e Scboleistic voL.-tvn. G z .^ FEBRUARY 8, 1929 No. 16. 1^ umor "xfom m mber The Notre Dame Scholastic TO SENIORS Who are planning to enter the Business 'V\%>rld What Other What Others Have College Men Have Done FTER the years of college then there comes Done With Kresge A" to many men the most trying period You Can Do of their careers. What place does the world "Graduating from Western Reserve A Buckndl College graduate vraiem i Univeraty in 1921,1 began business life have for them? For what niche has their train­ "After graduating from college with I with an idea that I was fitted for mana­ ing best stiited them? Where do they fit? degree of B. S. and M. A. I accep gerial work I left my comfortable desk a position as Chemistry instructor in i| u'ork and started in the stockroom. Then small college. After two years as aa/ ' I worked successively as floor manager, It is to these seniors who have n<Jt yet fully struaor, I became dissatisfiedand de assistant manager, and manager. to enter the business world. ^' \1/,| I then received my biggest promotion, decided on their future that this advertisement and today I am hapinly located in an ex­ is addressed. I became acquainted with an enthus^l ecutive position, with increased respon- astic Kresge manager, who gladly c sbilities. plained their system of training men' The S. S. Kresge Company has an opportunity become store managers. Shordy after t' The financial return that has come to me I started in the stockroom, received ] exceeds all that I had expected." ior college men who are ambitious enough and motions according to my ability to i • • capable enough to reach the top — yet who are them, and today although a succ Colby B. S. '15—Wesleyan M. S. 1917 store manager I am in line for still | —A Phi Beta Kappa man became an willing to start at the bottom. These men we responsibilities. r> instruaor tmtil 1920, then assistant head chemist for an Eastern manufacturer train to be store managers and to occupy other I know of no other organization wk until 1922 when he entered the Kresge executive positions—well paid positions involv­ a man's e&orts will be better repaid d organization to take the training course. with the Kresge Company." . M f He £s now a manager of a Kresge store ing a share in the Kresge profits. The men • » ' •'"'•^ and claims: "Today I find myself receiv­ selected are given intensive preparation for their An alumnus of the University of'. ing a greater income than the teachers igan class of 1922 says: "The moitjj and industrial acquaintances who sought future executive positions, they are instructed portant problem confronting me i to discourage me for making such a in every detail of store management and they semester in school was choosins^j radical change of occupation." 'Job' that would begin when • • are advanced as rapidly as they become familiar days were over. To make the right ^ A Missouri University graduate enthu­ with the Kre^e poUcy and the Kresge methods in the business world was my amb^ siastically relates the following: of merchandising. The work is not easy but the I turned down several soft snap job" "In June of 1923, just after I had been kind that paid fairly well to _, presented with my much treasured sheep­ reward is not small—an executive position in held no future, for a stockroom joVr skin, a gray haired gentlemen with years the Kresge organization which operates 510 the Kresge Conqiany which paid ] of eiqperience said to me: *Just what the Stan but offered a definite future, ti future holds for you will depend .largely stoles with an annual volume of business dose bined my education with good co on the seeds you sow during the next few years. Take my advice and select some to $150,000,000. sense, and after applying myself < good company, begin at the bottom and I was la^ndly promoted to greater i work your way to the top.' silnlities. I followed his advice by starting in the If a career such as those described here appeals Today I am manager of a good stockroom of a Kiesge stoie on Decem­ to you, write our Personnel Department and a store, and gladly recommend the T ber 8,1923. Kresge representative will be sent to give you a Company as .a means to a definit«j| Today I am managing my first store, providing you possess the ne happy in the thought that I am on the personal interview. qualifications and a whole heaned ( road to success.