5 BROWNSVILLE’S SECOND TRADES DAY,7 THURSDAY,7 OCTOBER ___ Pumping Machinery Wire and Nails 15 h- Morse m l? pFairba"k‘, Your order* Shipped Same Dap andl* Kreuger Atlas Oil Engines # Ai Received. prices Righl ln runpa- alamo iron works W. H. Co I San Antonie, Texas. f Pulegnai .— VOL. XXIX. No. 70. BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 14.1922. Eight Pages To lay ESTABLISHED 1893 SATURDAY WILL Mayfield Says There Will GULF COAST LINES AND BE CELEBRATED be No Fusion of Democrats OTHER ROADS in Texas > and Republicans IN MATAMOROS •- IN SOUTH REFUSE TO ACCEPT I TERMS 11 Kuril* II. ! I A1’ST IN. Texas. Sept. _. __ _ _ Mayfield, tleiuoeralic nominee for I'oil- Confesses? of Big Parade Will be One ed Stales senator declared In- will "eon- Thousands of to Principal Features; Thou- test the attacks of those wlm would de- Shopmen Expect tin- of (lie deinoeralie SOIL SURVEY UNIONS sands From Brownsville stroy Integrity BRING party." in a statement today of tin- pro- Return to Work Monday Will Attend Celebration posed fusion of anti Ku Kliix kl.-tn democrats and to nominate republicans f The Associated Pr«**ai are nrad« FOR By from it.-< representatives in Chicago said Elaborate being CAMERON EVIDENCE INTO preparations a ciudidate to oppose bin for I oiled he held in Official* of the Scut hern Pacific. r that railroad* for the parade which, will States senator. approximating thirty-five anil Gu'f Co ! bine* at New of the had 11-th •• per cent country’* mileage Matamoros oti September 18. the There can be no fusion, because Orleans announced today that their l signified their intent ion of eudiug the anniversary of Mexican Independence, democrats do n<>t fuse with the repub- lines are not included in the shop- shopmen's strike on the basis of the to Mexican Consul Luis <»• or other STARTED CASE lican CO. CHICAGO according party any political party* m< n'<* strike settlement agreement. agreement reached yesterday. The state- Villalpando. All Mexican associations that would destroy democratic princi- ' Officials of the Cotton Belt, katy ment was also made that mad* repre- in Brownsville and Matamoros will take ples." the statement said. Mayfield re- and Frisco Lines at St. Louis, also senting an additional thirty p< t tent par* in, the celebration, and the Mexi- ferred to the meeting of prominent Federal Government Will Will Introduce Much Counter made the statement that their line* were also ready to end the si'll:**. can m litary Land in Matamoros will Texas democrats and repnhlicuus on Make of Evidence to Offset art not included. music for the occas un. 'I he August .'Ml, at whit It lie said an opponent Complete Survey Long furnish (I tv The Associated l’rea* 1 IZth Cavalry, land of Brownsville, tit him was agreed upon, lie did not Work Will List of Affidavits Submit- Soils; Require (Bv The Associated Pro**' 14. Peace agree- mounted, will lead the parade. name his prospective opponent. Cl lie A< JO. Sept. CHICAGO. 1 b- The leaders of settlement of the shopinen’N It will he an occasion in which the About Eight Months ted by Government Sept. ments f.*r the federated railway shop craft*, who strike out last night, made the per ole hf this city and of Matamoros ! j given today began negotiation* for separate following provisions: w ll unite in a celebration, «»»• the I M. W. I’rnk and P. II. Hendrickson, (fly The Associated Press » self lenient* of tin* strike which began The agreement at present would ap- froo i feel nir evident between the two Extreme representatives of the Purcati of Soils CHK'A'UI.III.. Sept. II I’repara- Cruelty on in with one of the clast* July I. accordance the agree to about •iiuirter people is shown by the fact that of- I nil'll Stales I>rpartincut of Ajjriinl- tioiis for the submission of Rililitbtuil ply inent adopted by the general policy op railroads of the country. fic als, Loth military and civil, on this tme. arrived in Itrownsville Wednesday count er evidence again*! Ilia: being committee of the unions yesterday aft All men returning to work would do aide of the r>ver have accepted Mr. to make a rumple!e survey of the soils submitted by the government l<* ninke Charged Against ertiiHitt. announcer this morning th.it so at the prevailing rate of pay which Villalpundo’s invitation to take part in of t'ameron county Survey work will penii.itn-M the temporary iijnn'ion several railroads had telegraphed union was fixed liv the Failed Slates railroad the parade. Colonel Itice. post com- l»e started a> soon as weather conditions against 11?