
The Twenty-One Conditions Of Admission Into The Communist International The Twenty-One Conditions of Admission 4 Into the Cornmuntst International* "Tk Communist Perties of tbsc cmntrks wkre tk Cmmu- nist ~tivityis lcgd should dcwicd ciranringr (re-re&& fh~)0f &hC ~rbnrof tbC P@ o~gdnkdhl5,50 & ft0 JyS- temgtkdly citrms~the F~tyfrom the ptt)cbourgcms eifmtrntr who inevitdy a~pchthcmsel~~s to h." (Point 13 of the Gndi- thof Admiion into thc Cdntrm.) WOKE thc war, the socialhatic parties and reformist trade B& compthd & hdPatemadoail. In the developed upi- tab mutt&& both the dkoticpartits and du! reformist track unians were maas orgmktione, with & of tnunbcm. Since tbyr were eprtiw fotmtd of a bloE of proletarian and petty-baurpl inter- uts which grati6ed thc pmy-bourgawk ;social-nationdm and the social- &uvinists, fbe Stud hma,in adapting itself to LSlt mod of the rrvohtiorrpry workers, found itscIf c~npciledto pass rt~oIud~ns apim war at its iotemeioplal wqram (Stuctgart, Baslc). In thtx ~Iuti~it ataDed that it would be a crime on the part of thc workers ta pd+t in tbc bourgeois war which was In p- para*, and gzve wankg that this war would ltad to a pmIcmian revolufloa In some eoetrtricr, rht dkrsticpartits tKfm Lbe war carried on te an in&ve VFMcampaign apht war, pdtih- ing article on $ subject, ding 1.nnsc meetingsp apefor peace# Pnd agaht war; while jusc: bcfm the war itself tbry organid proccst meetings ond dummtrations. Thc workers Midthat tht eocipb dm&@g and tht trodc vaions dyintended to smggft osaifw war, and wouId carry it m. Bwt wkn the QWbroke out, aU thc wcipbaawluatic par&, adtrodt dona went aver to the aide 01 their imp* Opmpy, ddvetbt&~ntldpeasoncs 1S$tchbpenaeoichug,ontbtp~noftbc@mof&W~- ~~~~H#w.~~M~~~~~~ vwfkiag mnsrses, but nlso the her oaivb of dat partits rrmd trPde lmmm. The Fdbq pwoludom in Russia, the or&tinn cf Sovim of WodcusY,P-tsS and SoIdied Beputk, ebt &e of d&s3 mictm at the rear adLht h4tht widest and matt fearh Pgimtirm-- . irn* war earti#l, on by tk Bot- tbc fratnnLing they~attblfr~plaiaiVshowtdtkMilemafthr whale world bow it ww pible d mcmary &t their bloisie, even in war-time. The dogan of e+ OPI the cnmek of impridkt wat into civil wor, met with a widc -nst thm$Iout the world The OnobLI. Revdutioas. which wrcrthrew thc power of the land- Iords and & bour@e, aod bedthe mlutimary way aut of imwwar fa prdud a seupcndous impression oe the nmwa of & adsotdicrs. Thew masea not only began ta see thC*ofdlt*dthed~tic*esmofe dtarly, but thep Pbo saw the d pmsibibility of 5tr4hg aguht th&mt,aadtbc~S~tt,asawhok TIMI impish peact showed ta she masses that a11 the pramises of tbe bourgeoisie and the mcial-dcmwrats duriag the imp&IIst war were falre arrd hypoclitkl. The burg&& and their agcng the d- dammttrr, had pmPsiowI &at the war WOUI~bring m improvement in the Gtuatim of tht work- and pasatlta; aodaf hame; even the abalitiau of ql~itpda;+ rights to opprcgsed pcopIcs, ttc., thet "the country wdd mrforget irs henres". h