HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–1 No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Con. Res. 1.—Providing for a joint session of Congress H. Con. Res. 37.—Concerning anti-Semitic statements to receive a message from the President. Passed House made by members of the Duma of the Russian Federa- Jan. 6, 1999. Received in Senate Jan. 7, 1999. Passed tion. Referred to International Relations Feb. 24, 1999. Senate Jan. 14, 1999. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 23, 1999; Roll No. 63: 421–0. Received in Senate and re- H. Con. Res. 2.—Providing for adjournment of the House. ferred to Foreign Relations Mar. 24, 1999. Passed House Jan. 6, 1999. Received in Senate and H. Con. Res. 40 (S. Con. Res. 15).—Honoring Morris passed Jan. 6, 1999. King Udall, former United States Representative from Arizona, and extending the condolences of the Con- H. Con. Res. 11.—Providing for the adjournment of the gress on his death. Referred to House Administration House of Representatives. Passed House Jan. 19, 1999. Mar. 3, 1999. Committee discharged. Passed House Received in Senate and passed Jan. 20, 1999. Mar. 4, 1999. Received in Senate Mar. 4, 1999. Passed Senate Mar. 8, 1999. H. Con. Res. 19.—Permitting the use of the Rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemo- H. Con. Res. 42 (H. Res. 103).—Regarding the use of ration of the days of remembrance of victims of the United States Armed Forces as part of a NATO peace- Holocaust. Referred to House Administration Feb. 2, keeping operation implementing a Kosovo peace agree- 1999. Committee discharged. Passed House Feb. 2, ment. Referred to International Relations Mar. 8, 1999. Received in Senate Feb. 4, 1999. Passed Senate 1999. Passed House amended Mar. 11, 1999; Roll No. Feb. 12, 1999. 49: 219–191. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 16, 1999. H. Con. Res. 20.—Concerning economic, humanitarian, H. Con. Res. 44.—Authorizing the use of the Capitol and other assistance to the northern part of Somalia. Grounds for the 18th annual National Peace Officers’ Referred to International Relations Feb. 2, 1999. Rules Memorial Service. Referred to Transportation and In- suspended. Passed House Oct. 26, 1999. Received in frastructure Mar. 8, 1999. Reported amended Mar. 16, Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 27, 1999. 1999; Rept. 106–58. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 23, 1999. Received in H. Con. Res. 24 (S. Con. Res. 5).—Expressing congres- Senate Mar. 24, 1999. Passed Senate Apr. 14, 1999. SEC. 10 sional opposition to the unilateral declaration of a Pal- estinian state and urging the President to assert clear- H. Con. Res. 45.—Providing for the use of the catafalque ly United States opposition to such a unilateral dec- situated in the crypt beneath the rotunda of the Cap- laration of statehood. Referred to International Rela- itol in connection with memorial services to be con- tions Feb. 4, 1999. Rules suspended. Passed House ducted in the Supreme Court Building for the late Mar. 16, 1999; Roll No. 52: 380–24. Received in Senate honorable Harry A. Blackmun, former Associate Jus- and ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 17, 1999. tice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Re- Passed Senate Apr. 12, 1999. ferred to House Administration Mar. 9, 1999. Com- mittee discharged. Passed House Mar. 9, 1999. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Rules and Administra- H. Con. Res. 27.—Providing for an adjournment or recess tion Mar. 10, 1999. of the two Houses. Passed House Feb. 10, 1999. Re- ceived in Senate and passed Feb. 12, 1999. H. Con. Res. 46.—Urging an end of the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia and calling on the United Na- H. Con. Res. 28.—Expressing the sense of Congress that tions Human Rights Commission and other human the United States should introduce and make all ef- rights organizations to investigate human rights forts necessary to pass a resolution criticizing the Peo- abuses in connection with the Eritrean and Ethiopian ple’s Republic of China for its human rights abuses conflict. Referred to International Relations Mar. 9, in China and Tibet at the annual meeting of the 1999. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 26, 1999. United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Re- Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations ferred to International Relations Feb. 10, 1999. Consid- Oct. 27, 1999. ered under suspension of rules Mar. 9, 1999. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 11, 1999; Roll H. Con. Res. 47.—Authorizing the use of the Capitol No. 44: 421–0. Received in Senate and ordered placed grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. on the calendar Mar. 16, 1999. