.- MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT Biollledical Sciences and Hulllan Experilllentation at I{aiser Wilhellll Institutes The ~ President Hubert Markl apologizes to victims of Nazi crimes committed in the name of science Ma:x Planck Society'sdeclarationon aseries of initiatives aimed at clearing the occasionof a scientific up the role its predecessorplayed in symposiumentitled "Biomedical National Socialism. In 1997, Hubert Sciencesand Human Experimentation Mark!, the President of the Max at KaiserWilhelm Institutes-The Planck Society,set up an independent AuschwitzConnection" onTune research commission, the task of 7- 8, 2001 in Berlin, Germany. which has been to scientifically delve into the his tory of the Kaiser Wilhelm The Max Planck Society was founded Society during the Nazi era. Those in 1948 as a new researchorganization working für the commission have free in a democratic Germany. In a scien- accessto all the documents and files tific aspect and due to numerous in" in the possession of the Max Planck stances of overlapping personnel and Society. ideals, the Max Planck Society be- came the heir of the Kaiser Wilhelm The historians involved with the "His- Society,which was founded in 1911. tory of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society during National Socialism" research an organization at the leading edge programme have recently presented The survivors 01 the oE German research, the Max Planck findings historically proving beyond so-called twins experi- Society will do its utmost to con- the shadow of a doubt that directors ments at the Auschwitz tribute to the scientiEic elucidation oE and employees of several Kaiser Wil- Concentration Camp the history oEthe Kaiser Wilhelm So- helm Institutes active in various fjelds recount their experiences ciety during Germany's National So- of biomedical science co-mastermind- during the symposium cialist regime. Over the rast decades, ed and sometimes even actively par- held at the Berlin the Max Planck Society has launched ticipated in the crimes of the Nazi Harnack House. regime. According to the findings, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society's administra- tion either knowingly or unknowingly tolerated scientists at several Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes going beyond every moral boundary and actively tak- ing part in the Nazis' racist politics. Same scientists at Kaiser Wilhelm In- stitutes made use of the opportunity to conduct morally unrestricted re- search' at Nazi coercive institutions such as psychiatric clinics or the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Among them was Otmar von Ver- schlier, who, beginning in 1942, head- ed up projects in so"called twillS re- search at Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm 3 TheAs Ouestions tram the international press (be- low jett) being answered by (above, tram left) Eva Mozes Kor, (President of C.A.N.D.l.E.S.I, Maika leffers (translator, half concealed), Jona laks Institute für Anthropology, Human für the guilt that could be heaped up- (chairwoman of the Genetics and Eugenics. Concentra- on a number of scientists working für "Organization of Mengele tion camp doctor Josef Mengele was Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes at the time. Twins"), Bernd Wirsing neither employed by nOTworking on In the Kaiser Wilhelm Society's stead, (spokesmanforthe behalf of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. President Mark! asked für forgiveness Max Planck Society) He was a protege of Otmar von Ver- für the suffering inflicted uran the and Hubert Markl schuer's, under whom he earned his victims of the crimes in the name of (President of the Max doctorate in 1938 at the University of science. He apologized für the fact Planck Society). Below Frankfurt. Even after that, the two that für lang, the Max Planck Society fight: Jochen Frowein stayed in close contact. Today, it is bad clone tao little to uncover the his- (Vice President of the safe to gay that von Verschlief knew of tory of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society Max Planck Societyl and the crimes being committed in during National Socialism, thereby Klaus Pinkau (emeritus Auschwitz and that he -together with facing up to its historical responsibili- scientific member, fight). some of his employees and colleagues ty tao late. -used them für his purposes. On behalf of the Max Planck Society, On the occasion oE the symposium President Mark! declared that every entitled "Biomedical Sciences and area of science needed to have its Human Experimentation at Kaiser ethical und legal boundaries. He Wilhelm Institutes -The Auschwitz warned scientists never to forget that Connection" on June 7, 2001 in there are no scientific goals that can Berlin, Germany, the President oEthe be viewed as so important and of such Max Planck Society, Hubert Mark!, high priority that they justify a hu- acknowledged that the Max Planck man's dignity and their inalienable Society was historically responsible fights being disregarded. 