REPORT OF THE CENSUS OF 1921. A'. D. OF THE JUNAGADH ~ TATE _ ... F ..... a.J n r 4.00 BY Purushottamrai. B. Nanavati., B. A. CENSUS CINIiIRAL SUPERINTIiINDEN'l', J UNAGADH STATE. PRIN'I'ED AT THE JUNAGADH STATE PRIlSS. No. 205 of 1921. PURUSHOTTAMRAI ~HAGWATlpAS NANAWATI ESQ. B. A. The Census General Superintendent, J unagadh State. 'lo. TRIBHUVANRAI DULERAI lUNA, ESQ. B. A. LL., B. DewAn 8aheb, J unagadh State. JUN.l8.1J)B, . Dated, 818t October 1921. ~R. 1 have the honour to 8ub~jt the. lonowiiig rl!port. of ·the _gensuB Opem. :)n8, carried out lmder .~h.e superi~endenc~ first of Mr~- CbhaganW- H. Pandya the initial stages and then und~r myself 8S General Superintendent of the ;ate, from September, 1920 to 31st, October 1921. The Census Office was opened by:Dewan O~ce No. 39 dated. S·Oth of lIay,19iO, with Mr. Cbhaganlal· H. Pandya ,is Gene~ Superintendent, who ~cbarge of his duties~ on the 6th of June 1920. Immet:Iiate~J after taking e' Ilrga as General Superintendent of Censu"" Mr. Pandya-submitted his propo-: i Is abOut the required Staff and furniture.; but it took some time before the , pointmE!Dts were made, and the. several members cODstituting the &tal,couier .. e charge of their new dl1ti~, as the men w~re drafted from different nepar~ ta.. Bythe ,emi of June, however, most ··or-the clerks had joined the Office d'tbe furniture, ( at lea'lt the mo&:t neces~ry part of it ) was AlBO~_ :_tDppI!ed~· ·P8kl6 WllS tbtis in full elf_iog by the begi~)rii"ng of Jnly mo.~· .. .~ _. tbe OSee was first held in a couple of rooms attached to Fa~ . khana, but as these rooms were· required for another purpose, ,~-Oil\ce. 'it was '1lUbsequently removed to the Dewan ChOck, where, in the. ~ui1~ing opPOSite to ·the Qld Dewan's Oftice, it has been It}Cat. l.e~ The S~ eon~iM$d· of a. Bead Clerk.' a Sbwitdar, an Aecoun~ ~rk~ • cj~rk . ·~~r· .~er81· "!,:Ol'k, a· register clerk anq ·a. ~d cieri; 2 Mr. Pandya. however, lost n9 time ,ip ,:organising. and 8et~ing in 'motioii: < the machina~y" n,eces~ry for these operation~. -""':::The.. ',~J('0~~~::: "Stat~ ',,!3S, ~ivid~ }Ilto :cha,rge$ .cd.rte8pOndin~. with. the Revenue Superintendents. Mahals; these, ":lth Junagadh ~ndYerawal citIes, Glrnar Dungat, 'Gir...;,Porest, Marig~olJ anci tIle RailwaJEI" as separate charges, came to ~O' ebara-es'o iii aU. ,"'The' cha.rges, were subdivided i,nto circles, and, the circles wEire again subdivided'irlto blocks. In this, way, each Ue\'enue Mahal formed 3 separate charge with the Vahi vatdar Dnd the Muntlift' as joint clIarge Superintend~lits~ Whe're there was no Ml1nsiff, the Vahimtdnr alone was entra8t~ with'the duties of a. cbarge, Superintendent. The Port Officer at "Verawld, was made charge SuperinooD,dent for the Vernwal city charge incln­ ding its 'floating population, and the Gir S~pel'intendent worked as. charge 'Superinten<funt' for the Fore~t charge. The different sections of the J untLgadh Railways, COilstitllted d 8P.parate charge and the Traffic Superintend'eDt nnd,..'" took to work as its ,charge Superintendent. Mangrol was asked to appoi its charge Super~ntendent" and ~ake ~he, nect8sary arrangements' for th( operations~' , .There were in "n 23 charges in the Census' of 191], bu't 3s tJ Revenue Divi8i~n" ha.d qndergone el:lllUges during the last decade' and t' number ~E, Mahals ",as, ~educed, thi~ time we ha,'e only 20 Cbllrge~; Mo~~"er .. ' tIle-' C~it~~8 ~f'J 9 U" ~th~, Khangi. villages fprmed a separate charge as S'hah~ i>\~i~i~:n ,pqt this time as t~sQ ·~v.ilIage8 have merged i~to th~ differen,' JDah9 and:n? Khangi viUagl:!8 now, exi~tt ,there:is';one ('harge less on,tliat account t:J :, _ ': ",: . ,_"' r ,,';.,/ '5. The Jtinagadh charge cODeisted, of'Junagadh town a'nd'its ,suburl 'flleSe were, l{{)t pla~ed~\lnder aehl\Tge Superirite~d~l\t but were (ii~ided in ,four wards, :with a,Supef'intendent for ea.ch ward. ' , 6. In util, there were thre~ w~~ds only but O~-iDg 'to e1:tensions "ou side the city walls, this time it' was thought adv~ahle.to divide the area. in foul' wards iDS~e.ad of three. " ' 7,. Moreover, fhe festivities in' connection with the aus,picious Slui~J His Highness the Nawab Sah€b, coincided with, the date of final Enumeratio ,BO that the large influx 'of guestiand other- ~itors~ made the work pl,'r,ticular hard. It ~as oil this account' ~Iso'deepled expedient to'makb ~~aile~ divisioll so that the 'Ward Superintendents can do t~eii work more efficiently. 8. ,~fter, the' apJ>l.lintment of the ch:.trge Super1ntendentlt-; they; '\Ve supplied. with printed instructions to divide" their respecti Circles and charges into circles,';md to subdivide tbe circl~:.:-j~ blook~, . 