Household of Queen (from 1685 Queen Dowager) Catherine 1660-1705 (compiled by J.C. Sainty, Lydia Wassmann, and R. O. Bucholz) Aboab, Jacob Groom of the Privy Chamber in Extraordinary 14 Nov. 1670 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). No further occ. Acheson, [?Martha], Lady Lady of the Privy Chamber in Extraordinary 5 July 1670 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). No further occ. Acker, George Waterman 12 Mar. 1662 (LC 3/25, f. 95v). No further occ. Adams, Edward [Servant] occ. 22 Nov. 1686 (LR 5/80). No further occ. Adams, Thomas Turnbroach occ. Est. of LD 1694-Est. ending-Mich. 1698 (LR 5/95). No further occ. (But a Mr. Adams received a payment of £13 13s 9 on the salary warrant of 5 Aug. 1706: LR 5/93) Addison, Henry Under Porter at Somerset House pd from LD 1692 to 23 Dec. 1697 (LR 5/80- 95). No further occ. Pos. will dated 18 Apr. 1699 (PROB 11/450/152). Adelham (Addleham), John (Placid) Chaplain (Priest in Chapel) app. 1662 (Baldwin Diss., p. 180). Occ. Est. of Mich. 1671-Est. ending Mich. 1678 (Weale, p. xxxi; last occ. Add. MSS. 15897, f. 35). No further occ. Adson, Thomas Waterman 12 Aug 1671 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22; nl Est. of Mich 1671: Weale, p. xxx; occ. LR 5/78-80). Last occ. Est. ending LD 1693 (LR 5/91). Vac. by Est. of LD 1694 (LR 5/95). Agar (Ager, Eyre), Thomas Carver 16 Dec. 1677 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Occ. 1679-Est. ending Mich. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1679], p. 193; last occ. Add. MSS. 28721, f. 3). Vac. by Est. of Mich. 1687 (LR 5/95). Prob. will dated 10 Nov. 1687 (PROB 11/389/117). Aimé (Ayme, Amy), Isaac Surgeon 2 Feb. 1682 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Last occ. Est. ending LD 1695 (LR 5/95). Vac. by LD 1696 (LR 5/92; but cf. LR 5/93). Alanana, Bras Nunes Physician occ. Aug. 1665 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). No further occ. Aldworth, William Auditor General occ. Est. of Mich. 1691-Est. ending Mich. 1698 (LR 5/90- 95; last occ. LR 5/95). Bur. 26 Aug. 1700 (CTB XVIII, 949; J. C. Sainty Officers of the Exchequer (1983), p. 131). Alexander, Francis Gentleman Usher Quarter Waiter 19 Sept. 1671 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Vac. by Est. of Mich. 1677 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 33v). Allen, Blaze Physician in Extraordinary 4 Jan. 1673 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). No further occ. Allen, John Night Porter occ. 1702-LD 1706 (Chamberlayne [1702] III, 529; last occ. LD 1706: LR 5/93). Vac. 31 Dec. 1705 on d. of Catherine of Braganza. Allmon, William Groom of the Great Chamber in Extraordinary 25 Oct. 1667 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22, p. 42). No further occ. Alsop (Allsop), Thomas Turnbroach of the Queen’s Kitchen and the Side [Household] Kitchen Est. of 1 Oct. 1664 (LS 13/34, f. 22). Vac. by Est. of 1 Oct. 1668 on app. as Supernumerary Turnbroach of the [Privy] Kitchen (LS 13/35, f. 20v). Ancram, Frances (Wilson, Court Satires, p. 59; HP 1660-90, II, 677; Wynne gives Jean) (Kerr), Countess of Lady of the Bedchamber 23 Apr. 1677 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Occ. July 1682 (CTB VII, 542, payment of £100 for work at her lodgings 15 July 1682). No further occ. Antonio, Fr. Preacher occ. 1670-1679 (Chamberlayne 1670, 313; last occ. ibid. [1679], p. 192). No further occ. Appleton, [?Mary], Lady Lady of the Privy Chamber in Extraordinary 11 Nov. 1669 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22, p. 55). No further occ. Aprice (Apprice), Thomas Officer of the Robes occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 208). Underhousekeeper pd. Mich. 1691-LD 1706 (LR 5/89-93). Vac. 31 Dec. 1705 on d. of Catherine of Braganza. Arabidoes, “Sindicks of Frs.” Priests in the Chapel occ. Est. of Mich. 1671-Est. ending Mich. 1698 (Weale, p. xxxi; last occ. LR 5/95). No further occ. Argall, Samuel Physician in Ordinary (w/o fee) 14 Nov 1670 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). No further occ. Arlington, Henry (Bennet), Earl of “Lord Steward” of the Revenue occ. 1682-1684 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 224; last occ. ibid. [1684], p. 222). D. 28 July 1685. Arlington, Isabella (Bennet), Countess of Groom of the Stole and Mistress of the Robes app. 10 Mar. 1681 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22; see Wynne, p. 260 n. for possible appointment as Lady of the Bedchamber in Apr. 1666). Occ. 1682-1704 (Chamberlayne [1682], 227; last occ. ibid. [1704], 