•• official* <.f tin- railway em- heaihptarter* announcing tli»ir willing- l lalior board, effective on July 1, the day mander at Fort Brown, and the city of- Hart ploye* depnrtllient of the Aliieican Fed- W.S. Wife permit. * by ties* to Sturt negotiations. The leadei* the strike order went into effect. them months will he to <om- eration of l.alxir wm> ticals of Brownsville, anmry T.~ Fight requited started to«l;iy by • said these were in addition to nhoiit fif- was not men- Mr. Hendrickson the defense. | Seniority specifically Mavor Cole and the city commis on, The As.-oeiated Fresjil poO# the survey work. (By t v road' with h had previously agreed to tioned in tiie agreement although it was will he among those who partici) ate in estimated, and in about a year the maps The eoiieln*ioti of peace •negotiation* IMS ANGKI.KS, t'alif.. Kept. 14. separate settlement*. provided that the men return to work the celebrat.o I. will he issu'd by, the I •••part met. t of Ag- bet ween the strikiug shopmen and a Soil for divorce on the grounds of -ex- j Tin* settlement plan provide* for the in ••positions of the class" thev held be- leave ric.iitiire. These maps will give a «i>tn- number of the roads permits the in- The parade will Washington' treme wiil lie instituted agaiu-t return to work of strikei* iti their for- fore the strike began. l*is|Ultes over cruelty" Itenslve outline of the location and troduction of evidence to the will to pr« refute l*!a a at 4 o'clock, and proceed William S. Hart, the film actor, by Mrs | mer positions at the rale of pay pre- the "relative standing" of old and newr varieties of soil to lie found in ('am- charge* of conspiracy and sabotage El.zaheth street in Brownsville where Winifred Westover II..rt, according to set ibid by the labor hoard. Any dis- men would be referred to a hoard of j emu e*uiniy. together with a complete which the defense attorneys >aid coir I the off'cials of Brownsville and Fort an announcement Mrs. Hart's • Mites or i outroverste* incident to the six rail officials ami an erptal number today by hcmical showing the adapta- not be introduced before of and analysis ty* 1 Brown will meet the process’on attorney. The attorney refused to give ] because settlement will he referred to a •otntnis- of representative* of the men. It also bility of the various s< ils to the vari- nature of the |i**a*-e negotiations. pioceed with it. At the international details of the allegation. eit'-li of twelve member*. Six will he se- was provided that the roads should find ous crops the comity produces. the Mexican Consul will make i Win S. Hart hail resell 1 leofed hy the railr *ads in agreement for the strikers who have not Bridge. Ileporta il-nt Field work will start places immediately, .5*1 a to the and the mayor «**t a >-<Mi,ta.u cash s, iilentcni witli h. with *ix by tin* s||i*t»crnfi*. !’•. 'I. Jew committed n<ts of violence within speech people and the surveyors exneot t«> he «b|e 10 PROTEST PRiZE TO i of Ma*amoros will also deliver a short wife wen- vei ified today In her a'tor- e|l would not announce tlie toad* agree- days after the agreement becomes ef- cover approximately two square miles address. Other citizens of pey. He tnl-led that a t-ootpleic settle- BELGIAN BALLOON ing to the settlement. fective. prominent per tiny. Soil samples to a depth of the two cities make addn-e«. ment tint! li'U been effecte 1. lie 'Lite self lenient cl the The agt eettiDl. so far as announced, may suited ( three feet will lie taken and sent to the 1 shopmen’; those which will that Ids client wool,| ask u nitn-h lafget iRv 7ne Associated Pre«M strike oti certain railroad* sustains the ii.ude no inept ion of w orking conditions, Antony organization- laborMtones of the department at ■ of enter units in the are: “C-entrn sem when tlie matter of a NT’ 1 t l| IN. It A transportation act. Chairman of outside contracting by the roads, parade legal separa- Washington or to Austin for chemical Mo., Sept. protest Hooper * Mexican©, “Concordia.” “Alianza," f ion ame up. will be made tlie first the labor hoard said. Should the ipies- jurisdiction by *he railroad labor board, analysis. Samples will lie taken on ev- against awarding “Ohreras Fridas to l.ientenuni >le «tf |5*d- tion it| on which the strike was proiicat- all of which figured in the strike as a “Colon.” “Hidalgo” | ery ten acres, and the maps issue.| by prize Mtiyter in ili• ■ ed come luck to the hoard the fullest issue.
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