2019 NJCL CERTAMEN NOVICE DIVISION ROUND ONE 1. Balius, Arion, Xanthus, and Pegasus were all what kind of animal? HORSE(S) B1: What Greek hero at Troy was the owner of Xanthus and Balius? ACHILLES B2: What hero used Pegasus to aid in his defeat of the Chimaera? BELLEROPHON 2. From what Latin verb do we derive the English words contaminate and intact? TANGŌ B1: From what Latin verb do we derive the English words accent, enchant, and cantor? CANŌ / CANTŌ B2: From what Latin verb do we derive the English words remain and mansion? MANEŌ 3. What general surprised the Romans after his sack of Saguntum in Spain by marching over the Alps, elephants and all, and defeating every Roman army he faced in Italy, almost winning the Second Punic War for Carthage? HANNIBAL (BARCA) B1: What Roman general was the only one to defeat Hannibal on the battlefield during this war, at the battle of Zama? (P. CORNELIUS) SCIPIO AFRICANUS (MAIOR) B2: At what cavalry skirmish more than a decade earlier had Scipio saved his father’s life during a confrontation with Hannibal’s army? TICINUS (RIVER) 4. Using the verb scrībō, give the 1st person plural, pluperfect, active, indicative form, which means “we had written.” SCRĪPSERĀMUS B1: Make scrīpserāmus future perfect. SCRĪPSERIMUS B2: Now say “we will write.” SCRĪBĒMUS 5. Translate this Latin motto found on the $1 bill: "Novus Ōrdō Seclōrum". A NEW ORDER OF THE GENERATIONS / AGES B1: Translate this Latin motto found on the $1 bill: "Annuit Coeptīs". HE HAS SMILED UPON / NODDED ON THE / OUR BEGINNINGS / UNDERTAKINGS B2: Translate this, the Latin motto of the United States: "Ē Plūribus Ūnum". OUT OF MANY, ONE / ONE FROM MANY / MORE 6. In August of 70 AD, what future emperor led the sack of Jerusalem after his father Vespasian had relinquished the command in Judaea to him? TITUS (FLAVIUS VESPASIANUS) B1: Though Jerusalem fell in 70 AD, the Flavians continued to persecute the Jews for three more years. What Judaean stronghold was the last to fall in May of 73 after a six-month siege? MASADA B2: What general led the 7,000 legionaries and auxiliaries needed to take Masada? FLAVIUS SILVA 7. Which of the following prepositions does NOT take the same case as the others: ad, extrā, ante, sine, ob? SINE B1: What case does sine take? ABLATIVE B2: What case do the others take? ACCUSATIVE NOVICE ROUND I – PAGE 1 8. What city had a citadel called the “Cadmeia,” named after its founder Cadmus? THEBES B1: Cadmus populated the city in part by planting what object? SERPENT / DRAGON’S TEETH B2: Originally the entire city was named Cadmeia, but it was renamed for Thebe, the wife of what king of Thebes? ZETHUS 9. A dedication to Mars in Martlesham, England simply states, “Glaucus fēcit.” What did Glaucus do? HE MADE IT / CREATED THE DEDICATION // IT // MAKE (PASS OUT THE VISUAL) B1: You are now looking at a different inscription from England. What type of group erected this marker? (A) LEGION(S) B2: Give the numbers of the two legions which erected this marker. 6 / SIXTH & 20 / TWENTIETH 10. Fac sonum ursī. STUDENT SHOULD MAKE A BEAR SOUND B1: Facite, omnēs, sonum lupōrum ululantium. ALL STUDENTS SHOULD MAKE WOLF HOWLS B2: Facite, omnēs, sonum gallōrum māne cantantium. ALL STUDENTS SHOULD CROW LIKE ROOSTERS IN THE MORNING 11. Whom did Veturia and Volumnia famously talk out of attacking Rome? (CN. MARCIUS) CORIOLANUS B1: What enemy tribe had Coriolanus led to the gates of Rome? VOLSCI(ANS) B2: What much later barbarian enemy of Rome was talked out of attacking Rome or invading deeper into Italy by Pope Leo I? ATTILA (THE HUN) 12. What mythological trio was comprised of two immortal monsters, Stheno and Euryale, and one mortal monster, Medusa? GORGONS B1: What hero killed the mortal monster, Medusa? PERSEUS B2: The Gorgons were generally believed to be the children of the ancient sea-monster Ceto with what sea-god, her brother? PHORCYS 13. Which of the following English words, if any, does not belong by derivation: accident, herbicide, scissor, concise? ACCIDENT B1: The English word accident is derived from what Latin verb with what meaning? CADŌ – TO FALL B2: Which of the following English words, if any, does not belong by derivation: captive, captain, capable, accept? CAPTAIN 14. Listen carefully to the following passage, which I will read twice, and answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows: Ōlim, agricola amīcum in urbe Rōmā vīsitābat. Prīmō diē agricola rogāvit “Mōnstrā mihi templa magna in urbe.” Itaque amīcus agricolam ad forum dūxit. In forō duo amīcī templum Dīvī Iūlī, et templum Vestae spectābant. Tum amīcus et agricola montem Capitōlium ascendērunt et templum Iovis spectābant. The question: What did the farmer ask his friend? TO SHOW HIM THE (GREAT) TEMPLES (IN THE CITY) Very good! Now answer these bonus