WITT NATIONAL NEWSLETTER Alliance of Tradeswomen Technologists Operators and Blue Collar Workers IN THIS ISSUE 2 Marcia's Farewell 6 - Construcfront 10 - Equity in Apprenticeship 4- Toronto Access 8 - Equity in Construction 12 - WITTS About Us * 5- Who is Maggie? 9 - Collaboration Syndicale , 19 - Resources / 4 National Coordinator's This is the Official Farewell Newsletter of the WITT National Network published This will be my last report to you as the of these recommendation, and the recommenda• four times a year and National Coordinator of WITT National Net• tions from the 1992 conference, for the past 7 distributed to all work. Your next report will be from Maggie years. members in good McDonald, a wonderful WITT woman from Since 1988, over forty local and regional standing. London, Ontario who will be acclaimed in the WITT groups have formed across the country, Please send us role at the Halifax conference. Maggie will make to support local needs, many on their own and material and a fine National Coordinator. some with help form the national office. The information you I would like to share with you some National Conferences have continued in the would like to see pattern of two days of WITT women meeting, shared in this reflections and parting thoughts about the publication. development and philosophy of WITT National with a blending into two days with the labour Network, and about who WITT serves. I believe market partners. Regional conferences have a that WITT women have ownership and direc• different focus, serving WITT women and their We extend a special tion of this Network, while our labour market female advocates. invitation to all of our labour market partners' participation is essential to our The reality is that women in TTO/BCW partners and success. have to be more than just proficient at their alliances to In 1980, participants at the first WITT technical skills, they need skills that are not collaborate with our conference decided not to create a national always expected from workers in these fields: editorial committee organization. The prevalent sentiment was that communications, assertiveness, conflict resolu• in future editions. women needed to focus their efforts on gaining tion, mediation, self-esteem building, and most their skills, completing their apprenticeships of all, a sense of support and belonging. These and keeping their jobs, while developing their are retention skills for us. We have worked to Sincere Thank-you's to all the contribu• local organizations. build them into pre-trades and technology J tors, and apologies Employment Equity Legislation was programs to assist others. for all that didn't find proclaimed in 1986, companies were required to More often now, some of that sense of inclusion in this start reporting in 1988. Computers and techno• belonging can come from our unions, and issue, but look logical change were making a major impact on sometimes with groups set up through our forward to the next employers at our workplaces. But just as easily, edition. work as we know it. By 1988, there were only 5-6 active groups those too can be places of exclusion. We really in the country; several of those groups had do need to have a place of understanding Your Editors: experiencing ups and downs in member energy. where we feel safe and valued, and a place Marcia Braundy At the 1988 conference, "Surviving and Thriv• from which we can help each other and Erin Lrnfngton ing", we learned that those original apprentices perhaps our younger sisters find a rightful Helene de Montkjny and the tradeswomen, technicians, and blue place in the skilled workforce. That has been the collar workers who came after them had not role of our local groups, as well as lobbying for had an easy time of it. There were many change. OTP: Kathy Einarson similarities in the difficulties they experienced, At the national level, our organization - Graphic Design and all participants needed to hear their stories. Winnipeg, MB has moved issues forward by working with our The support and understanding gained from labour market partners. Our Industrial Adjust• this gathering was a valuable tool to enable us to ment Service (IAS) Committee provided strategize on needed changes to improve the resources for our work with WITT women and future situation for women in theses fields. our labour market partners, and for several The first two days of the conference in important projects: this newsletter; the "Direc• which women met alone with their advocates tory of Recruitment and Retention Programs was important, as was the decision to bring in and Initiatives"; the new "Integrating WITT: our labour market partners in the second two Strategies to Welcome Women in Trades, days. The labour market partners attended that Technology, Operations and Blue Collar conference as they had a role to play in chang• Work", a checklist to help identify changes ing those circumstances in which WITT Women needed in systems, organizations and institu• found themselves, a role which many were tions. Lastly, the function we have played as a already working at, separate and apart from resource and information network has prove WITT. The discussion that took place, in invaluable to the many people who have workshops, during walks by the lake and late sought us out for that reason. night in the sleeping quarters, led to strong and There has also been an important tension clear recommendations that launched the WITT created between those in the organization who National Network on its challenging work. I feel that our primary work should be building have been engaged in the work mat come out local groups and supporting women who are Page 2 WITT National Newsletter i JUNE 1994 "As WITT's National Coordinator, I have done my best to walk the high tension line..." out there, and encouraging women to labour force profile of our workplaces: McGrath of the CARS Council for his move into these fields, and those who WITT women, employers, unions, initial support and ongoing work with feel that much work needs to be done to educators and federal and provincial us through the process of becoming a urge, coerce, educate and assist employ• government policy makers. It will take Sector Council. I also want to thank the ers and unions to increase and enhance diligence to continue to ensure that we staff in the Kootenays who have served women's opportunities to train and understand and serve the needs of all of this organization so well over the last 7 work in their industries, educators to our constituents. years. I will start with Emily provide new programs, modify old As WITT's National Coordinator, Youngreen, our resource coordinator practices to ensure women's success I have done my best to walk the high and conference workshop transcriber, and governments to modify policy and tension line between those who see a who has been with us from the begin• program interventions to support and need to focus on support and encour• ning, and has always been willing to encourage true equality in the agement of local WITT and those that drive the 5 miles to the house/office to workplace. This is all good work. see a need to work with our labour fax or send some much needed pieces I believe that our new Sectoral market partners. We need to do both. It of paper somewhere in the country. Partnership Initiative, WITT National has not been easy, and I have occasion• And Muffin, our bookkeeper, who has Network Human Resource Council ally been singed. As a carpenter, I am had to make heads and tails out of our incorporates both these goals. For its more used to creating and following many different projects. Bonnie, Becky, success, we must ensure that WITT blueprints, constructing as I go along, Maree, and Linda who have each women are supported to participate making changes as needed, using my served so ably as executive assistant to and to build activities at the local level. tools to measure, cut, fit, fabricate and someone who was on the road as much It also provides the unique opportunity finish. Clearly, this is a work in as I, and served the Advisory Commit• to work as colleagues with all our progress, and I now leave it to Maggie, tee as well, to ensure that effective , labour market partners: to network, an electronics technician, to walk that communications always took place. educate, and assist in integrating WITT high tension line. Finally, I want to thank Linda Lee of women. The new team of WITT Lastly, I would like to talk about Kootenay Travel in Nelson, who is the National Network: Maggie McDonald, those aspects of my job that I have best travel agent in the world, and kept (National Coordinator); Louise Nichol, enjoyed the most. I have travelled this me on the road with patience, humour, (Sector Council Administrator); and Jill country from coast to coast, meeting tenacity, and ingenuity. Jones, (Education Coordinator) have and working with, supporting and In closing, we all need to thank major and exciting work ahead of brainstorming with WITT women the women who have made up the them. who have commitment and ingenuity, Steering Committee and the Advisory And as recommended at the 1988 dedication and perseverance, often in Committee, who have worked together conference, with our Sector Council the face of devastating circumstances. and on their own to make this organi• Initiative we will finally be able to It has been an honour to move issues zation what it has become, hopefully realize a national databank. The forward as far as I have been able.
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