** * * to succeed." PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 2 SS KRESGE CO 5—10—25c STORES ^ ^ ^ 25c TO $1.00 STORES KRESGE BUILDING DETROIT LIBRARY IINIV. OF NOTRE DAiVlt The Notre Dame Scholastic 489 ^^g'M rdsSe The New rxrUXED^ O Fashioned by KUPPENHEIMER The very latest Tuxedo, styled in the particular fashion of all Kuppenheimer Clothes .... and especiall}^ designed for the well dressed Ameri­ can University student. Having the smartness of hand tailored clothing yet reasonably priced ^35 to ^50 jLiAHna&tdn& 490 TheNotreDameScholast 1 C INDIANA ejcuxe CAB COMPANY It is our sincere endeavor to render every possible service to Notre Dame men and in so doing we realize the stu­ dent body will continue their greatly appreciated patronage Call 3-7147 Call 3-7147 0leliability! Safety! Courtesy! The Notre Dame Scholastic 491 E5a5E5iB5E5E555S5E555H5H5E5H5g5E5H5^^5Z5E555H5H5H5a5E5H5E5a5H555g555a5555g5B5H^ nB5HS25H5Z52SH5H5HSHSH5a5H5HSHSH5HISHS25a5HSH5H5H5aSH5H5H5H5H5HSH5H5HSZSH5H5a5E525H5H5H5H5HSH5H5H52S25a5a^ fFhere Notre Dame Men Meet^ I The Famous Double Thick Malted Milks and our Tasty Toasted Sandwiches are the students delight WALGREEN Drug Company ISH52SS5H55525H5a5H5E52SH5E51E 492 The Notre Dame Scholastic The Store Where Notre Dame Men Prefer to Trade Where style is the ulterior motive and the price is in keeping with the college man's allowance. Our Hart Schaffner & Marx university suits are those worn at leading universities in the country. $35 Upwards to $60 Sam'l Spiro & Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes The Notre Dame Scholastic 493 ivi ijasasasaHasasasasasasHsasasasasasasHsasasasasasHsasasaFTJ S EsasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasHsasasasaji 3 494 The Notre Dame Scholastic i m I i FLCRSIiEIH $li€E§ What men want in shoes, Florsheim knows I how to produce... and a world of men look | to Florsheim for the best and the smartest I ... they look upon the Florsheim crest as | the mark of style authority, a sure guide I to money's worth of wear. Sowe Styles Ekvefi and Twelve Dollars Dobbs Hats Society Brand Clothes ADLER BROTHERS Apparel for Men, Women and Boys 105-07-09 So. Michigan 108 W. Washington The Notre Dame Sch o'l a s t i c 495 sasBsasBSBSBsasasasasasEsasBSEsasHsasasasasBsasBsasasasasasasHsasasHSHsasHsasHSHsasgsgsaE No^re Dame Schoiast ic !)isae- Q.ua 5 i - 5 emper-Vic'bu.f as-Viver-Quasi^^Tas-MoriluTiis Founded in 1872 John V. Hinkel, '29 Editor-in-Chief Harley T^ McDevitt, '29 .^. Business JIanager EDITORL^L STAFF David \\. Saxon, '29 Managing Editor J. Archer Hurley, '30 The Week T. Vincent Mclntire, '30.. AsMstant Managing Editor Bernard A. AValsh. '29 The College Para<le James J. 'Walsh. '30 Music ar.d Drama NEWS ST.\rF John Bergan, '31 News Editor Thom. A. Cannon, '31, Cluh Editor LITERARY STAIT William Moran, '30 SPORTS STAFF Murray Hickey Ley, '30 Robert C. -Balfe, '31 llaiTy A. Sylvester, Jr., '30 Literarj- Eiliti.r Emil Telfel, '31 Sports Eilitor Basil G. Kaucli, '29 James J. Kearney, '31 John H. Zuber, '31 Bsiyard Kurth, '30 Alfred E. Gall, '31 Interhall Sport> Kdstor John J. Xanovic, '30 John A. Kiener, '32 J. Gilbert Prendergast. '30 James CaUahnn, '30 Faul Ilnllinan, '32 Daniel O. Halpin. '31 Gerald Duffy, '32 James Collins, '32 M'illiain J. Jlagarral. '31 Myron E. Crawford, '32 Robert J. Fischer, 32 Xeil Hurley, '.•52 BUSINESS STAFF Frederick N. Davis, '30 Local Adv. Mgr. Harrington J. Xoon, '2!) Local Cir. Mgr. James L. Rizer, '30 Foreign Adv. 3Igr. Chester M. Ashman, '30 Foreign Cir. Mgr. James H. Rurke, '31 Eugene J. Carlin, '29 John Blanda, '31 Frederick J. Bauer, '32 Frank J. Conboy, '32 Andrew McGuan, '32 VOL. LVII. FEBRUARY 8, 1929. No. 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Prom Girl Frontispiece The Week Archer Hurley 497 Prom Beautiful Tonight to Be Gala Affair Ja7j1.es J. Walsh 498 Guests at the Junior Prom , 500 El Bonito Promenade Joseph P. McNamaru— 501 The First Prom John Nanovic 501 An Agreeable Experience Byron V. Kancdey, 'OU- 507 Book Reviews 508 From Files of the SCHOLASTIC E. L. Telfel 508 College Parade : . Bernard Walsh 509 Campus Clubs Thomas A. Cannon 510 Editor's Page 511 The Wink : 512 A Shaken Light Murray Hickey Ley 513 On the South Shore Walter M. Lang ford 515 Crepuscle (A Poem) Muoi'ay Yoitng 517 Sport News Harry A. Sylvester, Jr 518 Splinters From the Press Box 525 THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly at the University of Notre Dame. Manuscripts may be addressed to THE SCHOLASTIC, Publications Office, Main Building. Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailinfr at special rate of postase. Section 1103, October 3, 1917, authorized June 25, 191S. The Advertisers in Notre Dame Publications Deserve the Patrcnage of All Notre Dame Men gsBSgsasasasHSBSHsasBSBSBSHJBsasBasasasasBsasBsasasasasBsasasBSgsasHsasHSHsasasasHsasHSHSHs^ 496 The Notre Dame Scholastic ?.5B5B5a5g555g555g5E5a5E5a5gSc Love's abroad to-night. Prom Girl, Let your troubles fly a-homing. You vjon't want them ivhen Love greets you In the gloaming . ... in the gloaming. Where has Love been till this evening. Dead? Ah, no. Siveethearts unnumbered Stop their hearts and hear a whisper "Love has not been d,ead—it slumbered." Half a thousand dark disguises Love will wear while nvuses play And you'll never know he loves you Till he steals your heart away.
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