"Three Penny Opera" Cue and Curtain Sponsors Stark 116 The Beacon One-Act Plays Tuesday, 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. Next Week, Chase Theater WILKES COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Vol. XXVI, No. 17 WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1962 Woman Students Group Student Leaders Discuss Plans Econ Club Collects Eyeglasses 1 For Proposed Plans Seminar Series; Arbitration Board Riley Is First Speaker Drive Parallels "Save Vision Week" By Cynthia Hagley The annual Eyeglass Drive, conducted on campus by the A student arbitration board, drinking policy, the insurance Economics Club, begins on Sunday and will last until March 25. plan, tuition increases, dormitory improvements, and the proper- The club conducts the Drive for "New Eyes For The Needy, Inc.", ty development p1cm of the college were among the many topics a Short Hills, New Jersey non-profit organization which has which came up for discussion at the Student Leaders Conference, established funds to provide new prescription glasses in hospi- Monday evening in the Commons. tals, clinics, and associations for the blind throughout the coun- try. Student Violations College Development The start of the Drive was set Student leaders voted unani- Proposed additions to the college to coincide with the "Save Your mously to back an idea for a stu- were discussed at this meeting be- 'Duke' Coming March 31 Vision Week" of the Northeastern dent arbitration board. The duties cause of the apparent interest of Pennsylvania Optometrical Society of this board would be to investi- members of the student body in a For Junior Jazz Junket; which runs from March 4 through gate any student violations on or Fine Arts building. March 10. In the past the Drive off campus and prescribe a just Mr. Morris explained that ori- Tickets on Sale Now has secured used eyeglasses from punishment. ginally the Fine Arts building had sources both The Junior Class Jazz Concert on and off campus; As a college, Wilkes has few of priority in future college construc- last year it succeeded in obtaining these violations. Those that occur has been set for March 31 at 8:30 tion, however, certain occurrences p.m. 3500 pairs of eyeglasses. are handled by the Dean's office. have altered this. As Marshall Brooks an- Under this proposed plan, Student nounced early this week, word has Containers for the collection will For example, the graduate pro- been received from Duke Ellington be Government members with repre- gram in chemistry and physics, and set up in Stark Hall, the Com- sentatives from faculty and ad- that a contract has been signed, mons, the Bookstore, and Parrish the possibility of an Area Research and his fourteen-piece band with ministration would handle these Center doing industrial research Hall. In addition, one container matters. a special soloist will appear. will be placed in a store on Public and development necessitates an Tickets for the concert went on addition to Stark Hall across to Square. Posters will also be placed Activities Bulletin sale at the beginning of last week. on campus and in central city an- Chase Theater and up to Bennett The price of general admission All attending agreed that the ac- Hall. Nancy Pcilazzolo nouncing the Drive and the location tivities calendar in the Student tickets is two dollars with five of the collection spots. Handbook becomes out-dated soon Also the Urban Renewal pro- A series of seminars designed to hundred reserved seat tickets on gram has provided for college sale at the price of three dollars Bill Maclntyre, chairman of after the beginning of the fall se- stimulate intellectual thinking and the be- and mester. A remedy for this has growth in part of the block discussion will begin on Sunday fifty cents each. Drive, announced that in addition been made with the publication of tween South and Ross Streets. evening at McClintock Hall. Nan- Tickets may be purchased in the to providing the collection spots, a weekly activities bulletin through Plans have been made for the cy Palazolla, chairman of the semi- cafeteria from Conrad Wagner, the Club will also send members Mr. Morris' office. building of a dormitory for 250 nar committee for Associated Wo- ticket chairman. Wagner has an- out to pick up eyeglasses, if the male residents and a new dining men Students, has announced that nounced that reserved-seat tickets donor will leave a note in the Book- Any organization having an ac- may tivity is advised to give the in- hall for the entire student body. this first seminar will determine be obtained by calling VAlley store to have them picked up. The new dormitory will probably 3-9003. Outlets for the sale of formation to Miss Joan Borowski whether enough interest is present Maclntyre also noted that the in Chase Hall before Wednesday, be built on the unit