POLLUTION ABATEMENT OF PANCHGANGA RIVER KOLHAPUR ZILLA PARISHAD (Rural Water Supply Division) Need of Project • Contamination of river mainly due to - Disposal of liquid and solid waste from the villages and cities like Kolhapur and Ichalkaranji - Disposal of Industrial solid and liquid waste • Cholera epidemic in March 2010 in Rukadi, Taluka Hatkangale • ZP, Kolhapur has to prepare plan as per order dated 10/05/2013 passed by Hon’ble High court Panchganga River in Polluted River Streches of NRCP The National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) guidelines has published list of “Polluted River Stretches” as declared by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The list is given in Annexure 6 of NRCP guidelines December 2010. The list includes the Panchganga river (BOD between 6-10 mg/l). CPCB Norms Waste water discharged into water bodies Parameter Unit Effluent Standards Remarks pH 5.5-9.0 Tested sample BOD BOD mg/l 20 more than 80 to 500 TSS mg/l 30 Faecal MPN per Desirable - <1000, Coliform 100 ml Max Permissible -10000 Water Quality Standard for River Parameter Unit Effluent Standards pH 6.5-8.5 BOD mg/l 3 (mg/l) or less DO mg/l 5 (mg/l) or more Faecal Coliform Desirable MPN per 100 ml 500 (MPN/100 ml) Maximum permissible 2500 (MPN/100 ml) Population in Panchaganga Basin • 174 GP’s from 7 tahsils (Pop.-8.75 Lakhs) • Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (Population-5.49 Lakhs) • Ichalkaranji Municipal Council (Pop-2.87 Lakhs) Ichalkaranji Municipal Council 17% 174 Villages Kolhapur Municipal Corporation 174 Villages Kolhapur 51% Municipal Ichalkaranji Municipal Council Corporation 32% Panchganga River Basin Tributaries of River 1. Kasari and Bhogawati are the main tributaries of the Panchganga river 2. Tulashi, Dhamani, Ku mbhi are the tribituries of Bhogawati River 3. Panchaganga Basin area covers the 33% of the district area 4. There are 973 streams joining the river and its tributaries Panchganga Basin in Kolhapur District Project Phases • Phase I - First Priority- Villages adding to major Contamination - Priority Villages – 38 covered from Karveer, Hatkangale and Shirol Tahasils - Detailed study & Detailed project Report. - 6 Villages in NABARD-LWM, DPR of only solid waste management (1.Shiroli, 2 Kabnoor , 3. Pattan Kodali, 4. Hupari, 5.Rukadi 6.Shirol) - 2 Villages in EDP, GoM (1.Uchgaon 2. Hatkangale) - Cost not considered in DPR • Phase II - Pre-feasibility Report of 136 villages Villages in Phase I Taluka-Hatkanangale Taluka-Karveer 1 Hatkanagle 1 Padali bk 15 Uchgav 2 Tilavani 2 Parite 16 Kalambe Turf 3 Rui 3 Balinge Thane 4 Chandur 4 Vadanage 17 Pachgaon 5 Shiroli 5 Vasagade 18 Ambewadi 6 Kabnoor 6 Valivade 19 Kuditre 7 Pattan Kodoli 7 Varange 20 Koparde 8 Hupari 8 Shinganapur 21 Kothali 9 Rukadi 9 Nagdevwadi 22 Kandgaon Taluka-Shirol 10 Hanmantwadi 23 Morewadi 1 Nrushinwadi 11 Haldi 24 Chinchwad 2 Shirol 12 Gandhinagar 3 Nandani 13 Vakare 4 Shirdwad 14 Prayag Chikhali 5 Shirdhon Methodology • Base map preparation • Data collection • Flow measurement at all outfalls • Sewage sample testing • Topographical survey • Assessment of present rate of water supply and liquid waste generation • Present facilities with G.P. for collection of solid waste • Technology selection • Land availability assessment • Designing for next 15 years considering