PRINCETON SEMINARY BULLETIN VOLUME 29 I 2008 McClure • Lee • Paris • O'Donovan • Sakenfeld • Stout • Hiller brand Black • Partee • Ammon • Torrance and Torrance Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/princetonseminar2920prin PRINCETON SEMINARY BULLETIN VOLUME 2 9 2 0 0 8 Stephen D. Crocco, Editor i' ' Carol G. Carlson, Managing Editor < Mary M. Astarita, Editorial Adviser PRINCETON Theological Seminary < ?• i V.' It# .. ..: •, • / I* . * » iV" 4« ^*^1 v'^oL>; 4!T,» ■ * iM? «K * / i1* f • \ '• > ■■ t ’ ' 4'-'‘ -'■ *>f is ' ' .'^ ?■■ ■4>- " H? f . ■ t- .1 ''•' .'t. ■. Vi, - '■ ' T*^ ‘T t , '-i. ■ ‘PI'- ♦ ■ V, i ■Hi^: - w- ■ '. V’^l ■ -i 4:'- -ri-'.f i’-' A'' *'; A C^ac' "' nv/4|*4c ’< '4 M4 i i4li ««H -'i lo n-'j I ■ I ■■'W.' -■; ,c ' ‘ ItA ,W^ yi4M t I , t .h fl ■••I O T .i J 4 .’’ Si / * ' •' W ,1 . k 4 4 • » T J.)L1 'I PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Iain R. Torrance, President Board of Trustees Mary Lee Fitzgerald, Chair George B. Wirth, Vice Chair Kari Turner McClellan, Secretary Robert M. Adams Heather Sturt Haaga Fred R. Anderson C. Thomas Hilton M. Craig Barnes Craig A. Huff Robert W. Bohl Justin M. Johnson William L. Bowers Thomas R. Johnson Leslie W. Braksick Todd B. Jones Amy Woods Brinkley James H. Logan Jr. Martha Z. Carter David M. Mace Warren D. Chinn Deborah A. McKinley Gary O. Dennis Neal D. Presa John H. Donelik Max E. Reddick Michael G. Fisch William P. Robinson John T. Galloway Jr. Thomas J. Rosser Francisco O. Garcia-Treto Virginia J. Thornburgh Joan 1. Gotwals Paul E. Vawter Jr. Nancy O. Gray Trustees Emeriti/ae Clarence B. Ammons Young Pai Stewart B. Clifford Earl F. Palmer Peter E. B. Erdman William H. Scheide Rosemary Hall Evans Arthur F. Sueltz Sarah Belk Gambrell Samuel G. Warr David H. Hughes David B. Watermulder F. Martin Johnson Jane C. Wright Johannes R. Krahmer Ralph M. Wyman Hi PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Faculty, 2008-2009 Kenneth G. Appold Richard K. Fenn Kathleen E. McVey Charles L. Bartow Beverly Roberts Gaventa Daniel L. Migliore Shane Berg L. Gordon Graham Gordon S. Mikoski C. Clifton Black II Nancy Lammers Gross James H. Moorhead John R. Bowlin Darrell L. Guder Dennis T. Olson Michael A. Brothers Geddes W. Hanson Richard R. Osmer Sally A. Brown Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger George L. Parsenios Donald E. Capps George Hunsinger Yolanda Pierce James H. Charlesworth Jeremy M. Hutton Luke A. Powery Ellen T. Charry W. Stacy Johnson Paul E. Rorem Stephen D. Crocco James F. Kay Katherine Doob Sakenfeld Kenda Creasy Dean Jacqueline E. Fapsley Choon-Leong Seow James C. Deming Cleophus J. EaRue Mark L. Taylor Frederick W. Dobbs-Allsopp Bo Karen Lee Martin Tel Nancy J. Duff Eunny Patricia Lee J. Wentzel van Huysteen Robert C. Dykstra Sang Hyun Lee J. Ross Wagner Abigail Rian Evans Bruce L. McCormack Richard Fox Young Elsie Anne McKee Emeriti/ae Diogenes Allen Thomas W. Gillespie Peter J. Paris James F. Armstrong Scott H. Hendrix Luis N. Rivera-Pagan Richard S. Armstrong James N. Lapsley Jr. J. J. M. Roberts William Brower Conrad H. Massa Charles A. Ryerson III Jane Dempsey Douglass Ulrich W. Mauser Max L. Stackhouse Elizabeth G. Edwards Paul W. Meyer John W. Stewart Karlfried Froelich Patrick D. Miller Charles C. West Freda A. Gardner Samuel Hugh Moffett E. David Willis /V n ^ Contents L’. X-I XiWt->^jfK ,.'V «>3; 'iXHXXXi.X^^XKr^j t!- k-J-'*>>'' <^- ■'* ■:# ■■■4 v' I «’• jgiJaii. ^ * «w w >.» ..* ..* . J Sfo wy* ;i«^ • • •,?**• «;» Editor’s Note Stephen D. Crocco Lectures 3 What Friends We Have in Jesus: The Leavening Effect of Transnational Mission Partnerships Marian McClure 21 The Bible in China: Religion of God’s Chinese Son Archie Chi Chung Lee 39 Moral Theater in the Streets: The Role of Suffering in the Quest for Social Justice Peter J. Paris 54 Reflections on Pluralism Oliver O’Donovan 67 Whose Text Is It? Katharine Doob Sakenfeld 82 The Folly of Secularism Jeffrey L. Stout Dedication of the Marion and Wilhelm Pauck Manuscript Collection 95 Historical Theology Done in the Radical Liberal Mode: The Story of Wilhelm Pauck Hans J. Hillerbrand Essay 107 Biblical Theology Revisited: An Internal Debate C. Clifton Black Book Excerpt 130 The Theology of John Calvin Charles Partee V Sermon 162 In-Between Places Janice Smith Ammon History 166 A Skirmish in the Early Reception of Karl Barth in Scotland: The Exchange between Thomas F. Torrance and Brand Blanchard Iain R. and Morag Torrance 181 Faculty Publications 2007 © 2008 Princeton Seminary Bulletin The Princeton Seminary Bulletin is published twice a year by Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. Each issue is mailed free of charge to all alumni/ae and, by agreement, to various institu¬ tions. Back issues are available online at: www.ptsem.edu/seminarybulletin/. All correspondence should be addressed to