dty,oftm rhc horrors of tht front, the w0tSrers ond pnuwcn awaited by cxploi~- tion and oppdon at the muj pomty and degradation and a bandit a a ~mtinuatimof the bandit war. The bo+i of $I cam- tries thnw t-PW against the victmiwb psdctariPa revolution in Rd,d be* ardintemntiaa against the USSR. All this htigkd thc mm1- activity of tht mbgmnssea in gmeral, wpccidly rht wotLcts in the d[-d~aticpnrties d the reformist mde utlions. The hdfor armdm imme&bly after tt3C war evoked M rnpcec&~d ffow of workem lata thc d unia~. (Etfuce tbc war tht Gumnn trade ruJm had 2250,000 mcr&rs, imdiattly ahtht prat ~,000;in ht Britain tht a& a& of trade mion mc&m harmed from 4,500poO to 6,J00,000., in Fcaact from 1100~to OW^ in Italy from 406,000 to 2#30,- OOQ; in America frore 2,000,000 a0 4,000,000.) The workers bdd that cfie idcuniona mganba smggle to redeem tht burgatria pramam 3 ~givend~cbewar.Tbentcmtruadchcdd~ocratkp~ dcmPadrrd$otthcir~ltaderaimassliiaDely~tfromthtSccoad ~~hichludbyattha&~clarsiodaEC;m;laI mnmr. Uadcrthe reer#rtc~ftbe&~dbwarm- pelltdtoadinar~Plrirhdradetswhtntbtyor&smizedthtP S~Capbt nati&vk -th, pt&hIy agabt the sending of mltnih to Poload WWhrtd attadcwl tbe Savin Union. ThE Jociill-tic mbdemdd that thcir parties join the Tbird In~~theWdoehtbtf~ofwh;hM~& byrhe~dthc~Unian,IodbyLenin. U&C & prcawrre of tbt workern, adwith the object of avoiding complatt isdadon from oht maa#s, one dkcatL:party after andex adapted a -am r~ fawe thC hdIntanatid. An fht rcs& of a &ow dscisiDn of its Conpa, the Swiss ~-~ crarisPattpbftEhcS#.xmdInternil& ~~o~~~t- pendent W-I3anwmt.k Party of Gemany alwl made a decisiati to withdraw from medddp. At fhe end of January, 1920, at the Sttassburg Chgresa, o& &x& Socialist Party br& with the Second hbmtbd ($200 for lea&& @st dy337 votes). The Nor- wcghn Sxial-Ihmtratic Label. Party, the Am& S.L.P., the Bul- garion SJ3.P. (Ttglhki"), tbc Xdhhckh PartyI the hm- ridaf Yeuth, dm British I.L.P., dl deserted the &a+g hd Internatid. Bva the Rush d&eerats, the 00' at finrt iJl words. Tbs SWg3 sf tbe RdV- WwhJ' Urg~fors Thrds tbt TWC-nkt Zrtemdbd At the first Gqrw, whea tht 'X"$icd Chmm& Iat~fl~awm fodd itl Md,1919, dya smaaaaumibcr af -ah of 4. tbe dntioplafg wQ,h!d Unh. And &t very the ~~ of eo 0erpsmaILPndhpd following took part: C. P. Russia; C. P. AdHm-, the Swcritsh left S, D. P Patryp the oppq$on SwHs S. D. Poty, tfrc AmhS. L P,.& &Jprim Td,h C.P.'a of PaBnd, Fidd, LTkdt~,L~T& UthW, White lZu& &tho&, Anncnia and tho Chum- af what is now At Gcrmon Vdga RqubliE. Intbeitl&betwtxnthc~tands~and~tht~ 1 bareatid waa joid by rhe Idion Sodabt Party, tht Swedish hagot of Youth, the C.P< of Basr wi,tk sc&& P* of ~Lo~e,the Ulurinian Federetion af SociaIisr P&ut olsd a nuhtbet of Fdorganizatium in AmeriEP, & British Sadah Party, the Bararian Indtpdtnt Party, part of the Daaisfi W-atm- tb Commrmist arganhtiws of Bohd, haint and Mk,zhe Ini-emational Compw of working yauth at whirh thue were dEtcgatcs from 220P06 members, rht Scotriab Labor