plan with a on campus for a continuation of tickets off campus are being estab- designated number of male stu- lished and will be advertised locally Club will accept eyeglasses (in any noon. the series. condition), reusable plastic frames, dents per unit. This is to main- Dr. Riley, chairman of the psych- at a later date. Tuition tain the comraderie of the present Bernard Cohen, publicity chair- sunglasses, artificial eyes, cases, ology department, will lead the and any metal scrap, such as that A discussion of tuition increases dormitory units. first seminar group on a topic of man, has begun outside advertising for the concert. Posters are being from rings or discarded dentures, brought out the points of rising Finale popular concern. All students and which can be used in making eye- costs in college operations and a faculty members interested in at- distributed throughout the county At the end of the meeting Al- tending are and radio stations in the area are glass frames. planned increase in faculty sala- bert welcome. The seminar ries. The latter point is the most Kishel, Student Government will start at 7:30 p.m. also cooperating with the concert In the past, the Club received important reason for the tuition president, complimented the stu- Students on campus are familiar advertising program. help in the Drive from optometrists increase. dents present on their contribu- with Dr. Riley's presentations, hav- Owen Frances and Steve Panken and eyeglass dealers in the area tions, and added that he had hoped are handling arrangements for the Room and board costs are also ing heard them either in class or at who contributed unclaimed glasses. more than twenty-six students assembly programs. Miss Palazol- concert. In addition, local radio increasing next year. Several would be present and a greater stations will dormitory members present won- la stated, "We asked Dr. Riley be- provide special advertising cover- percentage of the some forty-odd cause of his popularity with the age throughout the Drive. dered if this increase will facili- organizations be represented. Lycoming Col. Searches tate needed repairs in the dormi- faculty and students, and because tories. Mr. Morris' comment was we were sure his choice of a topic All Schools for Talent a reference to a recent male dormi- would be a pertinent one." Any student who wishes to dis- tory survey which revealed that Ed Club Plans Forum She continued, "I have received play his talent in the music fields ICG Hosts Convention; many approving only three men's dormitory stu- Members of comments about of jazz or rock-and-roll may do so the Education Club the starting of a seminar series, dents would be willing to leave the are planning an April forum to on May 10 and 11, when Lycoming Regional Delegates present building set-up for a and I am sure all who attend will College in Williamsport will spon- bring together high school mem- consider their time well spent." modern dormitory. bers of the Future Teachers of sor an Intercollegiate Musical Present Model Congress To quote Mr. Morris, "No mat- America and Wilkes students ma- Competition. Besides individual Wilkes College will act as host ter how many complaints we re- joring in education. The forum Opera Company Members auditions, this is an excellent op- for the Northeast Regional Con- ceive, you still want to remain in will be held on Tuesday, April 3, To Appear in Assembly portunity for a college vocal group vention of the Intercollegiate Con- the present dormitories." from 7 to 9 p.m. Next Thursday's assembly will to become recognized by music- ference on Government to be held lend a musical note of cheer to loving fans. Sunday, March 11. Insurance Ron Grohowski, chairman of the At the musical competition, rep- in- brighten the dreary days of winter forum, reports that following resentatives from Capitol Records, Participating in the conference There was a long discussion on troductory remarks by Dr. Eugene on campus. Rosalie De Felice, will be representatives from fifteen the ten dollar deductible clause of coloratura soprano, and Bob Tar- Liberty Records, Lycoming Music Hammer, Chairman of the Educa- Corporation, and Continental Art- colleges and universities in north- the medical insurance plan. It was tion Department, and Pat Rossi, boax, baritone, of the Binghamton eastern Pennsylvania, including brought out that many dormitory Opera Company, will perform for ists will be present. There is a president of the Education Club, some participating Cedar Crest College, Keystone Ju- students in the throes of the pres- of detailed panel discus- the student body. chance that nior a series groups will be signed by booking College, King's College, Kutz- ent flu epidemic were hesitant be Miss DeFelice has had many town sions will held.
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