base Year 2014 • Cost estimation • Drawings Categorization of Phase I villages 24 villages (Severe and continuous Polluting) Karveer - Balinge, Gandhinagar,Haladi, Hanamantwadi, Kandgaon, Koparde, Kothali, Kuditare, Nagdevwadi, Parite, Shinganapur, Uchgaon, Vakare, Valiwade, Varange, Hatkanagale - Chandur, Hatkangale, Kabnoor, Rui, Shiroli, Tilawani Shirol Taluka - Nandani, Nrusinhwadi, Shirol 09 villages (Intermittent and medium Polluting ) Karveer - Kalambe Tarf Thane, Morewadi, Pachgaon, Padali Bk.Vadanage Hatkangale – Hupari, Pattankodali, Rukadi Shirol - Shiradwad 05villages (Not directly polluting the river ) Karveer - Ambewadi, Chinchwad, Prayag Chikhali, Vasagade Shirol - Shirdhone Design Consideration • Detail engineering as per CPHEEO guidelines • Design Years-Base year -2014,Year 2029 and year 2044 • Population Forecasting • Projected water demand (@70lpcd) and liquid waste generation (80%) • Rate of water supply considered -70lpcd • Comparing quantity of present and projected liquid waste and maximum flow considered for design Sewage Sample Testing • Sewage sample of all villages tested in MPCB laboratory at Chiplun • 12 parameters tested, tested parameters are given below- Sr. No. Parameter Sr. No. Parameter 1 TSS 7 Total Phosphate 2 TDS 8 Total Ammonical Nitrogen 3 pH 9 Nitrate Nitrogen 4 BOD 10 Total Coliform (MPN/100) 5 COD 11 Fecal Coliform (MPN/100) 6 Oil and Grease 12 Detergent Result Analysis Parameter No. of Villages - Up to 250 (mg/l) -17 Villages –Average BOD-Up to 250 (mg/l) - 250 to 400 (mg/l) -6 Villages – Concentrated - More than 400 (mg/l) -8 Villages- Highly Concentrated COD – More than 250 (mg/l) 22 Villages Faecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml) All villages are in expected limit (< 1000) Total Ammonical Nitrogen (mg/l) 27 villages -above limit due to liquid waste from Gothha and leachate of Ukirde (Help to Growth of Water Hyacinth) 27 villages – Above Limit due to liquid waste from Gothha Phosphate (mg/l) and leachate of Ukirde (Help to Growth of Water Hyacinth) Sewage Generation at Present Block Phase I No. of Outfall Sewage generation in mld Karveer 23 99 19.23 Hatkangale 03 14 2.78 Shirol 04 19 5.19 Total 30 132 27.20 MJP LWM villages 06 1.Shiroli, 2 Kabnoor , 3. Pattan Kodali, 4. Hupari, 5.Rukadi 6.Shirol EDP Villages 02 1.Uchgaon, 2. Hatkangale Total 38 Proposed Components A.Liquid waste • Construction of main gutters • Sewage Treatment - Solid Immobilised Bio Filter (SIBF) - Leach Pits B.Solid waste - Strengthening collection system-(Hand cart, Cycle cart, Rickshaw) - Organic Waste: Tumbler composting & Windrows Composting - In-organic Waste: Bailing Machine (Manually operated) Proposal for Liquid and Solid waste A) Liquid waste • Solid Immobilised Bio Filter (SIBF) - Capacity – 16.80 mld (34 plants in 29 Villages) • Leach Pits – 1.81 mld (74 Nos in 11 Villages) B) Solid Waste • Strengthening collection system 1) Hand Cart : 39 Nos.