Report of the Census of 1921 of the Junagadh State

Report of the Census of 1921 of the Junagadh State

REPORT OF THE CENSUS OF 1921. A'. D. OF THE JUNAGADH ~ TATE _ ... F ..... a.J n r 4.00 BY Purushottamrai. B. Nanavati., B. A. CENSUS CINIiIRAL SUPERINTIiINDEN'l', J UNAGADH STATE. PRIN'I'ED AT THE JUNAGADH STATE PRIlSS. No. 205 of 1921. PURUSHOTTAMRAI ~HAGWATlpAS NANAWATI ESQ. B. A. The Census General Superintendent, J unagadh State. 'lo. TRIBHUVANRAI DULERAI lUNA, ESQ. B. A. LL., B. DewAn 8aheb, J unagadh State. JUN.l8.1J)B, . Dated, 818t October 1921. ~R. 1 have the honour to 8ub~jt the. lonowiiig rl!port. of ·the _gensuB Opem. :)n8, carried out lmder .~h.e superi~endenc~ first of Mr~- CbhaganW- H. Pandya the initial stages and then und~r myself 8S General Superintendent of the ;ate, from September, 1920 to 31st, October 1921. The Census Office was opened by:Dewan O~ce No. 39 dated. S·Oth of lIay,19iO, with Mr. Cbhaganlal· H. Pandya ,is Gene~ Superintendent, who ~cbarge of his duties~ on the 6th of June 1920. Immet:Iiate~J after taking e' Ilrga as General Superintendent of Censu"" Mr. Pandya-submitted his propo-: i Is abOut the required Staff and furniture.; but it took some time before the , pointmE!Dts were made, and the. several members cODstituting the &tal,couier .. e charge of their new dl1ti~, as the men w~re drafted from different nepar~ ta.. Bythe ,emi of June, however, most ··or-the clerks had joined the Office d'tbe furniture, ( at lea'lt the mo&:t neces~ry part of it ) was AlBO~_ :_tDppI!ed~· ·P8kl6 WllS tbtis in full elf_iog by the begi~)rii"ng of Jnly mo.~· .. .~ _. tbe OSee was first held in a couple of rooms attached to Fa~ . khana, but as these rooms were· required for another purpose, ,~-Oil\ce. 'it was '1lUbsequently removed to the Dewan ChOck, where, in the. ~ui1~ing opPOSite to ·the Qld Dewan's Oftice, it has been It}Cat. l.e~ The S~ eon~iM$d· of a. Bead Clerk.' a Sbwitdar, an Aecoun~ ~rk~ • cj~rk . ·~~r· .~er81· "!,:Ol'k, a· register clerk anq ·a. ~d cieri; 2 Mr. Pandya. however, lost n9 time ,ip ,:organising. and 8et~ing in 'motioii: < the machina~y" n,eces~ry for these operation~. -""':::The.. ',~J('0~~~::: "Stat~ ',,!3S, ~ivid~ }Ilto :cha,rge$ .cd.rte8pOndin~. with. the Revenue Superintendents. Mahals; these, ":lth Junagadh ~ndYerawal citIes, Glrnar Dungat, 'Gir...;,Porest, Marig~olJ anci tIle RailwaJEI" as separate charges, came to ~O' ebara-es'o iii aU. ,"'The' cha.rges, were subdivided i,nto circles, and, the circles wEire again subdivided'irlto blocks. In this, way, each Ue\'enue Mahal formed 3 separate charge with the Vahi vatdar Dnd the Muntlift' as joint clIarge Superintend~lits~ Whe're there was no Ml1nsiff, the Vahimtdnr alone was entra8t~ with'the duties of a. cbarge, Superintendent. The Port Officer at "Verawld, was made charge SuperinooD,dent for the Vernwal city charge incln­ ding its 'floating population, and the Gir S~pel'intendent worked as. charge 'Superinten<funt' for the Fore~t charge. The different sections of the J untLgadh Railways, COilstitllted d 8P.parate charge and the Traffic Superintend'eDt nnd,..'" took to work as its ,charge Superintendent. Mangrol was asked to appoi its charge Super~ntendent" and ~ake ~he, nect8sary arrangements' for th( operations~' , .There were in "n 23 charges in the Census' of 191], bu't 3s tJ Revenue Divi8i~n" ha.d qndergone el:lllUges during the last decade' and t' number ~E, Mahals ",as, ~educed, thi~ time we ha,'e only 20 Cbllrge~; Mo~~"er .. ' tIle-' C~it~~8 ~f'J 9 U" ~th~, Khangi. villages fprmed a separate charge as S'hah~ i>\~i~i~:n ,pqt this time as t~sQ ·~v.ilIage8 have merged i~to th~ differen,' JDah9 and:n? Khangi viUagl:!8 now, exi~tt ,there:is';one ('harge less on,tliat account t:J :, _ ': ",: . ,_"' r ,,';.,/ '5. The Jtinagadh charge cODeisted, of'Junagadh town a'nd'its ,suburl 'flleSe were, l{{)t pla~ed~\lnder aehl\Tge Superirite~d~l\t but were (ii~ided in ,four wards, :with a,Supef'intendent for ward. ' , 6. In util, there were thre~ w~~ds only but O~-iDg 'to e1:tensions "ou side the city walls, this time it' was thought divide the area. in foul' wards of three. " ' 7,. Moreover, fhe festivities in' connection with the aus,picious Slui~J His Highness the Nawab Sah€b, coincided with, the date of final Enumeratio ,BO that the large influx 'of guestiand other- ~itors~ made the work pl,'r,ticular hard. It ~as oil this account' ~Iso'deepled expedient to'makb ~~aile~ divisioll so that the 'Ward Superintendents can do t~eii work more efficiently. 