541). Vac. 31 Dec. 1705 on d. of Catherine of Braganza. Arundel, Hon. John (styled “Sir”; from 1688 Baron Arundel of Trerice) Master of the Horse app. 27 July 1678 (LS 13/197, f. 56). Occ. 29 Nov. 1678-15 Sept. 1680. (CSPD 1678, p. 547; Chamberlayne [1679], p. 193). Diss. by 22 Dec. 1679 on app. of Louis, Earl of Feversham (LS 13/253, f. 82v). Master of the Horse occ. Est. of Mich. 1686-LD 1702 (LR 5/84-95; last occ. LR 5/93). D. by 23 June 1698 (Henning, Hist. Parl. I, 550). --Master of the Game occ. Mich. 1677-Mich. 1678 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 35). Office no further occ. Arundell, Charles Page of Honour app. [1662-63] (TNA/PRO SP Dom. 29/47 no. 117, f. 214). Occ. Apr. 1668-Est. 12 of Mar. 1669 (CTB II, 541; last occ. Dartmouth MSS. ox D [w] 1778/v/132). Carver 26 Nov. 1672 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Occ. Est. of Mich. 1677-Mich 1678 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 33). Vac. by 28 Sept. 1678 on app. of George Sayers (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Equerry app. 18 Apr. 1678 (LS 13/197, f. 52v). Occ. 1679-Est. ending Mich. 1690 (Chamberlayne [1679], p. 193; Dartmouth MSS. ox D [w] 1778/v/132; last occ. LR 5/85). Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber occ. Est. of LD 1691-5 Aug. 1706 (LR 5/87-95; last occ. salary warrant 5 Aug. 1706: LR 5/93). Vac. 31 Dec. 1705 on d. of Catherine of Braganza. Arundell, Francis Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter Assistant 31 May 1677 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Office no further occ. Ashe, George Groom of the Hobby Stable occ. Est. of 31 July 1674 (Panshanger MS. D/E Na 02). No further occ. Pos. will dated 23 June 1680 (PROB 11/363/238). Ashley, Michaell Groom of the Bottle Horse occ. Est. of 12 Mar. 1669 (Dartmouth MSS. ox D [w] 1778/v/132). Vac. by Est. of 31 July 1674 (Panshanger MS. D/E Na 02). Askew, George Groom of the Hobby Stable occ. Est. of 12 Mar. 1669- Est. of 31 July 1674 (Dartmouth MSS. ox D [w] 1778/v/132; last occ. Panshanger MS. D/E Na 02). No further occ. Assenburg, John Yeoman of the Field in the Cellar to the Queen Est. of 1 Oct. 1668 (LS 13/35, f. 26v). D. by 2 Feb. 1674 (LS 13/254, f. 8). Atkins (Atkyns), Sir Robert, Kt. Solicitor General app. c. 10 June 1662 (CSPD 1661-2, p. 404). Occ. 1669-1672 (Chamberlayne [1669 2nd edn.], p. 298; Weale, p. xxxii; last occ. Chamberlayne [1672], p. 217). JCP 25 Apr. 1672. Vac. by 1673 (Chamberlayne [1673], p. 223). Attride (Attridge), William Groom of the Hobby Stable occ. Est. of 12 Mar. 1669-Est. of 31 July 1674 (Dartmouth MSS. ox D [w] 1778/v/132; last occ. Panshanger MS. D/E Na 02). No further occ. Autunes, Francisco Surgeon pd. from LD 1686 (LR 5/?78). Last occ. Est. ending Mich. 1689 (LR 5/84). Pd. to Xmas. 1691 (LR 5/89). Vac. by Est. of Mich. 1689 (LR 5/85). Avery, George Waterman occ. Est. of Mich. 1677-Est. ending Mich 1698 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 34; last occ. LR 5/95). Pd. to Mids. 1699 (LR 5/93). Vac. by LD 1701 (LR 5/93). Axx (Ax, Axe), George Waterman occ. List of Nov. 1667-Mich. 1672 (Reymes Papers, Wiltshire and Swindon Hist. Centre 865/441; Weale, p. xxx). D. by 3 Nov. 1673 on app. of Peter Spurr (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Ayres, John Groom of the Great Chamber 7 Dec. 1672 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Vac. by Est. of Mich. 1677 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 34). Backhouse, Francis Groom of the Great Chamber 23 June 1671 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Vac. by Est. of Mich. 1671 (Weale, p. xxx). Bacon, Philip Waterman 23 Dec. 1672 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). Last occ. Est. ending LD 1693 (LR 5/91). Vac. by Est. of LD 1694 (LR 5/95). Baddely, Thomas Gardener at Somerset House occ. 12 July 1686-LD 1706 (LR 5/77; LR 5/95; Chamberlayne [1702] III, 529; last occ. LR 5/93). Vac. 31 Dec. 1705 on d. of Catherine of Braganza Bagnall (Bagnold), James Gentleman Usher Quarter Waiter app. [1662-63] (TNA/PRO SP Dom. 29/47 no. 117, f. 212b). Occ. Aug. 1665-1697 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22; SP 29/151 f.139; Weale, p. xxix; Add. MSS. 15897, f. 33v; last occ. 14 Aug. 1697: LR 5/93). Vac. by 1699 (LR 5/93). Baker, Margery Woman [?of the Bedchamber] 13 Nov. 1674 (NLS Adv. MS 31.1.22). No further occ. Bainton, Catherine see Boynton, Catherine Baldwin (Baldwinne), John Groom Coachman occ. 27 Apr. 1666-Est. of 31 July 1674 (LS 13/252, f.
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