'Blocks; '. ' - -- . such a. '!ay that a. circle'-was- made op-a-eten to fifueti_,.EToc a.nd a block. contained from 1>9 to 6.0 houses. "They were a]so ,,~<~pon ~ send lists of Kbalsa, Bhnyati, Mu]girassia, and ~l-Kherati villages i , their charges ,vitb their areas. 9. Before: commericing house-numbering, en~m~rators ,a:nd superviSal Ronse Num':" for the 'work were appoi'nted by the ·charge superint~iide~tf berDing; These charge superintenden~ were .. supplied with, chunani au! . .~. -""'.-- 3 ,'geru wherever oonveni43nt or were gh'en the necessary sapctioh tp purchase the Mme ,. fur painting numbers on 'bOll~e-w{llls., Special printed iostruhtions' \vere, supplied to them, for being distributed among t~e. worker~·:·~[lg;.g~in the~e operation8, for their proper guidance., It may be inentioned her,e, that owing,tu a mi,spl'int in the Charge Register FOl'm, ~upplied by theProvin~ial: Superintendeilt, these operatio~ls were:cornrn~nced very early ,d,qring th~ f.liny ,t!ea~on (m~ a good.deulof trouble and I expense '\vas incllrred a~ t~e. u\lmbers' ~'ere '. wnshed . off by rain-water. A, reference was thereoorl. m~,de to the Provincial Superintendeilt and it was found Ollt after some cpr~esp!lndence and personal visit to the District' Stiperir,ltendent, that the date wa~ mispri!1~ell an~ that the house.~umbering was"to 'be 'done after the ru.~ns had ceased. But ,a good denl of work' had been already done while the corresponden~ ~as go- ' ,iug 011. These nuinbers ,wel:~' \v:i.sherl off, so' th~t the time, trouble, and eXpense incurred, in this respect we~e r(,llder~d futil~~' i'n n.s 'lUuch as, most of the, bonses had to be renumbered Rnd {\ fresh supply of c}Junam and,geru had to: be ' provided for.' This 'was accordingly done.' A Impply of eontinge_~ie.~.~:~ prO\~ided ,to the charge supp.rintendents, and the numbering o(hdU~' ~~S ~mn:~enced afr~b, 011 1-17-1920 ilnd finished on 15-11..;.19~0. NQ ':extra staff was ~ngaged for this \vock as it was 'none 'by State clerks in various de:partments assiste,d by volunteers; wherever fit pel's6ns came,:;forward with offers 'of peJp., Special precautions were taken: 't6~'iinp1'ess upon the workers the ~es! ~'abitity of "paint~pg, the ncmbel!3 ~dilStitiet~ uniform and l~gi~le~ 4-tl order . ~as ,prom~lgated in ,the Dastural Amal ( No. 351. 'of 9th .. July '1920) by. '~hich people were warned npt to erase _qr in ~ any way t;\mper' with the :"nambers, untit the day of 1inaleBum~ratiml_Jlad ~flle«L, All in previo.l18 cen. SUBe6 L:e. those ,of 190Q and l~P, th~':syste~-Q~!lurnbering hoaees serially by eAch block and not by ~n.eh qircle,' was maintaih~'- this ti"me tDo. A new ~M!S ~f numbers was 'begun att'be beginni"ng of ~ach block. - . 10. When the numbering of bouses was. nearly finished, the~ rittimlion Am,o.intments of of the c~lRrge !!uper~ntend~nts iRnd,othe~s" w.ns, ,splely dev9~ed to 'Bftftmerators" & . the' inspection and the "checking of ~hn.t work, and, when that -Supervisors. ~ , bnsi~e~s was over to lDnkinO' arranO'ements for the preliminary , '... ," .. , ' 0. ,.-.,1:1 " ' '.' :enumehition. The' charge superintendents were 'directed to select· superVIsors 'for circles and enutnerators for blocks. They were instructed. ,to utilise the 8ervices of IlS uiany of the Stat.e servants in various departments ~s could be spared and to s~pplement_ ,these, by the 'employment of vakil~, mercQ9,opts. 'and others, wherever possible and w4_erever-these latter utlgrndgmgly .o-,,~red 'their ser~i€es for the work; I1nd-·l, lllil-glad' to be able to_pnt on- record that ~ Some' of the moffusil towns .like'. VerawaL Uoa,.. Wanth~t_~_~Il_~l_~utiya-n.~,Jhe_ local pleaders 'have rendered valua.ble help in this-direction." ,,' , ';'-';.' . ' . .;'[1.." In Junagadh city, all h~ads of, depnrtment:s nrid 'suhordinate,~5'­ cc,-" ' •. ~~eque8ted "to send a list of their cleri~a.l ,,8ta~ and when these hst~· 1\:',ere .~;.- from, them, ;'o,ppointmEmts of supervisors and enumerators wer.!: ~!lde, , 'p'#g-~i!i·'.Yiew"';::t~~ pOsition 'a~d ~J>!lcity ..~Ild. }n~llig~nce .of each, ~.~ker. 'y he"'be',:iid'->ta.tas in 1911, 'this ti~e too, one or two oftieera shovr~ :. a• .mdeDt relQcta1iceto seod,their men undcr'ontfiprete,xt--et'-, an6ther ia.nd a~ .. ); ~.gh the im~nce' and "em8rgen~y (:It t~. ~ "0* waB broUght· heme' ttl them, they couJ4.lot be persuaded to a more' reasolJAbl~, -attitude and rJilad to' turQ.
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