- 10 Villages 2) Cycle Cart : 74 Nos - 29 villages 3) Auto Rickshaw : 29 Nos - 18 villages • Tumbler Composting : 50 Units in 8 villages (For 2.50 T cap.) • Windrows composting : 28 Villages, (For 44 T cap.) • Bailing Machine (Manually operated) -60 Nos in 36 villages - Proposal for organic waste Technology Capacity Villages Remarks in Ton Covered Compost 2.50 8 1.Haladi, 2.Kandgaon, 3.Padali bk. Tumbler 4.Varanage, 5.Hanamantwadi, 6.Ambewadi, 7.Tilawani, 8. Kothali Windrows 44.00 29 1.Parite, 2.Koparde, 3.Kuditre, 4.Vakare, Composting 5.Balinge, 6.Shinganapur, 7.Prayag Chikhali, 8.Vadanage, 9.Kalambe Turf Thane, 10.Rukadi, 11.Vasagade, 12.Pattan Kodoli, 13.Rui, 14.Yalgud, 15.Chandur, 16.Shirdwad, 17.Shirdhon, 18.Nandani, 19.Nrushinwadi,20 Nagdevwadi, 21.Pachgaon 22. Morewadi 23.Gandhinagar, 24.Valivade 25.Chinchwad 26.Hupari, 27.Shirol, 28.Shiroli, 29.Kabnoor Total 46.50 37 CROSS SECTION OF BIOFILTER Canna plants Wastewater 70 cm Ecosystem ` Underdrain SOME SIBF SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS Art of Living - Main Ashram, Bharati Hospital & Medical ZCPL – Food Industry, Karnataka [500 cu.m/d] College, Maharashtra [150 cu.m/d] Maharashtra [400 cu.m/d] Vehicles for solid waste collection Hand cart Auto Rickshaw TRICYCLE CART Compost Tumbler Windrows Composting Bailing Machine Pyrolysis Plant Land requirements • Liquid Waste - Gairan Land - 17 Villages, - Grampanchayat Land - 3 Villages - Kuran Mandal - 1 Villages - GoM - 2 Villages - Private Soc.Land - 4 Village - Not Available - 2 Nos (Along road side) • Solid Waste Tumbler Composting - GP land in Goathan -8 Villages Windrows Composting - Gairan Land -16 Villages, - Grampanchayat Land -02 Village - Sugar factory -01 Village Project Cost Sr. Amount Sub work No. (Lakhs) 1 Liquid Waste Management 8,715.98 2 Solid Waste Management 1,362.71 Community Participation and capacity 3 8.00 building Total Net Cost 10,086.69 Other Costs -8% (Contingency, Insurance, Project 4 806.94 Management Consultancy, Administrations etc) Gross cost 10,893.62 Cost Sharing Sr. Amount Fund Contribution by No. (Lakhs) 1 Govt. of India 70% 7,625.54 2 Govt. of Maharashtra 20% 2,178.72 Grampanchayat /Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur 1,089.36 3 10% 4 Total 10,893.62 Project Cost-LWM Sr. Amount Location Quantity Unit No. (lakhs) A) 1 Gutter Construction 15245 Rmt 516.41 Leach Pit (Size - 6m x 2 74 Rmt 127.83 6m x 3m) 3 Gravity Mains 4290 Rmt 130.47 Sump and Pump 4 33 Nos 966.08 House 5 Rising Mains 23750 Rmt 314.57 6 Receiving Chember 1 Nos 2.52 Sewage Treatment 7 16.8 MLD 5,359.22 Plant (SIBF Tech.) 7.1 Compound wall 5195 Rmt 883.36 7.2 Retaining wall 530 Rmt 225.29 7.3 Internal road 1470 Rmt 117.36 7.4 Earth filling 1025 Cum 56.36 7.5 Landscaping 0 Sqm 0.00 MSEB charges for 8 33 Nos Electrical Connection 9 Total-LWM 8,715.98 Project Cost - SWM Sr. Amount Location Quantity Unit No. (lakhs) A) Collection System 1 Providing and Supplying vehicles 1.1 Hand Cart 39 Nos 1.95 1.2 Cycle Cart 74 Nos 6.66 1.3 Auto Rickshaw 29 Nos 93.40 1.4 Plastic Bucket 412 Nos 6.18 Sub Total A 108.19 B) Organic Waste 2 Tumbles for composting 2.1 Tumblers (Capacity -1200 Liters, 50Kg/day composting 50 Nos 37.50 capacity) Sub Total 2 37.50 3 Windrows 3.1 Windrow Sheds (24 X 11.5 m) 71 Nos 962.41 3.2 Segregation Platform (3x2x1m) 28 Nos 9.02 3.3 Shreding Platform (3x2x1m) 28 Nos 15.78 3.4 Storage Room (5 x 3m) 28 Nos 112.19 3.5 Chain Link Fencing 4410 Rmt 81.62 Sub Total 3 1,181.02 Sub Total B 1,218.52 C) In-Organic Waste 4 Bailing Machine 4.1 Bailing Machine (5Kg capacity) 60 Nos 36.00 Sub Total 4 36.00 Sub Total C 36.00 5 Total Cost - SWM 1,362.71 O&M Cost Liquid waste management -Annual O & M Cost : Rs.
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