8. ,~fter, the' apJ>l.lintment of the ch:.trge Super1ntendentlt-; they; '\Ve supplied. with printed instructions to divide" their respecti Circles and charges into circles,';md to subdivide tbe circl~:.:-j~ blook~, . 'Blocks; '. ' - -- . such a. '!ay that a. circle'-was- made op-a-eten to fifueti_,.EToc a.nd a block. contained from 1>9 to 6.0 houses. "They were a]so ,,~<~pon ~ send lists of Kbalsa, Bhnyati, Mu]girassia, and ~l-Kherati villages i , their charges ,vitb their areas. 9. Before: commericing house-numbering, en~m~rators ,a:nd superviSal Ronse Num':" for the 'work were appoi'nted by the ·charge superint~iide~tf berDing; These charge superintenden~ were .. supplied with, chunani au! . .~. -""'.-- 3 ,'geru wherever oonveni43nt or were gh'en the necessary sapctioh tp purchase the Mme ,. fur painting numbers on 'bOll~e-w{llls., Special printed iostruhtions' \vere, supplied to them, for being distributed among t~e. worker~·:·~[lg;.g~in the~e operation8, for their proper guidance., It may be inentioned her,e, that owing,tu a mi,spl'int in the Charge Register FOl'm, ~upplied by theProvin~ial: Superintendeilt, these operatio~ls were:cornrn~nced very early ,d,qring th~ f.liny ,t!ea~on (m~ a good.deulof trouble and I expense '\vas incllrred a~ t~e. u\lmbers' ~'ere '. wnshed . off by rain-water. A, reference was thereoorl. m~,de to the Provincial Superintendeilt and it was found Ollt after some cpr~esp!lndence and personal visit to the District' Stiperir,ltendent, that the date wa~ mispri!1~ell an~ that the house.~umbering was"to 'be 'done after the ru.~ns had ceased. But ,a good denl of work' had been already done while the corresponden~ ~as go- ' ,iug 011. These nuinbers ,wel:~' \v:i.sherl off, so' th~t the time, trouble, and eXpense incurred, in this respect we~e r(,llder~d futil~~' i'n n.s 'lUuch as, most of the, bonses had to be renumbered Rnd {\ fresh supply of c}Junam and,geru had to: be ' provided for.' This 'was accordingly done.' A Impply of eontinge_~ie.~.~:~ prO\~ided ,to the charge supp.rintendents, and the numbering o(hdU~' ~~S ~mn:~enced afr~b, 011 1-17-1920 ilnd finished on 15-11..;.19~0. NQ ':extra staff was ~ngaged for this \vock as it was 'none 'by State clerks in various de:partments assiste,d by volunteers; wherever fit pel's6ns came,:;forward with offers 'of peJp., Special precautions were taken: 't6~'iinp1'ess upon the workers the ~es! ~'abitity of "paint~pg, the ncmbel!3 ~dilStitiet~ uniform and l~gi~le~ 4-tl order . ~as ,prom~lgated in ,the Dastural Amal ( No. 351. 'of 9th .. July '1920) by. '~hich people were warned npt to erase _qr in ~ any way t;\mper' with the :"nambers, untit the day of 1inaleBum~ratiml_Jlad ~flle«L, All in previo.l18 cen. SUBe6 L:e. those ,of 190Q and l~P, th~':syste~-Q~!lurnbering hoaees serially by eAch block and not by qircle,' was maintaih~'- this ti"me tDo. A new ~M!S ~f numbers was 'begun att'be beginni"ng of ~ach block. - . 10. When the numbering of bouses was. nearly finished, the~ rittimlion Am,o.intments of of the c~lRrge !!uper~ntend~nts iRnd,othe~s" w.ns, ,splely dev9~ed to 'Bftftmerators" & . the' inspection and the "checking of ~hn.t work, and, when that -Supervisors. ~ , bnsi~e~s was over to lDnkinO' arranO'ements for the preliminary , '... ," .. , ' 0. ,.-.,1:1 " ' '.' :enumehition. The' charge superintendents were 'directed to select· superVIsors 'for circles and enutnerators for blocks. They were instructed. ,to utilise the 8ervices of IlS uiany of the Stat.e servants in various departments ~s could be spared and to s~pplement_ ,these, by the 'employment of vakil~, mercQ9,opts. 'and others, wherever possible and w4_erever-these latter utlgrndgmgly .o-,,~red 'their ser~i€es for the work; I1nd-·l, lllil-glad' to be able to_pnt on- record that ~ Some' of the moffusil towns .like'. VerawaL Uoa,.. Wanth~t_~_~Il_~l_~utiya-n.~,Jhe_ local pleaders 'have rendered valua.ble help in this-direction." ,,' , ';'-';.' . ' . .;'[1.." In Junagadh city, all h~ads of, depnrtment:s nrid 'suhordinate,~5'­ cc,-" ' •. ~~eque8ted "to send a list of their cleri~a.l ,,8ta~ and when these hst~· 1\:',ere .~;.- from, them, ;'o,ppointmEmts of supervisors and enumerators wer.!: ~!lde, , 'p'#g-~i!i·'.Yiew"';::t~~ pOsition 'a~d ~J>!lcity ..~Ild. }n~llig~nce .of each, ~.~ker. 'y he"'be',:iid'->ta.tas in 1911, 'this ti~e too, one or two oftieera shovr~ :. a• .mdeDt relQcta1iceto seod,their men undcr'ontfiprete,xt--et'-, an6ther ia.nd a~ .. ); the im~nce' and "em8rgen~y (:It t~. ~ "0* waB broUght· heme' ttl them, they couJ4.lot be persuaded to a more' reasolJAbl~, -attitude and rJilad to' turQ.

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