398 Vita Functi in Renata Societate Iesu

398 Vita Functi in Renata Societate Iesu

398 VITA FUNCTI IN RENATA SOCIETATE IESU 22. 22'. 22. 30 - P GANSEN Ger., n 17,3,1873,?; 47 - c FEVRE THEOPHILUS, n 29,8,1869 65 - s LAlnJS Ed'l. , n 6,10,1909 Buen­ i 22,4,1896; p4 15,8,1913. Perroy (Nievre); i 15,11,1892; gr 2 os Aires; i ~,6,1941; nov. + 13,9,1941 Oppeln (Hannover). 2,1903. +15,10,1941 Cordoba, Arg. P Arg. P GermO. + 28,9,1941 Mongre (Villefranche, Rhone). P Lugd. 66 - s GROSS Ger., n 7,7,1914 Barmen 31 - s NEMCEK Vendelinus, n 22,5, (Rheinland); i 26,4,1934; sch. 1918 Frivald (Tren~in,Sl.sko); i 48 - c HARTININI los., n 26,6,1872 + 16,10,1941 Okowsy, RSFSR. P GermI 30,7,1936; sch. 'Duino (Gorizia); i 29,10,1902; gr 2 + 13,9,1941 Ruzomberok (Sl.sko). 2,1913. 67 - P DESMARQUEST los., n 5,5,1860 Vp Slova. + 28,9,1941 Lonigo (Vicenza).P VenM ?; i 14,11,1878; gr 2,2,1895. + 18,10,1941 Quimper. P Camp. 32 - P dos REIS Fr., n 18,10,1863 49 - c SZUSZEDKA Pau., n 14,2,1870 Malhou (Alcanena, Torres Novas, Li !1ale Brestovany,Sl.sko; i 23,10, 68 - P CERDA Mich., n 27,4,1872 Pol­ sboa); i 6,10,1882; gr 2,2,1897. - 1995; gr 2,2,1906. lensa (Mallorca); i 23,8,1886; p4 + 14,9,1941 Salvador (Bahia). + 29,9,1941 Budapest. PHung. 15,8,1906. Vp BrasS •. + 18,10,1941 ,Sao Paulo. P Arag. 50 - P PASTORINO 10., n 21,8,1972 33 - P KURTZ Vendelinus, n 1,11, Carcare (Savona); i 23,1,1890; gr 2 69 - P HUDOll Leonidas, n 30,5,1863 1866,?; i 2,9,1885; gr 2,2,1901. 2,1908. Quebec; i 12,2,1881; gr 15,8,1897. + 19,10,1941 Montreal; P CanI. + 15,9,1941 Quimper. P Camp. + 2,10,1941 ~~. P Taur. 34 - P NATTER Gallus, n 2,8,1908 Si 51 - P KAUFMANN Alfr.A., n 11,12, 70 - P DA\,SON Iac.F., n 29,1,1862 bratsgfall (Vorarlberg); i 14,9, 1878 Aarau (Aargau); i 1,10,1897; Ba1 ti'!!ore; i 10,8,1882; p4 2,2,190l 1929; sch. p4 15,8,1915. ,+ 22,10,1941 Philadelphia. P Mary~ NEb. + 15,9,1941 MUnchen. P GermS. + 2,10,1941 Omaha. P Miss. 71 - P LLONA Ianuarius, n 14,7,1879 35 -p O'GORHAI{ Gul.J. • n 26,10, 52 - c PENALBA Raph., n 19,5,1861 A­ " 1871 Troy,N.Y.; i 12,8,1887; p4 15 gullent (Valencia); i 17,9,1886; Mungu{a (Vizcaya); i 18,7,1894; 8,1906. gr 2,2,1907. p4 15,8,1912. + 15,9,1941 Philadelphia. P Mary­ + 2,10,1941 Barcelona. P Arag. + 23,10,1941 ana. P Cast. NEb. 72 - P CAHILL Iac.A., n 25,7,1879 53 - c PAGAN Val., n 5,4,1875 Albud~ 36 - P KELLY Geor.E., n 22,2,1877 ite (Murcia); i 3,6,1899; gr 15,8, New York; i 14,8,1896; p4 2,2,1915. Baltimore; i 29,7,1893; gr 2,2, 1909. + 24,10,1941 New York. P MaryNEb. 