VOL. U.,. NO.4:· , WHOLE No.8. QUARTERLY CALENDAR OF The Universtty of Chicago FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER l' TABLE OF CONTENTS :'lPART I THE OFFICUL AND SEMI-OFFICIAL ORGANIZA- . TIONS, 80-94 RECORDS THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 95-101 : DIVISION, t THB UNIVERSITY IN GE�ERAL, 3-26 The Winter, Oonooeaiion. and Opening of THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, 102 KentOhemica; Laboraioru : THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 103-104 The Sermon (text only) THE UNIVERSITY AFFILIATIONS, - 105-107 The Address The Quarterly Statement df the President PART II Scholarships and Certificates . Morgan Park Academy Oo.nvocation A.NNOUNCEMENTS Important Official Actions ,by. Trustees THE UNIVERSITY IN GENERAL, - 109-112 New to the Appoin<tments University The Spring Oonvocation and other Meet­ Appointment of Members and Graduates _, ings the' in other Institutions of Unive'I'Isity Prizes and Fellowship8 , Award of Fello.wships Holidays, etc. Ken;t: Chemical Opening of Laboratoru Registration and Examinations The President's Address Quarterly Etcaminations Professor Nef's Address The Oireulare 0/ Information , Teachers Meeting of oFChemistry THE UNIVERSITY (PROPER), - 113-U9 THE UNIVERSITY /'.; 27-79 (PROPER), Announcement of Courses, for 1893-94, and InstructOT'S 'in- Directory of Officers , offered by the Faculty of Arts, Litem- , Fellows . chtding ture, and Science . Directory and Olassification of Students: Announcement of Courses, for 1893-!J4, The Graduate School offered in the Divinity The Divinity School §o}wol Time Schedule, Spr'ing Q1-l,m'tm'l, 1894 The University Colleges The Academic Colleges THE OFFICIAL AND SEMI - OFFICIAL ORGANIZA- The Unclassified Students TIONS, - 150-153 Summary THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION, 154-1.58 Constituency of Classes in all the Schools ORDER OF EXAMINATIONS 'FOR ADMISSION, 159 Quarterly Report concerning the several :aivisions of the Unive1'1sity STATED MEETINGS, 160 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 50 CENTS PER ANNUM; SINGLE COPY, IS CENTS CHICAGO (rbe...Sniber£'ity l8te�£i of <!!birago 1894 1811-J ,-\3 ��·A· OALENDAR FOR 1894. Jan. 1. Monday FIRST TERM of Winter Quarter Mar. 26-Apr. 1. Quarterly Recess. begins. Dedicatory Exer­ April 1. Sunday FIRST TERM of Spring Quarter cises of Kent Chemical begins. Laboratory. April 2. Monday SPRING MEETING of the Uni­ Jan. 2. Tuesday WINTER MEETING of the Uni­ versity Convocation. Ma­ versity Convocation. Ma­ triculationof incoming stu­ triculation of stu­ incoming dents. dents. LAST DAY for receiving applica­ Jan. 7. Sunday THE CONVOCATION SERMON. tions for fellowships. Feb. I. Thursday LAST DAY for handing iI� Theses April 28. Saturday SOHOOL AND COLLEGE CONFER- for the Master's Degree, to ENO�. be conferred at the April May 1. ANNUAL ASSIGNMENT of Fel­ Convocation. lowships. Feb. 9. WINTER MEETING of the Uni- Friday May 11. Friday SPRINGMEETINGof the Univer- Union. versity sity Union. Feb. 11. Sunday FIRST TERM of Winter Quarter May 12. Saturday FIRST TERM of Spring Quarter ends. ends. Feb. 12. Monday Lincoln's birthday; a holiday. May 13. Sunday SECOND TERM of Spring Quarter SECOND TERM of Winter Quar­ begins. ter begins. May 15. LAST DAY for receiving papers Feb. 22. Thursday birthday; a holi- Washington's in competition for the day. Bastin Prize. Mar. 8. REGISTRATION of students for Thursday May 30. Wednesday Memorial day; a holiday. courses of the Spring Quar­ ter. June 20-22 Wednesday SUMMER EXAMINATIONS for ad- o Thursday mission to the Academic Mar. 21-23. Wednesday SPRING EXA�INATIONS for ad- Friday Colleges. Thursday mission to the Academic Friday Colleges. June 23. Saturday SECOND TERM of Spring Quarter ends. Mar. 23. Friday LAST DAY for handing in Theses for the Doctorate and the July 1. Sunday FIRST TERM of Summer Quar- Degree of Bachelor of Di­ ter begins. vinity to be conferred at J'uly 2. Monday SUMMER MEETING of the Univer- the July Convocation. sity Convocation. Matricu­ Mar. 25. Sunday SECOND TERM of Winter Quar­ lation of incoming stu­ ter ends. dents. The Unive'rsity is situated on the Midway Plaisance, between Ellis and Lexington A.venues, and can be reached by the Cottage Grove cable cars (from Wabash A.venue), or by the Illinois Central . Railroad, to South. Park station. There is a Western Union telegraph office at the Unioereits). The Telephone number of the University is Oakland-300. rt will be sufficient to address any correspondence relating to the work of the University to THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO, ILL. PART I _' RECORDS. TIlE PROOEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH UNIVERSITY OONVOOATIOlV, JANUAR Y 2, 1894-. THE CONVOOATION SERMON: JESUS CHRIST IN HIS RELATION TO MAN, JANUARY 7, 1894-. The Convocation Sermon was preached by Reverend Lathan A. Crandall, D.D., from John xvii. 22.* THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS: THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY. By IRA REMSEN, M.D., PH.D., LL.D., Professor of Chemistry ir: the Johns Hopkins University.] LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The first laboratory ever erected for the teaching Last evening the Kent Chemical Laboratory was of chemistry,-indeed the first laboratory for teaching dedicated with appropriate exercises. The beautiful any branch, was that of" the University of Giessen, building was thrown open to inspection, and many Germany, which owed its existence to the enthusiasm passed through its rooms expressing admiration. Its of Liebig. The story is an interesting one, and espe­ ' plans were explained and a general account was given cially instructive on an occasion such as this. Liebig of the uses to which it is to be put. Honor," as is was born in the year 1803. According to his own most justly due," was paid to the generous. donor, account he had a hard time of it in the schools. whose name from this day forth will be intimately He says: "My position at school was very deplorable; associated with progress in Chemistry in this country. I had no ear-memory and retained nothing or very The exercises of yesterday have led by an easy step little of what is learned through this sense. I found to those of to-day, and a chemist is called upon to myself in the most uncomfortable position in which a give the Convocation address. What theme more boy could possibly be; languages and everything that natural to him, or more appropriate, than" The Chem­ is acquired by their means, that gains praise and " ical Laboratory? It is to this theme that I ask honor in the school, were out of my reach; and when your attention. My purpose is to treat the chemical the venerable rector of the gymnasium, on one occa­ laboratory, not from the material point of view, but in sion of his examination of my class, came to me and its broader aspects, as far as I may find this possible. made a most cutting remonstrance with me for my I shall attempt to answer briefly three questions, and want of diligence, - how I was the plague of my these are: teacher and the sorrow of my parents, and what did I 1. When and how did chemical laboratories come to think, was to become of me,-and I answered him that be established in universities? I would be a chemist, the whole school and the good 2. What part have chemical laboratories played in old man himself broke into an uncontrollable fit of the advancement of knowledge? laughter, for no one at that time had any idea that 3. What. are the legitimate uses of the chemical chemistry was a thing that could be studied." laboratory of a university at the present time in this This was truly an unpropitious beginning, yet this country? butt of his school was soon contributing more to the * At the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 7: 30 P.M. +Delivered at Central Music Hall, January 2,1894, it being the Formal Address in connection with the Opening of the Kent Chemical Laboratory, the proceedings of which are recorded on p. 20. 3 THE QUAR7ERLY CALENDAR. development of Ohemistry than anyone ever had directed in a curious way at his home in Darm­ before or than anyone ever has since. Filled with stadt. " the determination to study chemical things and phe­ Let me again use .his own words: In the market. nomena, he left the school where he had been such a at Darmstadt I watched how a peripatetic dealer in failure, and entered an apothecary shop, but at the odds and ends made fulminating silver for his pea­ end of ten months the proprietor was so tired of him crackers. I observed the red vapors which were that he sent him back to his father. As Liebig said, formed when he dissolved his silver, and that he­ he wanted to be a chemist, not a druggist. He must added to it nitric acid, and then a liquid which smelt: have been about fifteen years of age when, in spite of of brandy, and with which he cleaned dirty coat collars, his inadequate preparation in languages, he was for the people." Gay Lussac gladly joined him in received as a student in the University of Bonn, and the investigation, and he gratefully refers to this­ from here a little later he went to Erlangen. But he opportunity. He acknowledges that the foundation of' appears not to have been much better satisfied at the all his later work was laid in Gay Lussac's labora­ university than he was in the apothecary shop. He tory. speaks almost with contempt of the teachers under And now to the main point. When Liebig was in whom he studied. "It was then a very wretched time his twenty-first year he received an appointment to a for chemistry in Germany," he says. '�At most of prof'essorship of chemistry at Giessen through the in­ the universities there was no special chair of chem­ fluence of von Humboldt.
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