United* StateB* Naval Amphibious Ti"aining Base VOL. 4-NO. 21 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA * * 25 MAY, 1945 Johnny Mortis Brings Admiral Ingram Praises Flotilla 77 Graduation Dance Band Here For .. l l . I I Exercises on Saturday two Days of Bookings Vita At antic F eet Ro e At 1000 Saturday morning grad­ that only three weeks before the The Battle of the Atlantic uation exercises, featuring a re­ Johnny Morris, known to his was "one of the most decisive" Germans surrendered a U-boat view and dress inspection, will be friends · and fans as "Paradiddle of the war, and particulars of wolf-pack, with orders to "~lanket held on the drill field west of Gul­ Joe" and to all in the music field the "fight to the finish" have the .East C~ast from Mame to . Flonda was mtercepted and badly branson Hall for the officers and as the World's Fastest Drummer, men of Flotilla 77, senior flotilla brings his newly-formed orchestra JUSt bee~ given to t~e Amen- mauled" by a powerful force of can pubhc by Admiral Jonas carriers and DEs. in the Attack Boat Training pro­ to USNATB for a two-day engage­ gram. ment next Monday and Tuesday. H. Ingram, USN, Commander­ In all ,the Atlantic Fleet sank On Monday, Morris and his mu­ in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet. 126 U-boats officially, "most of Heading a group of Base offi­ cials will be Capt. C. Gulbranson, sicians will play at a show for all At a press them far from shore, and probably hands at Gulbranson Hall at 1830; sank many more," Admiral In­ USN, Commanding Officer, who conference a t will award cash prizes to the three and will follow with a "Music the Navy De­ gram said. Under the Stars" performance for Ships in convoy ranged from 24 top crews of the flotilla, based on partment on 16 selections made by Lt. J. T. God­ servicemen, their wives, families M,ay, and in ra­ to 60, with 8 to 9 escorts, with the frey, Lt. (jg) M. L. Schnitt, Lt. and the public at 2030 at Jaycee d i o networks largest convoy including 119 ships, (jg) H. F. Hegarty and Ens. M. Field. appearances on plus 9 escorts, he pointed out. Following the open-air showing, H. Grassman. that same day, Some convoys made only six or Morris and his crew will play at Admiral I n ­ seven knots, depending on cargoes First prize of $25 will go to R. a dance for Enlisted Men, their gram gave full and destinations. W. Cumpton, Slc, C. L. White, wives and lady friends at Legion and long await­ Admiral Ingram, who visited the S2c, W. M. Hutcherson, S2c, and Hall, starting at 2130. In the event ed particulars USNATB soon after he was named C. A. North, F2c. of rain, the outdoor performance of the vital role Adm. Ingram CincLant, had special praise for The $15 second money will go to of the show will be cancelled and the Amphibious Force. C. L. Martin, R. E. Whitley, and held on Tuesday night at the played by the Atlantic Fleet in speeding V-E Day. "Forces of the Atlantic Fleet W. L. Houck, all S2c, and N. Ar­ same time. conducted the amphibious opera-· wood, F2c. Tuesday night "Paradiddle Joe" "Every officer and every man, tions against the enemy in Mo­ and company will give an 1830 at bases, training stations, aboard The third prize of $10 will go to rocco, and participated actively D. F. Patrone, P. H. Young, and show at Gulbranson Hall; and will battleships, cruisers, carriers, sub­ in Sicily, Italy, Normandy and climax their two-day stay with a marines, destroyers, frigates, tugs, R. E. Hydrick, all S2c and W. H. Southern France," he said. Creek, F2c. dance for Officers at Legion Hall and every conceivable type of sur­ The veteran officer, in true commencing at 2100. Arrange­ face and aircraft did a tough job Flotilla commander of the grad­ Navy tradition, likewise praised uating group is Lt. J. T. Godfrey ments ar!J being made to have 100 well,'' Admiral Ingram said proud­ his predecessors, Fleet Admiral ly. of Roanoke, Va., who was in his hostesses to entertain the single Ernest J. King, who was CincLant officers. Despite constant menace from until 30 December 1941, and Ad­ junior year at Roanoke College, Johnny and his talented drum­ U-boats, the Atlantic fleet record miral Royal E. Ingersoll, who Salem, Va., when he entered serv­ sticks will head a 15-piece band that "speaks for itself," included then served until 15 November ice. consisting of five saxophones, all escorting of 16,760 ships across 1944. Receiving his commission after of which double on the clarinet; the Atlantic, with "less than a In concluding his historic, sum­ training on the USS Prairie State, two