CENSUS 1961 GUJARAT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 9 SA.BARKANTBA DISTRICT R. K. TRIVEDI Superintende_nl of .. Census Operations, Gujarat PRICE: Rs. 8.55 nP. DISTRICT: SABARKANTHA DISTRICT SABARKANTHA. GUJARAT, BANASKANTHA DISTRICT REFERENCES • DrdTRICT ~ Q • TALUKA H Q - O,STRICT &OU"DAR'I' ....... " r"'LUKIo 8o~OA.RY _ 61l0AD GAUGE ~ MEf~" GAIJtll __.,. CA"~~ '_~l\I'ElI ® R£$i HOYU ~ P~leE 5'!'ATION o U~I!IIH"'ItIn:D • "ILt.AGE~ • VILI..AG£a""-8~o'" • Vrll.~GE..... seo­ e TOW,. ~ MUNIClPALlfY -* NATIONAl HIGHwAY' ~ STATE MIG"'W~ ~-. - Loe,lL ROAn PO POST' OFFICi PT Po:n I TELEGRAPH I AHft1EOABAD DISTRICT ,. ,m : lSi f'lt~U. CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PuBLICATIONS Census of India, 1961 Volume V-Gujarat is being published in the follo\ving parts I-A General Report I-B Report on Vital Statistics and Fertility Survey I .. e Subsidiary Tables II-A General Population Tables IJ-B (1) General Economic Tables (Tables B-1 to B-IV -C) 1I-8 (2) General Economic Tables (Tables B.. V to B.. IX) II-C Cultural and M,igration Tables III Household Economic Tables (Tables B-X to B-XVII) IV-A Report on Housing and Establishments IV-B Housing and Establishment Tables V-A Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (including reprints) ... -,-'. ,. VI Village Survey Monographs (25 Monog~Pfis) Vll-A Selected Crafts of Gujarat VII-B Fairs and Festivals , VIII-A Administration Report - Enumeration VIII.. B Administration Report - Tabulation IX Atlas Volume X Special Report on Cities STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 17 District Census Handbooks in English 17 District Census Handbooks in Gujarati CONTENTS PAGBS ,. • xi-xxiv A1.PJLn~CJ.L LIST O"J' VILLAG» • • PART J (i) Introduc*ory E... ,. (1) Location and Physical Fettotures, (2) .Administrative 8et-up, (3) Local self Government, (4) Population, (5) Housing, (6~ Agriculture, (7) Liv€stock, (8) lrrigation, (9) Co-opt'rlltion, (10) EWlwmic Artivity, (ll).lndustriell and Po'W~r, (12) Transport and Communications, (13) Medical and Public Health, (14) Labour and SOCIa] Welfare, (15) Pnce Trends. (16) ComJJlunity Development, (17) FivE' Year Plantl, (I8) Importaut Place Names • 1-30 (ii) Gal.t*"r of Plac. Nam •• 31-37 PART D (i) CeDlUJ Tabl,. A~ENERAL POPULATION TABLES 3-5 T.4.BLE A-I Area, Houses and Population 6 A:rPENDIX 1 19tH Territorial units coniltituting the present f'et-up of district[tlnd each taluka/mahal 7 SUB-An~J)rx 1 TO ApPB'NDIX I Area. for 1951 and 1961 for those municipal towns which have undergone changes in area siuce 1951 Cen8u8 7 SUB-AppENDIX :2 TO Al'PE}iDIX I DistrictfTalukafMaha I showing 1951 POPUIR t i on 8 ccording to' territoria 1 jurli:diction in 1951 changes in area and the populations involved in thOfC changes 8 Al'NE.xURI: TO ApPENDIX I Villages transferred from and to Sabarkanths District g Number of Villages with a popUlation of 5,000 and over and towns with a populfltioD tlllder 5,000 9 AnltNDlX III Houselef:s and Institutiona.l Population • • • • 10 TAELE A-III Village. classified by populaiion • • • 11 TA.BLE A-IV Towns and Town.groups classified by population in 196] with variation since 1941 12 ApPRNDfX I New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 decla·saified in 1961 12 NOTE Particulara of 1951 Cenau8 Towns declasaified in 1961 . 13 SPECJAL APPEND1X Towns with their area and jurisdiction 13 :B (i) GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES NOTE 15-21" TABLE B-1 Workers and Non-Workers classified by sex and broad age groupe 2:l TABLE B-III PART A Industrial OllUl8ificatiOD of Workers aDd Non-workers by educational levels in Urban areas only 23 PART B Industrial ch~8Bifjca.tjon of Workers and Non-workers by educational levels in Rural areas only 24-26 'fABLE B-IV P.u.rr A Industrial els.~ific&tion by sex and class of worker of persona at work at Household Industry 27-29 PART B Industrial c) 1I-8sifi catjon by fleX and clalla of worker of persona at work in non-household industry; trade, businell. profession or service. • P~P.T C Industria,} cla.ssifica.tion by sex 9.nd divisions, majot' groups and minor groups of persons Tit work. other than cultivation.. ApPENDIX . ,. TABLE B-V Occnpa.tiona.1 classification by SEll'. of persons a.t work other than cultivation • 65-66 Apprrriaw ndustria} Caterories of Occupational Families 66 PAGIllS T,4Jn.. ~ B-VII PAST A Personl working principally (i) as CuftivatoQ (ii) 8s Agricultural labourers or (iii) at Rou~ehold Industry clasaified by sex and by Secondary work (i) at Household Industry (ii) as Cultivator or (iii) as Agricultural labourer 67-69 ApPB!fDlX" • • • • • 69 TABU B-VII PART B lndustrial classification by sex of persons working in non-bouS{"h()ld industc)', trade businl't.