1913. + 3,10,1941 Lima. P Tole. 73 - s MOTACEK Stan., n 23,2,1919 Ce + 16,9,1941 Washington. P MaryNEb. cht{n (Tfeb{c. Morava); i 7,9, - 54 - c ARTECHE Thorn., n 12,9,1896 On 37 - P MARINI Io.B., n 12,7,1875 dategui (Alava); i 16,5,1912; gr 2~ 1940; nov. Hontebell0 (Vicenza); i 24,10, 2,1927. + 26,10,1941 Praha. P Boh. 1894; gr 2,2,1910. + 4,10,1941 Toulouse. P To10. 74 - P HART Edu.L., n 12,1,1883 Oma­ + 18,9,1941 Lonigo (Vicenza). ha; i 25,7,1903; gr 2,2,1922. P VenM. 55 - P HEEB Ios.Adalbertus, n 25,12, 1861 Schaan (Liechtenstein); i 30, + 31,10,1941 La Crosse, Wise. P Miss 38 - P CASTRO T. DA SILVA Euricus, 9,1878; gr 3,2,1896. 75 - p SOUILHE los., n 21,3,1885 Gra n 5,12,1895 Rio de Janeiro; i 1,2, + 5,10,1941 Porto Alegre. P BrasM. mat (Lot); i 17,10,1901; p4 9,3, 1926; p4 2,2,1939. 1919. + 19,9,1941 Rio de Janeiro.P BrasC 56 - P LACHMAIR los., n 30,11,1877 Kirchdorf a. Krems,O.O.; i 7,9,1897 + 1,11,1941 Vals. P Tol0. 39 - P PISTRE Rob., n 29,4,1881 Ta­ p4 2,2,1915. 76 - P MULLER los., n 28,4,1863 Huf millarie (Tarn); i 7,9,1897; gr 2, + 5,10,1941 St. Georgen a. Langsee b. Koblenz; i 7,9,1881; p4 2,2, 2,1915. (Karnten). P Austri. 1899. + 21,9,1941 Dindigul (dc Tiruchir~ + 2,11,1941 Innsbruck. P Austri. politan). P Tol0. 57 - P BARTLEY Gul., n 9,7,1870 New ton-Ie-Willows (Lancashire); i 7,9, 77 - P STRITCH Io.H., n 25,12,1873 40 - c OLIVA Ant., n 10,8,1856 Bada 1890; gr 2,2,1908. Dublin; i 25,7,1889; gr 15,8,1909. lucco (Imperia); i 6,11,1885; gr - + 8,10,1941 Glasgow. P Angl. + 4,11,1941 New Orleans. P NAur. 15,8,1896. + 21,9,1941 Chieri. P Taur. 58 - P SCHMITZ Hen., n 9,8,1885 Koln 78 - c EARLS Io.J., n 18,1,1876 Sou i 3,5,1905; gr 2,2,1923. thbridge, Mass.; i 7,6,1930; gr 15, 41 - P COCKEL Gunterus, n 1,7, + 9,10,1941 Rintelen (Weser,Hessen­ 8,1940. 1914 Essen-RGttenscheid (Rheinland Namur). P GermI. + 4,11,1941 Baltimore. P NAngl. i 26,4,1933; sch. + 22,9,1941 Tereste b. Poltawa, 59 - s BLACH Reinholdus, n 24,8, 79 - P CASEY Patr.H., n 6,2,1861 RSFSR. P Germ!. 1915 Bytom,Opole; i 14,10,1936;sch. Moate (Hestmeath); i 18,8,1875; + 9,10,1941 pr Potscheb RSFSR. p4 15,8,1894. 42 - P I1CGARRYGul.J., n 14,3,1894 P GermO. + 6,11,1941 New York. P MaryNEb. Hamilton, Mass.; i 14,8,1911; p4 15,8,1928. 