![Smyrna Times (Smyrna, Del.), 1875-01-20, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
X / la AAKYLAN» ITEMS. ground at the north-west corner of the house. Sherijf’s Sales. The new Presbyterian Church at Kennedy- Goodbye. Meet me on the Eternal ground. THE LATEST OUT m ier ville will be dedicated ou Sabbath, January Ceissy. Mr. Backer went te the corner of the home «SHERIFFS SALE 24th. By virtue of a writ «f Flo. Venditioni Expoon«, to me indicted in the note as the spot where the re­ directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Hotel ■i It ia «aid that Col Daniel Lloyd, who died tt mains were to be buried, end found that his Charles K. Foxwell, in the town of Smyrna. Duck Cre»k on Monday of last week, in Talbot county, lost Hundred. Kent county and State of Delaware, on THURSDAY, OFFICE OF IU daughter had staked out there a space for her the 2Stb day of January. 1875, at 2 o'clock, t. m., the tclluwiutf $100,000 by the late war. real estate, to wit; grave. No. 1.—Ail that certain piece, parcel or lot of freund, situated Mn. B~ J. Willoufhby, near Fedcralsburg, on the northeast side of Delaware Street, in the town of Smyrna, in Duck Greek Hundred. Kent Count) and Stateot Delaware. ii the fortunate heireu of $25,000 in cash and A meeting to protest against the action of ol nine lands of Jane Pitman and others, and mm\4 to eontaia 250 acres of land from a deeeaied relative iu a the Federal military at New Orleans was held Slx TIiouhuikI Squart* Feet of 4«round, more or less, HAMILTON & CUMMINS, the improvements upon which are a twe-storied Frame Dwel­ ling House, aud twe storied Frame Back Building, Smoke min i tu mm Southern Slate. in the Court House at liouisville ou Saturday House, and other out buildings. a____i j ... a . night. It was the largist meeting held in Seized and taken in execution as the property of BENJAMIN c,t.,ia“* °! Salisbury Louisville for years. Addresses were made by fi. ALLEN, and will be sold tor cash. MAIN STREET, NEAR COMMERCE, CHARLES WILLIAMSON', Ute Sheriff. INSURANCE AGENCY, *• Uf'°L$tZa l u* « *»«* Horn Boyd Winchester, Hon. Isaac Caldwell Sheriff's Ornca. Dover. Del., haakiBg law reeeutly atKj otb«r«, end resolutions were adopted ex- January all. 1871. t Have just received a largo and fine assortment of dress goods, consisting of h. pasied y g ' \ pressing the sense of the mealing. A letter >d SHERIFF’S SALE. One hundred heirs of the Ask family, among from Governor Leslie was read, in which the By virtue ol a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, whom is included the Hon. J. A. J. Creawell, Governor says; “One of the most alarming be exposed to Public Sa'e at the hotel of Charles E. Foxwell, in the town of .Smryna, Duck Greek iluodrad. Kent couuty and «f Elkton, are claiming some three or four facts in the history ot the unurpation is, that Statu of Delaware, on THURSDW. the 2l«t day of January, BLACK and COLORED, at 1375. at 2 o'clock. P. m.. the fellow! nc real estate, to wit : millions of dollars in the city of Amsterdam, the Chief Executive in his recent message Alt these certain lota or parcel« ot irr«und situate in the town NO. i JOURNAL BUILDING ADJOINING THE Holland. justifies them, however unconstitutional, on of Smyrna, in the said Kent county and State ot Delaware, wbieh were conveved to the «aid William Worden by Richard CITY HALL, r# Stephen Denney, the oldest person but on« the 8rou“? expediency, and does not hesitate F. Hailing« and EUxgen. hia wife, by indentere bearing date the twenty-eighth day of December. A. D. 1865. and recorded in ARGUE SUITINGS, VIGOGNES, in Talbot county, died at Roval Oak last week 8V0" h,s conviction that, if it could be done, the office tor recording deed« in and for Kent county aforesaid, in his «1st year. He was a good man and wae *he 0Utl*wrJ of the most respectable citizens of in book B. vol. 5, page —.the aaid aeverai certain let« of ground id having been conveyed to the «aid Richard F. Hastings by sun­ noted for his unostentatious but frequent ! h'0“'?'*™ ‘heir «objection to the tender dry «eperate deeds from .lames R. Clements and wile and Wilmington, Del. Charles G. Temple from Edwin Wilmer and George 11. Ray­ MOHAIR BAL.ERNOES, charities to poor people. mercies not ot a Jeffrey, but of an American mond. administrators of Daniel Cummins, (dec’d.) and from layman, would be the best solution of the John U. Wilson and wife; together with all and singular the Rev. C. F. Sheppeni, of Bethel M. E. buildings, fixture, Ac. k problem iu the State.” Seized and taken in execution as the property ef WILLIAM IRISH POPLINS, k Church, Bohemia Manor, was liberally sup­ WORDEN and ALICE H.. his wit«-, and will be sold lor cash. WE ARE THE plied with provisions by a surprise party last CHARLES WILLIAMSON, late Sheriff. Oyster Soup.