4 " Welcome address by Wolfgang Schieder, .."History of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in the National Socialist Era" focusing on a nu mb er of central as- pects. First of all, we are conducting research into the organization and central research and personnel poli- cies of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society's administrative headquarters. Second, we are studying the activities that fall into the category of armaments re- search. Third, we are examining the fjeld of what is called in German Ost- forschung and Lebensraumforschung, meaning research on eastern Europe and human habitat in general, which were important to Nazi Germany's plans to become completely self-suffi- cient. OUTwork, however, only covers this subject to the extent that it was As joint chairman of connected with the National Social- The Presidential Commission set up ists' war of conquest. Fourth, we are to investigate the "History of the paying particular attention to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in the Nation- complex of lire science, medical, and al Socialist Era" and headed by my psychiatric research carried out at in- Max Planck Society's colleague, Reinhard Rürup, and my- stitutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society Harnack House in Berlin. self was called into being in 1997 that contributed to the legitimization uran the initiative of the President of and refinement of NazI policies on the Max Planck Society, Hubert face and euthanasia. Mark!. It is a scientifically independ- It is OUTdealings with this research ent group of researcherswho are sure, work that have brought us together to- however,to maintain the particular in- dar. Even though we have Jet to find terest of the Max Planck Society's final proof für some links and proba- President. This relations hip is reflect- bly never will, it has been established ed in the fact that we have organized that, at the very least, the Kaiser Wil- this symposium together with the helm Institute für Anthropology, Hu- Society's administrative headquarters man Genetics, and Eugenics in Berlin and that Professor Mark! is in atten- under the administration of Otmar dance in order to give a special ad- Freiherr von Verschuer bad scientific dress momentarily. contacts to Auschwitz Concentration The score of Dur research could not Camp and its doctor, loser Mengele. begin to examine the entire activities It is undisputed that, at the institute, of a total of 45 research institutions preparations from murdered Ausch- belonging to the Kaiser Wilhelm Soci- witz prisoners were used für research ety during the period of National So- purposes. All evidence primarily indi- cialism in Germany. Instead, we are cates tha~ the experiments involved 5 Studying the programme are (!rom lell) Andrzej Poltawski, Wanda Poltawska, Olto Klein, SaulOren (behind, middlel. The pictures below show (!rom lelll Jan Philipp Reemtsma, the use of blood sampies für genetic Müller-Hili to send 'Out invitations to managing director o! the research. These are sampies Dr. Men- survivors of the medical experiments Hamburg Institute fot gele took from Auschwitz prisoners by conducted in Auschwitz by Dr. Men- Social Research with force. gele on twi~ children of lews. We are Reinhard Rürup and Thus, we have findings pointing to extraordinarily grateful to Eva Mozes Elmar ZeitIer, Peter Hans uninhibited medical research having Kor, who with her organization, Ho!schneider and Benno abandoned all ethical boundaries für C.A.N.D.L.E.S (Children of Ausch- Müller-Hili. the alleged sake of medical progress. witz -Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments In a major speech just recently given Survivors), has been the key help we by Germany's President, Johannes needed to establish contact with the Rau, which he used to warn against survivors present today. being uninhibitedly concerned wirb In her moving memoirs entitled scientific progress,he pur it like this: "Echoes from Auschwitz", published "Science, being devoid of any moral in 1995, she powerfully described scruples, carried out unbridled re- how in 1944 she and her twin sister, search für the sake of its scientific Miriam, who has sadlypassed away, as aims." Science was no longer being ten-year-olds in Auschwitz lost their conducted für people, it was being parents and their childhood. In her conducted on people. account, she writes, "I am a victim. The victims of there experiments on Yet I am ignored." We would consider humans who survived have bad and ourselves fortunate if, following this continue to have a heavy load to bear symposium, you and your fellow sur- throughout their lives. They wellt vivors, whom we are delighted to have through an excruciating experience with us today, no longer feit that you that exceedsthe limits of a historian's are victims who have been left alone. imagination. Historians, after all, gen- erally have to rely on accounts in writ- tell documents. Anyone wishing to grasp in retrospect the moral depravity of which German science was capable must therefore seek contact wirb the surviving victims of such research. That is why we were more than will. ing to follow through wirb the propos- al made especially by ProfessorBenno Speech given by Hubert Markl, President ot the Max Planck Society tor the Advancement ot Science cisely because it hurts, to accept the truth and face up to Dur responsibility to leam für the present and the future from insight into the past.
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