-s, profession or 8"rvice who are also engaged in household industry 70-73 TABl.B B-VIII PART A Persons unemployed &ged 15 &nd above by sex, broad age-groups and educational levels in Urban areaS' only 74-75 P Alt'r B Persons unemployed &ge 15 and above by sex and educational le,"cls 111 H Ulal 81'('0 fo; (11 Jy TA"BLB B-IX Persons not at work cl~sificd by sex, broad age-groups and type of adi.ify 76-79 B (ii)-HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC TABLES Sample Households (i) enga,god neither in cultivation nor houeehuld industry (it) engaged either in cultivation or hOQ.Sehold industry but not in both and (iii) engaged both in cultivation and household industry for alllue&l! TABLE B-XI 8ample Hou!>Elholds Elngaged in cultivation claaifi{'~ by intere$t in land and size of land culth'ate d in Rural and Urban areas sepa.ra.tely. 80-81 TABl.B B-XII Sample Households enga.ged in oultivation only cla.ssified by Bize of land cultivatod and number of family workera and hired workel"8 in Rural and Urhan areas separately . 82-89 Sample Principa.l houaehold industry cl&68ified by period of wOlking a.nd total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areas 90-93 APPENDIX • • • • • • • • 94 TABLE B-XVII Sample Households c18l18ified by (i) number of male a.nd female memberi> by size of household and (iii engagement «(4) neither in cuWvation nor in industry (b) in household industry only and (c) in cultivation Qub-cl8S8ified by size of land CUlti\'"Bted 95 C-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES NOTE • 97-98 TABL.. C-I Composition of Sample Householda by relationship to head of family claSsified by si%e of land cultivated 99 TABLII C-II Age and Marital Status 100-103 TA:aLB 0-111 PART A Age, Sex and Education in aU areu 104 PART B Age, Sex: and Education in Urban IlreRS only 105 TABLE C-IV Single Year .Age Returns 106 TABLIl C-V Mother Tongue (Alphabetical order) 107-109 TABLE C-VII Religion • 110 TABLE C-VlII SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED 'l'mBES PART A Cl8.88ification by Literawy and Industrial Category of Workers and Nou·workers among ~(hfduJed Castes III PART B Cla.ssification by Literacy and Industrial Category of Workers and Non-workers among Schoo ulrd Tribes Il~ K-HOUSING TABLES NOTZ • • • • 113-115 TABLE E-I Census Houses and tJle uses to which they are put 116-11':' TABLE E-II Tenure Status of Sample Census households li~ing in cenEUS hou~cf:l ufcd "holly cr plltly lIS dwelling 118-119 TABU. E-IV Distribution of Sample households living in census hou~8 used "l:clJ~ cr partl~ Ilf d'tlrlJirg by predominant ma.terial of wall and predominant material of roof. 120--121 T.6.BLE E-V SampJe hOUBeholds classified by Dumber of members and by number of rOOlllS occupied 122-123 lV PAGXS SCT-8PECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES NOTB 1:::5 TdLE SCT-I PART A Iudustrial classifjeation of persollS at "'ork and non-workers by sex for Scheduled CBstes 126-127 P~""RT B IndllBtrial classification of persou!!! at work Ilnd non-workers by sex for :-;dwduJed Tr ih8 128-131 STATEMENT A-POPULATION OF SCBBDULED CASTES. 132 STATEME:ST B-POI''CL.... TION OF ~cIIlmULED TRIBES 132 VILLAGE-WISE LIST OF lliDUSTRIAL E.8TABLISHMZNTf:; • 133-135 ANN~XURE-ST.ANDARD INDUSTRIA.L CLASSll"ICATION 136-138 LIST OF RUlU.L CRA:rT~ AND NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN PRODUCTION 139-150 (ii) Official S'atistici (A detailed list of taHol!I on Official Statisticl!I ill given a.t page 152) 151-181 PART m Villare Directory 3 IDA-R T.f..LUK4 5-15 KHED BRAHMA T.\LUKA 17-21 VIJAYNAGAR MAHAL 25-29 BmLODA TALUKA 31-39 HUIATNAOAR 'l'ALUKA . 41-49 PBJ.NTIJ T.UUKA 51-59 MODASA. T ALt'E:.A 61-71 MJ:OBIUJ .TAI,UKA 73-79 M.f..LPUR MABAL 81-87 B.f..Y.f..D T"LUK.f.. 89-97 MAPS DIST1l-!CT ]\J.u> FaONT[SPIEClB }'AIRS FAl')HW PA(HE 119 TJ.LUKA IDA-R {; T.f..LUltA KBSD BJl.AHMA • 17 MAEAL VlJA YN.l(ag 2i T.f..LUlU BalLoDA 31 TALUB.A HIHATNAGAR 41 TALUXA PRANTIJ 51 TALUXA MODA.5A 61 TALUJ[A MEGHHAJ ';'3 HARAL MuruR S1 TALUKA BAYAl) 89 PREFACE Before 1951. only the figures of population of The District Census Handbook has been sub· -revenue villages were given in what were then called divided into three parts. viz .• :- 'Village Handbooks'. But the decision to bring out the District Census Handbooks giving extracts from PART I-THE DISTRICT all the important census tables for t!very district of {i) Introductory Essay the State was taken for the first time in 1951.
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