Stephen D. Crocco, Editor, Princeton Seminary Bulletin, P.O. Box 821, Princeton, NJ 08542-0803; email: [email protected]. The Princeton Seminary Bulletin publishes lectures and sermons by Princeton Theological Seminary faculty and administrators and presentations by guests on the Seminary campus. Therefore, we do not accept unsolicited material. This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, published by the American Theological Library Association, 250 S. Wacker Dr., 16th Fir., Chicago, IL 60606; email: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.atla/com/; ISSN: 1937-8386; ISBN: 978-0-9644891-2-7. Cover photo by Beckey White Newgren. VI Editor’s Note -/ifter a long hiatus, the Princeton Seminary Bulletin is coming back to life, though with a different format. Faithful readers will recall that the last issue of the Bulletin was November 2007. In the months leading up to and following 2007, when the Princeton Seminary Bulletin reached its 100-year anniversary, the Seminary did a lot of soul searching about the future of the journal. The first question on everyone’s mind was whether the Bulletin should continue. One hundred years is a good long run, and nothing lasts forever. The second question was, if it were to continue, should it continue in a paper format? I know some of you expected me to announce that the Bulletin would become an exclusively electronic journal. For now, the Bulletin will be published in electronic format, with the option to purchase a hard copy. To make a long story short, I am delighted that the 2008 issue of the Bulletin— single volume—is now being published electronically and with a paper option. The electronic copy will be freely accessible. It will be prepared in a PDF format so that it can be printed. Readers who prefer a bound journal volume can order one and do so at a very reasonable price. Details for ordering will be available through the online version. The 2009 volume will soon be available and the 2010 volume is under preparation. We hope that this electronic edition will increase access to the Bulletin, while the paper option will serve readers and institutions that prefer a paper format. Regardless of format, the quality of the materials in the Bulletin remains high. Not only does the Princeton Seminary Bulletin have a new format, it also has a new cover and schedule. Each year there will be one issue of approximately 200-300 pages. The Bulletin will continue to serve as the Seminary’s “journal of record,” with its primary purpose being to document the intellectual life of the Seminary by publishing the lectures, addresses, and sermons delivered on campus. However, that purpose is being broadened to include occasional special features originating a little farther beyond the usual Seminary orbit. DOI: 10.3754/1937-8386.2008.29.1.1 I Editor’s Note This issue, for example, includes an excerpt from a new book on John Calvin by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Charles Partee, who earned his Ph.D. at Princeton Seminary in 1971. Partee’s book is the fruit of his lifelong labors on John Calvin, and I am including an excerpt here to celebrate in 2009 the 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth. This issue also includes an address by Professor Jeffrey Stout of the Department of Religion at Princeton University. In 2007, Stout, a longtime friend of the Seminary, delivered the presidential address at the American Academy of Religion meeting in San Diego. An hour before Stout gave his address, and just down the hall, in the San Diego Convention Center, Professor Katharine Sakenfeld gave the presidential address at the Society of Biblical Literature. Delivered together and now published together, these addresses mark a proud moment for Princeton. This issue of the Bulletin contains the usual rich fare of addresses, lectures, and sermons. Two things deserve special comment. The first is the address by Hans J. Hillerbrand commemorating the dedication of the papers of Wilhelm and Mar¬ ion Pauck. Historians and theologians will recognize the Pauck name. A leading Reformation church historian in the liberal tradition, Pauck spent his career at Union Theological Seminary in New York, the University of Chicago, Vander¬ bilt Divinity School, and Stanford University. How did the Pauck papers end up at Princeton Seminary? A few years ago, when Marion Pauck was using our Paul Lehmann collection, she met the Special Collections staff and had the chance to see our facilities for processing, preserving, and storing manuscript collec¬ tions. She was impressed and made provisions for the papers to be transferred to Princeton. Wilhelm and Marion may be best known for their biography of Paul Tillich. But as you might recall, they published only volume one of that biog¬ raphy.
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