slide trombones and one valve score" sunk in convoy. marizing interview, Admiral In­ New York City, Lt. Godfrey served trombone; four trumpets, a piano, It required 3,553 escort trips to gram said: eight months with an aviation pa­ trol squadron as a Communication bass fiddle, and of course the do the job, and ships in convoy "I would not want to let this drums with Johnny himself dish­ cruised more than 50,000,000 miles, occasion pass without taking off Officer. After the aviation patrol while millions of miles were flown my hat to the officers and men duty, he served 15 months aboard on patrol "by our pilots over the of the Atlantic Fleet. That goes the destroyer, USS Quick. Follow­ vast stretches of the ocean," Cine- for regulars and reserves. I ing eight months duty at S.C.T.C. Lant said. make no distinction. We are all and Sound School, Miami, Florida, ··· I Admiral Ingram "took back not in the Navy. Our reserve offi­ the young officer served six . ..,, ,,,.. , a single word" of what he called cers and reserve enlisted men months aboard a destroyer escort, USS Rutherford. Lt. Godfrey re­ ported aboard USNATB on 29 No­ with hon- vember, 1944 and was assigned to \· l ~i~1~i:;i~~~;;~m~lm Flotilla 69 before receiving the appointment as commander of the present senior flotilla. He is mar­ ried and resides with his wife in PARADIDDLE JOE NOW TO CO TC LANT Fort Pierce. ' Ably assisting Lt. Godfrey in ing out with the "licks." Effective this week, the Am­ of the Base on 26 .January 1943, his duties have been his three boat The organization was started in phibious Training Base here has the USNATB has been a part 'of group commanders: Lt. R. W. Sei­ 1944 and has come to the top in a been attached to Atlantic Fleet th.e Atlantic Fleet Amphibious del, Lt. (jg) L. A. Dunn and Ens. very short time. Before starting Operational Training Command, Training Command, Capt. Gul­ W. B. Eisenhut. his own band, Johnny Morris was under tl1e command of Rear Ad­ branson said. +'US NATB+ a well-known feature with Tony miral C. F. Bryant, USN, Capt. The change is an administrative Charlotte: I know the secret of Pastor's fine orchestra. Prior ~o IC. <?ulbran~on, USN, Commanding one within the AtlanUc Fleet, and popularity. joining the Pastor crew, Morns ; Officer, said today. COTCLant headquarters, as in the Agnes: So do I but Mother says (Continued on Page 5) Previously, since commissioning (Continued on Page 8) I mustn't. PAGE i'wo THE MOCK-UP 25 MAY, 1945 THE MOCK-UP CHAPLAIN'S CORNER I Medical Examiner In _ United States Naval Amphibious ,.;.________ Navy Since fall of 1941 By Chaplain Kenneth Perkins Training Base., Fort Pierce, Fla. Memoriai Day comes next Wed• A lifelong resident of Mobile, VOL. 4-NO. 21 25 MAY, 1945 nesday. It is also called Decoration Alabama, Lt. Comdr. Samuel Ei­ Day. First set apart to honor the chold (MC)' USNR, received his war dead, the day soon became a COMMANDING OFFICER - - • CAPT. C. GULBRANSON, V. [,, NtJuy nation-wide occasion for decorat­ undergraduate and medical edu­ EXECUTIVE OFFICER - • - COMDR. PERRY M. FENTON, U.S:N.R. EDITOR - - • • - • - LT. C. HERSCHEL SCHOOLEY, U.S.N.R. ing the graves of all the departed. cation ·at Tulane University, com­ NEWS EDITOR - ENS. ROBERT L. EBERT It is . a way of showing our . pleting his work in 1940. He served PHOTO EDITOR • LT. (JG) E. J. FINLEY, U.S.N.R. thoughtfulness for those who have his internship at Touro Infirmary, Art Editor: R. D. Force, Slc Sports Editor: F-. X. McPhillips, Slc meant a lot to our country as well New Orleans, beginning his resi­ Photographers: Don Cummings, PhoMlc; R. L. Lane, PhoMlc; R. J. Jonas, PhoM3c; Sam Schipps, PhoM3c as for those who have b'een close dency in medicine at City Hospital, to our own lives. Mobile, in 1941. THE MOCK-UP is published each Memorial Day is to our nation Entering the Friday for all Base personnel. It is reviewed for security, and is dis­ what All Saints and All Souls Navy in Sep­ tributed without charge. Contr'ibu­ Days, November First and Second, tember 1941 as tions and criticisms invited. All are to the Church. We hold in rev­ a junior grade pictures a.re Navy Photos. (Male erence, .as a nation, the memory of lieutenant, Lt. Call and The Wolf from Camp countless men and women whose Comdr. Eichold Newspaper &ervice.) lives have added to the luster of was stationed this land. several months How best to memorialize the at the San Di­ Things "They" Say About the War With Japan dead is a pressing thought in the ego destroyer Here are some things.
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