questions IN LATIN B1: Ubi in urbe Rōmā erat templum Dīvī Iūlī? (IN) FORŌ B2: Quod templum in monte Capitōliō amīcī spectābant? TEMPLUM IOVIS NOVICE ROUND I – PAGE 2 15. What are the two praenōmina abbreviated by the letters C. and S.? GĀIUS and SPURIUS / SEXTUS B1: What is the abbreviation for the praenōmen Gnaeus? CN B2: What information would the letters M. f. indicate in an inscription? SON OF MARCUS 16. What woman announced that whoever shot an arrow through twelve axe-heads would be her new husband, though the only successful contestant was her disguised husband Odysseus? PENELOPE B1: Odysseus arrived disguised to Ithaca claiming to be the brother of “prince Idomeneus.” What island did he claim to be from? CRETE B2: When the disguised Odysseus reached his house, what old serving-woman recognized him by the scar on his thigh? EURYCLEIA 17. Of the nouns homō, ordō, virgō, and ōrātiō, which forms its stem differently than the others? ŌRĀTIŌ B1: Of the nouns vōx, nox, rēx, and dux, which two have genitive forms that end in -cis? VŌX & DUX B2: Which of the following words, if any, is feminine: tempus, animus, iter, domus? DOMUS 18. Who killed his own brother after that brother jumped over a wall which he was building on the Palatine hill in the mid-8th century BC, in what is sometimes considered the original sin of Rome? ROMULUS B1: From what town, purportedly founded by Ascanius, did Romulus and Remus set out to found a new city? ALBA LONGA B2: What animal had nursed the infants Romulus and Remus? (SHE-)WOLF 19. Verte Anglicē: “stābās” YOU WERE STANDING / USED TO STAND / KEPT STANDING B1: Verte Anglicē: “stetistī” YOU STOOD / HAVE STOOD / YOU DID STAND B2: Verte Anglicē: “steterant” THEY HAD STOOD 20. What Trojan was condemned to the worst fate that can befall a seer: to utter predictions, but never be believed? CASSANDRA B1: Which deity condemned her to that fate when she refused his advances? APOLLO B2: Cassandra unsuccessfully warned that the Greeks hid inside what device? TROJAN HORSE NOVICE ROUND I – PAGE 3 2019 NJCL CERTAMEN NOVICE DIVISION ROUND TWO 1. By what nickname do we better know Ptolemy XV Caesar, whom Marc Antony claimed to be Caesar’s acknowledged son? CAESARION (HAND OUT THE VISUAL) B1: Give the name of Caesarion’s mother and give the letter of the image that represents her? B – CLEOPATRA (VII) B2: Who is represented in the sculpture marked A along with the young prince Britannicus? (VALERIA) MESSALINA 2. When humans were unable to keep warm or to cook their food, who aided them by using a fennel stalk to steal fire from heaven? PROMETHEUS B1: Either Prometheus or Hephaestus aided in the birth of which goddess by splitting Zeus’ head with an axe? ATHENA B2: Prometheus’ name means “forethought.” What brother of Prometheus had a name which meant “afterthought?” EPIMETHEUS 3. In which declension or declensions are nouns in the neuter gender not found? FIRST AND FIFTH B1: The noun domus has endings in which two declensions? SECOND AND FOURTH B2: In which declension are the nouns salūs, virtūs, lītus, and genus? THIRD 4. Which one of these forms does not belong because of person: portāvī, vīxistī, surgitis, fugis? PORTĀVĪ B1: Which of these forms does not belong because of person: bibēbam, pōnēmus, laudātus erās, sūmptus erō, cēnābō? LAUDĀTUS ERĀS B2: Which of these forms does not belong because of tense: capiet, tenēmus, habitābis, agam, cōnsūmētis? TENĒMUS 5: What derivative of the Latin word trahō means “to teach someone a skill through practice and instruction over time”? TRAIN B1: What derivative of the Latin word trahō is defined as “a formally ratified agreement between two countries”? TREATY B2: What derivative of trahō can be defined as “a summary of the contents of a book or article”? ABSTRACT 6: The bronze giant Talus and the watchdog Laelaps were given by Zeus to what woman, whom he carried off from the seashore in the form of a bull? EUROPA B1: Name any of the three sons whom Europa had with Zeus. MINOS / RHADAMANTHYS / SARPEDON B2: What other lover of Zeus was transformed into a white heifer? IO NOVICE ROUND II – PAGE 1 7: Respondē aut Anglicē aut Latīnē: Quālis Rōmānus aut Rōmāna tunicam, pallam, et stolam gerēbat? MĀTRŌNA / FĒMINA / MĀTER / DOMINA / PUELLA MATRON / WOMAN / MOTHER / MISTRESS / GIRL B1: Respondē aut Anglicē aut Latīnē: Quālis Rōmānus aut Rōmāna lacernam, caligās, et lōrīcam gerēbat? MĪLES / SOLDIER B2: Respondē aut Anglicē aut Latīnē: Quālis Rōmānus aut Rōmāna tunicam, togam praetextam, et mulleōs gerēbat? MAGISTRĀTUS / SENĀTOR / MAGISTRATE / SENATOR 8: Listen carefully to the following passage, which I will read twice, and answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows: Postrīdiē, agricola et amīcus ad theātrum ambulāvērunt.
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