60 - s HUBALECK F.X., n 19,8,1916 80 - s MATH Lud., n 16,4,1917 Alter + 23,9,1911 New York. P NAngl. Barl0 (Westfalen); i 3,ll,1937;sch. steinering (Bayern); i 20,4,1936; + 10,10,1941 Pagostje, RSFSR. sch. 43 - c FAULDE Bruno, n 17,8,1911 P Germ I. + 8,11,1941 Duploia-Welowo RSFSR, Zeidel pr Z~bkowice ~haskie, \'rocl. i 6,5,1937; coad. 61 - P 2PRINGER Io.B., n 13,4,1861 in bello. P GermS. + 24,9,1941 ad Dniepr, RSFSR. Landau (Pfa1z,Bayern); i 30,9,1879; 81 - P DESNOS Renatus, n 24,3,1862 P GermO. gr 3,2,1896. Neuvillalais (Sarthe); i 28,5,1889 + 13,10,1941 Pullach. P GermS. 44 - c VOGLER Io.B., n 7,5,1912 gr 19,3,1900. Lindenberg (Bayern); i 24,8,1933; 62 - s MATHIEU Car., n 11,2,1912 Sa­ + 10,11,1941 Shan~hai. P Fr. coad. arbrGcken (Rheinland); i 15,9.1931; 82 - P COD INA Arth., n 11,10,1867 + 25,9,1941 Tschuto~lka, RSFSR, in sch. Palafrugell (Gerona); i 28,3,1885; bello. P r;ermS. + 13,10,1941 Kalinine, RSFSR. p4 2,2,1905. P Germ I. 45 - P BRICOGNE Anatolius, n 18,5, + 11,11,1941 Roma. P Arag. 185 ... Conde-en-Brie (Aisne); i 7,9, 63 - P RECALDE Bonav., n 14,7,1863 83 - P RINIERI Hil., n 13,6,1853 1885; gr 2,2,1900. Betelu (Navarra); i 10,9,1883; gr Alesia (Corse); i 29,8,1871; p4 2, + 26,9,1941 Nantes. P Fr. 2,2,1900. 2,1890. + 14,10,1941 Bilbao. P Cast. 46 - P GREENWELL Ezechias, n 9,8, + 12,11,1941 Cuneo. P Taur. 1891 Leonardtown,!1a.; i 14,8,1909; 64 - s PREISSLER Car., n 2,7,1914 84 - c IIELLS Fr.T., n 21,8,1868 St. gr 2,2,1923. Flaje (Cechy); i 7,9,1936; sch. Louis; i 20,11,1893; gr 15,8,1904; + 26,9,1941 Chaptico,Ma. P l1aryllEb + 14,10,1941 Rzew, RSFSR. P Austri. + 12,11,1941 St. Marys,Kans. P Mis VITA FUNCTI IN RENATA SOCIETATE IESU 399 22. 22. 22. 85 - P FERRARA ROSARIUS, n 2,11, + 2,12,1941 Pontevedra. P Leg. + 18,12,1941 Oxford. P Angl. 1863 Villalba (Caltanissetta); i 29,8,1879; p4 2,2,1897. 105 - P AMAN Hugo, n 31,1,1877 Kirc! 12lt - P de BALINCOURT 10., n 26,7, + 16,11,1941 Bagheria. P Sic. dorf (Bayern); i 29,9,1897; p4 2,2, 1861 Ouilly-le-Tesson (Calvados); 1915. i 28,9,1878; gr 2,2,1895. 86 - P CIATI Dantes Aem., n 10,9, + 2,12,1941 Stuttgart (WGrttemberg) + 19,12,1941 Nantes. P Fr. 1869 Cereglio (Bologna); i 17,10, P GermS. 1885; gr 2,2,1903. 125 - c KRAL lac., n 17,5,1861, ?; + 17,11,1941 Triuegio (Milano). 106 - P BEIGERT 10., n 15,7.1861,?; i 10,7,1891; gr 15,8,1901. P VenM. i 16,9,1879; gr 2,2,1896. + 19,12,1941 Stara Wies. P PolMin. + 4,12,19ltl Warszawa. P PolMai. 87 - P GOTT§TEIN 10., n 3,5,1875 126 - P CUNNINGHAM Gul.F., n 12,2, Vrchlab! (Cechy); i 6,5,1895; gr 107 - c HERMANN Geor., n 1,4,1872 1860 New York; i 30,7,1879; gr 2, 2,2,1914.

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