—Take one hundred oyster* SfiisirF's Office. Dover. Dm...> week. Hon. 8. T. Riggs, a member of the December 23. 1874. { STRIPED AND PLAID POPLINS, church, made the presentation speech. out of the liquor. To half ol the liquor add an DULY AUTHORIZED AGENTS OF THE aqual quantity of water. Boil it with one «SHERIFF'S SALE. OLDEST, LARGEST AND REST e The duel reported last week near Newtown, tcacupful of crushed allspice, a little mace, ^ By virtue of two writs of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public Auction Vendue, at the Hotel of C. FIGURED AND STRIPED DELAINES, &c., A Worcester county, between two young men, somo cayenne pepper and «alt. Let it boil E. Foxwell. in the town ot Smyrna, Duck Creek Hundred, Kent KNOWN COMPANIES IN over a young woman, is said to be a lie twenty minute*, then »train it, put it back in county and State of Delaware, THURSDAY, th» Slit ii»r THE WORLD, . ol January, 1875, al 1 o'clock. P. u., the foJUtivtug real estate, And » aplendid line of CALICOS, MUSLINS, and domestic good* of all kinds, and a full line of nitnufaetured by the Newtown Gazette. The the atew-pan, and add the oyster*. A* soon to wit : Princess Anne True Marylander denies the A.I those two tracts, pieces and parcels of land, parts of a a* it begins to boil, add a teacupful of ervam, larire tract of lam «1 premises, know the Tilirhuinu land. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, &c., too numerous to mention. i whole story. aud a little grated cracker, rubbed iu one situated Kenton Hundred formerly a part ot Duck Creek Hundred. Kent county and State of Delaware, as sold by Joseph HAVING c The dwelling house of Thomas Janney, near ounce of butter. As soon as the oyster* are P. Comeays. Esq., trustee appointed by the Orphans Cuert In plump, serve them. and for Kent county aforesaid, lor that purpose, on the fifteenth CASSIMERES A SPECIALTY. Bay View, Cecil county, together with the ■day of April. A. D. 1869, to the said Franklin W. Griffith, and designated a plot Hccompanvin* the relu of sale afore- «Dtire contents, was destroyed by fire last said by the trustee aforesaid with the letter F and 11. contain* At a meeting of the Methodist preichars of me as follows, to wit: letter F. one hundred and thirl »er«. week, the family barely eseaping with their and seventy-sev«n square perches of land ; and letter H. ninety- (ASH ASSETS OF OVEK S100 000 000.m at cost, ai intend to close ta ont. Call anl Uvea. Insurance ooly*$700. Mr. Janney had Boston and vicinity ob Monday, resolution* six acres and twenty-two square parches, be the same more or less ; adioinitHf lands of Pusan Attic, said parcel« marked on said « short time sinee expended upwards of $1,000 were unanimously adopted thanking the Presi­ plot with the letters K. D. !.. and tarais of the heirs of Edward examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. apr 8-ly in repairing his dwelling. dent and Gsneral Sheridan for thair actio« in Attix.and the partie« hereto for creator certainty af descrip­ the Louisiana trouble*, and thanking Wendell tion refer to the plot aforesaid whereon are set forth the coarse« An Agricultural Society has been organized and distances of the several parcels in which the «he.« premises We immre all kinds of property within the State Phillips for hi* speech in Faneuil Hall. Ri*bop were sold by the said “trustee.” together with all and singular and adjoining counties. for Talbot county but there is likely to be a the buildings, improvements, fixtures. Ac. Bowman, of St. Louis, w.s prosent at the Seized and taken execution the property of FRANK- mues about it It is proposed to hold the fair LIN W. GRIFFITH.and will be sold for cash. at HaasbUtoa (Hole in-the-Wall) instead of mtsting and gave a melancholy account of the CHARLES WILLIAMSON.late Sheriff. oppression of the Degress in the South, saying Sheriff's Office, Dover. Del.. December 7th. 1874. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Easton, and the Eistonians are kicking against that a “tithe ot the disturbance* in that sec­ Dwellings mid Farm Property taïen at very it It seems that the State appropriates $500 tion had nut been told.” to each society organized. CHERIFF’S SALK. ^ By virtue e/ a writ of Levari Fadas, to me directed« low rates.
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