Party. The Con- of tEH SdhS. D. Party adopted a decision to join the Gmmunist In-- tionrl. A large nwnber of Id organktim of the Fmh SodPlist Party dedded w rmtcr ebt Ccm~~uttistInrrmatiod. At the Straas- burg Cwrglw of the Socialist Party of Ftance, a nwlurion ta joh thc ~~IBtCshptid ObeOined 1,621 votes out ef 4,667. The fob coafinmbd sldhcgion to the Third Xnmtid: tAb Cnngma of the Itdh Suci&t Party in Boto;gna, the Can- of die Nomegkn Smiaht Labar Parry, the Canfern- of t$t Ltfe Sw&h S. D. Party, the Cqjra of rht BuIgarh S. B. P+ "Idaki'i", the Polish Commd Party, & chp- of Sooi- d the USA. At ohe thgmss of r6e Spdsh Sod&t Party, l2,700 mm were csst fw joidag tha Chmmdst fntematbml (agnlnst 14,000 for rtdmhg in thc Seaad IntethatiunaI). At the !hndinavian Workem' hgrea ia D#&, 1919, at which thtrc warc 268 dcfb gates frcm 300,000 the Comm- dub wm doped h1y. Lrr &c Arlsttiaa Sodol-- Party tbett was akza fanad a warhag dthof ~tuti~rgd-dcmocma of Austtia, wkkb ~edhthe~f~rhaSavictdicrPtorshipandaaharioa rntheThMIn~W.Thqscnr-lgrwtheSacoadCcra- grtsa of ehe Cobnintem. Hvm at tbt Confewree of & Labor Party of Great Britain the qrrtstion of j&hg dm nid .Internatid was I 5 mkd, and referred ta tht ldmganhtions of thc Lobor Patty for &#lrw;om. A~rErcSeEondCodl~inaddirioamComglrmiwP~ttitsvhIch had~vepating~tihtreffmc~pnd~~rn- &dm& LW*W. a- hall & coim* dm ,gpaaish No.- FcdatPtioat of k,the BtWi Shvqp Sdwha €ad not pddyldcmgd -,€my plicpt pPag1 rhe camadst oppdtbm h dtt W-WPPtdts md S&dh PPtdts, wich joked tht ThLdhubcfethtM-. dtthesaccrard~tht~tndweaof tk IadqxmhtSa- t5aL-k Party of Gemmy and the Sodilist Patty of Ftana were~With11~~!~,itlViCwofthe fact that bath ~hoddaeidedto~uiththqMIn~~rral,wirba dewmj~it. Stabemeaa of tbe wish to j& the Gmrnunist Iatt~ationa!not only uuat from rmd- wgazbhaq but fram parties which remaiaed & tEst U&p of nidend centrists, wbwen pmparad ta their 4 under thC pmww of the masses with the object of decdvtag h. In tht dudaD an she fmdarnmral rash of the h& Pa&, adopted at the LndCagrtssl, we d: tho meora d the mum of &n hiration ef the pr~tetarZ.t,c-ofitbu in the fan &at part d the oki lsldur an& old putior of th. Second mes d the mlsa* pads c~~~1ydeceivins them in ordar ta piars~.chdr bxm*i d rgmtr and mpprterr d Ch. bar- e brdda &a hhr movmeat, are declaring thslr cundidond or endtiad &ti011 to the raEd Intrmrtianil, while raruia3ng in rdky Its tIH WUpnoticr of Jlsir plw and political work an th*IeddLhl!kmdL~~.SPehmuatedtkingsiruB- mldy 4mddkii bumit ddwthe nuam, bin6n tho . dewlopmait of Ist- Comnmnirt Puty, md Ioran tltlir & th. TlJtd facematid by tbreamdn~mptMm sf M-Y- ah u thmt of tb. He!bii*l-Damcmtm nha had rapidb dtbt dir& of wd&'(Par I, Il %cetim). tfic Sccoard Gmgw paid such par attention ta the ques* of a- of new pastits into the Communist Inter- naria& h mentimed hltht Iadcpendobt !%daI-~ticParty of ~~~ndthtF~~Pwtymreprtsmtot&~d Con- with a consultative voice.
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