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 9, 1999. Reported amended Mar. 16, 1999; Rept. 106–59. H. Con. Res. 35.—Congratulating the State of Qatar and House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House its citizens for their commitment to democratic ideals amended Mar. 23, 1999. Received in Senate Mar. 24, and women’s suffrage on the occasion of Qatar’s his- 1999. Passed Senate Apr. 14, 1999. toric elections of a central municipal council on March H. Con. Res. 48.—Authorizing the use of the Capitol 8, 1999. Referred to International Relations Feb. 23, Grounds for the opening ceremonies of Sunrayce 99. 1999. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 9, 13, 1999; Roll No. 82: 418–0. Received in Senate and 1999. Reported Mar. 16, 1999; Rept. 106–60. House referred to Foreign Relations Apr. 14, 1999. Reported Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 12, June 30, 1999; no written report. Passed Senate July 1999. Received in Senate and referred to Rules and 1, 1999. Administration Apr. 13, 1999. VerDate 26-APR-2000 07:55 Apr 18, 2001 Jkt 070615 PO 00001 Frm 00167 Fmt 5861 Sfmt 5861 D:\FINCAL\FIN2001.CAL APPS24 PsN: APPS24 10–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Con. Res. 49.—Authorizing the use of the Capitol H. Con. Res. 68 (H. Res. 131) (H. Res. 137) (S. Con. Grounds for a bike rodeo to be conducted by the Earth Res. 20).—Establishing the congressional budget for Force Youth Bike Summit. Referred to Transportation the United States Government for fiscal year 2000 and and Infrastructure Mar. 10, 1999. Reported Mar. 16, setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for each of 1999; Rept. 106–61. House Calendar. Rules suspended. fiscal years 2001 through 2009. Reported from the Passed House Apr. 12, 1999. Received in Senate and Budget Mar. 23, 1999; Rept. 106–73. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 25, 1999; Roll No. 77: referred to Rules and Administration Apr. 13, 1999. 221–208. Received in Senate and passed with amend- Committee discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 30, 1999. ment Mar. 25, 1999; Roll No. 81: 55–44. Senate in- sisted on its amendment and asked for a conference H. Con. Res. 50.—Authorizing the 1999 District of Co- Mar. 25, 1999. House disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference Apr. 12, 1999. Conference lumbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run report filed in the House Apr. 14 (Legislative day of to be run through the Capitol Grounds. Referred to Apr. 13), 1999; Rept. 106–91. House agreed to con- Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 10, 1999. Re- ference report Apr. 14, 1999; Roll No. 85: 220–208. ported Mar. 16, 1999; Rept. 106–62. House Calendar. Conference report considered in Senate Apr. 14, 15, Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 23, 1999. Re- 1999. Senate agreed to conference report Apr. 15, 1999; ceived in Senate Mar. 24, 1999. Passed Senate Apr. Roll No. 86: 54–44. 14, 1999. H. Con. Res. 75.—Condemning the National Islamic Front (NIF) government for its genocidal war in south- H. Con. Res. 52.—Authorizing the use of the East Front ern Sudan, support for terrorism, and continued of the Capitol Grounds for performances sponsored by human rights violations, and for other purposes. Re- the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. ferred to International Relations Mar. 24, 1999. Rules Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 10, suspended. Passed House amended June 15, 1999; Roll 1999. Reported Mar. 16, 1999; Rept. 106–63. House No. 206: 416–1. Received in Senate and referred to Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 23, Foreign Relations June 16, 1999. 1999. Received in Senate Mar. 24, 1999. Passed Senate H. Con. Res. 76.—Recognizing the social problem of child Apr. 19, 1999. abuse and neglect, and supporting efforts to enhance public awareness of it. Referred to Education and the H. Con. Res. 54.—Recognizing the historic significance Workforce Mar. 24, 1999. Rules suspended. Passed of the first anniversary of the Good Friday Peace House Feb. 14, 2000; Roll No. 17: 378–0. Received Agreement. Referred to International Relations Mar. in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Feb. 22, 2000. 11, 1999. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 20, 1999. Received in Senate and referred to For- H. Con. Res. 81.—Permitting the use of the rotunda of eign Relations Apr. 21, 1999. the Capitol for a ceremony in honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and welcoming the three newest members of H. Con. Res. 56 (S. Con. Res. 17).—Commemorating the NATO, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Hun- 20th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act.
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